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推进剂在轨补加是确保空间站长期工作的重要条件。为了使补加工作顺利实施,需要对推进剂补加过程进行专门的研究。航天器常用推进剂如一甲基肼、四氧化二氮等有剧毒,地面模拟补加试验常采用无毒的模拟工质。但由于两种物质的物性参数存在差异,导致模拟的补加过程和效果与实际情况有差异。文章参考国外空间站补加系统构成形式和补加过程,建立膜盒贮箱推进剂补加过程的数学模型,通过将仿真结果与地面试验数据对比验证了数学模型的准确性。进一步对两种推进剂的补加过程进行仿真分析,并与纯净水补加数据对比。结果表明:液体工质的体积流率与密度存在反比关系,即一甲基肼的补加速率高于纯净水,四氧化二氮的补加速率则低于纯净水。  相似文献   

卫星在轨推进剂补加量的精确测量技术是在轨补加任务的关键技术之一。本文结合型号攻关结果,提出2种在轨推进剂补加量测量方法数学模型,分别是压力-体积-温度(PVT)法和超声波流量计法。首先,PVT法是一种通过补加前后受体卫星贮箱剩余量反算补加量的间接测量方法,而超声波流量计法是利用超声波顺逆流相位差进行测量的直接测量方法;其次,在推进剂补加量测量模型的基础上,进一步通过取变分的手段提出2种模型的精度分析解析模型,解析的精度分析模型不仅可用于定性分析影响测量精度的因素,还可量化评价各个因素对测量精度的影响;最后,利用现有在研单机的精度水平及精度分析解析模型分析了2种方法的测量精度,验证了方法的有效性。  相似文献   

7月8日升空执行美国航天飞机最后一次飞行任务的亚特兰蒂斯号航天飞机把一颗模拟卫星和相关机器人维护工具送到了国际空间站上.用于验证在轨卫星燃料补加和修理能力。但称为“机器人燃料补加”(RRM)的这项任务要等到2012年1月才能启动技术验证工作.即相关设备运抵空间站约6个月之后。  相似文献   

一种在轨补加用浮动断接器设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
对国外的在轨补加用浮动断接器的研究进展进行了总结,在此基础上,提出了一种在轨补加用浮动断接器的设计方案。通过对浮动断接器方案的选择和初步设计,确定了其工作方式、关键技术及解决途径,并进行了初步的原理验证和性能检测。结果表明,浮动断接器原理可行,方案合理,通过进一步的结构优化,可应用于在轨补加。  相似文献   

正2021年5月29日20时55分,中国文昌航天发射场装载约6.8t物资的"天舟"二号货运飞船由"长征"七号运载火箭发射升空,它将运送航天员在空间站上所需的生活用品,开展空间科学实验的物资,以及用于"天和"核心舱补加的推进剂。"天舟"二号货运飞船由中国空间技术研究院抓总研制,是空间站工程建造阶段发射的首艘飞船。飞船由货物舱和推进舱两舱组成,发射质量13.5t,载货比超50%,处于世界领先水平,配置了主动对接机构,具备全相位自主交会对接能力,可多次完成推进剂在轨补加,在轨寿命不小于12个月。在轨运行期间,  相似文献   

十年寿命的空间站需要每三个月补充一次推进剂以及各种消耗品,如何减少推进剂补给,这是推进系统方案选择中的一个重要问题。本文提出了可减少空间站上推进剂补给的一种与生命保障系统有机结合的推进系统新概念。  相似文献   

引言 随着我国航天技术的发展,对航天器的寿命提出了越来越高的要求.如何延长航天器在轨寿命已成为目前航天领域的一个研究热点.就目前情况而言,推进剂携带量仍然是决定航天器在轨寿命的最为关键的一个因素.因此,研究航天器推进剂在轨补加技术具有十分重要的现实意义.  相似文献   

受大气阻力的影响,空间站长期在轨的轨道维持需要消耗大量的推进剂,因此有必要进行推进剂补给。而补给结束后的管路内残留推进剂在轨吹除,是保障空间站任务安全的必要条件。文章对国外航天器液体真空排放的研究现状进行了跟踪,重点就液体温度、压力、饱和蒸气压、液体中气体含量以及喷口尺寸外形等因素对液体排放特性的影响进行了分析和评价。在国外跟踪调研的基础上,对我国开展空间站推进剂在轨吹除的研究提出了启示。  相似文献   

天宫二号空间实验室实现多项“首次”验证   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
正2016年9月15日发射的天宫二号空间实验室是我国首个具备补加功能的载人航天科学实验空间实验室,是在天宫一号目标飞行器基础上研制的航天器,外形相同,但却承担着不同的任务。天宫二号空间实验室首次实现航天员30天中期驻留、首次应用推进剂补加技术、提前验证空间站技术,并开展地球观测和空间地球系统科学、空间应用新技术、空间技术和航天医学等领域的应用和试验,包括释放伴随小卫星,完成货运飞船与天宫二号的对接。  相似文献   

庞之浩 《航天员》2011,(6):65-68
苏联/俄罗斯曾先后独立建造过8座空间站,在空间站建造方面有丰富的经验和先进的技术。1993年,俄罗斯正式加入国际空间站项目,使该站采用了很多俄罗斯空间站的成熟技术,从而节省了费用、少走了弯路、降低了风险、缩短了时间。目前,俄罗斯已为国际空间站研制和发射了5个舱体,今后可能还将独立建造新的空间站。  相似文献   

Russian Progress transport cargo vehicles have successfully been used in different space station programs since 1978. At present time, they play an important role in the International Space Station (ISS) project. Main tasks performed by the transport cargo vehicle (TCV) in the station program are the following: refueling of the station, delivery of consumables and equipment, waste removal, station attitude control and orbit correction maneuver execution.  相似文献   

The Microgravity Research Program (MRP) participated aggressively in Phase 1 of the International Space Station Program using the Russian Mir Space Station. The Mir Station offered an otherwise unavailable opportunity to explore the advantages and challenges of long duration microgravity space research. Payloads with both National Aeronautics and Space Agency (NASA) and commercial backing were included as well as cooperative research with the Canadian Space Agency (CSA). From this experience, much was learned about long-duration on-orbit science utilization and developing new working relationships with our Russian partner to promote efficient planning, operations, and integration to solve complexities associated with a multiple partner program.

This paper focuses on the microgravity research conducted onboard the Mir space station. It includes the Program preparation and planning necessary to support this type of cross increment research experience; the payloads which were flown; and summaries of significant microgravity science findings.  相似文献   

Doetsch K 《Acta Astronautica》2005,57(2-8):661-675
The paper addresses the evolution of the Canadian Space Station Program between 1981 and 2003. Discussions with potential international partners, aimed at jointly developing the current International Space Station program, were initiated by NASA in 1982. Canada chose, through the further development of the technologies of Canadarm on the space shuttle, to provide and operate an advanced and comprehensive external robotics system for space station, and to use the space station for scientific and commercial purposes. The program was to become a corner-stone of the new Canadian Space Agency. The development phase of the Canadian Space Station Program has been completed and two of the three major elements are currently operational in space.  相似文献   

A feasibility study in 1992 showed the benefits of a common European Russian space suit development, EVA Suit 2000, replacing the Russian space suit Orlan-DMA and the planned European Hermes EVA space suit at the turn of the century. This EVA Suit 2000 is a joint development initiated by the European Space Agency (ESA) and the Russian Space Agency (RKA). The main objectives of this development program are: first utilization aboard the Russian Space Station MIR-2; performance improvement with respect to current operational suits; development cost reduction. Russian experience gained with the present extravehicular activity (EVA) suit on the MIR Space Station and extensive application of European Technologies will be needed to achieve these ambitious goals. This paper presents the current status of the development activities, the space suit system design and concentrates in more detail on life support aspects. Specific subjects addressed will include the overall life support conceptual architecture, design features, crew comfort and operational considerations.  相似文献   

李乐 《火箭推进》2013,39(4):41-45
针对表面张力贮箱的空间补给,分析了其中的加注稳定性问题,并用FLUENTVOF模型对其进行仿真模拟.分析表明微重力下推进剂加注极易发生不稳定的气液混合现象,需要对加注流量进行控制,或者在贮箱内部增加挡板结构以消减入口液体的动量.  相似文献   

低温推进剂在轨加注技术与方案研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
马原  厉彦忠  王磊  朱康  徐孟健 《宇航学报》2016,37(3):245-252
为了探究适用于低温推进剂在轨加注的相关技术与方案,通过文献调研与对比分析,介绍国内外在轨加注技术的研究现状,梳理低温推进剂在轨加注的关键技术,研究现有加注技术与方案对低温推进剂的适用性,并提出我国开展相关研究的思路与方向。研究表明:1)气液分离、蒸发量控制、质量测量和流体驱动循环等技术是直接影响推进剂在轨加注系统结构与加注性能的关键技术;2)低温推进剂具有沸点低、表面张力小等特殊性,对气液分离、系统热防护等技术的性能要求更高;3)表面张力式气液分离、纤维镜或射频质量检测、多层隔热材料、热力学排气系统(TVS)以及无排气加注等先进技术方案对低温流体和微重力环境均具有更好的适用性,将成为实现低温推进剂在轨加注的关键突破口。  相似文献   

国外空间站外部污染控制体系简介   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
国外从20世纪80年代起就开展了对空间站外部污染及其控制措施的研究,已在总体设计、地面验证、加工制造、在轨验证等方面形成了较为成熟和完备的污染控制体系。为了借鉴他国的成功经验,服务于我国空间站建设,文章从污染分类、污染影响、污染分析、污染控制要求、污染控制措施、污染验证等方面对国外空间站外部污染控制体系进行了介绍,并对我国的空间站外部污染研究提出了建议。  相似文献   

Kanas N  Ritsher J 《Acta Astronautica》2005,56(9-12):932-936
In isolated and confined environments, two important leadership roles have been identified: the task/instrumental role (which focuses on work goals and operational needs), and the supportive/expressive role (which focuses on morale goals and emotional needs). On the International Space Station, the mission commander should be familiar with both of these aspects of leadership. In previous research involving a 135-day Mir space station simulation in Moscow and a series of on-orbit Mir space station missions during the Shuttle/Mir program, both these leadership roles were studied. In new analyses of the Shuttle/Mir data, we found that for crewmembers, the supportive role of the commander (but not the task role) related positively with crew cohesion. For mission control personnel on the ground, both the task and supportive roles of their leader were related positively to mission control cohesion. The implications of these findings are discussed in terms of leadership on board the International Space Station.  相似文献   

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