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The origin,formation and evolution of the systems engineering theory accompanied QIAN Xuesen's whole life.The systems engineering theory is the concentrated reflection of QIAN's achievements and theory in all aspects.From returning to China to pioneer China's space industry,creating a new management mode of "one overall design department,two command lines",publishing Organization and Management Technology:Systems Engineering,to proposing the theory of Open Complex Giant System(OCGS) and the theory of Metasynthetic Wisdom,all these mark the formation of the Chinese school of systems engineering.Guided by QIAN's academic ideas,various major Chinese space programs have been implemented successfully which verified the fact that the systems engineering is scientific.The systems engineering has been applied to different fields of the national economy and has a development process with the distinguished characteristics of Chinese systems science.On one hand,the systems engineering is put forward deeply along the traditional systems engineering thought and theory;on the other hand,a batch of innovations that break the traditional shackles have occurred,making the Chinese systems engineering unique and outstanding compared with foreign counterparts.  相似文献   

Today, the "division" thought of "Reductionism" makes people feel helpless and gradually recognize the consequence of the social alienation. Based on 20 years' experience in America, 28 years' practice in China's space industry, and nearly 30 years' research in his later years, QIAN Xuesen integrated the Western Reductionism with the Eastern Holism to form the QIAN Xuesen think tank thought and the Hall for Workshop of Metasynthetic Engineering from qualitative to quantitative, promoting space internationalization to play an irreplaceable role in the development of technology, engineering and industrialization.  相似文献   

China's aerospace industry is facing a major task of increasing the reform of aerospace management system and speeding up civil-military integration, which leads to an urgent demand for new aerospace think tank products. Thankfully, with "information space" as the carrier, the "systems science" as the guidance, and QIAN Xuesen's "metasynthetic wisdom system" as the core, QIAN Xuesen think tank provides the decision support for China to develop an aerospace knowledge economy and to continuously enhance the "space soft power". In this paper, the framework of the meta-synthetic wisdom system guided by systems science is presented, the relationship between basic ideas of QIAN Xuesen think tank and meta-synthetic wisdom system is explained and the construction items of aerospace hall of the workshop for meta-synthetic engineering(aerospace HWMSE) are analyzed.  相似文献   

空间碎片国际机制发展趋势分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
文章通过对空间碎片国际机制(多边谈判机制)的分析,指出其发展趋势,从而为中国参加相关谈判工作提供参考。空间碎片国际机制的发展已呈现出明显的政策化、法律化和制度化的趋势。无论是从外空利益争夺、外空战略实现,还是从中国航天事业可持续发展、中国航天立法体系完善的角度来讲,积极参加空间碎片技术合作与规则制定的国际谈判都具有重要意义。从国内建设上来看,中国应尽快制定“技术—政策(战略)—法律”三位一体的解决思路和具体方案;从国际层面看,可以借鉴美国一直坚持和贯彻的“技术—政策—国内规则—国际软法—国际法”外空策略,来开展空间碎片减缓和清除等方面的技术与规则制定的合作。  相似文献   

结构系统是运载火箭关键系统之一,对运载效率提升具有显著作用。深入研究了国外运载火箭结构系统发展现状,根据我国运载火箭发展需求,结合我国航天发展和基础工业实际情况,从材料、结构形式、制造工艺等方面,提出了我国运载火箭结构系统重点发展方向和主要关键技术,对提升运载效率和推动航天强国建设具有重要的工程意义。  相似文献   

China's commercial space activities started from the launch of Asiasat-1 satellite by a LM-3 launch vehicle on April 7, 1990. As the leading force in China's space industry, CASC has been committed to commercial space for nearly 30 years. The article describes CASC's advantages and activities in commercial space sector, as well as outlook for CASC commercial space development. The author concludes CASC is willing to coordinate and cooperate with state-owned and private companies and will create a new pattern for commercial space, opening up a new industry for space development and achieving more splendid achievement.  相似文献   

制造成熟度及其在我国航天的应用研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
介绍了美国国防部在采办项目管理中使用的制造成熟度(MRL)方法,分析了MRL对提升我国航天制造能力和改进制造风险管理的应用价值,论述了MRL与技术成熟度(TRL)、产品成熟度的关联关系及其主要针对大批量生产的理论局限性;面向我国航天制造类型多样、制造难度大与批产难度高兼具的特点,提出了我国航天MRL等级定义和评价方法;总结了在我国航天领域开展MRL研究,进行试点应用,建立评估规范和制造成熟度提升机制的建议。  相似文献   

The slow progress and lack of fundamental breakthroughs in legislative practices are an important subject for China's space legislation. Oriented by the idea to formulate China's space law as soon as possible, it is necessary to solve five key issues. In the national policy, it is needful not only to implement China's space policy and promote the development of the space industry in depth, but also to advance the deep integration of military and civil application in space field. In terms of legal orientation, three features should be reflected upon, including the functional integration of public and private laws, the balance of regulation by substantive and procedural laws, and the effective coordination of domestic and international laws. To this end, both top-level design and implementation should be paid close attention to in order to achieve significant progress in China's space legislation.  相似文献   

Shu-Hsien Liao   《Space Policy》2005,21(3):205-212
China's ambitious space program was born in extremely poor national conditions in 1956. By 15 October 2003, with the successful return of the Shenzhou-4 manned space flight, it had developed dramatically. While this flight is a milestone in China's space capabilities, the Shenzhou-4 mission should be considered not as an end, but as the entry ticket to the space power club of the USA and Russia. China may now be a space power, but it is not yet a military space superpower in the way of the latter two countries. This paper investigates whether China will become a military space superpower by reviewing the development of its space program. It examines Chinese military space capabilities in terms of their military space potential, and discusses the political, military and economic implications of this issue. Finally, the paper suggests that China should continue to take the road to openness, focusing on commercial and economic efforts. This will be an alternative direction in which the country can consider exactly what space capabilities it needs in order to continue its economic development.  相似文献   

Anne Gilks 《Space Policy》1997,13(3):215-227
This article reviews the current status of the Chinese space programme, covering its military origins, launchers, applications satellites, manned spaceflight and exploration. It examines the growing commercialization of China's space activities and how far this is likely to be successful, especially in the light of MTCR constraints and other legal regulations. It is nonetheless concluded that commercialization, along with joint ventures with foreign companies, has been crucial to the development of China's space programme. However, the country still lacks the resources to become a first-rank space power.  相似文献   

未来空间技术发展展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
经过近50年的发展,我国空间技术取得了举世瞩目的成就,在新的历史时期,世界航天将跨入一个新的发展高潮,我国经济社会的发展对航天事业提出了更高的要求。文章提出了我国未来航天器发展体系,介绍了未来5年我国空间技术发展的重点任务,分析了专业技术发展方向,提出了创新发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Zhu Yilin 《Space Policy》1996,12(2):139-142
China's space industry faces challenges from the rapid growth in domestic demand for satellite services, international competition from the other members of the space club and infiltration of its domestic markets by foreign space companies. To counter this the country is making space a priority in current plans to improve national economic and social development, paying particular attention to applications satellites. Policies aimed at accelerating development include increasing state support for space, improving management - especially of invested funds - creating a better infrastructure and aiming for serial production of satellite components. It is acknowledged that much can be learnt from other countries and China is keen to pursue cooperative endeavours, but it intends also to retain its independence.  相似文献   

With the advances of small satellite technology in commercial space sector, using small satellite networks to form a satellite constellation and conduct commercial operational services has entered into a vigorous phase of development. As small satellite technology develops, problems in the operations of small satellite constellations are also gradually emerging. These include ground measurement and operational control systems for small satellite constellations, the commercial operational mode, support and the guarantee of laws and regulations related to small satellites. This report discusses the development of commercial space small satellite operation industrialization, explores the small satellite operational modes and technological innovation, proposes the commercial space industry chain to build the industry ecology. At the same time, it looks forward to the integration of space and terrestrial communication. It also calls on relevant organizations of China to speed up the process of space legislation, formulate the relevant policies to encourage the operations of small satellites in commercial space sector, and push China's commercial space to a new level.  相似文献   

日本JAXA航天器环境工程验证能力研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
日本宇宙航空研究开发机构(JAXA)是负责日本航空航天开发的独立行政实体,主要承担日本航天器研究、开发、发射和运行等业务。JAXA拥有日本先进的航天基础设施和环境验证手段,集中了大量高水平的力学环境、真空热环境和特殊环境的试验测试设备,能够承担航天器系统级总装、专业测试和环境试验,也具备航天器原材料、元器件等的环境试验与评价能力。JAXA具有国际一流的航天器环境工程验证能力,对日本航天事业的飞速发展发挥了重要支撑作用。根据我国航天发展战略以及对标国际一流航天先进技术的要求,文章跟踪研究了JAXA的航天器环境工程验证能力的建设、基地布局、管理模式和标准体系等方面的成功经验,提出了我国航天器环境工程的发展建议与启示。  相似文献   

文章介绍了曾经由航天飞机STS-64飞行任务搭载的编号为G417载荷的研制经验以及利用该载荷在航天飞机上开展的油滴与水滴接触微重力实验。北京卫星环境工程研究所承担了该载荷全部研制任务,其研制经验和飞行实验可为我国将来空间站开展微重力实验提供参考。  相似文献   

Through a techno-nationalist lens, this paper will assess the growing China–European Union (EU) space partnership, and its implications for international space cooperation and competition. Techno-nationalism (jishu minzuzhuyi), the idea that technological strength is an effective determinant of national power in a harshly competitive world,3 informs both Chinese and US perceptions of China's space development. Using this lens elevates all space activities—manned, unmanned, military and scientific—to the strategic level. It is our contention that because of the increasing China–EU space partnership, the USA must re-evaluate its approach to China—away from the containment approach, which has thus far predominated, toward an approach which would offer the USA the opportunity to influence and, thereby, decrease the importance of the emerging partnership.  相似文献   

航天器系统工程技术发展思路   总被引:1,自引:5,他引:1  
系统工程技术水平是航天器系统研制和创新能力的重要体现。对我国航天器系统工程技术发展问题进行了思考。首先对比分析了国内外航天器系统工程技术发展差距,阐述了国内面临的空间任务形势及系统工程技术发展要求;然后,研究构建了以系统工程过程和活动为核心,并包含任务能力支撑要素、发展基础要素和发展保障要素的航天器系统工程技术体系框架;随后,提出了航天器系统工程技术发展目标,并从专业技术发展、经验继承、活动过程研究、工具方法完善、标准规范开发和发展机制健全等方面梳理了航天器系统工程技术建设内容;此外,还探讨了航天器系统工程技术发展的实施途径。  相似文献   

For the last 10 years,the Venezuelan aerospace industry has been constantly growing,and it is to be expected to continue in the same way in the future.China and its space industry,as the main partner for most of the ongoing Venezuelan space projects from their beginning,has been an important player in their development and may continue acting as one of the most important partners not only for the Venezuelan aerospace industry but also for other Latin-American countries' aerospace industries.ABAE(Bolivarian Agency for Space Activities) together with the related Chinese aerospace companies,with the guidance and help of CGWIC,has been constantly improving its cooperation methods,regarding technical work flows as well as management activities,especially for the latest's space projects under development,namely the CIDE(Venezuelan Design,Assembly,Integration and Testing Center) and VRSS-2(Venezuelan Remote Sensing Satellite-2) programs.Provided that there is a deeper and stronger cooperation in the future,partnership and friendship of the different scientists,experts and leaders from the space sectors of both countries,will be improved and strengthened for the development of both nations social welfare.  相似文献   

空间机械臂技术及发展建议   总被引:13,自引:3,他引:10  
空间机械臂是一个机、电、热、控一体化的高集成度的空间机电系统。文章概述了国内外该技术的发展情况;论述了空间机械臂在目标监视与观测、在轨试验和建设、行星与深空探测三个方面的任务;讨论了系统构成与功能。结合工程应用,提出了空间生存与性能保持、空间驱动与伺服、空间建标与测量、天地协同控制与示教、地面仿真训练与环境模拟五项关键技术。文章还对我国在该技术领域的发展思路提出了建议,并展望了我国空间机械臂技术的发展前景。  相似文献   

The Philippine Space Law was approved by the Philippine Senate and the House of Representatives on June 4, 2019, and was signed by the Philippine President Rodrigo Duterte on August 8, 2019 ~([1]). The approval of this act can be of great significance in the development of Philippine's outer space activities and astronautic industry. This article intends to discuss and analyze the Philippine Space Law background, main content, and its enlightenment with regard to the improvement of China's space law system.  相似文献   

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