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China's aerospace industry is facing a major task of increasing the reform of aerospace management system and speeding up civil-military integration, which leads to an urgent demand for new aerospace think tank products. Thankfully, with "information space" as the carrier, the "systems science" as the guidance, and QIAN Xuesen's "metasynthetic wisdom system" as the core, QIAN Xuesen think tank provides the decision support for China to develop an aerospace knowledge economy and to continuously enhance the "space soft power". In this paper, the framework of the meta-synthetic wisdom system guided by systems science is presented, the relationship between basic ideas of QIAN Xuesen think tank and meta-synthetic wisdom system is explained and the construction items of aerospace hall of the workshop for meta-synthetic engineering(aerospace HWMSE) are analyzed.  相似文献   

QIAN Xuesen published the article Technology of Organization and Management: Systems Engineering on September 27, 1978, pointing out that systems engineering is the technology of organization and management system that can be applied in all systems. The origin, formation and evolution of the systems engineering theory accompanied QIAN Xuesen's whole life. The systems engineering theory is the concentrated reflection of QIAN's achievements and theory in all aspects.  相似文献   

Systems science and systems engineering, as a new science and technology domain in modern science and technology, is developing rapidly, and showing greater and greater vitality. QIAN Xuesen is recognized as the pioneer and founder of systems science and systems engineering in China. His whole innovation process from systems thinking to systems practice has made pioneering contributions at different levels from engineering, technology, science to philosophy. These achievements and contributions have very important scientific value and practical significance. Presenting QIAN Xuesen's contribution in systems science and practice, this paper elaborates the development and application of systems science and systems engineering.  相似文献   

The most distinctive feature of the new era is integration and innovation. With the rapid development of information technology and big data technology, the data era brought by artificial intelligence is coming. The systems engineering theory and methods summarized from engineering practice show more and more its importance and indispensability. The overall design department thoughts founded by scientist QIAN Xuesen is the result of the practice of systematic engineering science theory. The new development of the overall design department will inject intellectual support and technical support into the modernization of the national governance system and capabilities.  相似文献   

The origin,formation and evolution of the systems engineering theory accompanied QIAN Xuesen's whole life.The systems engineering theory is the concentrated reflection of QIAN's achievements and theory in all aspects.From returning to China to pioneer China's space industry,creating a new management mode of "one overall design department,two command lines",publishing Organization and Management Technology:Systems Engineering,to proposing the theory of Open Complex Giant System(OCGS) and the theory of Metasynthetic Wisdom,all these mark the formation of the Chinese school of systems engineering.Guided by QIAN's academic ideas,various major Chinese space programs have been implemented successfully which verified the fact that the systems engineering is scientific.The systems engineering has been applied to different fields of the national economy and has a development process with the distinguished characteristics of Chinese systems science.On one hand,the systems engineering is put forward deeply along the traditional systems engineering thought and theory;on the other hand,a batch of innovations that break the traditional shackles have occurred,making the Chinese systems engineering unique and outstanding compared with foreign counterparts.  相似文献   

20世纪60年代初,四人小组在钱学森先生直接指导下为发展我国人造卫星进行早期准备工作。文章详细介绍了四人小组在钱学森先生指导下搜集学习国外有关卫星和空间技术的资料,编制《1964-1973年中国空间技术发展规划》(草案),为大学生讲授星际航行概论课,以及担任星际航行座谈会秘书等工作。  相似文献   

钱学森对中国航天工程的涉及面很广,文章的论述仅限于1966年到1976年钱学森在中国返回式卫星工程方面的工作,重点论述了钱学森及其领导的航天队伍在研制中国第一种返回式遥感卫星的过程中所取得的业绩,目的是揭示钱学森及其领导的航天队伍对开创中国返回式卫星的历史性贡献。  相似文献   

未来空间技术发展展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
经过近50年的发展,我国空间技术取得了举世瞩目的成就,在新的历史时期,世界航天将跨入一个新的发展高潮,我国经济社会的发展对航天事业提出了更高的要求。文章提出了我国未来航天器发展体系,介绍了未来5年我国空间技术发展的重点任务,分析了专业技术发展方向,提出了创新发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

Here we propose that the radioresistance (tolerance to ionizing radiation) observed in several terrestrial bacteria has a martian origin. Multiple inconsistencies with the current view of radioresistance as an accidental side effect of tolerance to desiccation are discussed. Experiments carried out 25 years ago were reproduced to demonstrate that "ordinary" bacteria can develop high radioresistance ability after multiple cycles of exposure to high radiation dosages followed by cycles of recovery of the bacterial population. We argue that "natural" cycles of this kind could have taken place only on the martian surface, and we hypothesize that Mars microorganisms could have developed radioresistance in just several million years' time and, subsequently, have undergone transfer to Earth by way of martian meteorites. Our mechanism implies multiple and frequent exchanges of biota between Mars and Earth.  相似文献   

概述中国航天记录器近五十年的发展历程,阐述航天记录器技术转型的十年过程,简要介绍目前航天记录器应用的新进展。  相似文献   

江泽民同志提出的“三个代表”的重要思想,是站在世纪之交的时代高度,总揽全局,对我党近80年历史经验和50年执政经验的总结,提出了加强执政党自身建设的新思路,创造性地发展了马克思主义党建理论与学说,具有鲜明的时代特点。本文就“三个代表”思想所体现的时代特点进行了初步的探讨,论证了其内在逻辑上的统一性,指出了“三个代表”思想必将成为新世纪党建理论的强大思想武器和伟大旗帜。  相似文献   

As part of the PROTECT experiment of the EXPOSE-E mission on board the International Space Station (ISS), the mutagenic efficiency of space was studied in spores of Bacillus subtilis 168. After 1.5 years' exposure to selected parameters of outer space or simulated martian conditions, the rates of induced mutations to rifampicin resistance (Rif(R)) and sporulation deficiency (Spo(-)) were quantified. In all flight samples, both mutations, Rif(R) and Spo(-), were induced and their rates increased by several orders of magnitude. Extraterrestrial solar UV radiation (>110?nm) as well as simulated martian UV radiation (>200?nm) led to the most pronounced increase (up to nearly 4 orders of magnitude); however, mutations were also induced in flight samples shielded from insolation, which were exposed to the same conditions except solar irradiation. Nucleotide sequencing located the Rif(R) mutations in the rpoB gene encoding the β-subunit of RNA polymerase. Mutations isolated from flight and parallel mission ground reference (MGR) samples were exclusively localized to Cluster I. The 21 Rif(R) mutations isolated from the flight experiment showed all a C to T transition and were all localized to one hotspot: H482Y. In mutants isolated from the MGR, the spectrum was wider with predicted amino acid changes at residues Q469K/L/R, H482D/P/R/Y, and S487L. The data show the unique mutagenic power of space and martian surface conditions as a consequence of DNA injuries induced by solar UV radiation and space vacuum or the low pressure of Mars.  相似文献   

A pressing issue facing the US space program is the projected shortfall in the skilled aerospace workforce, as the number of students in space-related fields wanes. This has prompted many to emphasize the rhetoric of inspiration that prevailed during the Cold War, at the expense of concrete arguments for space that are thought to be lackluster and insufficient. This essay argues that the logic of inspiration fails to consider the changed context and attitudes of this younger public. Instead, such an approach proves counterproductive in attracting generations compelled by a host of ideas, some incompatible with the rhetoric of competition and prestige that prevailed before. Arguments that draw attention to the pragmatic elements of space, and that successfully align space with the notions that make sense now, may in turn prove to be the solution to draw the best and the brightest to the space program.  相似文献   

China's space industry has been developed quickly and consistently setting new records for mankind in space exploration in the past 60 years. Four principles are upheld during its development. Systems engineering and overall thinking have played an important role in the development of China's space industry. What's more, the concept of systems engineering which originated from the space industry, being rooted in society, is a successful example of "Chinese theory" answering "Chinese question" and "Chinese wisdom" guiding "Chinese development", which is a trump card for the country and provides a unique business governance mode with Chinese characteristics.  相似文献   

Peter Creola   《Space Policy》2001,17(2):87
Not only have the European Space Agency (ESA) and the European Union Commission succeeded in producing a joint space strategy within the time set for it, they have created a substantial and worthwhile document which recognises the importance of space for Europe and acknowledges that ESA—not national agencies—is the right body for the conduct of Europe's space efforts. Nevertheless, the strategy's lack of any government financial commitment is a worry— Public–Private Partnerships will never be enough—as is its failure to include any thought for the long term, and in particular manned flight. This critique of the strategy argues for more government spending on space and for greater long-term vision.  相似文献   

The paper describes the "SVET" project--a new generation of space greenhouse with small dimensions. Through the use of a minicomputer, "SVET" is fully capable of automatically operating and controlling environmental systems for higher plant growth. A number of preliminary studies have shown the radish and cabbage to be potentially important crops for CELSS (Closed Environmental Life Support System). The "SVET" space greenhouse was mounted on the "CRYSTAL" technological module docked to the Mir orbital space station on 10 June 1990. Soviet cosmonauts Balandin and Solovyov started the first experiments with the greenhouse on 15 June 1990. Preliminary results of seed cultivation over an initial 54-day period in "SVET" are presented. Morphometrical characteristics of plants brought back to Earth are given. Alteration in plant characteristics, such as growth and developmental changes, or morphological contents were noted. A crop of radish plants was harvested under microgravity conditions. Characteristics of plant environmental control parameters and an estimation of functional properties of control and regulation systems of the "SVET" greenhouse in space flight as received via telemetry data is reported.  相似文献   

空间天气科学与有效和平利用空间   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
空间天气科学是一门新兴的前沿交叉科学。文章首先从发展历程、发展现状和发展态势角度对空间天气科学进行了系统介绍,并指出空间天气科学是经济社会发展的"助推器"、助力科技革命的"加速器"和关系空间安全的"倍增器";接着对空间天气科学与有效和平利用空间的关系进行了阐述;最后对我国空间天气科学的发展和对人类的服务前景进行了展望,并给出了制定和实施"国家空间天气十年计划"和"空间天气科学服务和平利用空间国家专项"建议的初步构想。  相似文献   

China has seen a dramatic acceleration in the scope and capabilities of its space program in the past decade. This has been coupled with significantly increased global economic presence and influence as well as a steady improvement of its military capabilities. China's emergence as a major world actor has encouraged the emergence of a ‘China threat’ school of thought which interprets all Chinese policy, including its space program, as an evidence of a threatening challenge to US dominance in which the pursuit of a range of military space capabilities plays a central role. This article challenges that interpretation, arguing that China's space program is the product of a range of factors including powerful domestic political and developmental rationales and that the program is overwhelmingly driven by domestic rather than international considerations, particularly in terms of the use of the program for the purposes of enhancing prestige.  相似文献   

Traditional practices of the United States Department of Defense (DoD) in the acquisition of space systems have focused on advanced versions of proven technology, meaning large satellites. This paradigm contributes to dependence on a handful of satellites, program schedules measured in decades, and the expensive oversight and program management functions which must be applied to systems which, since there are so few assets, cannot countenance failures. The escape from this paradigm is offered by Microsatellites (Microsats). Microsats are not only useful technology, but technology which enables a different approach to acquisition. What the authors call the Microsat Acquisition Paradigm (MAP) is partly modeled on NASA's Faster, Better, Cheaper approach and takes lessons from NASA's successes and failures. Now that some space functions can be undertaken by low-cost Microsats, the advantages of mass production, reduced government oversight, and acceptance of a reasonable failure rate can be applied to space system acquisition. This paper explores the three pillars of the MAP approach: requirements, technology, and acquisition, which together support the Holy Grail of space system affordability. Understanding the military's space requirements is the first pillar of this approach. The second pillar is the ability to correlate the requirements to the current and projected state of Microsat technology and explain what space functions can be accomplished with Microsats. Finally, historical examples, as well as recent studies. demonstrate that streamlined, cost-effective acquisition is a reality for Microsats, enabling savings in time and money compared to the acquisition system used for traditional space systems.  相似文献   

空间碎片现状与清理   总被引:7,自引:3,他引:4  
分析了空间碎片的严峻现状和空间碎片的10个来源,指出轨道碰撞是产生碎片最多的因素;介绍了空间碎片的观测方法、原理和观测系统的概况,包括正在兴建的观测系统——“空间篱笆”。最后,根据不同轨道高度和空间碎片的数量与大小,提出空间碎片清理原则、要求和9种清理方法。  相似文献   

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