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Early results from, and research initiatives warranted by, the Earth-based observations of Halley's near-nucleus and related phenomena are reviewed. Where appropriate, this information is combined with spacecraft data obtained by the various flight projects. The basic objective is to gain a greater insight into the nature of the comet's nucleus and its environment. Among topics are the brightness variations at large heliocentric distances along the inbound leg of the orbit; the bulk and rotational properties of the nucleus, including possible precession; the surface morphology and the formation of dust jets; subfemtogram dust particles and their presence in a sunward spike and relation to CN jets; comparison of the hydrogen coma's “pulsation” pattern with the surface distribution of major dust vents; the events causing Giotto's wobbling near its closest approach to the comet; and the recent developments in theoretical modeling of the icy-conglomerate nucleus.  相似文献   

In order to prepare infrared sounding of comet Halley from the flyby VEGA probes, we have computed the synthetic spectrum between 2.5 and 15 μ of a typical comet at a heliocentric distance of ~ 0.8 AU. The present paper is particularly devoted to the contribution from the cometary gases. For a selection of 20 possible parent molecules, the most efficient excitation process is resonant fluorescence by the solar radiation field. The H2O, CO, CO2, CH4, NH3 and H2CO molecules are the best candidates for detection by the IKS infrared spectrometers aboard the VEGA probes. For the water molecule, collisions are too rare to ensure thermal equilibrium in the whole coma ; therefore a limited number of fluorescence lines are expected to be present in the H2O vibrational bands.  相似文献   

The main molecular processes to produce the hydrogen comae of comets are now well known: Water, the main constituent of cometary atmospheres, is photodissociated by the solar ultraviolet radiation to form the high (20 km s−1) and low (8 km s−1) velocity components of the atomic hydrogen. The hydrogen clouds of various fresh comets have been observed in 1216Å by a number of spacecrafts. Ultraviolet observations of short period comets are, however, rather rare. Consequently Comet P/Halley in this apparition is a good object to obtain new physics of the hydrogen coma. Strong breathing of the hydrogen coma of this comet found by “Suisei” provides just such an example. The rotational period of Comet Halley's nucleus, its activity in the form of outbursts alone, and the position of jet sources etc. are determined from the breathing phenomena. Atomic hydrogen from organic compounds with a velocity of 11 km s−1 play an important role in that analysis. The time variations of the water production rate of Comet Halley during this apparition observed by various spacecrafts appear to be in agreement with each other and are about 1.5–2 times larger than the standard model. The difficulty of the calibration problem was emphasized.  相似文献   

The occurrence of ionospheric scintillations with S4 ? 0.2 was studied using GPS measurements at Guilin, China (25.29°N, 110.33°E; geomagnetic: 15.04°N, 181.98°E), a station located near the northern crest of the equatorial anomaly. The results are presented for data collected from January 2009 to March 2010. The results show that nighttime amplitude scintillations only took place in February and March of the considered years, while daytime amplitude scintillations occurred in August and December of 2009. Nighttime amplitude scintillations, observed in the south of Guilin, always occurred with phase scintillations, TEC (Total Electron Content) depletions, and ROT (Rate Of change of TEC) fluctuations. However, TEC depletions and ROT fluctuations were weak during daytime amplitude scintillations, and daytime amplitude scintillations always took place simultaneously for most of the GPS satellites which appeared over Guilin in different azimuth directions. Ground-based GPS scintillation/TEC observations recorded at Guilin and signal-to-noise-ratio (SNR) measurements obtained from GPS-COSMIC radio occultation indicate that nighttime and daytime scintillations are very likely caused by ionospheric F region irregularities and sporadic E, respectively. Moreover, strong daytime amplitude scintillations may be associated with the plasma density enhancements in ionospheric E region caused by the Perseid and Geminid meteor shower activities.  相似文献   

Ground-based observations and in-situ measurements of the gas activities and coma structures of comet Halley have yielded many new insights to the expansion of atmospheric gas from the central nucleus. The first impression from these results is discussed in terms of present theoretical understanding of the different gas phenomena in the inner coma (r 104 km). The need for developing a new generation of theoretical models capable of describing the observed highly anisotropic coma activities with spin-modulation in the outgassing rate as well as short-term outbursts is stressed.  相似文献   

The Giotto, Vega-1 and Vega-2 spacecraft flew through the environment of comet Halley at a relatively close range with velocities of the order of 70–80 km/s. The fore sections of their surface were bombarded by neutral molecules and dust grains which caused the emission of secondary electrons and sputtered ions. This paper makes use of the secondary electron current measurements performed on Vega-1 to infer some characteristic features of the cometary atmosphere. The total gas production rate is estimated to be of the order of 1030 molecules/s and is found to vary with time; the presence of a major jet is also detected at closest approach.  相似文献   

An ultraviolet sounding rocket telescope/spectrograph experiment observed Comet Halley on 26 February 1986, 17 days after perihelion. From the long-slit spectra, the production rates of O, C, and CO are calculated. The derived water production rate is a lower limit of 5.0 × 1029 s−1 and the volume mixing ratio of CO to H2O is 21%. The predicted brightness distribution from a radial outflow model with H2O and CO as parent molecules are in accordance with the measured spatial profiles of OI and CO emissions. The ratio of the production rates of CO to C is 2.7 which is consistent with the carbon source being the photodissociation of CO. However, the radial outflow model which best fits the CO data predicts significantly weaker CI emissions than was observed. A better fit to the carbon data is found when an inner coma source of C at a rate of 3% of the water production rate is included in the model.  相似文献   

This contribution starts with a short overview on cometary dust modelling and then focuses on the application of coma modelling with respect to in-situ measurements of cometary dust and ground based observations. The fountain model, valid for the dynamics of small cometary dust particles, is discussed. Models using Keplarian theory for the motion of the dust particles are outlined and the ESOC coma model is presented. Some direct applications of this model to analyse the results of the recent spacecraft flybys of comet Halley, as dust flux profiles, particle ground tracks and envelope positions, are shown. To compare the model with ground-based astronomical observations, the utilization of the ESOC coma model for the generation of synthetic images is demonstrated and some future prospects of this technique are outlined.  相似文献   

A preliminary analysis of the dust emission from comet Halley is presented based on large scale observations of its dust tail. Selected images obtained between February 22 and May 10, 1986 are compared to synchrone-syndyne graphs to infer the history of the dust production and the properties of the dust, at least qualitatively. Quantitative modeling of the dust tall has also been initiated and preliminary results are shown for the cases of isotropic and anisotropic (jet) dust production.  相似文献   

Spatial distribution of the continuum radiation in the range of 0.95–1.9 μm presumes total dust production rate of the comet of 10ρ tonne s−1 (ρ is the dust material density) and its angular distribution proportional cos . Observations of the water vapor band at 1.38 μ m reveal strong jets, their time shift from the dust jet measured in situ is consistent with gas velocity of 0.82±0.1 km s−1 and dust velocity of 0.55±0.08 km s−1. The OH vibrational-rotational bands observed are excided directly via photolysis of water vapor. Water vapor production rate deduced from the H2O band and OH band intensities is 8×1029 s−1. Intensity of the CN(0,0) band result in the CN column density of 9×1012 cm−2, i.e. larger by a factor of 3 than given by the violet band.  相似文献   

High-spectral-resolution line profiles and images of comet Halley were obtained in 1986 at the National Solar Observatory McMath telescope, using a dual-etalon Fabry-Perot spectrometer. The spectrometer was designed to obtain data in four distinct modes: (1) high-resolution (R = 200,000) scanning, (2) high-resolution imaging, (3) moderate resolution (R = 30,000) scanning, and (4) moderate resolution imaging. This paper describes the instrument and some examples of data obtained in the high-resolution scanning mode.  相似文献   

We report the results of 40–160 micron broadband photometry of Comet Halley with apertures of 30–50 arcsecond diameter. Measurements of the spatial distribution of the far-infrared radiation at several wavelengths will also be discussed. A preliminary analysis of the data shows the following conclusions: (1) The brightness of the comet varied by nearly a factor of two on two successive days in 1986 March, during which the visible brightness also changed substantially and in the same sense. (2) The far-infrared energy distribution varied significantly in this period in the sense that the decrease in flux with increasing wavelengths was significantly shallower on the day when the comet was fainter. (3) The spectral slope on both days is considerably shallower than would be expected from an ensemble of grains most of which were much smaller than the observed wavelengths.  相似文献   

Global observations of S4 amplitude scintillation index by the GPS Occultation Sounder (GNOS) on FengYun-3 C (FY3C) satellite reveal global dynamic patterns of a strong pre-midnight scintillations in F-region of the ionosphere during the St. Patrick’s Day geomagnetic super storm of 17–19 March 2015. The observed strong scintillations mainly occurred in the low latitudes, caused by equatorial plasma bubbles. During the main storm phase (March 17), the scintillations were first triggered in the New Zealand sector near 160°E longitudes, extending beyond 40°S dip latitude. They were also enhanced in the Indian sector, but significantly suppressed in East Asia near 120°E longitude and in Africa around 30°E longitude. During the initial recovery phase (March 18–19), the global scintillations were seldom observed in GNOS data. During the later recovery phase (after March 19), the scintillations recovered to the pre-storm level in Indian, African, and American sectors, but not in East Asian and any of Pacific sectors. These results closely correlate with observations of the density depletion structures by the Communication/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS) satellite, and ground-based instruments. Such consistency indicates reliability of our scintillation sensing approach even in a case-by-case comparison study. The prompt penetration electric field and disturbance dynamo electric field are suggested as the main factors that control the enhancement and inhibition of the scintillations during the storm, respectively.  相似文献   

Three distinct boundaries are identified from the PICCA cometary ion observations within the innermost part of the coma of comet Halley: (1) the 'cometopause' at a cometocentric distance Rc 1.5×105 km, characterized by the appearance of water-group ions well above background; (2) the 'cold cometary plasma boundary' at Rc 3×104 km, characterized by a sudden and simultaneous decrease in the temperatures of all cometary ions, and (3) the 'ionopause' at Rc 6000 km, characterized by a fast decrease in the intensity of all cometary ions by a factor 3–5. Between the first two boundaries only ions with masses less than 50 amu are present, showing distinct maximum intensities at 18, 32 and 44 amu at the second boundary. Downstream of the second boundary also ions of mass 12, 64, 76, 86 and 100 amu are detected.  相似文献   

Observations of comet Halley through CCD and Schmidt plates have been performed at Catania Observatory (Italy) from October 1985 through April 1986. Preliminary results are presented concerning the spatial structures for different spectral ranges of cometary light.  相似文献   

Observations of the distribution and evolution of a number of the major constituents of the neutral coma (CN, C2, CH, O, H, Na) of Comet Halley were made during two observing periods, each of 3 weeks duration, from the Table Mountain Observatory, California. The first period was pre-perihelion, in late November/December 1985. The second period, from Feb 28 to March 22 1986, covered the five close spacecraft encounters with Halley, and when ICE flew some 20 M Km upstream of Halley. Sodium emission was recorded in early Dec 1985 from the near-nuclear region at a heliocentric distance of 1.4 AU, an observation confirmed with the UCL Doppler Imaging system. The CN coma could be detected to an outer diameter of more than 4M Km in Dec 1985, and 5 – 6M Km in early March 1986, allowing the production of heavy cometary pick-up ions to be estimated. Observations of the cometary ion coma (H2O+ and CO+ ions) showed considerable variability from day to day, particularly during the period of the spacecraft encounters. These observations have been used, in conjuction with the neutral coma data, to map the flow field of cometary ions. In early Dec. 1985, Halley developed a traditional “type I” ion tail, which persisted until late April 1986. It has also been possible to evaluate the ion flow fields within the narrow core of the ion tail, and in the surrounding diffuse, low density, regions populated by pick-up and extracted cometary ions, and by slowed solar wind ions. Tail disconnection events were observed on several occasions, particularly between the VEGA 2 and GIOTTO encounters, and with a highly spectacular event on March 19 1986.  相似文献   

Various experimental data acquired during the visit of Halley's comet in 1986 have shown that the amount of carbon produced due to photodissociation of parent carbon bearing species is not ample enough to explain the observations. This requires the presence of an additional source of atomic carbon. One of the possible source could be auroral-type activities resulting from the precipitation of high-energy "auroral electrons" of solar wind origin, the evidence of which have been inferred from many observations at comet Halley. We have developed a coupled chemistry-transport model to study the role of auroral and photoelectron impact as well as of chemistry on the modelling of carbon in the inner coma (< or = 10(4) km) of comet Halley. Our study suggest that electron impact dissociation of CO is the major source of carbon production in the inner coma, not the recombination of CO+ as suggested by earlier workers, while transport is the main loss process.  相似文献   

Results of the 2.5–5 micron spectroscopic channel of the IKS instrument on Vega are reported and the data reduction process is described. H2O and CO2 molecules have been detected with production rates of 1030 s−1 and 1.5 1028 s−1 respectively. Emission features between 3.3 and 3.7 microns are tentatively attributed to CH - bearing compounds - CO is marginally detected with a mixing ratio CO/H2O 0.2. OH emission and H2O - ice absorption might also be present in the spectra.  相似文献   

A total of 3600 spectra of Comet Halley in the 275–710 nm were obtained on March, 8, 9, 10 and 11, 1986, from the VEGA 2 spacecraft. The emissions of OH, NH, CN, C3, CH, C2, NH2 and H2O+ are identified. From the OH intensity in the (0,0) band: 1.1 Megarayleigh at 5400 km from the nucleus, it can be inferred that the OH production rate was (1.4 ± 0.5)×1030 molecules s−1. The NH, C3, CH and NH2 bands became comparatively more intense at distances from the nucleus shorter than 3000km. At 06:40 U.T. when the instrument field of view was 6000×4500 km, two jets were observed. Spectra from the jets show significant differences with other spectra. Inside a jet NH, C3 and NH2 are comparatively more intense and the rotational distributions of OH, CN and C2 are strongly distorted. This shows that part of the observed emissions probably comes from radicals directly produced in the excited state during the initial process of photolysis of the parent molecules.  相似文献   

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