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This chapter reviews the current understanding of ring current dynamics. The terrestrial ring current is an electric current flowing toroidally around the Earth, centered at the equatorial plane and at altitudes of ∼10,000 to 60,000 km. Enhancements in this current are responsible for global decreases in the Earth’s surface magnetic field, which have been used to define geomagnetic storms. Intense geospace magnetic storms have severe effects on technological systems, such as disturbances or even permanent damage of telecommunication and navigation satellites, telecommunication cables, and power grids. The main carriers of the ring current are positive ions, with energies from ∼1 keV to a few hundred keV, which are trapped by the geomagnetic field and undergo an azimuthal drift. The ring current is formed by the injection of ions originating in the solar wind and the terrestrial ionosphere into the inner magnetosphere. The injection process involves electric fields, associated with enhanced magnetospheric convection and/or magnetospheric substorms. The quiescent ring current is carried mainly by protons of predominantly solar wind origin, while active processes in geospace tend to increase the abundance (both absolute and relative) of O+ ions, which are of ionospheric origin. During intense geospace magnetic storms, the O+ abundance increases dramatically. This increase has been observed to occur concurrently with the rapid intensification of the ring current in the storm main phase and to result in O+ dominance around storm maximum. This compositional change can affect several dynamic processes, such as species-and energy-dependent charge-exchange and wave-particle scattering loss.  相似文献   

A brief summary of the main results of magnetospheric ion composition measurements in general is first presented. PROGNOZ-7 measurements in the nightside plasma mantle are then described and analyzed. Some of the results are the following: In the nightside mantle not too far from midnight the properties of the mantle are sometimes consistent with the open magnetosphere model. However during most magnetic storm situations O+ ions appear in the mantle in large proportions and with high energies. The acceleration process affecting the ions has been found in several cases to give equal amounts of energy to all ions independent of mass. Along the flanks of the magnetosphere the flow of the plasma is often low or absent. The O+ content is high (up to 20%) and the energy spectrum of both ions and electrons may be very hot, even up to the level of the ring current plasma in the keV range.The O+ content in the plasma mantle is positively correlated with the magnetospheric activity level. The mantle, however, does not appear to be the dominating source for the storm time ring current. Direct acceleration of ionospheric ions onto the closed field lines of the plasma sheet and ring current is most likely the main source. The magnetopause on the nightside and along the flanks of the magnetosphere appears to be a fairly solid boundary for mantle ions of ionospheric origin. This is especially evident during periods with high geomagnetic activity, when the mantle is associated with fairly strong fluxes of O+ ions.An interesting observation in most of the mantle passages during geomagnetically disturbed periods is the occurrence of intense, magnetosheath like, regions deep inside the mantle. In some cases these regions with strong antisunward flow and with predominant magnetosheath ion composition was observed in the innermost part of the mantle, i.e. marking a boundary region between the lobe and the mantle. These magnetosheath penetration events are usually associated with strong fluxes of accelerated ionospheric ions in nearby parts of the mantle. Evanescent penetration regions with much reduced flow properties are frequently observed in the flank mantle.  相似文献   

The discovery of terrestrial O+ and other heavy ions in magnetospheric hot plasmas, combined with the association of energetic ionospheric outflows with geomagnetic activity, led to the conclusion that increasing geomagnetic activity is responsible for filling the magnetosphere with ionospheric plasma. Recently it has been discovered that a major source of ionospheric heavy ion plasma outflow is responsive to the earliest impact of coronal mass ejecta upon the dayside ionosphere. Thus a large increase in ionospheric outflows begins promptly during the initial phase of geomagnetic storms, and is already present during the main phase development of such storms. We hypothesize that enhancement of the internal source of plasma actually supports the transition from substorm enhancements of aurora to storm-time ring current development in the inner magnetosphere. Other planets known to have ring current-like plasmas also have substantial internal sources of plasma, notably Jupiter and Saturn. One planet having a small magnetosphere, but very little internal source of plasma, is Mercury. Observations suggest that Mercury has substorms, but are ambiguous with regard to the possibility of magnetic storms of the planet. The Messenger mission to Mercury should provide an interesting test of our hypothesis. Mercury should support at most a modest ring current if its internal plasma source is as small as is currently believed. If substantiated, this hypothesis would support a general conclusion that the magnetospheric inflationary response is a characteristic of magnetospheres with substantial internal plasma sources. We quantitatively define this hypothesis and pose it as a problem in comparative magnetospheres.  相似文献   

After one year of operation the GEOS-1 Ion Composition Experiment has surveyed plasma composition at all local times in the L range 3 8 and the energy per charge range from thermal to 16 keV/e. From measurements made in the keV range during eleven magnetic storms we find that the percentage of heavy (M/Q > 1) ions present in the outer magnetosphere increases by a factor of 3 to 10 during disturbances. We conclude that two independent sources (solar wind, characterized by 4He2+, and ionosphere, characterized by O+) give on the average comparable contributions to injected populations, although in a single event one or the other source may dominate. However, in magnetically quiet periods protons are the dominant species with a few percent of heavy ions. With the help of special satellite manoeuvres magnetic field aligned fluxes of 0.05-3 keV/e H+, He+, O+ with traces of O2+ have been observed which may be related to ion beams found previously at lower altitudes in the auroral zone. At still lower energies ( 1 eV/e) the thermal plasma population is found to be made up of six ion species, three of which, D+, He2+ and O2+, were unknown in the magnetosphere prior to the GEOS-1 measurements. We present here a study of the evolution of doubly charged ions and their parent populations over four consecutive days. Various production mechanisms for doubly charged ions are discussed. We argue that ionization of singly charged ions by UV and energetic electrons and protons is the dominant process for plasmasphere production. Furthermore, the observed high concentrations of O2+ at high altitudes are a result of production in the upper ionosphere and plasmasphere combined with upward transport by thermal diffusion. Throughout the 1 year lifetime of GEOS-1 the ICE functioned perfectly and, because of its novel design, a short review of technical performance is included here.  相似文献   

This review will not merely be a précis of the literature in this field though a partial survey is attempted. A critical stand will be taken and a point of view put forward. Experiments to test this point of view and others will be suggested. Several new ideas are introduced.Two broad conditions of the magnetosphere are discussed, the quiet and the disturbed. During the quiet condition, the polar cap F region either glows red or is filled with a family of red auroral arcs parallel roughly to L-contours. Auroras near the auroral zone have an increasing amount of green (5577) coloration. The ionospheric F region exists even in winter over the polar caps despite the absence of solar ionizing radiation or obvious corpuscular bombardment. The red polar glow and the maintenance of the quiet polar winter F region are suggested to be accounted for by the cooling of plasma in the geomagnetic tail. These phenomena consume less than 0.01 of the energy and flux of the solar wind impinging on the magnetosphere. The relevance of dynamo theory to this quiet condition is discussed.During the disturbed condition, many phenomena such as polar magnetic substorms, auroral substorms, the sudden appearance of islands of energetic particles in the magnetosphere, and the rapid acceleration of auroral particles appear to call for the operation of an instability deep in the magnetosphere.The energetics of various facets of geomagnetic disturbance are discussed, and joule dissipation of ionospheric current is found to be a major sink of energy during storms. This causes significant heating of the ionosphere particularly at the site of auroral electrojets. Corpuscular bombardment may consume as much energy, but its heating effect is likely to be less.The stable auroral red arc (SAR-arc) observed equatorwards of normal active aurora during magnetic storms is a major sink of energy of a magnetospheric ring current. It is contended that the ring current generally consists of particles of energy of less than a few keV. It is suggested that the ring current is caused by the irreversible pumping and energisation of plasma from the outer to the inner magnetosphere. This pumping is achieved by the random electrostatic fields associated with the noisy component of geomagnetic disturbance. The SAR-arc must be a major feature of ring current theory.The consumption of energy in polar magnetic and auroral substorms, during a complete storm, is tentatively concluded to be far greater than that of the ring current. The ring current is considered to be a byproduct of magnetic disturbance on higher L-shells.The main phase of a storm should be considered, in storm analysis, as a separate entity from the initial phase, for physically they bear a tenuous and unpredictable relationship to one another. A new system of analysis is proposed in which the onset of geomagnetic noise rather than sudden commencement is taken as the origin of time, both for magnetic and ionospheric storms. This will enable analysis of storms with both gradual and sudden commencements to be made on a common basis.No reliable evidence is found to support the contention that magnetic storms are caused dominantly by neutral H-atoms ejected from the sun. In fact much evidence can be amassed to deny this hypothesis.  相似文献   

The auroral zone ionosphere is coupled to the outer magnetosphere by means of field-aligned currents. Parallel electric fields associated with these currents are now widely accepted to be responsible for the acceleration of auroral particles. This paper will review the theoretical concepts and models describing this coupling. The dynamics of auroral zone particles will be described, beginning with the adiabatic motions of particles in the converging geomagnetic field in the presence of parallel potential drops and then considering the modifications to these adiabatic trajectories due to wave-particle interactions. The formation of parallel electric fields can be viewed both from microscopic and macroscopic viewpoints. The presence of a current carrying plasma can give rise to plasma instabilities which in a weakly turbulent situation can affect the particle motions, giving rise to an effective resistivity in the plasma. Recent satellite observations, however, indicate that the parallel electric field is organized into discrete potential jumps, known as double layers. From a macroscopic viewpoint, the response of the particles to a parallel potential drop leads to an approximately linear relationship between the current density and the potential drop.The currents flowing in the auroral circuit must close in the ionosphere. To a first approximation, the ionospheric conductivity can be considered to be constant, and in this case combining the ionospheric Ohm's Law with the linear current-voltage relation for parallel currents leads to an outer scale length, above which electric fields can map down to the ionosphere and below which parallel electric fields become important. The effects of particle precipitation make the picture more complex, leading to enhanced ionization in upward current regions and to the possibility of feedback interactions with the magnetosphere.Determining adiabatic particle orbits in steady-state electric and magnetic fields can be used to determine the self-consistent particle and field distributions on auroral field lines. However, it is difficult to pursue this approach when the fields are varying with time. Magnetohydrodynamic (MHD) models deal with these time-dependent situations by treating the particles as a fluid. This class of model, however, cannot treat kinetic effects in detail. Such effects can in some cases be modeled by effective transport coefficients inserted into the MHD equations. Intrinsically time-dependent processes such as the development of magnetic micropulsations and the response of the magnetosphere to ionospheric fluctuations can be readily treated in this framework.The response of the lower altitude auroral zone depends in part on how the system is driven. Currents are generated in the outer parts of the magnetosphere as a result of the plasma convection. The dynamics of this region is in turn affected by the coupling to the ionosphere. Since dissipation rates are very low in the outer magnetosphere, the convection may become turbulent, implying that nonlinear effects such as spectral transfer of energy to different scales become important. MHD turbulence theory, modified by the ionospheric coupling, can describe the dynamics of the boundary-layer region. Turbulent MHD fluids can give rise to the generation of field-aligned currents through the so-called -effect, which is utilized in the theory of the generation of the Earth's magnetic field. It is suggested that similar processes acting in the boundary-layer plasma may be ultimately responsible for the generation of auroral currents.  相似文献   

The magnetospheric O+ population in the 52–180 keV range during storms is investigated through the analysis of energetic neutral atom (ENA) images. The images are obtained from the high energy neutral atom (HENA) imager onboard the IMAGE satellite. At each substorm onset following the commencement of a geomagnetic storm the oxygen ENA display ~30 min intense bursts. Only very weak corresponding features in the 60–119 keV hydrogen ENA can be occasionally seen. The dominating fraction of the oxygen ENA emissions are produced when O+ ions mirror/precipitate at low altitudes, where the number density of the neutral atmosphere is high. During the storm we observed several bursts of oxygen ENA, but it is still not clear how much the O+ content of the ring current increases during the storm main phase. Our observations suggest that the responsible injection mechanism is mass-dependent and scatters the pitch angles. This leads us to favor a non-adiabatic mechanism proposed by (Delcourt, 2002).  相似文献   

As a contribution to the International Magnetospheric Study (IMS, 1976–1979) a two-dimensional array of 42 temporary magnetometer stations was run in Scandinavia, supplementary to the permanent observatories and concentrated in the northern part of the region. This effort aimed at the time-dependent (periods above about 100 s) determination of the two-dimensional structure of substorm-related magnetic fields at the Earth's surface with highest reasonable spatial resolution (about 100 km, corresponding to the height of the ionosphere) near the footpoints of field-aligned electric currents that couple the disturbed magnetosphere to the ionosphere at auroral latitudes. It has been of particular advantage for cooperative studies that not only simultaneous data were available from all-sky cameras, riometers, balloons, rockets, and satellites, but also from the STARE radar facility yielding colocated two-dimensional ionospheric electric field distributions. In many cases it therefore was possible to infer the three-dimensional regional structure of substorm-related ionospheric current systems. The first part of this review outlines the basic relationships and methods that have been used or have been developed for such studies. The second short part presents typical equivalent current patterns observed by the magnetometer array in the course of substorms. Finally we review main results of studies that have been based on the magnetometer array observations and on additional data, omitting studies on geomagnetic pulsations. These studies contributed to a clarification of the nature of auroral electrojets including the Harang discontinuity and of ionospheric current systems related to auroral features such as the break-up at midnight, the westward traveling surge, eastward drifting omega bands, and spirals.  相似文献   

Solar wind forcing of Mars and Venus results in outflow and escape of ionospheric ions. Observations show that the replenishment of ionospheric ions starts in the dayside at low altitudes (??300?C800 km), ions moving at a low velocity (5?C10 km/s) in the direction of the external/ magnetosheath flow. At high altitudes, in the inner magnetosheath and in the central tail, ions may be accelerated up to keV energies. However, the dominating energization and outflow process, applicable for the inner magnetosphere of Mars and Venus, leads to outflow at energies ??5?C20 eV. The aim of this overview is to analyze ion acceleration processes associated with the outflow and escape of ionospheric ions from Mars and Venus. Qualitatively, ion acceleration may be divided in two categories:
  1. Modest ion acceleration, leading to bulk outflow and/or return flow (circulation).
  2. Acceleration to well over escape velocity, up into the keV range.
In the first category we find a processes denoted ??planetary wind??, the result of e.g. ambipolar diffusion, wave enhanced planetary wind, and mass-loaded ion pickup. In the second category we find ion pickup, current sheet acceleration, wave acceleration, and parallel electric fields, the latter above Martian crustal magnetic field regions. Both categories involve mass loading. Highly mass-loaded ion energization may lead to a low-velocity bulk flow??A consequence of energy and momentum conservation. It is therefore not self-evident what group, or what processes are connected with the low-energy outflow of ionospheric ions from Mars. Experimental and theoretical findings on ionospheric ion acceleration and outflow from Mars and Venus are discussed in this report.  相似文献   

Temporal and Spatial Variation of the Ion Composition in the Ring Current   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
A global view of the ring current ions is presented using data acquired by the instrument MICS onboard the CRRES satellite during solar maximum. The variations of differential intensities, energy spectra, radial profile of the energetic particles and the origin of the magnetic local time (MLT) asymmetry of the ring current have been investigated in detail. O+ ions are an important contributor to the storm time ring current. Its abundance in terms of number density increases with increasing geomagnetic activity as well as its energy density. However, a saturation value for the energy density of O+ ions has been found. The low-energy H+ ions show a dramatic intensification and a rapid decay. However, its density ratio during the storm maximum is almost constant. On the other hand, high-energy H+ ions first exhibit a flux decrease followed by a delayed increase. Its density ratio shows an anti-correlation with the storm intensity. Both the positions of the maximum flux of O+ and He+ depend on storm activity: they move to lower altitudes in the early stage of a storm and move back to higher L-values during the recovery phase. Whereas the position of H+ and He++ show almost no dependence on the Dst index. The energy density distributions in radial distance and magnetic local time show drastic differences for different ion species. It demonstrates that the ring current asymmetry mainly comes from oxygen and helium ions, but not from protons. The outward motion of O+ around local noon may have some implications for oxygen bursts in the magnetosheath during IMF Bz negative conditions as observed by GEOTAIL.  相似文献   

The morphology of development of auroral flares (magnetospheric substorms) for both electron and proton auroras is summarized, based on ground-based as well as rocket-borne and satellite-borne data with specific reference to the morphology of solar flares.The growth phase of an auroral flare is produced by the inflow of the solar wind energy into the magnetosphere by the reconnection mechanism between the solar wind field and the geomagnetic field, thus the neutral and plasma sheets in the magnetotail attaining their minimum thickness with a great stretch of the geomagnetic fluxes into the tail.The onset of the expansion phase of an auroral flare is represented by the break-up of electron and proton auroras, which is associated with strong auroral electrojets, a sudden increase in CNA, VLF hiss emissions and characteristic ULF emissions. The auroral break-up is triggered by the relaxation of stretched magnetic fluxes caused by cutting off of the tail fluxes at successively formed X-type neutral lines in the magnetotail.The resultant field-aligned currents flowing between the tailward magnetosphere and the polar ionosphere produce the field-aligned anomalous resistivity owing to the electrostatic ion-cyclotron waves; the electrical potential drop thus increased further accelerates precipitating charged particles with a result of the intensification of both the field-aligned currents and the auroral electrojet. It seems that the rapid building-up of this positive feedback system for precipitating charged particles is responsible for the break-up of an auroral flare.  相似文献   

The acceleration of charged particles in the magnetic current sheets downstream from magnetic neutral lines is discussed and related to the plasma populations expected to be formed in a simple open model magnetosphere. A simple model of plasma acceleration in the dayside current sheet is set up, and it is shown that magnetospheric particles may take up a considerable fraction of the electromagnetic energy dissipated in the sheet even though they may represent only a small fraction of the total particle influx. The process should result in energetic ring current and ionospheric particles being found in boundary layers on either side of the magnetopause, and accelerated ionospheric particles in the plasma mantle. Acceleration of magnetosheath plasma in the dayside current sheet should result in enhanced flow speeds in these boundary layers, but the process may amount to little more than a return to the sheath plasma of energy previously extracted from it during its inflow on the dayside and stored in the compressed sheath field, due to the appreciable energy take-up from the current sheet by magnetospheric particles. The energy separation between ionospheric plasma and magnetosheath plasma on cusp field lines is shown to result in a spatial separation of polar wind and plasma mantle populations in the tail, the polar wind ions usually reaching out to only a few tens of R E down-tail such that they usually remain on closed field lines, forming a wedge-shaped region within the mantle shadow-zone. Polar wind ions are then convected back towards the Earth and thus their major sink is via the dayside current sheet rather than outflow into the tail. The major source for the plasmasheet depends upon the location of the neutral line, but mantle ions may usually be dominant. However, with a near-Earth neutral line during disturbed periods ionospheric plasma will be the sole ring-current source. Under usual conditions with a more distant neutral line the spatial separation of the two plasma sources in the tail may result in an energy separation in the inner ring current, with ionospheric particles dominant up to 2 to 20 keV and mantle ions dominant at higher energies. Formation of the plasmasheet is discussed, and it is shown that a layer of ions unidirectionally streaming towards the Earth should be formed on its outer boundary, due to current sheet acceleration of lobe particles and inward convection of the field lines. A similar process leads to earthward flows on the inner layer of the dayside cusp. Finally, the region tailward of the nightside neutral line is discussed and it is shown that a thin tailward flowing two-stream plasma band should be formed across the centre plane of the tail. The slow-speed stream corresponds to incoming lobe ions, the faster stream to the current sheet accelerated ions.  相似文献   

Freja *, a joint Swedish and German scientific satellite launched on october 6 1992, is designed to give high temporal/spatial resolution measurements of auroral plasma characteristics. A high telemetry rate (520 kbits s–1) and 15 Mbyte distributed on board memories that give on the average 2 Mbits s–1 for one minute enablesFreja to resolve meso and micro scale phenomena in the 100 m range for particles and 1–10 m range for electric and magnetic fields. The on-board UV imager resolve auroral structures of kilometer size with a time resolution of one image per 6 s. Novel plasma instruments giveFreja the capability to increase the spatial/temporal resolution orders of magnitudes above that achieved on satellites before. The scientific objective ofFreja is to study the interaction between the hot magnetospheric plasma with the topside atmosphere/ionosphere. This interaction leads to a strong energization of magnetospheric and ionospheric plasma and an associated erosion, and loss, of matter from the Terrestrial exosphere.Freja orbits with an altitude of 600–1750 km, thus covering the lower part of the auroral acceleration region. This altitude range hosts processes that heat and energize the ionospheric plasma above the auroral zone, leading to the escape of ionospheric plasma and the formation of large density cavities.  相似文献   

In the first part (Sections I–III) a brief historical review of the progress of our knowledge of the precipitation of auroral electrons is given. Observations by different techniques, in terms of detectors aboard balloons, sounding rockets, and polar-orbiting satellites, are reviewed (Sections I). The precipitation morphology is examined in terms of synoptic statistical results (Section II) and of latitudinal survey along individual satellite passes (Section III). In the second part (Section IV), a large number of simultaneous observations of auroras and precipitating auroral electrons by DMSP satellites are examined in detail, and it is shown that precipitation characteristics of auroral electrons are distinctly different for the discrete aurora and the diffuse aurora. In the third part (Section V), the source region of auroral electrons is discussed by comparing the auroral electron precipitation at low altitudes observed by DMSP satellites with the simultaneous ATS-6 observations near the magnetospheric equatorial plane approximately along the same geomagnetic field line. It is shown that the diffuse aurora is caused by direct dumping of the plasma sheet electrons from the equatorial region, whereas discrete auroras require acceleration of electrons between the plasma sheet and the polar atmosphere. The parallel electric field along the geomagnetic field line above the ionosphere is a likely candidate for the acceleration mechanism.Applied Physics Laboratory, The Johns Hopkins University, Laurel, Maryland 20810, U.S.A.  相似文献   

The forecast of the terrestrial ring current as a major contributor to the stormtime Dst index and a predictor of geomagnetic storms is of central interest to ‘space weather’ programs. We thus discuss the dynamical coupling of the solar wind to the Earth's magnetosphere during several geomagnetic storms using our ring current-atmosphere interactions model and coordinated space-borne data sets. Our model calculates the temporal and spatial evolution of H+, O+, and He+ ion distribution functions considering time-dependent inflow from the magnetotail, adiabatic drifts, and outflow from the dayside magnetopause. Losses due to charge exchange, Coulomb collisions, and scattering by EMIC waves are included as well. As initial and boundary conditions we use complementary data sets from spacecraft located at key regions in the inner magnetosphere, Polar and the geosynchronous LANL satellites. We present recent model simulations of the stormtime ring current energization due to the enhanced large-scale convection electric field, which show the transition from an asymmetric to a symmetric ring current during the storm and challenge the standard theories of (a) substorm-driven, and (b) symmetric ring current. Near minimum Dst there is a factor of ∼ 10 variation in the intensity of the dominant ring current ion specie with magnetic local time, its energy density reaching maximum in the premidnight to postmidnight region. We find that the O+ content of the ring current increases after interplanetary shocks and reaches largest values near Dst minimum; ∼ 60% of the total ring current energy was carried by O+ during the main phase of the 15 July 2000 storm. The effects of magnetospheric convection and losses due to collisions and wave-particle interactions on the global ring current energy balance are calculated during different storm phases and intercompared. This revised version was published online in August 2006 with corrections to the Cover Date.  相似文献   

Cassini Plasma Spectrometer Investigation   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
《Space Science Reviews》2004,114(1-4):1-112
The Cassini Plasma Spectrometer (CAPS) will make comprehensive three-dimensional mass-resolved measurements of the full variety of plasma phenomena found in Saturn’s magnetosphere. Our fundamental scientific goals are to understand the nature of saturnian plasmas primarily their sources of ionization, and the means by which they are accelerated, transported, and lost. In so doing the CAPS investigation will contribute to understanding Saturn’s magnetosphere and its complex interactions with Titan, the icy satellites and rings, Saturn’s ionosphere and aurora, and the solar wind. Our design approach meets these goals by emphasizing two complementary types of measurements: high-time resolution velocity distributions of electrons and all major ion species; and lower-time resolution, high-mass resolution spectra of all ion species. The CAPS instrument is made up of three sensors: the Electron Spectrometer (ELS), the Ion Beam Spectrometer (IBS), and the Ion Mass Spectrometer (IMS). The ELS measures the velocity distribution of electrons from 0.6 eV to 28,250 keV, a range that permits coverage of thermal electrons found at Titan and near the ring plane as well as more energetic trapped electrons and auroral particles. The IBS measures ion velocity distributions with very high angular and energy resolution from 1 eV to 49,800 keV. It is specially designed to measure sharply defined ion beams expected in the solar wind at 9.5 AU, highly directional rammed ion fluxes encountered in Titan’s ionosphere, and anticipated field-aligned auroral fluxes. The IMS is designed to measure the composition of hot, diffuse magnetospheric plasmas and low-concentration ion species 1 eV to 50,280 eV with an atomic resolution M/ΔM ∼70 and, for certain molecules, (such asN 2 + and CO+), effective resolution as high as ∼2500. The three sensors are mounted on a motor-driven actuator that rotates the entire instrument over approximately one-half of the sky every 3 min.This revised version was published online in July 2005 with a corrected cover date.  相似文献   

Metallic ions coming from the ablation of extraterrestrial dust, play a significant role in the distribution of ions in the Earth’s ionosphere. Ions of magnesium and iron, and to a lesser extent, sodium, aluminium, calcium and nickel, are a permanent feature of the lower E-region. The presence of interplanetary dust at long distances from the Sun has been confirmed by the measurements obtained by several spacecrafts. As on Earth, the flux of interplanetary meteoroids can affect the ionospheric structure of other planets. The electron density of many planets show multiple narrow layers below the main ionospheric peak which are similar, in magnitude, to the upper ones. These layers could be due to long-lived metallic ions supplied by interplanetary dust and/or their satellites. In the case of Mars, the presence of a non-permanent ionospheric layer at altitudes ranging from 65 to 110 km has been confirmed and the ion Mg+?CO2 identified. Here we present a review of the present status of observed low ionospheric layers in Venus, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn and Neptune together with meteoroid based models to explain the observations. Meteoroids could also affect the ionospheric structure of Titan, the largest Saturnian moon, and produce an ionospheric layer at around 700 km that could be investigated by Cassini.  相似文献   

In this review the present state of our knowledge on the properties of heavy ions in low energy cosmic rays measured in the Skylab mission and in other spacecrafts is summarised and the possible mechanisms of their origin are discussed. A brief review of the general features of the galactic and solar cosmic rays is given in order to understand the special features of the low energy heavy ions of cosmic rays. The results of the cosmic ray experiment in the Skylab show that in the low energy interval of 8–30 MeV/N, the abundances of oxygen, nitrogen, and neon ions, relative to carbon are enhanced by a factor of 5 to 2 as compared to high energy cosmic rays; while Mg, Si, S, and A are depleted. In 50–150 MeV/N energy interval the abundance of nuclei of Ca-Cr relative to iron-group (Z = 25–28) is found to be highly enhanced, as compared to high energy cosmic rays. Furthermore the observations of the energy spectra of O, N, and Ne ions and their fairly large fluences in the energy interval of 8–30 MeV/N below the geomagnetic cut off energy of 50 MeV/N for fully stripped nuclei at the Skylab orbit indicate that these heavy ions are probably in partly ionised states. Thus, it is found that the Skylab results represent a new type of heavy ion population of low energy cosmic rays below 50 MeV/N, in the near Earth space and their properties are distinctly different from those of high energy cosmic rays and are similar to those of the anomalous component in the interplanetary space. The available data from the Skylab can be understood at present on the hypothesis that low energy interplanetary cosmic ray ions of oxygen etc. occur in partly ionised state such as O+1,O+2, etc. and these reach the inner magnetosphere at high latitudes where stripping process occurs near mirror points and this leads to temporarily trapped ions such as O+3, O+4, etc. It is noted that the origin of these low energy heavy cosmic ray ions in the magnetosphere and in interplanetary space is not yet fully understood and new type of sources or processes are responsible for their origin and these need further studies.  相似文献   

Ion demagnetization in the plasma sheet causes the formation of field-aligned current that can trigger a magnetosphere-ionosphere coupling feedback instability, which may play an important role in substorm and auroral arc generation. Since field-aligned currents close ionospheric currents, their magnitude is controlled by ionospheric conductivity. The cause of instability is the impact of increasing upward field-aligned currents on ionospheric conductivity, which in turn stimulates an increase in the field-aligned currents. When the magnitude of these currents becomes sufficiently large for the acceleration of precipitating electrons, a feedback mechanism becomes possible. Upward field-aligned currents increase the ionospheric conductivity that stimulates an explosion-like increase in field-aligned currents. It is believed that this instability may be related to substorm generation. Demagnetization of hot ions in the plasma sheet leads to the motion of magnetospheric electrons through a spatial gradient of ion population. Field-aligned currents, because of their effect on particle acceleration and the magnitude of ionospheric conductivity, can also lead to another type of instability associated with the breaking of the earthward convection flow into convection streams. The growth rate of this instability is maximum for structures with sizes less than the ion Larmor radius in the equatorial plane. This may lead to the formation of auroral arcs with widths of the order of 10 km. This instability is able to explain many features of auroral arcs, including their conjugacy in opposite hemispheres. However, it cannot explain very narrow (less than 1 km) arcs.  相似文献   

We have studied the loss of O+ and O+ 2 ions at Mars with a numerical model. In our quasi-neutral hybrid model ions (H+, He++, O+, O+ 2) are treated as particles while electrons form a massless charge-neutralising fluid. The employed model version does not include the Martian magnetic field resulting from the crustal magnetic anomalies. In this study we focus the Martian nightside where the ASPERA instrument on the Phobos-2 spacecraft and recently the ASPERA-3 instruments on the Mars Express spacecraft have measured the proprieties of escaping atomic and molecular ions, in particular O+ and O+ 2 ions. We study the ion velocity distribution and how the escaping planetary ions are distributed in the tail. We also create similar types of energy-spectrograms from the simulation as were obtained from ASPERA-3 ion measurements. We found that the properties of the simulated escaping planetary ions have many qualitative and quantitative similarities with the observations made by ASPERA instruments. The general agreement with the observations suggest that acceleration of the planetary ions by the convective electric field associated with the flowing plasma is the key acceleration mechanism for the escaping ions observed at Mars.  相似文献   

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