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Responding to the demand for a ‘faster, cheaper, better’ implementation of space related services. Dornier Satellitensysteme GmbH has established and exercised an approach for the development and production of satellites and the corresponding ground equipment for small missions, referred to as Flexbus. It allows to support space service customers starting from mission engineering via design, development and manufacturing of the necessary hardware, the launch service and ending with the hand-over of the operational system. Flexbus harmonises a modular component concept with a sound design and development approach, as a whole providing the means to offer high quality products in a fairly short time and for competitive pricing. This paper will outline the major features of the Flexbus approach and describe application examples.  相似文献   

This paper presents the sample return mission to a primitive Near-Earth Asteroid (NEA) MarcoPolo-R proposed to the European Space Agency in December 2010. MarcoPolo-R was selected in February 2011 with three other missions addressing different science objectives for the two-year Assessment Phase of the Medium-Class mission competition of the Cosmic Vision 2 program for launch in 2022. The baseline target of MarcoPolo-R is the binary NEA (175706) 1996 FG3, which offers an efficient operational and technical mission profile. A binary target also provides enhanced science return. The choice of a binary target allows several scientific investigations to occur more easily than through a single object, in particular regarding the fascinating geology and geophysics of asteroids. MarcoPolo-R will rendezvous with a primitive, organic-rich NEA, scientifically characterize it at multiple scales, and return a bulk sample to Earth for laboratory analyses. The MarcoPolo-R sample will provide a representative sample from the surface of a known asteroid with known geologic context, and will contribute to the inventory of primitive material that is probably missing from the meteorite collection. The MarcoPolo-R samples will thus contribute to the exploration of the origin of planetary materials and initial stages of habitable planet formation, to the identification and characterization of the organics and volatiles in a primitive asteroid and to the understanding of the unique geomorphology, dynamics and evolution of a binary asteroid that belongs to the Potentially Hazardous Asteroid (PHA) population.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1999,44(2-4):99-107
Reported herein are the first results of a NASA-sponsored study at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL), California Institute of Technology, exploring the scientific promise and technological viability of a mission to exploit the gravitational lensing effect of the Sun to obtain huge antenna gains for electromagnetic waves grazing the Sun's disk. With regard to scientific promise, these results, reported at about the halfway point of the study, substantiate the huge antenna gains offered by, as it will be called here, a Solar Gravitational Telescope (SGT) and point to the instrument's potential promise as a “discovery machine” but suggest considerable limitations to the telescope's usefulness as a general purpose astrophysical research tool. These limitations are seen to arise, primarily, from the geometry and scale of the “virtual” telescope which must be achieved and maintained to utilize the lensing effect and the turbulence effects of the Sun's plasma on the observed target's signal. With regard to technological viability, the preliminary results suggest a very aggressive use of unproven, as-yet-unflown new technology will be required to enable the desired science observations and mission durations approaching the short (3–10 year) NASA-targeted mission duration goal. Key needed new technologies are advanced propulsion, lightweight telescopes, membrane mirrors, inflatable/rigidizeable structures, and novel coronagraphic techniques.  相似文献   

The political climate today is more favourable for joint superpower cooperation in space than it has been for many years. The authors of this Viewpoint, who studied together as members of the inaugural class of the International Space University, trace recent developments in the USA and USSR and evaluate how they might affect cooperation. Ironically, they find, it is the common problems both nations face in relation to space activities - budgetary constraints and declining political support for their space programmes - that argue most forcefully for cooperation. But a subtle and initially modest strategy will be needed to overcome the obstacles that stand in the way.  相似文献   

A. Hansson 《Space Policy》1994,10(4):307-321
Because of the physical scale of human operations at present, we need to extend them into the Solar System for sustainability and into interstellar space for knowledge. Stabilizing the population on Earth, as well as reducing poverty, is vital, as is a more environmentally appropriate demographic transition than the historical one. Space assets can contribute most to strategic threats in areas like power and minerals and can also assist global education. Such public interest is important as education, but it is vital to remember that a certain level of precision in materials and engineering is needed before ideas become realizable. The crucial step is to turn the space environment to an open market and override the present government monopoly constraint. As a start, a Center for International Space Industrialization Research (CSIR) is to be set up as a model for the better understanding of the issues involved, thus making a case for strategic investment for space assets.  相似文献   

Scientists have expended much energy researching SPS but their theories have never yet been realistically tested. It is time for this to change and SPS 2000 — a Japanese-sponsored project to construct and operate a pilot plant to supply electricity to residents of equatorial zones — could provide the means. The project and its benefits are described and the political—economic imperatives for undertaking it presented. The author argues that there are cogent — and practical — reasons for funding a pilot plant, especially given the vast sums spent on other space activities, and on nuclear power, although the latter has never lived up to expectations.  相似文献   

Space-based astrometry has a great tradition at ESA. The first space-based astrometric satellite in history, “Hipparcos”, was launched by ESA in 1989 and, in spite of orbital problems, was able to accomplish almost all of its tasks until it was finally shut down in 1993. The results of the Hipparcos mission were published by ESA in 1997 in the form of six CD-ROMs: the Hipparcos Catalogue contains 118,218 entries with median astrometric precision of around 1 milliarcsec, and specific results for double and multiple systems. In practice, Hipparcos drew for the first time the three-dimensional “map” of the spherical region of the Galaxy surrounding the Sun and having a radius of roughly 1,000 light years.

Then, in 1995, ESA launched the study of a new astrometric satellite, named “GAIA” and about a hundred times more powerful than Hipparcos, i.e. with median astrometric precision of around 10 microarcsec. This new satellite is intended to measure the parallaxes of over 50 million stars in the Galaxy, at least for the brightest stars, and this would mean to “draw” the three-dimensional map of the whole Galaxy, reaching out even to the Magellanic Clouds, 180,000 light years away.

The team of European scientists and engineers now designing GAIA, however, is facing hard technological difficulties. One of these is the design and coding of radically new and ultra-powerful mathematical algorithms for the on-board compression of the 50-million-stars data that GAIA will send to Earth from its intended geostationary orbit. Preliminary estimates of the raw data rates from the GAIA focal plane, in fact, are of the order of a few Gigabits per second. To reduce the data stream to the envisaged telemetry link of 1 Megabit per second, on-board data compression with a 1 to 1,000 ratio is the target. Clearly, this is far beyond the capabilities of any lossless compression technique (enabling compression ratios of 1 to some tens), and so some “wise” lossy compression mathematical procedure must be adopted.

In this paper a GAIA-adapted lossy data compression technique is presented, based on the Karhunen-Loève Transform (KLT). The essence of this method was already used by NASA for the Galileo mission when the large antenna got stuck and the mission was rescued by re-programming the on-board computer in terms of the KLT. That transform was officially named ICT — “Integer Cosine Transform” — by the NASA-JPL team led by Dr. Kahr-Ming Cheung. But the KLT here described for GAIA will of course differ from the JPL one in many regards, owing to the advances in computer technology.

Finally, estimates are also given about the possibility of using the KLT for onboard data compression in case GAIA is going to be put into orbit around the Lagrangian point L2 of the Earth-Sun system, and, above all, in case the number of stars to be observed is actually raised from 50 millions to one billion, as ESA currently appears to be likely to pursue.  相似文献   

This paper describes a computer simulation study that was undertaken to determine how well long-wavelength variations in the Earth's gravitational field can be recovered using data from the DedicatedGravitational Satellite (GRAVSAT) mission. This mission is to consist of two low altitude (160 km) spacecraft in essentially the same orbit but separated in phase by 100–300 km. Geodetic data are measurements of the relative range rate to an accuracy of about 1 μm/s at 4 sec intervals. Specifically, a Bayesian covariance simulation was used to investigate simultaneous recovery of the spacecraft ephemerides and a global distribution of 20° × 20° mean gravity anomaly blocks. Sources of errors considered were tracking station positions, gravitational constant, Earth body tides, tropospheric modeling and measurement noise. It should be noted that this simulation does not include as an error source variations in the gravity field that have a character different from what was modeled. Consequently, this study demonstrates the potential of the low-low system as configured to recover the long-wavelength variations in the gravity field.Using only one days worth of data, the mean of the standard deviations of the 162 20° × 20° gravity anomaly blocks is about 1 μgal. For a 6 month mission (assuming a reduction proportional to the square root of the data intervals) this projects to < 0.1 μgal. Because of the potential of increased measurement precision at shorter separation distances, and the relative insensitivity of the recovery process to separation distance, it should be possible to recover both long and short wavelength variations with a modest distribution of separation distances tailored primarily to the short wavelength recovery. Effects of the uncertainty in the gravitational constant and Love's numbers are negligible. In a simulation not reported on, increasing the altitude of the orbit to 200 km from 150 km, degraded, as expected, the accuracy of the recovered parameters by only 7%.  相似文献   

The proposal for an International Satellite Monitoring Agency (ISMA) was made by France in 1978. This article looks at the arguments raised against developing an ISMA and reassesses the proposal in the light of current and anticipated developments in the field of verification, and new national space programmes.  相似文献   

The discoveries and knowledge gained from space exploration and technology development are valuable scientific education tools which are not being adequately used in the classroom. Moreover, the increasing application of space technology to everyday life and industry requires a work force educated to be able to work productively in this field and to take advantage of all it has to offer. This article provides a survey of what is presently being done in the field of space education in Europe and the USA. Although encouraging, it is not nearly enough to meet the needs of 21st century society, principally because current efforts lack government or industry support. The author argues that this state of affairs must change, and proposed an international symposium as a first step towards this goal.  相似文献   

The feasibility of building commercial spaceports is being actively investigated in several countries. Potential benefits include boosting economic development and assisting the commercial launch industry. This report finds, however, that commercial spaceport development will probably not be capable of generating a large enough return on investment to attract private sector involvement without significant government assistance. It is also unlikely that the market for large launch vehicles will support spaceport development; however, small satellites may offer better prospects.  相似文献   

According to the UK government, the announcement in July 1987 of a freeze on the British National Space Centre's (BNSC) budget was based solely on lack of money and the belief that private industry, rather than the state, should fund space activities. In challenging the validity of this view, the author suggests that it has also been used to conceal internal bureaucratic competition and a myopic, market-driven mind-set.  相似文献   

This article examines the computing requirements of the Strategic Defense Initiative. Dr Din points to the massive software problems inherent in SDI programming requirements, and raises the crucial issue of the potential bypassing of human control in any actual outbreak of hostilities.  相似文献   

The exciting challenge of building a permanent space station has been taken up by the USA, and participation in its development has been offered to the USA's allies. European countries are faced with the dilemma of whether to cooperate or to try to develop an autonomous approach. This article discusses the opportunities for Europe in participating closely in the US project — particularly in providing pressurized modules based on the Columbus programme — and argues that it is an opportunity not to be missed.  相似文献   

Plans for interplanetary manned space missions imply significant risks arising from human's exposure to the hostile space environment. Thus the design of reliable protection systems against the ionizing cosmic radiation becomes one of the most relevant issues. In this paper the composition and magnitude of the atmospheric radiation on the planetary surface and for typical interplanetary transfer configurations have been analyzed. The investigation based on prior NASA and ESA mission results, using a manned mission to planet Mars as a case study. According to this, the time-dependent character of the consistency of cosmic radiation has been taken into account, which is justified by the interdependence of the radiation magnitude to the solar cycle. With regard to this paper it implies even solar particle events. The results have been compared to the protective character of different materials potentially usable as a habitat's structural shell and for interplanetary spacecrafts. The investigation aimed on particle energy degradation rates and reduction of secondary particle production. In this regard the physical process of absorbing effectiveness against particle radiation has been examined by analytical calculation and given scientific results, depending on thickness and molecular composition of the materials. The most suitable materials have been used for shield design proposals using different configurations, evaluating the use of aluminium, water tanks and polyethylene bricks.  相似文献   

This report by Ray Williamson of the US Office of Technology Assessment, looks at the prospects for commercialization of space into the 21st century and discusses the relative benefits of private v government investment. The report is taken from a revised version of an article originally appearing in the October 1982 issue of Futures. A fully updated paper will appear in Michiel Schwarz and Paul Stares (eds), ‘The Exploitation of Space: Policy Trends in the Military and Commercial Uses of Space’ (Butterworths, Guildford, UK, 1985).  相似文献   

A recent paper in this journal criticized the two methods commonly used to allocate the costs of multi-payload launches, and proposed two new alternatives. The paper argued that ‘Shapley-value’ pricing and the ‘Independent Cost Proportional Scheme’ are immune to instability problems possible under the traditional mass-proportional approach, and reduce ‘subsidies’ paid to small payloads. This rejoinder shows that neither claim is true in general. It also questions whether new pricing formulas are truly needed — or even sustainable in today's competitive market.  相似文献   

In the upcoming generation of satellite sensors, hyperspectral instruments will play a significant role. This payload type is considered world-wide within different future planning.Our team has now successfully finalized the Phase B study for the advanced hyperspectral mission EnMAP (Environmental Mapping and Analysis Programme), Germans next optical satellite being scheduled for launch in 2012. GFZ in Potsdam has the scientific lead on EnMAP, Kayser-Threde in Munich is the industrial prime.The EnMAP instrument provides over 240 continuous spectral bands in the wavelength range between 420 and 2450 nm with a ground resolution of 30 m×30 m. Thus, the broad science and application community can draw from an extensive and highly resolved pool of information supporting the modeling and optimization process on their results. The performance of the hyperspectral instrument allows for a detailed monitoring, characterization and parameter extraction of rock/soil targets, vegetation, and inland and coastal waters on a global scale supporting a wide variety of applications in agriculture, forestry, water management and geology. The operation of an airborne system (ARES) as an element in the HGF hyperspectral network and the ongoing evolution concerning data handling and extraction procedures, will support the later inclusion process of EnMAP into the growing scientist and user communities.  相似文献   

A marriage between Russian space technology and US space ambitions was unthinkable only a short time ago, but that potential union is now the talk of the town. With the dizzying pace of changes in US-Russian relationships, what is written here in July 1992 may well have changed by the time this article is published. Nevertheless, a glance at what the Russians are selling, what the USA may want to buy and the major policy issues involved is worth a look. Traditional cooperative ventures remain an important part of US-Russian space relations, but are not the focus of this article.  相似文献   

Responding to the demand for a ‘faster, cheaper, better’ implementation of space related services, Domier Satellitensysteme GmbH has established and exercised an approach for the development and production of satellites and the corresponding ground equipment for small missions, referred to as Flexbus. It allows to support space service customers starting from mission engineering via design, development and manufacturing of the necessary hardware, the launch service and ending with the hand-over of the operational system. Flexbus harmonises a modular component concept with a sound design and development approach, as a whole providing the means to offer high quality products in a fairly short time and for competitive pricing. This paper will outline the major features of the Flexbus approach and describe application examples.  相似文献   

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