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Investigated here is high-resolution imaging of targets in noisy or unfriendly radar environments through a simulation analysis of the ultrawideband (UWB) continuous-wave (CW) bandlimited random noise waveform. The linear FM chirp signal was selected as a benchmark radar waveform for comparison purposes. Simulation of the recovery of various types of target reflectivity functions (TRFs) for these waveforms were performed and analyzed. In addition, electronic counter-countermeasure (ECCM) capabilities for both types of systems were investigated. The results are compared using the error between the interference (jamming)-free recovered TRF and the recovered TRF under noisy conditions as a function of the signal-to-interference/jamming ratio (SIR/SJR). Our analysis shows that noise waveforms possess better jamming immunity (of the order of 5-10 dB improvement over the linear FM chirp) due to the unique radar correlation processing in the receiver.  相似文献   

A low cost concept, called Doppler ratio detection (DRD), for suppressing the clutter residue of Doppler radars is described. The concept provides a simple way to establish a target detect-clutter reject threshold at each range cell, whether a MTI canceler only or a bank of Doppler filters is used. In its simplest form, the target detect/clutter reject threshold is based on the ratio of the magnitudes of Doppler-processed and non-Doppler processed signals. The experiment showed that clutter was rejected, but the amount of added degradation in detection sensitivity was not determined. This degradation will depend on a number of factors, including the number of pulses per beamwidth  相似文献   

Standard radar image formation techniques waste computational resources by full resolving all areas of the scene, even regions of benign clutter. We introduce a multiscale prescreener algorithm that runs as part of the image formation processing step for ultrawideband (UWB) synthetic aperture radar (SAR) systems. The prescreener processes intermediate radar data generated by a quadtree backprojection image former. As the quadtree algorithm iterates, it is resolving increasingly finer subpatches of the scene. After each quadtree stage, the prescreener makes an estimate of the signal-to-background ratio of each subpatch and applies a constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detector to decide which ones might contain a target of interest. Whenever the prescreener determines that a subpatch is not near a detection, it cues the image former to terminate further processing of that subpatch. Using a small database of UWB radar field data, we demonstrate that the prescreener is able to decrease the overall computational load of the image formation process. We also show that the new multiscale prescreener method produces fewer false alarms than the conventional two-parameter CFAR prescreener applied to the completely formed image  相似文献   

A Multiband GLRT-LQ (Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test-Linear Quadratic), MBGLRT-LQ, detector is derived for the coherent radar target detection against a compound-Gaussian clutter background. This scheme is an extension to the multiband case of the Asymptotically Optimum Detector (AOD), also derived under the name of GLRT-LQ in. The proposed multiband version of the algorithm shows two main advantages with respect to the original single-band algorithm. 1) For the adaptive implementation, it requires a much smaller area of homogeneous clutter echoes to estimate the covariance matrix of the interference; 2) it provides an optimum processing of the radar echoes when the radar operates in frequency agility, as electronic counter-countermeasure (ECCM) strategy. A closed form performance analysis is provided for the MBGLRT-LQ detector, which is used to compare it with the single-band version. An application to live recorded data is also presented to validate the obtained results  相似文献   

It is shown that if the pulse-repetition frequency of a coherent pulse-Doppler radar is at least twice the Doppler bandwidth, one may, using appropriate downconversion, sample the radar signal at half the Nyquist rate with no loss in range resolution and no folding of Doppler frequencies. This results in a 3-dB loss of signal-to-noise ratio  相似文献   

An ultrawideband (UWB) random-noise radar operating in the 1-2 GHz frequency band has been developed and held-tested at a 200 m range at the University of Nebraska. A unique heterodyne correlation technique based on a delayed transmitted waveform using a photonic delay line has been used to inject coherence within this system. The performance of this radar, assuming a point target, has been investigated from a statistical point of view by developing the theoretical basis for the system's receiver operating characteristics (ROC). Explicit analytical expressions for the joint probability density function (pdf) of the in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) components of the receiver output have been derived under the assumption that the input signals are partially correlated Gaussian processes. The pdf and the complementary cumulative distribution function (cdf) for the envelope of the receiver output are also derived. These expressions are used to relate the probability of detection (Pd) to the probability of false alarm (Pf ) for different numbers of integrated samples, and the results are analyzed  相似文献   

Doppler imaging based on radar target precession   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
A unique form of target motion reminiscent of the precession of a rotating top is investigated. Images are generated with the radar looking either along the precession axis or orthogonally to it. Features of the two methods are discussed and demonstrated by imaging simulated point target scenes  相似文献   

研究单快拍下双基地多输入多输出(Multiple—InputMultiple-Output,MIMO)雷达中相干信源的离开角(Directionofdeparture,DOD)与到达角(directionofarrival,DOA)联合估计问题。利用单快拍下双基地MIMO雷达的接收信号构造一组Toeplitz矩阵,利用这组ToepIitz矩阵重构一个信号矩阵,提出一种基于降维多重信号分类(ReducedDimensionMultipleSignalClassification,RD-MUSIC)的DOD与DOA联合估计算法。提出的算法能够有效估计相干信源以及非相干信源的角度,实现角度的自动配对,并且角度估计性能远优于FBSS—ESPRIT算法以及ESPRIT-like算法。仿真结果验证了算法的有效性。  相似文献   

This paper presents profiles of 12 airborne and spaceborne Synthetic Aperture Radar (SAR) imaging systems. This information is intended to help potential users evaluate the systems for specific applications. The systems profiled in this article can be used for commercial purposes; some have been built specifically for commercial use while others also serve as science and research tools, Both domestic and foreign systems designed for government agencies and private industry are profiled. Nine of these systems are currently operational; two systems are scheduled to begin service in the near future. A third system is no longer active, but archive data are commercially available  相似文献   

Elementary electronics building blocks can be configured as a low-cost baseband Doppler simulator for developing the post-detector processing parts such as MTIs and MTDS of millimeter wave pulsed radars employing amplitude and phase channels. The challenge of narrow pulses in conjunction to low Doppler frequencies is handled here by CMOS switches and normal function generator ICs. Test noise is generated with an off-the-shelf radio RF/IF circuit. Wideband video amplifiers are not required. Typical performance figures include pulse widths from 50 ns, target ranges from 0 to ambiguity maximum, target velocities from 0.5 m/s to 500 m/s and PRFs up to 100 kflz. Virtual target RCS can be adjusted as needed in a straightforward way.  相似文献   

GMM-based target classification for ground surveillance Doppler radar   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
An automatic target recognition (ATR) algorithm, based on greedy learning of Gaussian mixture model (GMM) is developed. The GMMs were obtained for a wide range of ground surveillance radar targets such as walking person(s), tracked or wheeled vehicles, animals, and clutter. Maximum-likelihood (ML) and majority-voting decision schemes were applied to these models for target classification. The corresponding classifiers were trained and tested using distinct databases of target echoes, recorded by ground surveillance radar. ML and majority-voting classifiers obtained classification rates of 88% and 96%, correspondingly. Both classifiers outperform trained human operators.  相似文献   

If modern airborne radar systems are to function properly, the radar antenna radiation patterns must meet certain specifications. Until recently, most radar antennas were designed and tested in a clean antenna environment, i.e., there is no near field scattering from host structures or radome effects. However, these higher order effects are the matter of increasing concern with added performance demands in the ever-increasing jammer and clutter interference environments. We investigated the capabilities and limitations of currently available analysis techniques and computer codes for installed performance of airborne radar antenna systems. Then we developed an extended ray-optical technique that could predict total installed performance of airborne radar antenna systems, i.e., the near field scattering from aircraft structures and radome effects. The new analysis technique utilized a ray-tracing method in both airframe and radome simulation. Thus, it can efficiently predict the total installed performance of large radar antenna systems on an aircraft structure  相似文献   

A technique is presented for determining the ideal detection threshold when Gaussian noise and Weibull distributed clutter returns are present on a radar receiver and neither is dominant. Quantitative data is presented for several clutter types and false alarm probabilities  相似文献   

In a decentralized detection scheme, several sensors perform a binary (hard) decision and send the resulting data to a fusion center for the final decision. If each local decision has a constant false alarm rate (CFAR), the final decision is ensured to be CFAR. We consider the case that each local decision is a threshold decision, and the threshold is proportional, through a suitable multiplier, to a linear combination of order statistics (OS) from a reference set (a generalization of the concept of OS thresholding). We address the following problem: given the fusion rule and the relevant system parameters, select each threshold multiplier and the coefficients of each linear combination so as to maximize the overall probability of detection for constrained probability of false alarm. By a Lagrangian maximization approach, we obtain a general solution to this problem and closed-form solutions for the AND and OR fusion logics. A performance assessment is carried on, showing a global superiority of the OR fusion rule in terms of detection probability (for operating conditions matching the design assumptions) and of robustness (when these do not match). We also investigate the effect of the hard quantization performed at the local sensors, by comparing the said performance to those achievable by the same fusion rule in the limiting case of no quantization  相似文献   

Ultra-wideband radar and random signal radar are two types of newly-developed radar systems. This paper introduces the special advantages of the combination of ultra-wideband technology and random signal radar to the international radar community. It shows that these two radar systems have a very close relationship in nature and can gain significant benefits from each other. It can be anticipated that the random signal modulated waveform will open many potential possibilities for the applications of ultra-wideband radar systems to civilian operating environments.  相似文献   

Multipath and ground clutter analysis for a UWB noise radar   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
An ultrawideband (UWB) random-noise radar operating in the 1-2 GHz frequency band has been developed and field-tested up to a 200 m range at the Environmental Remote Sensing Laboratory (ERSL) of the University of Nebraska. A unique heterodyne correlation technique based on a delayed transmitted waveform using a photonic delay line has been used to inject coherence within this system. The performance of this radar in the presence of ground reflections is investigated analytically and experimentally, and the mitigating effects of UWB waveform on multipath-induced interference are analyzed. In addition, the ground clutter statistics, in a look-down mode, are theoretically established and experimentally verified. The performance of this radar in detecting clutter embedded targets with small radar cross section (RCS) is also experimentally examined.  相似文献   

A low-cost two-element receiving array concept is investigated for detecting multiple moving targets in indoor surveillance applications. Conventional direction-of-arrival (DOA) detection requires the use of an antenna array with multiple elements. Here we investigate the use of only two elements in the receiver array. The concept entails resolving the Doppler frequencies of the returned signals from the moving targets, and then measuring the phase difference at each Doppler frequency component to calculate the DOA of the targets. Simulations are performed to demonstrate the concept and to asses the DOA errors for multiple movers. An experimental system is designed and constructed to test the concept. The system consists of a two-element receiver array operating at 2.4 GHz. Measurement results of human subjects in indoor environments are presented, including through-wall scenarios.  相似文献   

The performances of the importance sampling (IS) techniques are improved by using multiparametric distortions of the input random processes. The analysis of different constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) algorithms confirms the usefulness of this method. The potential of this new approach is fully exploited if optimization techniques are used to obtain the optimum distortions and to avoid bias in the estimates  相似文献   

基于稀疏随机阵列配置的CS-MIMO雷达感知矩阵构造   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
彭珍妮  贲德  张弓  徐笛 《航空学报》2016,37(3):1015-1024
压缩感知(CS)理论中的感知矩阵在观测数据获取和信号重建过程中起关键性作用。目前,大部分研究通过引入高斯随机矩阵作为测量矩阵实现压缩观测,这类测量矩阵对硬件要求很高,工程实现困难。提出了一种基于稀疏随机阵列配置的压缩感知-多输入多输出(CS-MIMO)雷达中的感知矩阵构造方法,当MIMO雷达阵元配置为满足某种概率分布的稀疏随机阵列时,发射与接收导引矢量的Kronecker积能够起到压缩测量的作用。从理论上分析了所构造的感知矩阵的归一化互相关系数、Gram矩阵以及阵列方向图之间的内在联系,并证明了当随机阵元位置满足均匀分布时所构造的感知矩阵满足压缩感知重构条件。在这种稀疏随机阵列配置方式下,既可以避免额外引入随机测量矩阵,又能减少所需的阵元个数,从而大大降低CS-MIMO雷达系统复杂度。仿真实验表明,该方法具有较低的感知矩阵归一化互相关系数,与满阵CS-MIMO雷达相比能够在减少阵元个数的同时获得良好的重构性能,且使重构所需运算量大大降低。  相似文献   

For pt. I see ibid., vol. 37, no. 4, pp. 1194-1206 (2001).This paper presents the derivation of a polarimetric coherent adaptive scheme to detect a radar target against a non-Gaussian background. This completes the results presented in Part I for the Gaussian background. A Texture Free-Generalized Likelihood Ratio Test (TF-GLRT) detector is derived that exploits the polarimetric characteristics of the received radar echoes to improve the detection performance. The proposed polarimetric detector is shown to have Constant False Alarm Rate (CFAR) when operating against compound-Gaussian clutter with unknown parameters. Its performance is fully characterized by both theoretical analysis and simulation. Moreover, the application to recorded radar data demonstrates the performance improvement achievable in practice  相似文献   

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