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黑色幽默是二战后风行于美国的文学流派,因美国作家布鲁斯.杰伊.弗里得曼编辑的一本小说集《黑色幽默》而得名。这类作品讽刺了二战胜利给美国带来的过度兴奋和无所不能的感觉,以及自命不凡的理想主义和消费文化的抬头。库尔特.冯尼格特的《五号屠场》是这类作品中的代表作,也是黑色幽默的代表作品之一,发表后在文学研究界引起广泛的争议。  相似文献   

通过对十九世纪美国主要作家及其作品的分析,揭示出美国文学中自由与法制、民主与社会、自然与文明的冲突,说明了十九世纪美国作家对美国梦的追求。  相似文献   

《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》是福克纳最负盛名的短篇小说,近年来国内研究者对它的关注持续升温进行了多角度的分析。这篇小说中明暗交织着多组关系,对这方面的系统研究还没有看到。《献给艾米莉的玫瑰》中的几组重要关系有:美国南北之对立关系,白人和黑人之种族关系,艾米莉和霍默·巴伦之恋人关系,艾米莉和黑人托布之主仆关系,艾米莉和父亲之父女关系,艾米莉和镇民之微妙关系。它们都与艾米莉的悲剧人生息息相关。  相似文献   

今年是朝鲜战争停战60周年,这场历时3年的局部冲突对新中国的发展、东亚局势和冷战格局都产生了深远的影响,但在美国却成了"被遗忘的战争"。拿战争文学及影视来说,以朝鲜战争为题材的作品无论在数量上还是在影响力上都远不如以二战和越战为题材的作品。不过在朝鲜战争刚结束的那段时间,美国的文艺界还是掀起过一个创作相关作品的小高潮,其中自然也少不了空中力量的身影。下面就让我们通过具有代表性的电影《猎手》(The Hunters),来看看银幕光影与战争现实之间有着怎样的交集吧。  相似文献   

普利策、托尼双料戏剧大奖作品-《怀疑》1964年,一所位于纽约市的天主教会学校的校长阿洛西斯修女,她怀疑学校的弗林神父特别照顾班级里唯一的一个黑人男学生是因为他企图或者已经引诱了这个男孩做了不该做的事情。面对阿洛西斯修女的置疑,神父与修女展开了一场意志和信仰  相似文献   

《我切开的面包》是英国著名诗人狄兰·托马斯的一首经典作品,也是文学史上占有重要地位的一首诗歌,对其进行语体分析不仅可以帮助我们更好地理解这部作品,也能使我们从不同角度对其做出新的阐释。  相似文献   

自19世纪以来中国诗歌的英译对美国诗歌产生了重大影响,但美国本土诗歌和文化思想仍然处于强势的主导地位,美国人接受的是他们心目中的中国文化。美国诗歌对中国文化和中国诗歌的吸收,并不等于东西文化的交流与结合。通过研究中美文化和文学交流的媒介,结合多元系统论和比较文学相关理论来对该问题进行分析。  相似文献   

“飘逸之美”是中国传统艺术中的最高审美尺度和标准,要求表现艺术作品中的“味外之味”,强调艺术家个人高洁与超脱的品质。画家丁立人的彩墨画就属于“逸格”一路。他的作品得之自然,又不拘于形式,笔墨简要,又意趣皆足,看似清简的笔墨,却揭示出画家拥  相似文献   

文学对于英语学习的作用一直受到众多英语教师及学者的重视,但是从近几年的研究成果来看,主要集中在文学对英语学习的重要作用以及如何实施上.通过实验对照研究,从文学对英语学习者的英语听、说、读、写、译的能力方面的分析,来验证文学对英语学习所起的实际效果.  相似文献   

现在为什么要专门谈谈战斗轰炸机?主要是因为自海湾战争以来,空军的地位和作用、作战思想以及战略战术的应用发生了许多变化,特别是“制空权”被提到十分重要的位置,而在制空权中又强调“战前制空权”,即在正式战斗开始前利用空中力量尽可能多地消灭敌方地面固定和活动目标,为战斗正式开始扫清障碍。而遂行这种任务的最佳机种就是战斗轰炸机,因而现在许多国家不论是对旧机种的改装还是新机研制,都大大增强了“对地攻击”的意识,在当前军费紧缩、新机发展计划减少情况下,战斗轰炸机却仍保住了它的一席地位,  相似文献   

A summary form is given of the author's full paper (ibid. vol. 33, p. 7, 1998). The ISS program is a huge investment by the U.S. government. It is estimated by NASA that the program will cost the American public more than $70 billion over a period of 30 years. Since the scientific impact of this program is relatively unknown (and uncertain), the question that policy makers will have to struggle with is whether the federal government should continue to fund the program, or to pull out from the program altogether, thus saving American taxpayers close to $30 billion. Although funding is a major concern, since the inclusion of Russia in the program, the ISS has also become a foreign policy tool. Therefore, additional questions about policy implications of the ISS program need to be addressed  相似文献   

诗歌翻译的审美创造   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
诗是文学中最优美的艺术。译诗,则是创造美的艺术。翻译的创新本质体现了译者对审美客体认识的超越。译者只有真正领悟原文作者的创作特征和意象,才可能与原文作者产生相同的创作激情,从而获得灵感,进行艺术再现的创作。诗歌翻译的审美体验有着显著的主动性、拓展性和创造性。  相似文献   

Eigenstructure Assignment for Linear Systems   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The use of feedback (full state, output, and constrained output) is considered as a means of shaping the transient response of linear time invariant systems. The underlying importance of the eigenstructure (eigenvalues/eigenvectors) is highlighted. Also, the important results and techniques are presented along with a brief literature review. An extensive flight control example is presented which should give direction to the application of eigenstructure assignment in diverse areas.  相似文献   

贾司光  梁宏 《航空学报》2001,22(5):390-395
[目的]阐明突破空间大气环境障碍的人机工程内容之一航空航天大气环境医学工程的作用,地位与相互关系及主要进展。 [方法]在运用苏俄和美国等有关资料以及我国预研资料的基础上,对航空航天大气环境医学工程进行较系统的阐述。 [内容]航空航天大气环境因素的危害、航空大气环境医学工程的作用、航天大气环境医学工程的作用、航空航天大气环境医学工程的相互关系。[结论]航空航天大气环境医学工程的基本作用是防护低压、缺氧、高低温和舱内污染等4大有害因素,它保证了飞行员和航天员的安全性并兼顾了航天员的适居性和工效学要求。航空航天大气环境医学工程的相互关系是 3个结合:航空医学与航天医学 (医医结合),航空工程与航天工程 (工工结合),航空航天医学与航空航天工程 (医工结合),而且尚待进一步加强。资料表明,航空航天大气环境医学工程展示了高新的发展前景。  相似文献   

《陌上桑》是一篇被世人广为传诵的汉乐府佳作,作品塑造一个鲜活的充满生命活力的女子形象———罗敷,她美丽、健康、自信、阳光、勇敢、自尊,一改传统诗文中女性的哀怨、病弱、卑怯、凄苦之态,成为文学史中一个光彩照人的独特形象,具有特殊的意义。  相似文献   

The building of great steam power plants with utmost consideration for public safety has created today's American miracle of abundant electricity. Behind this great achievement stand the mechanical engineers who have designed and built these power plants under their ethical responsibilities for public safety, in full compliance with the American Society of Mechanical Engineers (ASME) Boiler Code and under the strict disciplines imposed by a specialist insurance company willing to write 100 percent insurance coverage against boiler explosions. The historical origin of this great achievement dates back to the days of the Civil War and a small group of men with exceptional vision and a profound concern for public safety. They saw the opportunity to apply their talents and sense of responsibility to solving the problem of steam boiler explosions and the terrible losses of human lives. These early leaders have earned the esteem and honor of our present and future generations, but who remembers them? Today, in the scientific revolution of this century, there is a critical need for similar new leaders of exceptional integrity, responsibility, and initiative, both in engineering and in industry.  相似文献   

The THEMIS mission includes a comprehensive ground-based measurement network that adds two additional dimensions to the information gained in the night magnetosphere by the five THEMIS spacecraft. This network provides necessary correlative data on the strength and extent of events, enables their onsets to be accurately timed, and provides an educational component in which students have an active participation in the program. This paper describes the magnetometers installed to obtain these ground-based North American magnetic measurements, including the magnetometers installed as part of the educational effort, and the support electronics provided by UCLA for the ground-based observatories. These magnetometers measure the Earth’s magnetic field with high resolution, and with precise timing provided by the Global Positioning System. They represent UCLA’s next generation of low-cost, ground-based magnetometers using an inexpensive personal computer for data collection, storage and distribution. These systems can be used in a stand-alone mode requiring only AC power. If there is Internet connectivity, they can be configured to provide near real-time data over the web. These data are provided at full resolution to the entire scientific community over the web with minimal delay.  相似文献   

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