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The Second United Nations Conference on the Exploration and Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (Unispace 82) identified crucial problems and made recommendations on strategies for developing countries to bridge the gap with advanced nations in the area of space technology. This article addresses some issues which, although implicit in the Unispace Report, are not discussed in detail therein. The role of space science and related scientific research is particularly emphasized. Close attention is paid to the role of human factors, such as the motivation to conduct research, the motivation to engage in international cooperation, and the motivation to utilize and exploit space. Possible opportunities for space research for developing countries, as well as relevant issues concerning management of space, are briefly discussed.  相似文献   

The UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, through the IHY Secretariat and the United Nations Basic Space Science Initiative (UNBSSI), assists scientists and engineers world-wide to participate in the International Heliophysical Year (IHY) 2007. A major thrust of IHY/UNBSSI is to deploy arrays of small, inexpensive instruments such as magnetometers, radio telescopes, GPS receivers, all-sky cameras, etc. around the world to allow global measurements of ionospheric and heliospheric phenomena. The small instrument program is envisioned as a partnership between instrument providers and instrument hosts in developing nations, with the former providing the instruments, the host nation the manpower, facilities and operational support, typically at a local university. Funds are not available through IHY/UNBSSI to build the instruments; these must be obtained through the normal proposal channels. All instrument operational support for local scientists, facilities, data acquisition, etc. will be provided by the host nation. The IHY/UNBSSI can facilitate the deployment of several of these networks and existing databases and relevant software tools will be identified to promote space science activities in developing nations. Extensive data on space science have been accumulated by a number of space missions. Similarly, long-term databases are available from ground-based observations. These data can be utilized in ways different from those originally intended for understanding the heliophysical processes. This report provides an overview of IHY/UNBSSI, its achievements, future plans and outreach to the 192 member states of the United Nations.  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1988,4(2):103-107
Data relay satellites can be used to transmit remotely sensed data gathered by other satellites to processing facilities on Earth. The author examines the advantage and disadvantages of DRS systems, particularly from the point of view of developing countries and the developed countries of the southern hemisphere, such as Australia.  相似文献   

介绍空间科学探测活动的特点与标准化工作情况,提出我国在空间科学探测领域实施标准化工作的思路和顶层构架。  相似文献   

As well as providing practical information on Earth-besetting problems, space science and exploration are vital tools for capturing the public imagination and encouraging young people's interest in space. The relatively small scale of some scientific instruments also allows mission participation by developing countries. Citing the work of the UN and various NGOs in promoting study and distribution of space science data, the authors recommend that it be given a higher profile and suggest a number of projects -- the Mars drill study in Egypt, refurbishment of a telescope facility in Sri Lanka -- involving developing countries that should be followed up, as well as listing ongoing successful projects. The UN is urged to continue its annual workshops on space science (apparently under threat) and to ensure its inclusion in the forthcoming UNISPACE III Conference.  相似文献   

One state policy for International Space Year (ISY) is to pay special attention to the needs of developing countries while planning ISY activities. This article provides a historical context for assessing ISY as an opportunity to turn this policy into practice. A survey of experts involved in ISY planning was undertaken and the results include six recommendations for overcoming the obstacles to developing countries' full participation in ISY: (1) funding from international organizations and national foreign assistance agencies must increase substantially; (2) more attention must be given to improving the flow of information and communication about ISY; (3) education and training opportunities must be made available to a wide audience of developing country participants; (4) steps must be taken now to relieve the political and socioeconomic tensions that exist between North and South, particularly as they relate to ISY; (5) inadequacies in infrastructure must be considered; and (6) data-related obstacles must be examined.  相似文献   

This article analyses the patterns and trends of small countries' participation in various forms of international space cooperation. The background to formulating a national space programme is discussed, together with considerations in linking national needs, stage of development, resources and capacity with those of the international community. The need for a selective national strategy on space activities is demonstrated: efforts must be concentrated around a few reasonably selected goals, provisions for acquiring information must be maintained, and the space programme must prepare the country for rapid development in all other fields of space research and applications, if world trends require. A brief examination of Bulgaria's space activity is made. A series of advanced space investigations have been undertaken in that country, and space technology transfer and spin-offs have resulted, with valuable benefits for the society and the economy.  相似文献   

Recent US space policy proposes the use of space transportation ‘vouchers’ for space science payloads. Vouchers could affect the pace of space science and developments in space transportation both in the USA and internationally. This article focuses on the economic costs and benefits of vouchers, and strategies for effective programme design.  相似文献   

US government proposals to cut the scientific budget of the ISS are placed within the historical context of the US space program. The author divides this into three phases—early days to the end of Apollo, the Shuttle era, and the Space Station era—and shows that all of these have suffered from decisions to reduce scientific capabilities. Even without cuts, it is unlikely that the Station can produce scientific outcomes that are commensurate with the investment that has taken place and it is imperative that policy makers learn from the lost opportunities of the two earlier phases if greater disappointment is to be avoided.  相似文献   

Two new long-range US space science strategy studies are notable not only for what the new reports say and do for their respective discipline areas but also for what they demonstrate in terms of shared conclusions and in terms of the feasibility of forging consensus on community priorities. Both studies engaged a broad segment of the research community to survey their respective fields, recommend top priority scientific goals and directions for the next decade, provide recommendations for programmatic directions and explicit priorities for government investment in research facilities, and address issues of advanced technology, infrastructure, interagency coordination, education, and international cooperation. The two studies demonstrate that cross-program priorities can be established when a community sees the effort as being beneficial to the long-term health of the field.  相似文献   

Sriram Swaminathan   《Space Policy》2005,21(4):259-266
Space science has been at the heart of humanity's activity in space, a fact reflected in the body of space law set up to regulate such activity. The increase in commercial utilisation of space may threaten the conduct of space science; reform of space law, however, could alleviate this situation. Using the examples of radio and light interference, and space debris, this articles examines ways in which the law could be reformed to improve conditions for scientists. It also discusses the need for, and equitable ways of, prioritising space activities. The forthcoming IHY 2007 should provide an opportunity for scientists to showcase their achievements.  相似文献   

As space commercialization is becoming a reality, and with the growing tendency for such activity to be transferred to the private sector, it is time for developing countries to assume a role in space. Space law could be of help if the interpretation of terms such as ‘common heritage’ were agreed on and sensible rules for the regulation of competition in space elaborated. But it is up to the developing states themselves to become aware of the situation, educate their public and train their personnel through participation in cooperative space ventures with the developed world.  相似文献   

This article provides an overview of the basic issues on the eve of the WARC-ORB 85 Conference. Professor Rutkowski argues that developing countries have more at stake in achieving a flexible, yet equitable, result than do the industrialized countries. The answers lie in skilfully blending all the processes used by the ITU over the years to assure that all the interests of developing countries are met, and to allow full participation of these countries in the current telecommunications revolution.  相似文献   

As NASA struggles to fund and execute its ambitious Space Station Freedom and Mission to Planet Earth programmes, President Bush has pledge the nation to a programme to return humans to the Moon to stay and to explore Mars. While not predicted on scientific grounds, this Space Exploration Initiative welcomes the support and participation of the scientific community. Success in establishing this relationship will depend on how the initiative is structured, sold and managed within the context of scientists' past experience with large, manned flight programmes.  相似文献   

This article outlines the principles upon which international space law is based. Space law has been successful so far in benefiting the developing countries without hampering the spacefaring nations. The principal treaty provisions that are of special interest to developing nations are discussed, and issues associated with remote sensing, communications and environmental harms are examined in detail. Since 1967 there has been a sharp change in the focus of legal concern towards ‘taking into account the particular needs of developing countries’, a principle that will be central to arrangements for the equitable sharing of the benefits of exploiting the space environment and its natural resources.  相似文献   

Space technology has the vast potential for addressing a variety of societal problems of the developing countries, particularly in the areas of communication, education and health sectors, land and water resources management, disaster management and weather forecasting. Both remote sensing and communication technologies can be used to achieve this goal.With its primary emphasis on application of space technology, on an end-to-end basis, towards national development, the Indian Space Programme has distinguished itself as one of the most cost-effective and development-oriented space programmes in the world.Developing nations are faced with the enormous task of carrying development-oriented education to the masses at the lower strata of their societies. One important feature of these populations is their large number and the spread over vast and remote areas of these nations, making the reaching out to them a difficult task. Satellite communication (Satcom) technology offers the unique capability of simultaneously reaching out to very large numbers, spread over vast areas, including the remote corners of the country. It is a strong tool to support development education. India has been amongst the first few nations to explore and put to use the Satcom technology for education and development-oriented services to the rural masses.Most of the developing countries have inadequate infrastructure to provide proper medical care to the rural population. Availability of specialist doctors in rural areas is a major bottleneck. Use of Satcom and information technology to connect rural clinics to urban hospitals through telemedicine systems is one of the solutions; and India has embarked upon an effective satellite-based telemedicine programme.Space technology is also useful in disaster warning and management related applications. Use of satellite systems and beacons for locating the distressed units on land, sea or air is well known to us. Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is already a part of the International initiative called Satellite Aided Search and Rescue System.The programme to set up satellite-based Village Resource Centres (VRCs) across India, for providing a variety of services relevant to the rural communities, is also a unique societal application of space technology. The VRCs are envisaged as single window delivery mechanism for a variety of space-based products and services, such as tele-education; telemedicine; information on natural resources for planning and development at local level; interactive advisories on agriculture, fisheries, land and water resources management, livestock management, etc.; interactive vocational training towards alternative livelihood; e-governance; weather information; etc.This paper describes the various possibilities and potentials of Satcom and Remote Sensing technologies for societal applications. The initiatives taken by Indian Space Research Organisation in this direction are highlighted.  相似文献   

Earth observation (EO) data have numerous applications that would improve the still dire conditions of life in parts of the developing world. The under-utilization of such information is a result of three perceived inadequacies–inadequate local capacity, inadequate awareness of potential users and inadequate financing. Arguing that none of these problems is as significant as made out, this viewpoint highlights some of the viable EO applications that could be (and at last in some cases are being) used in developing countries and urges the EO community to be more proactive in disseminating information and in matching projects with areas of need.  相似文献   

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