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In 1995 the Swedish Government produced a report evaluating the benefits of space over the past 20 years and recommending areas on which the state should focus in the future. While the follow-on detail promised by the report is still awaited, this article reviews its main findings and recommendations and sets these against the historical development of Swedish space activities which, because of the country's geographical location, have concentrated on atmospheric studies. The author argues that the report does not fully get to grips with the differing administrative efforts required by the various types of space activity and that a response to the need for low-cost access to space - the element on which all else depends - is also ducked.  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1987,3(1):13-16
This article is a summary of a report on space transportation policy by the US Congress's Congressional Budget Office published in October 1986. The report was written as a contribution to the discussions in the USA on national space policy after the Challenger accident.  相似文献   

Japan's Consultative Committee on Long Term Policy was established within the Space Activities Commission to consider how the country's space activities should proceed. The Committee was asked to take a long-term viewpoint, considering the rapid changes in both domestic and overseas space activities. This report is an edited version (and unofficial translation) of the Committee's report, published in May 1987. It outlines the significance of space activities for Japan, considers how they have developed during this century, forecasts development after the year 2000, and presents proposals for the execution of Japan's space development.  相似文献   

《Space Policy》1988,4(1):74-76
Japan's Consultative Committee on Long Term Policy was established within the Space Activities Commission to consider how the country's space activities should proceed. The Committee was asked to take a long-term viewpoint, considering the rapid changes in both domestic and overseas space activities. This report is an edited version (and unofficial translation) of the Committee's report, published in May 1987. It outlines the significance of space activities for Japan, considers how they have developed during this century, forecasts development after the year 2000, and presents proposals for the execution of Japan's space development.  相似文献   

Pr Edin 《Space Policy》1995,11(4):275-281
This report represents the results of a survey of young space professionals, conducted on the Internet, with a view to giving them an opportunity to influence long-term space policy. The most important goals of space activity were considered to be achieving scientific progress, providing beneficial Earth applications and exploring the universe, but it was felt that these would not come about without efforts to lower the cost of access to space and regain political and public support. In terms of the latter, it was recommended that projects be pursued which bring space closer to people's everyday lives and examples of these are given.  相似文献   

This report on the commercial benefits of space does not seek to cover in depth all user sectors, but rather to establish an overview of what can be expected by users from the use of space. The growth of applications of technology to projects in the space field has been so rapid and broad, that it has overtaken the level of awareness by many sectors of the community of the benefits that space applications can offer. There is therefore a great need to broaden and deepen the level of awareness by many in the world community of what space is all about. These opportunities apply as much to the developing countries of the world as the developed ones.  相似文献   

Garshnek V 《Space Policy》1989,5(4):330-332
Over the years innovative technologies developed for space flight have found their way into a variety of useful terrestrial applications. Significant examples can be found in the area of space medicine, which has greatly influenced human health care delivery on Earth. This report discusses several US applications of space medicine to terrestrial health needs and services, stressing the importance of a ‘space applications mentality’ as a valuable national asset.  相似文献   

This report by Harry Marshall Jr is based on a paper presented to the 27th International Colloquium on the Law of Outer Space of the International Institute of Space Law during the 35th Congress of the International Astronautical Federation, Lausanne, Switzerland, 9 October 1984. It outlines US attitudes and legislation on the commercialization of space, in particular the space programme of President Reagan, LANDSAT commercialization, ELV commercialization and conflicts of space law.  相似文献   

《Acta Astronautica》1997,41(4-10):493-505
Strategies, policies and methods by which technologies can he cross-fertilized between the space and non-space sectors were examined by students of the design project "Technology Transfer--Bridging Space and Society". This project was undertaken by students attending the 1997 10th Anniversary Summer Session Program of the International Space University. General issues relating to transfer of technology were discussed including definitions and mechanisms (push, pull, interactive and pro-active). As well as looking at case studies and the impact of national policies on space agencies, the design project also sought to look at technology transfer on a country-by-country basis, selecting various countries for scrutiny and reporting on their technology transfer status. The project report shows how transfer of technology varies between nations and when analyzed with the case studies identifies the general strategies, policies and methods in use and how they can he improved. Finally, the report seeks to recommend certain issues to governments, space agencies and industrial organizations to facilitate the transfer of technology. These include the development of a generic metrics system and the implementation of better appropriate procedures and mechanisms for a positive diffusion process between space and non-space sectors.  相似文献   

For the third year in a row, the Paris-based French Institute of International Relations (IFRI), and the Secure World Foundation (SWF) joined together to organise their annual space conference. The event took place in Brussels on 13 September 2011, under the banner “European space governance: the outlook”. This report summarises the main outputs of this event.  相似文献   

IntroductionSalutogenesis and posttraumatic growth represent personal growth and improved functioning as a result of experiencing major challenging events. These developments are not simply resilience (a return to a baseline level of well-being), but positive change in such characteristics as self-understanding, relations with others, personal values, and life goals. Space agencies and space psychologists, primarily concerned with deleterious effects and their countermeasures, have not paid much attention to such beneficial long-term aftereffects of spaceflight.PurposeTo document what changes veterans of the Soviet/Russian space program report as a consequence of their experiences.MethodTwenty retired male cosmonauts Mir and/or ISS cosmonauts filled out relevant self-report questionnaires. Results: Although there was little change in the relative rankings of a list of values, the scale showed an overall increase in the rated importance of all personal values, although only the increase in Self-Direction reached statistical significance. Responses to one of two post-space growth questionnaires based on the Post-Traumatic Growth Inventory (PTGI) were compared to the means of two comparison groups: 152 first-time mothers, and 926 respondents who had experienced various forms of trauma. The cosmonauts reported higher scores on the dimension of New Possibilities when compared to the new mothers and the traumatized group, and higher scores on Personal Strength and Overall PTG compared to the latter. Respondents who had spent more than a year in space, and those who flew on both Mir and ISS, were the most likely to report positive change in the domain Appreciation of Life. The other post-space career questionnaire reflected major changes in Perceptions of the Earth and of Space, and increases on a number of other dimensions, including New Possibilities and Changes in Daily Life, with positive scores that significantly exceeded the original report.DiscussionIt appears that cosmonauts do experience various aspects of positive personal growth following their space flights. As long-duration missions are (and will remain) the norm, it is important for the space agencies and the voyagers themselves to develop a better understanding and possible enhancement of this phenomenon.  相似文献   

Despite some setbacks – notably an indigenous launch failure – progress is being made in South Korea's space program and its public image has been boosted by the first flight of a Korean astronaut to the ISS. This report provides an update on recent and forthcoming space activities in the country and on its current cooperative arrangements.  相似文献   

This report summarizes the presentations given at the third annual British Rocketry Oral-History Project, held in Surrey, UK in April 2001. A wide range of papers was given (to an equally diverse audience), covering past and present developments in air and space, both military and civilian. Many of the scientists and engineers who had worked on specific projects were present and their personal reminiscences enlivened proceedings. The importance of history in understanding not only the past but also the future of space efforts was emphasized.  相似文献   

The success of space-based systems worldwide, providing services to society and satisfying defence and security needs, has led to a situation where outer space is increasingly crowded. In addition, the rapid proliferation of space debris threatens the safe utilization of outer space on the most commonly used orbits. Beyond the mitigation of the orbital debris threat, additional measures will be needed to ensure the safety and security of activities in outer space for the long-term. This article describes the initiative to introduce a new agenda item in the United Nations Committee on the Peaceful Uses of Outer Space (COPUOS), first presented to COPUOS delegations in 2007, which led to a formal decision in 2009. This in turn led to the establishment of a dedicated Working Group of the Scientific and Technical Sub-Committee in 2010, with a work plan leading to a report and associated recommendations in 2014. Some references are made to other initiatives affecting space security, such as the Russia–China draft treaty (PPWT) tabled at the Conference on Disarmament and the EU-proposed Code of Conduct.  相似文献   

Basing his comments around a report on the Space Power Systems 1997 conference, ‘Energy and Space for Humanity’, held in Montreal, 24-28 August 1997, Richard Boudreault describes the progress made in getting the concept of power from space accepted by the terrestrial utilities. Increasing worries about the sustainability of current power sources together with deregulation of power distribution make space power more attractive. However, the high cost of access to space is a barrier, though this is starting to fall.  相似文献   

文章介绍了一种适用于低地球轨道航天器的轨道碎片环境模型。对建立这个模型的数据源及设计标准进行了详细的叙述。并评价这个数据模型对未来空间环境的预测和测量中的不确定性。  相似文献   

European space activities began in the 1960's. The development of what was initially scientific research and which later spread to the enthusiastic involvement of Europe's most advanced industry is by now familiar history. The organization of ELDO and ESRO, which eventually gave way to today's ESA, occured in a span of less than a decade. Many major European countries also commenced their national space programmes during this period. This report examines the space initiatives taken by Italian industry.  相似文献   

Kazuto Suzuki   《Space Policy》2007,23(2):73-80
Since its beginning the objective of Japanese space policy has been to ‘catch up’ with advanced spacefaring countries. However, this catching-up strategy is now facing several difficulties, because of the downturn in the economy and changing political and technological circumstances. In such circumstances the Japanese space community has realized the need to change its national space strategy. In 2005 a group of powerful Japanese politicians issued a report on constructing a national space strategy, which recommended that the government establish a new decision-making structure by creating a new Basic Law of Space Activities. These efforts underline the need for Japanese space to shift the focus of its policy from technological development to applications.  相似文献   

The ISU held its 9th annual symposium in Strasbourg from 30 November to 2 December 2004, with the theme ‘Civil, Commercial and Security Space: What will drive the Next Decade?’ Speakers from industry, academe, space agencies, international organizations and the military presented a range of views on where the different sectors that make up space activity might be headed and, on the final day, sectoral discussion groups attempted to draw together some of the themes that had emerged. This report is an edited version of ISU President Michael Simpson's closing speech, in which he summed up the findings of the discussion groups. The growing importance of user demand was considered likely to present the biggest change to the way space activity is carried out.  相似文献   

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