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The construction of the Lao telecommunications satellite ground station was completed and passed its initial acceptance by a working group assigned by Lao Government in March.The station is located on the Mekong River banks.The station covers 12 hectares,of which 10000m2 are construction area.The completion and acceptance of the ground station marked progress in the Lao telecommunications satellite project,laying the foundation for the follow-on Laosat-1 TT&C system and equipment installation and debugging.  相似文献   

正Approved by Lao Prime Minister’s Office,the Government of Lao PDR Ministry of Planning and Investment and Lao Asia Pacific Satellite Co.,Ltd.held the signing ceremony for the Lao Satellite Concession Agreement on September2.The Vice Minister of the Ministry of Planning and Investment,Bounthavy SISOUPHANTHONG,and the President of the Lao Asia Pacific Satellite Co.,Ltd.,DING Yongbing,signed the agreement on behalf of each party.  相似文献   

杨海峰 《中国航天》2001,(1):18-21,23
静止轨道通信卫星代表着通信卫星的发展水平,是构成信息高速公路基础的重要资源,是一个国家综合经济、技术水平的集中体现之一。美国、欧洲等国家在该领域保持着竞争优势,尤其是美国。我国通信卫星是在国家基础工业相对比较落后的基础上,逐渐发展起来的,虽与美欧差距较大,但集中体现了我国综合国力的不断增强。 世纪之交,知识经济时代的到来,信息化进程的加快,作为信息基础手段的通信卫星呈现快速发展的势头,美国、欧洲等不断整合其通信卫星制造资源和卫星通信市场,保持其技术和市场竞争优势,获取了巨大的经济利益。并利用其技…  相似文献   

<正>10月27日,中国载人航天工程新闻发言人对外称,我国载人空间站工程已正式启动实施。2020年前后将建成规模较大、长期有人参与的国家级太空实验室。  相似文献   

正China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation(CASC)and the People’s Government of Shenzhen Municipality co-hosted a ceremony for the contract signing of the high-throughput broadband satellite project and for the establishment of a joint venture on July23,marking the formal start of the construction of China’s first high-throughput broadband satellite communication system.The joint venture called APT Mobile  相似文献   

二、我国通信卫星制造业面临的竞争环境分析分析我国通信卫星制造业面临的竞争环境,可以借鉴美国经济学家麦克尔·波特的竞争战略分析框架。麦克尔·波特的产业竞争环境框架如下:替代品、供应方市场性质、买方市场特点和新进入者的难易程度共同决定了通信卫星制造业的竞争环境。1.替代品光纤是卫星通信的主要竞争手段和替代传输工具,它们在传统的话音、电视等领域相互补充,在相互竞争中不断发展。总的来看,在整个通信业务量当中,卫星通信约占4%~10%的份额。一些研究机构预测,到2005年,全球卫星通信产业的市场占整个电信市场的10%…  相似文献   

正On May 15,2018,the China Nationa Space Administration(CNSA)and Egypt National Authority of Remote Sensing and Space Sciences(NARSSS)signed a MOU for the cooperation to establish the Egyptian Space City between CNSA and NARSSS within the Arab Republic of Egypt at Cairo,formally initiating the coopera-  相似文献   

Belarus communications satellite project was launched in Beijing on January 29, 2013. CASC will develop and build a communications satellite for Belarus based on the DFH-4 satellite platform and launch the satellite using a LM-3C launch vehicle. This will be the first China-made communications satellite exported to the European market. A ceremony was held in Beijing, and Gurulev Sergei Petrovich, Chairman of the State Military-Industrial Committee of Belarus, Burya Victor Pavlovich, Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary of Belarus to  相似文献   

2005年7月1日,中国向尼日利亚出口的尼日利亚1号通信卫星项目在北京通过初步设计评审,卫星研制、火箭生产、发射测控改造以及地面站建设等工作正按计划顺利进行。  相似文献   

为确保高分三号(GF-3)卫星项目的圆满成功,深入剖析了卫星研制目标和项目管理特点,运用项目管理理论,从组织、计划、质量、物资、风险等各方面进行系统策划,综合管控。通过建立项目管理组织结构、加强项目队伍建设,提升能力;通过优化和细化流程、加强关键和短线项目管控、提前落实保障条件,保证进度;通过实施基于时间、要素和程序3个维度的全面产品保证,确保质量;通过采用集约化及专题管理机制,保证元器件配套;通过系统论证、专项管理和高效沟通,保证8年设计寿命专项工作实施;通过全面动态持续的风险管理,确保风险识别充分、控制有效。项目管理的实施,有效保证了高分三号卫星研制的成功。  相似文献   

王程 《中国航天》2005,(8):10-12
气象卫星是对地球及其大气层进行气象观测的遥感卫星。气象卫星按轨道不同,分为太阳同步轨道气象卫星和地球静止轨道气象卫星。太阳同步轨道卫星可以获得全球气象信息,如我国的风云(FY)1号气象卫星:地球静止轨道气象卫星可以对目标区域进行连续气象观测,如我国的风云2号气象卫星。两种类型的气象卫星相互补充、协同观测。目前除中国外,美国、俄罗斯、欧洲、日本和印度都先后发射了气象卫星。  相似文献   

宗文 《中国航天》2009,(12):8-9
日前.在2009中国卫星导航(北斗)系统应用论坛暨第七次北斗论坛上.交通运输领域在北斗卫星导航系统应用上的努力和成果得到广泛关注。综合运输体系期待北斗导航成熟系统的出现。让北斗创新交通,让交通促进北斗.是论坛形成的六项共识之一.  相似文献   

正At 07:51 Beijing time on December22,a LM-11 launch vehicle soared up from the Jiuquan Satellite Launch Center,placing the first satellite of the Hongyun Project into orbit.Developed by the China Academy of Launch Vehicle Technology,LM-11 is the first solid launch vehicle among the LM  相似文献   

以科学双星计划中两个自旋稳定的小卫星为背景,介绍了在双星运行轨道所受到的空间干扰力矩情况;建立数学模型,对无控条件下自旋卫星的姿态漂移情况进行数学仿真分析,并与实测结果进行比对。  相似文献   

海南航天发射场破土动工   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄希 《中国航天》2009,(10):17-17
9月14日,海南航天发射场在海南省文昌市破土动工.标志着我国新建的这一开放型、环保型的现代化航天发射场已进入全面施工阶段。建设海南航天发射场是党中央、国务院、中央军委着眼我国航天事业长远发展作出的战略决策.是我国航天事业发展史上的又一座里程碑.  相似文献   

The Dark Matter Particle Explorer(DAMPE) is the first high energy detector satellite in China,whose physics goal is to find evidence of the existence of dark matter particles by investigating the composition and energy spectra of primary cosmic rays,especially those for electrons,positrons and gamma rays,over the dynamic range from 5 Ge V to 10 Te V.DAMPE is a satellite launched by China with the largest payload ratio,where the payload is composed of a BGO(Bismuth Germanate Oxide) Calorimeter,a Plastic Scintillator Detector,a Silicon Tungsten Tracker and a Neutron Detector.This paper introduces the technical scheme of DAMPE,including requirement analysis,composition,technical innovation,on-orbit status and prospect of development for the future.  相似文献   

The nonstationary process of the accumulation of ions of meteoric origin, which is caused by propagation of planetary waves at altitudes of the lower ionosphere, is considered. Based on horizontal and vertical ion drift in planetary waves, a possibility of plasma density increases by a factor of 10–20 in comparison with the background concentration is demonstrated. This process takes place in areas of cyclonic motion with a scale of the order of 1500 km. The connection of this process with subsequent formation of midlatitude sporadic layers and irregularities producing radio reflections is considered. It is shown that the action of planetary waves on ions of meteoric origin is a necessary element in the scheme of the occurrence of midlatitude sporadic layers.  相似文献   

日前.国家有关部门正式批复长征六号运载火箭立项。同时.由中国航天科技集团公司所属上海航天技术研究院承担的长征六号运载火箭的研制工作也正式启动。  相似文献   

Major progress has been achieved in the development of the prototype of FY-4 meteorological satellite.After two years development,the FY-4 development team with SAST as the leader finished the electrical model of the satellite and passed the preliminary design review.The development of the prototype validation satellite has been initiated.FY-4 will be China’s first geostationary Earth observation remote sensing  相似文献   

通信卫星平台的可靠性与航天保险   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
江泰 《中国航天》2003,(8):17-20
经过广大航天科技人员的努力,我国已研制出东方红二号和东方红三号通信卫星平台。目前我们正在加紧研制东方红四号平台,目标是达到国际上A2100、FS-1300和“空间客车”3000平台的水平。了解国际商业通信卫星在轨运行的可靠性及其主要故障情况,特别是了解保险界如何看待在轨卫星平台的可靠性,对东四平台的研制是十分有益的。近5年来,全球在轨运营的通信卫星屡屡出现故障或异常,用户提出的索赔案激增,招致航天保险界对卫星制造业的批评。这些问题对通信卫星运营商的业务和航天保险市场的稳定性已经产生严重影响。国际商业通信卫星平台综述目…  相似文献   

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