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Within the framework of the solar wind—magnetosphere coupled system, intense perturbations in the solar wind, causing geomagnetic storms and substorms, have been widely studied by means of the so-called coupling parameters. However, remarkable variations in the geomagnetic field occur even in absence of such perturbations. In those conditions, solar wind MHD turbulence might have a role. Recent results have shown that solar wind turbulence can be described not only as a mixture of inward and outward stochastic Alfvénic fluctuations, but includes also advected structures, dominated by an excess of magnetic energy.  相似文献   

In this study SuperDARN Cross Polar Cap Potentials (CPCPs), collected over the year 2000, are investigated with a goal to statistically assess its relationship with various parameters of the solar wind and Interplanetary Magnetic Field (IMF). We show that SuperDARN CPCPs tend to cluster around discrete values, prescribed by the statistical model, unless the amount of points on each convection map is above ∼300. By selecting CPCP data obtained with radar coverage of >300 points, we investigate the CPCP relationship with IMF Bz and By, IMF clock angle, solar wind speed and dynamic pressure, Alfven velocity, Alfven–Mach number, and interplanetary electric field. Some reported tendencies, such as dependence upon IMF Bz, were found to be consistent with measurements by other instruments. We demonstrate that SuperDARN CPCPs show consistency with several theories/empirical models (predicting the CPCP) in terms of a linear trend but, on average, the slopes of the dependencies are at least two times smaller. We also determine the coupling function, out of those published in literature, best correlating with SuperDARN CPCPs.  相似文献   

太阳活动与热层大气密度的相关性研究   总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为分析太阳活动对热层大气的影响,使用250km,400km,550km高度处热层大气密度与太阳F10.7指数数据,研究了二者的周期变化及相关关系. 结果表明,热层大气密度的变化与太阳活动呈现相似的变化趋势;两者均具有显著的27天及11年周期变化特征,热层大气密度还存在7~11天及0.5年和1年的变化特征,且高度越高越明显;热层大气密度对太阳活动的最佳响应滞后为3天,无论何种地磁活动水平下,400km高度处相关性高于250km,550km处相关性最小,且太阳活动下降相期间高于上升相;250km,400km和550km高度处热层大气密度和太阳活动的统计结果分别为饱和、线性和放大关系;高度越高的热层大气密度对太阳活动响应越敏感.  相似文献   

We report results of a statistical study correlating ionized solar wind (ISW) fluxes observed by ACE during late 2000 and throughout 2001 with neutral solar wind (NSW) fluxes observed by IMAGE/LENA over the same period. The average correlation coefficient between the neutral and ionized solar wind is 0.66 with correlations greater than 0.80 occurring about 29% of the time. Correlations appear to be driven by high solar wind flux variability, similar to results obtained by in situ multi-spacecraft correlation studies. In this study, however, IMAGE remains inside the magnetosphere on over 95% of its orbits. As a function of day of year, or equivalently ecliptic longitude, the slope of the relationship between the neutral solar wind flux and the ionized solar wind flux shows an enhancement near the upstream direction, but the symmetry point appears shifted toward higher ecliptic longitudes than the interstellar neutral (ISN) flow direction by about 20°. The estimated peak interstellar neutral upstream density inside of 1 AU is about 7 × 10−3 cm−3.  相似文献   

Utilizing ACE satellite observations from 1998 to 2009, we performed the elaborate study on the properties of the clock angle θCA (arctan(By/Bz) (?90° to 90°) of the interplanetary magnetic field (IMF) in the solar wind at 1?AU. The solar wind with northward IMF (NW-IMF) and southward IMF (SW-IMF) are analyzed, independently. Statistical analysis shows that the solar wind with SW-IMF and NW-IMF has similar properties in general, including their durations, the IMF Bz and By components, and the IMF θCA. Then, the solar wind with NW-IMF (SW-IMF) is classified into five different temporal scales according to the duration of the NW-IMF (SW-IMF), i.e., very-short wind of 10–30?min, short-scale wind of 0.5–1?h, moderate-scale wind of 1–3?h, long-scale wind of 3–5?h, and super-long wind >5?h. Our analysis reveals that the IMF θCA has a distinct decrease with increase of the temporal scale of the solar wind. Next, the solar wind is classified into two groups, i.e., the high-speed solar wind (>450?km/s) and the low-speed solar wind (<450?km/s). Our analysis indicates that the IMF θCA depends highly on the solar wind speed. Statistically, high-speed solar wind tends to have larger IMF θCA than low-speed solar wind. The evolutions of the solar wind and IMF with the solar activity are further studied, revealing no clear solar variation of the IMF θCA. Finally, we analyze the monthly variation of the IMF θCA. Superposed epoch result strongly suggests the seasonal variation of the IMF θCA.  相似文献   

Different kinds of coronal holes are sources of different kind of solar winds. A successful solar wind acceleration model should be able to explain all those solar winds. For the modeling it is important to find a universal relation between the solar wind physical parameters, such as velocity, and coronal physical parameters such as magnetic field energy. To clarify the physical parameters which control the solar wind velocity, we have studied the relation between solar wind velocity and properties of its source region such as photospheric/coronal magnetic field and the size of each coronal hole during the solar minimum. The solar wind velocity structures were derived by using interplanetary scintillation tomography obtained at Solar-Terrestrial Environment Laboratory, Japan. Potential magnetic fields were calculated to identify the source region of the solar wind. HeI 1083 nm absorption line maps obtained at Kitt Peak National Solar Observatory were used to identify coronal holes. As a result, we found a relation during solar minimum between the solar wind velocity and the coronal magnetic condition which is applicable to different kind of solar winds from different kind of coronal holes.  相似文献   

We have studied annual frequency distribution of the Forbush decreases for three solar cycles (20, 21, 22); most are associated with the fast ICMEs and SSCs. The frequency varies in step with the solar cycle but the distribution has a notable gap embedded in it, near the maximum of the cycle leading to two peaks in Forbush decreases per cycle. We show that the gap coincides with the epoch of solar polar field reversal. There is an indication of an odd/even cycle effect in the frequency distribution of Forbush decreases and the associated SSCs. We find that two peaks in Forbush decrease and SSC distributions are separated by the Gnevyshev gap; second peaks occur well before the onset of the high-speed streams in the descending phase of a cycle which do not cause Forbush decreases but do contribute to a peak in the geomagnetic activity index Ap. We compare Forbush decrease and SSC distributions with the corresponding distribution of the solar wind electric field and find that a large amplitude of the electric field of itself does not cause a Forbush decrease to occur unless it is also associated with a fast ICME/SSC.  相似文献   

The trends in foF2 are analyzed based on the data of Juliusruh and Boulder ionospheric stations. It is shown that using the traditional solar activity index F10.7 leads to an impossible trend in foF2 when the data for the 24th solar activity cycle are included into the analysis. It is assumed that the F10.7 index does not describe correctly the solar ultraviolet radiation variations in that cycle. A correction of this index using the Rz (sunspot number) and Ly (intensity of the Lyman-α line in the solar spectrum) is performed, and it is shown that in that case reasonable values of the foF2 trends are obtained.  相似文献   

We present a comparison of large and sharp solar wind dynamic pressure changes, observed by several spacecraft, with fast disturbances in the magnetospheric magnetic field measured by the GOES-8, 9 and 10 geosynchronous satellites. Almost 400 solar wind pressure changes in the period 1996–2003 were selected for this study. Using the large statistics we confirmed that increases (decreases) in the dynamic pressure always results in increases (decreases) in the magnitude of geosynchronous Bz component. The amplitude of the geosynchronous Bz response strongly depends on the location of observer relative to the noon meridian, from the value of solar wind pressure before the disturbance arriving and firstly – from the amplitude of the pressure change.  相似文献   

The links between winter storm intensity and solar wind variations associated with Heliospheric Current Sheet (HCS) crossings are shown to be present in 1997 through 2002 data without the necessity of high stratospheric aerosol loading.  相似文献   

采用小波分析方法讨论了2008—2011年ACE和STEREO-B卫星太阳风速度的27天周期特性,运用一元线性回归分析方法计算了两颗卫星太阳风速度的线性表达式,分析和计算结果表明,ACE和STEREO-B卫星探测到的太阳风速均在8~16d,16~32d的频域尺度上较为显著,在局部相同时域上,二者太阳风速的27天周期均较为显著;当太阳活动为低年时,相关性好. 作为应用实例,使用STEREO-B卫星太阳风探测数据,预测2012年10月1—17日的ACE太阳风速度,结果表明,预测值与实测值趋势一致,CME过程对预测值有一定影响. 通过本项研究,初步统计出了ACE与STEREO-B太阳风速度的关系,利用STEREO-B能够提前数天监测到即将由太阳吹向地球的太阳风特性,为建立直观的重现型地磁暴中期预报模型奠定了基础.  相似文献   

Studying the relationship of total electron content (TEC) to solar or geomagnetic activities at different solar activity stages can provide a reference for ionospheric modeling and prediction. On the basis of solar activity indices, geomagnetic activity parameters, and ionospheric TEC data at different solar activity stages, this study analyzes the overall variation relationships of solar and geomagnetic activities with ionospheric TEC, the characteristics of the quasi-27-day periodic oscillations of the three variables at different stages, and the delayed TEC response of solar activity by conducting correlation analysis, Butterworth band-pass filtering, Fourier transform, and time lag analysis. The following results are obtained. (1) TEC exhibits a significant linear relationship with solar activity at different solar activity stages. The correlation coefficients |R| are arranged as follows: |R|EUV > |R|F10.7 > |R|sunspot number. No significant linear relationship exists between TEC and geomagnetic activity parameters (|R| < 0.35). (2) TEC, solar activity indices, and geomagnetic activity parameters have a period of 10.5 years. The maximum amplitudes of the Fourier spectrum for TEC and solar activity indices are nearly 27 days and those of geomagnetic activity parameters are nearly 27 and 13.5 days. (3) The deviations of the quasi-27-day significant periodic oscillation of TEC and solar activity indices are consistent. (4) No evident relationship exists between the quasi-27-day periodic oscillation of TEC and geomagnetic activity parameters. (5) The delay time of TEC for the 10.7 cm solar radio flux and extreme ultraviolet is always consistent, whereas that for sunspot number varies at each stage.  相似文献   

Understanding the physics of the various disturbances in the solar wind is critical to successful forecasts of space weather. The STEREO mission promises to bring us new and deeper understanding of these disturbances. As we stand on the threshold of the first results from this mission, it is appropriate to review what we know about solar wind disturbances. Because of their complementary nature we discuss both the disturbances that arise within the solar wind due to the stream structure and coronal mass ejecta and the disturbances that arise when the solar wind collides with planetary obstacles, such as magnetospheres.  相似文献   

We have studied the effect of both solar magnetic polarity and the solar wind velocity on the Bz-component of the interplanetary magnetic field, IMFBz, for the minimum activity of the solar cycles 21, 22, 23 and 24. We made a statistical study of IMFBz in the first section which is considered as an extension of Lyatsky et al. (2003). They made a statistical study of IMFBz for two periods of minimum solar activity 22 and 23 related to 1985–1987 and 1995–1997 when the solar magnetic field had opposite polarity. Our results seem to be consistent with the results obtained by Lyatsky et al. (2003). We found that there is a dependence of IMFBz on the IMFBx and the solar magnetic polarity for the minimum periods of the selected four solar cycles. In addition, we found that there is a dependence of IMFBz on the solar wind velocity.  相似文献   

The analysis of the behavior of the critical frequency foF2 during the 24th solar activity cycle (Danilov and Konstantinova, 2020a, c) is prolonged for two more months and the nighttime hours. In addition to the Rz and Ly-α indices used in the aforementioned papers for correction of the F10.7 index during the 24th cycle, the commonly used Mg II index is added. The results confirm the previous conclusions on the existence of the “vague” period with chaotic behavior of foF2 and the recovery of the negative trend in foF2 after 2008–2010. A comparison of the F10.7 index with three other SA indices (Ly-α, Rz, and Mg II) for the 22nd, 23rd, and 24th SA cycles is performed. It is shown that the relationship between F10.7 and other indices is close in the 22nd and 23rd cycles but differs from that in the 24th cycle. The corrected values of F10.7 in the 24th cycle are proposed for analysis of ionospheric trends during that cycle.  相似文献   

By using the false-nearest-neighbours method, we have argued that the deterministic component of solar wind plasma dynamics should be low-dimensional. In fact, the results we have obtained using the method of topological embedding indicate that the behaviour of the solar wind can be approximately described by a low-dimensional chaotic attractor in the inertial manifold, which is a subspace of system phase space. We have also shown that the multifractal spectrum of the solar wind attractor is consistent with that for the multifractal measure of the self-similar generalized weighted Cantor set with two different scaling parameters and one probability measure parameter responsible for nonuniform compression in phase space and multifractality. The values of the parameters fitted also demonstrate that the complex solar wind system could only be weakly non-conservative (small dissipation) and quantify nonlinear dynamics; some parts of the attractor in phase space are visited much more frequently than other parts. In addition, to quantify the multifractality of space plasma intermittent turbulence, we consider that generalized Cantor set also in the context of scaling properties of solar wind turbulence. We investigate the resulting multifractal spectrum of a one-dimensional phenomenological model of turbulence cascade depending on its parameters, especially for asymmetric scaling. In particular, we have shown that intermittent pulses are stronger for the cascade model with two different scaling parameters. Even thought solar wind turbulence appears to be rather space filling, a better agreement with the data is obtained, especially for the negative index of generalized dimensions. Therefore we argue that there is a need to use a two-scale asymmetric cascade model. We hope that this generalized multifractal model will be a useful tool for analysis of intermittent turbulence in space plasmas. We thus believe that fractal analysis of chaotic systems could lead us to a deeper understanding of their nature, and maybe even to predict their seemingly unpredictable behaviour.  相似文献   

The L5 point is a promising location for forecasting co-rotating high-speed streams in the solar wind arriving at the Earth. We correlated the solar wind data obtained by the Nozomi spacecraft in interplanetary space and by the Advanced Composition Explorer (ACE) at the L1 point, and found that the correlation is significantly improved from that of the 27-day recurrence of ACE data. Based on the correlation between the two spacecraft observations, we estimated the correlation of the solar wind velocity between the L5 point and at the Earth, and found that the correlation coefficient was about 0.78 in late 1999, while that of the 27-day recurrence was 0.51. Eighty-eight percent of the velocity difference falls within 100 km/s between the L5 point and the Earth. This demonstrates the potential capability of solar wind monitoring at the L5 point to forecast the geomagnetic disturbances 4.5 days in advance.  相似文献   

This brief review addresses the relation between solar activity, cosmic ray variations and the dynamics of the heliosphere. The global features of the heliosphere influence what happens inside its boundaries on a variety of time-scales. Galactic and anomalous cosmic rays are the messengers that convey vital information on global heliospheric changes in the manner that they respond to these changes. By observing cosmic rays over a large range of energies at Earth, and with various space detectors, a better understanding is gained about space weather and climate. The causes of the cosmic ray variability are reviewed, with emphasis on the 11-year and 22-year cycles, step modulation, charge-sign dependent modulation and particle drifts. Advances in this field are selectively discussed in the context of what still are some of the important uncertainties and outstanding issues.  相似文献   

The occurrence rate of SAR arcs during 1997–2007 has been analyzed based on the photometric observations at the Yakutsk meridian (Maimaga station, corrected geomagnetic coordinates: 57°N, 200°E). SAR arcs appeared in 114 cases (∼500 h) during ∼370 nights of observations (∼3170 h). The occurrence frequency of SAR arcs increases to 27% during the growth phase of solar activity and has a clearly defined maximum at a decline of cycle 23. The SAR arc registration probability corresponds to the variations in geomagnetic activity in this solar cycle. The dates, intervals of UT, and geomagnetic latitudes of SAR arc observations at the Yakutsk meridian are presented.  相似文献   

Pc4 signatures for the year 2013, extracted from geomagnetic north–south and east–west components of induction coil magnetometer (LEMI 30) from low latitude station Desalpar (DSP), operated by Institute of Seismological Research (ISR), India have been investigated vis-à-vis the prevalent interplanetary parameters (IMF) as well as the geomagnetic activity indices. A clear dominance of Pc4-5 (467 events) over Pc3 (17 events) is observed. Local time variation of Pc4 shows a peak in the noon sector in both X and Y components. Our investigations show that the dominant peak frequency is 10 mHz at low latitude region. Correlations with solar wind and IMF parameters illustrate highest occurrence of Pc4 for a solar wind speed of 300–400 km/s and average IMF B field of 3–6 nT. The amplitude of Pc4s at DSP shows an increase with increasing solar wind speed, plasma density, solar wind dynamic pressure and average B field which is also reflected in the trend of frequency variation of these pulsations. We report that IMF clock angle at low latitude does not have influence on Pc4 occurrence. Based on the characteristics of these events, detected in latitudinally distributed stations from low and mid-latitudes from northern and southern hemisphere, we infer that modes were compressional, which could be driven by K-H instability or solar wind dynamic pressure, as compressional modes can propagate to low latitude with little attenuation.  相似文献   

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