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The centers of elliptical galaxies host supermassive black holes that significantly affect the surrounding interstellar medium through feedback resulting from the accretion process. The evolution of this gas and of the nuclear emission during the galaxies’ lifetime has been studied recently with high-resolution hydrodynamical simulations. These included gas cooling and heating specific for an average AGN spectral energy distribution, a radiative efficiency declining at low mass accretion rates, and mechanical coupling between the hot gas and AGN winds. Here, we present a short summary of the observational properties resulting from the simulations, focussing on (1) the nuclear luminosity; (2) the global luminosity and temperature of the hot gas; (3) its temperature profile and X-ray brightness profile. These properties are compared with those of galaxies of the local universe, pointing out the successes of the adopted feedback and the needs for new input in the simulations.  相似文献   

We discuss the elemental composition in the hot ISM of elliptical galaxies derived from new and recent X-ray spectral analysis in the context of new phenomenological models of their chemical evolution. Star formation histories, the IMF, the astrophysics of supernovae, and the nature of galactic winds impact the metal content and relative abundances in the hot ISM. We evaluate how X-ray spectroscopy may be utilized to deconstruct how elliptical galaxies, and the stellar populations that compose them, form and evolve, with an emphasis on present and future high resolution spectroscopic analysis.  相似文献   

We investigate the dark matter distributions in the central region of two clusters of galaxies (A1835 and MKW3S) using Chandra data. N-body simulations in the standard cold dark matter (CDM) model predict the dark matter distribution shows a cuspy dark matter profile: ρ(r) ∝ r, with in the range 1–2, while observations of dwarf and low surface brightness galaxies seem to favor the presence of a relatively flat core: 0 <  < 1. To investigate the dark matter distributions in the central region of clusters of galaxies, we analyze the Chandra data of A1835 and MKW3S with a deprojection method. We derive the mass profiles without the assumption of analytical models. We examine the inner slope of derived mass profiles assuming the dark matter profile is described with a power-law expression. The values of the slope are 0.95 ± 0.10 for A1835 and 1.33 ± 0.12 for MKW3S within the radius of 200 kpc. These are consistent with the result of the CDM simulations. However, within the radius of 100 kpc, the value of is less than unity for A1835 (0.47 ± 0.31). Our result implies that the central dark matter profile of some clusters cannot be described by CDM halos.  相似文献   

The detection of low frequency band (100 nHz–100 mHz) and very low frequency band (300 pHz–100 nHz) gravitational waves (GWs) is important for exploration of the equation of state of dark energy and the co-evolution of massive black holes (MBHs) with galaxies. Most galaxies are believed to have a massive black hole in the galactic core. In the formation of these black holes, merging and accretion are the two main processes. Merging of massive black holes generate GWs which could be detected by space GW detectors and Pulsar Timing Arrays (PTAs) to cosmological distances. LISA (Laser-Interferometric Space Antenna) is most sensitive to the frequency band 1 mHz–100 mHz, ASTROD-GW (ASTROD [Astrodynamical Space Test of Relativity using Optical Devices] optimized for Gravitational Wave detection) is most sensitive to the frequency band 100 nHz–1 mHz and PTAs are most sensitive to the frequency band 300 pHz–100 nHz. In this paper, we discuss the sensitivities and outlooks of detection of GWs from binary massive black holes in these frequency bands with an emphasis on ASTROD-GW. The GWs generated by the inspirals, merging and subsequent ringdowns of binary black holes are standard sirens to the cosmological distance. Using GW observations, we discuss the methods for determining the equation of state of dark energy and for testing the co-evolution models of massive black holes. ASTROD-GW is an optimization of ASTROD to focus on the goal of detection of GWs. The mission orbits of the 3 spacecraft forming a nearly equilateral triangular array are chosen to be near the Sun-Earth Lagrange points L3, L4 and L5. The 3 spacecraft range interferometrically with one another with arm length about 260 million kilometers. With 52 times longer in arm length compared to that of LISA, the strain detection sensitivity is 52 times better toward larger wavelength. The scientific aim is focused for gravitational wave detection at low frequency. The science goals include detection of GWs from MBHs, and Extreme-Mass-Ratio Black Hole Inspirals (EMRI), and using these observations to find the evolution of the equation of state of dark energy and to explore the co-evolution of massive black holes with galaxies.  相似文献   

本文根据粘性流体力学原理和转子动力学理论,分析了椭圆齿轮流量计的缝隙漏流和转子受力状况,建立了能预测介质粘性对流量计误差特性和压力损失影响的理论模型。数值计算表明,理论值与实验数据基本吻合。  相似文献   

We discuss the detection of soft excess X-ray emission in a sample of 19 clusters of galaxies observed by XMM-Newton. In 6/19 clusters evidence for a soft X-ray excess is found. Four of these clusters show soft X-ray and O VII line emission from gas with a temperature of 0.2 keV. The centroid of this oxygen line is consistent with the redshift of the cluster. The intensity and spatial extend of the soft excess agrees with previous PSPC measurements. These observations are interpreted as emission from warm-hot intergalactic medium filaments, with density enhancements near the cluster centers, consistent with theoretical predictions. In the other two soft excess clusters a non-thermal origin is consistent with the data.  相似文献   

Rapidly cooling gas is commonly found near the centres of clusters of galaxies. The structure of the resulting gas flows is reviewed. Total gas cooling rates of several hundred M yr−1 have been observed in a number of cases. Thermal instability and the ultimate fate of the cooled gas are discussed. The cooled gas could easily have formed a massive central galaxy.  相似文献   

基于Planetary Data System(PDS)公布的433 Eros多面体模型,使用多面体模型法计算了433 Eros的表面引力加速度分布情况,并研究了该方法在不同精度的多面体模型下的计算时间和误差。实验结果表明:1)多面体模型法的时间复杂度为O(n);2)在以433 Eros为目标天体的着陆导航与制导控制相关仿真计算中,使用面数为22 540的多面体模型进行引力加速度计算,可以同时满足计算速度和精度的要求,并且由于计算速度接近实时,可用于半物理仿真实验中。  相似文献   

We present the results of a systematic study of narrow-line Seyfert 1 galaxies (NLS1s) observed with XMM-Newton. The 2–12 keV X-ray spectra of NLS1s are well represented by a single power law with a photon index Γ ∼ 2. When this hard power law continuum is extrapolated into the low energy band, we found that all objects in our sample show prominent soft excess emission. This excess emission is well parameterized by the thermal emission expected from an optically thick accretion disk, and we found the following three peculiar features: (1) The derived disk temperatures are significantly higher than the expectation from a standard Shakura-Sunyaev accretion disk, if we assume a central mass of a black hole to be 106–8M. (2) The temperatures are distributed within narrow range (ΔkT ∼ 0.08 keV) with an average temperature of 0.18 keV in spite of the range of four orders of magnitude in luminosity (1041–45 erg s−1). (3) We found a peculiar temperature–luminosity relation, where the luminosity seems to be almost saturated in spite of the significant change in temperature, during the observations of the most luminous NLS1 PKS 0558-504. These results strongly suggest that the standard accretion disk picture is no longer appropriate in the nuclei of NLS1s. We discuss a possible origin for the soft excess component, and suggest that a slim disk may be able to explain the observational results, if the photon trapping effect is properly taken into account.  相似文献   

To study the distribution of galaxies in the Universe data on their positions magnitudes and redshifts are needed. A review of all large samples of galaxy counts, galaxy catalogues and redshift surveys as well as catalogues and redshifts of clusters is given. It is shown that the sky has been unevenly studied, the strongest asimmetry being between the Northern and Southern hemispheres. Particular attention is paid to the Zwicky near clusters. It is shown that only 14% have a well determined redshift and at least 28% are not single clusters but superposition of two or more groups.From an analysis of the available literature it appears that 1) there is more data about redshifts and positions of galaxies than are normally used. 2) The available data are far from uniform and complete.It is argued that a lot more new observations are needed before one can confidently draw conclusions about the structure of the Universe.  相似文献   




A large number of galaxies, both normal and active, have been observed in ultraviolet light by the Optical Monitor on XMM-Newton. These are some of the deepest wide-field ultraviolet images of these galaxies yet obtained, and in many cases the first collected in this waveband. We present images of five active galaxies, and discuss the potential uses of the ultraviolet surface brightness distribution and morphology, in association with X-ray data, for Active Galactic Nuclei, star formation and galaxy evolution studies.  相似文献   

Observations of Seyfert galaxies in X-ray region reveal the wide emissive lines in their spectra, which can arise in inner parts of accretion disks, where the effects of General Relativity (GR) must be taken into account. A spectrum of a solitary emission line of a hot spot in Kerr accretion disk is simulated depending on the radial coordinate r and the angular momentum a = J/M of a black hole, under the assumption of equatorial circular motion of a hot spot. It is shown that the characteristic two-peak line profile with the sharp edges arises at a large distance (about r ≈ (3–10) rg). The inner regions emit the line, which is observed with one maximum and extremely wide red wing. We present results of simulations for the isothermal and Shakura–Sunayev disks.  相似文献   

为研究重力与散体颗粒堆安息角的关系,针对颗粒系统的随机性和离散性特点,通过三维离散单元法建立颗粒的运动模型,对颗粒在不同重力场中的堆积过程进行了模拟,得出了颗粒堆的安息角及接触力概率分布.结果表明:颗粒堆内接触力构成的力链呈非规则网络状,其中,接触力近似对数正态分布,约65%接触力低于平均值;接触点中约70%处于临界滑移,其余接触点切向力与法向力的比值为均匀分布;不同重力场中颗粒堆接触力的分布规律具有相似性,即接触力相对重力无量纲化之后,其分布函数高度相符;颗粒堆的微观结构具有随机性差异,但是安息角不受重力大小的影响.  相似文献   

The plasma density distribution of plasmasphere in the geomagnetic equatorial plane can help us study the magnetosphere like plasmasphere, ionosphere and their kinetics. In this paper, we introduce a new inversion method, GE-ART, to calculate the plasma density distribution in the geomagnetic equatorial plane from the Extreme Ultraviolet (EUV) data of IMAGE satellite under the assumption that the plasma density is constant along each geomagnetic field line. The new GE-ART algorithm was derived from the traditional Algebraic Reconstruction Techniques (ART) in Computed Tomography (CT) which was different from the several existing methods. In this new method, each value of the EUV image data was back-projected evenly to the geomagnetic field lines intersected by this EUV sight. A 3-D inversion matrix was produced by the contributions of all the voxels contained in the plasmasphere covered by the EUV sensor. That is, we considered that each value of the EUV image data was relative to the plasma densities of all the voxels passed through by the corresponding EUV radiation, which is the biggest difference to all the existing inversion methods. Finally, the GE-ART algorithm was evaluated by the real EUV data from the IMAGE satellite.  相似文献   

A statistical comparison has been made between gravity field parameters derived from different global geopotential models (GGMs) and observed gravity anomalies, gravimetric geoid and GPS-Leveling data. The motivation behind this study is the selection of best possible global geopotential model that best matches statistically with the local observed data in Pakistan. This will facilitate in decreasing the load on observed data for the development of regional gravimetric geoid in remove-compute-restore technique when used in the Stokes’s integral for computation of the residual part. It is observed that combined geopotential models such as EGM96 and PGM200A, EIGEN-GL04C and EIGEN-CG03C reflect the better match in the total spectral range of gravity and GPS-Leveling data. Results of the precise local geoid model also indicate similar characteristics. A very-high-degree model “EGM2008” (degree/order 2160) exhibits relatively superior statistical fit with observed ground data in Pakistan region. For satellite-only models an increasing trend in the standard deviation can be seen with maximum of about ∼4 m in difference between GPS-Leveling and corresponding GGM’s geoid with increase in the order from 50 to 120 and then it decreases afterwards. However, for the EIGEN-CHAMP03SP, standard deviation saturates to a value of 3.4 m. This is an indication of contamination in the long to medium wavelength part, i.e. 50–100° for the satellite-only models. Moreover, the models DEOS-CHAMP-01C, GGM02C and then ITG-GRACE03 appear to have better fit for medium to long wavelength and can possibly be recommended for use as long wavelength part with the local observed data. While a hybrid geopotential model selection can be achieved through the selection from either of DEOS-CHAMP-01C, GGM02C, GGM02S, EIGEN-GRACE02S or ITG-GRACE03 in the long wavelength (to degree and order 40) and EGM96, PGM200A, EIGEN-GL04C, EIGEN-CG03C or even EGM2008 in medium to short wavelength, i.e. from degree 41 to maximum degree and order.  相似文献   

“2019全国时间频率学术会议”是由四个专业委员会联合每两年举办一次的20周年纪念会.20年来,我国原子钟事业已有长足发展,成为世界上原子钟研制与开发的大国.但总体上说,我们的工作还是以跟随为主,真正属于自主创新的较少.不改变这种局面,我们还难以成为独立自主的时间频率强国,为国家经济和国防建设作出应有贡献.本文回顾了我...  相似文献   

轨道设计分为初步设计和精确模型迭代两步,初步设计基于等效脉冲模型,用圆锥曲线拼接法确定时间窗口和引力辅助产生的速度脉冲。精确模型中引力辅助看作是一个连续的过程,将简化模型得到的引力辅助双曲线轨道化为行星心目标B平面参数,以地心逃逸速度作为设计变量,通过微分修正的方法进行求解。通过算例对比分析了简化模型和精确模型设计结果之间的关系,结果表明,引力辅助脉冲等效模型精度较好。  相似文献   

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