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Advanced communications, guidance and navigation systems play key roles in determining superiority of one combat aircraft over another. The use of advanced technology is essential to meeting the mission requirements of present as well as future aircraft. Modular avionics are being used in next generation aircraft, such as the Air Force F-22 fighter and the Army Comanche helicopter, as the means of achieving higher levels of performance, including reduced volume and improved adaptability, maintainability, and expandability. New system acquisitions such as Joint Strike Fighter will attempt to achieve these same performance levels but at dramatically reduced life cycle cost. Retrofit applications will also take on increasing roles in meeting this affordability need as the Department of Defense (DoD) struggles to maintain readiness in the face of the shrinking defense budget. The government is encouraging the use of open standards practices as a means of addressing the affordability issue. The Open Systems Joint Task Force (OS-JTF), formed in September 1994, is chartered to “sponsor and accelerate the adoption of open systems in weapons systems and subsystem electronics to reduce life-cycle costs and facilitate effective weapon system intra- and interoperability”. The purpose of this paper is to relate the concept of open systems to modular avionics. It discusses the key attributes of an open systems approach and identifies key technologies necessary for its success  相似文献   

Replacement strategy for aging avionics computers   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
With decreasing defense dollars available to purchase new military aircraft, the inventory of existing aircraft will have to last many more years than originally anticipated. As the avionics computers on these aging aircraft get older, they become more expensive to maintain due to parts obsolescence. In addition, expanding missions and changing requirements lead to growth in the embedded software which, in turn, requires additional processing and memory capacity. Both factors, parts obsolescence and new processing capacity, result in the need to replace the old computer hardware with newer, more capable microprocessor technology. New microprocessors, however, are not compatible with the older computer instruction set architectures. This generally requires the embedded software in these computers to be rewritten. A significant savings-estimated in the billions of dollars-could be achieved in these upgrades if the new computers could execute the old embedded code along with any new code to be added. This paper describes a commercial-off-the-shelf (COTS)-based form, fit, function, and interface (F3I) replacement strategy for legacy avionics computers that can reuse existing avionics code “as is” while providing a flexible framework for incremental upgrades and managed change. It is based on a real-time embedded software technology that executes legacy binary code on the latest generation COTS microprocessors. This technology promises performance improvements of 5-10 times that of the legacy avionics computer that it replaces. It also promises a 4× decrease in cost and schedule over rewriting the code and provides a “known good” starting point for incremental upgrades of the embedded flight software. Code revalidation cost and risk are minimized since the structure of the embedded code is not changed, allowing the replacement computer to be retested at the “blackbox” level using existing qualification tests  相似文献   

文章从传感器的重要性及"经济上可承受性"引出了"综合传感器系统(ISS)概念"并对其定义、实现方法和验证结果及目前存在问题进行了分析.特别是对孔径综合、射频综合和ISS管理做了图示说明.指出传感器综合技术是本世纪初航空电子的关键技术,对未来作战飞机有致关重要的影响,并就我国开展这项关键技术研究提出了有益建议.  相似文献   

The issue of meeting the higher communications requirements of future aircraft avionics systems in an incremental manner is addressed. A communications architecture is proposed which is based upon a switched network technology from the telecommunications area asynchronous transfer mode (ATM). However, the major step of migrating all existing avionics equipment into an ATM compliant form is avoided by the process of “emulating” a current avionics data bus such as MIL-STD-1553B over an ATM network. This allows current 1553 subsystems to co-exist with ATM compliant equipment on a single physical ATM network  相似文献   

The advanced avionics and flight controls group of advanced airlift and tanker systems is dedicated to integrating, prototyping, demonstrating, evaluating and testing advanced state-of-the-art technologies Vv that are candidates for future aircraft use (for new and in-service aircraft), or that are solutions to old or new/upcoming requirements and needs. The group's mission is to transition the applicable technologies into Boeing platforms. One of the research areas investigated is that of Enhanced Vision Systems (EVS)  相似文献   

“Military Products From Commercial Lines” is a pilot program within the Air Force Manufacturing Technology Directorate's Industrial Base Pilots Office. TRW's Avionics and Surveillance Group (ASG) is leading the program. This pilot program will demonstrate commercial-military integration by producing F-22 military avionics modules on an automotive electronics production line operated by TRW's Automotive Electronics Group (AEG). To accomplish this requires a redesign of the modules so that they are producible using commercial automotive electronics processes. Dual use manufacturing also dictates establishing compatible business practices, manufacturing infrastructures and process technologies. Business practices that must be changed involve accounting procedures, contracting requirements, audit requirements and quality control. Manufacturing infrastructure improvements include incorporation of advanced concurrent engineering tools and process control software to allow economic production of small lot sizes. Process technology changes involve designing for production lines that are highly automated and compatibility with commercial practices  相似文献   

To improve the relocatable target capabilities of strategic aircraft, a sensor fusion concept using a millimeter-wave radar (MMWR) and a forward-looking infrared (FLIR) system providing inputs to an auto target recognizer (ATR) has been developed. To prove this concept, a cooperative research effort is being conducted by a group of industry leaders in bomber avionics, MMWR, and ATR technologies. The author discusses the concept and the plan developed to test, evaluate, and demonstrate the expected performance  相似文献   

Operations within civil airspace will transition from traditional ground-based air traffic control (ATC) to air traffic management (ATM), a concept that requires aircrews and ground managers to share responsibility of aircraft separation assurance. Increased levels of information exchange will be necessary for this concept to work safely; therefore, air-ground communications will transition from voice to data link communications. The nature of data link communications procurement requires that avionics suppliers not only verify their products meet contractual performance requirements, but also demonstrate that their products are compatible with civil communication networks and ATC. In addition, the USAF needs to demonstrate that their crew-training program is adequate to maintain the required level of aircrew proficiency and equipment can be maintained for the required level of system performance, integrity, and interoperability with the civil environment. This paper outlines some of the certification issues facing the USAF with respect to the "Approval for Use" of data link equipment to be used for communication with ATC. It will also suggest a methodology for the avionics supplier and USAF to obtain the approvals required to ensure the installation of data link communications equipment on military aircraft will remain interoperable with civil ATC.  相似文献   

Aging avionics have become a problem because aircraft are being kept in service far longer than the original plan. This paper discusses the four key problems of aging avionics: (1) determining the systems that are the high cost drivers in order to select those that should receive priority; (2) determining the requirements for the replacement; (3) identifying alternative technologies that will satisfy the requirements and are affordable; and (4) determining the funding required and acquiring the funding needed to replace the aging avionics. Challenges encountered in solving these problems include management and technical. The problem of aging avionics is not limited to a single aircraft, but occurs across all aircraft. Cost-effective modernization requires cutting horizontally across all aging aircraft, and coordination with the end users and the existing management structure. A key technical challenge is to select an architecture that is upgradeable since the funding limitations may ensure parts will become obsolete prior to the completion of a drawn-out production.  相似文献   

With the advent of integrated avionics in defense and commercial systems in the late 1980s, AESS began to recognize the importance of providing a technical and management sounding board for this emerging technology domain. The panel undertook a series of special studies of interest to the general avionics community. The first study was an assessment of the Air Force's modular avionics systems architecture (MASA) program  相似文献   

航空电子系统综合试验新思路   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
航空电子系统的地面综合试验是在仿真器和模拟器的支持下,充分营造飞行和作战的环境,用来暴露系统设计上存在的缺陷,以便于及时改进设计。本文叙述了在电子设备高度综合化的现代飞机上,航空电子系统综合试验的方法,并对试验中的关键技术进行了分析。  相似文献   

航空电子系统核心处理平台架构发展研究   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
历数航电核心处理平台架构当前面临的问题,总结演进历史,针对新式场景需求,同时结合领域技 术发展趋势,梳理相关架构标准规范,论述了未来航电架构发展的关键特征,提出了支撑新一代航电系统核心 处理平台架构的关键技术,为其后续发展方向与实施计划提供指导思路。  相似文献   

在综合化航空电子系统中,嵌入式实时操作系统已被广泛采用,而操作系统保证应用软件的安全性,则是目前要解决的首要问题。对照国内外在高安全性、强实时系统上的先进技术和先进经验,本文着重讨论了嵌入式实时操作系统中解决数据安全性的几点考虑,主要集中介绍了软件的分层防御体系、分区管理和信息安全管理技术、分区间通讯的“虚通道”技术等,以确保综合化航电系统的信息及数据安全的机密性和完整性,达到主动防御的能力。  相似文献   

综合模块化航电系统在飞机航电设备的研制中逐渐得到应用,实现综合化模块化航电的一个关键技术是系统内部总线的选择,通过论述综合模块化航电系统对系统内部总线的要求、介绍ARINC659总线的特点,分析ARINC659总线在综合模块化航电系统中的适用性,可以得出ARINC659总线能够满足综合模块化航电系统的要求,目前ARINC659总线已经开始广泛应用于综合模块化航电系统中.  相似文献   

本文介绍了现代军用和民用浮空器的蓬勃发展,展望了浮空器的广阔发展前景,此外还阐述了浮空器的发展对航空电子综合技术带来的机遇和挑战.对大量浮空器的航空电子系统综合问题进行了研究,包括应用综合、技术综合、地面控制站和用于通信的Ad-Hoc网络.  相似文献   

国外军用飞机航空电子系统发展趋势   总被引:23,自引:1,他引:22  
介绍了国外军用飞机航空电子系统结构的演变、各种航空电子系统结构的特点以及这些系统系统结构的具体应用;分析了国外军用飞机航空电子系统的发展趋势以及未来航空电子领域一些关键技术。  相似文献   

分析了航空电子系统对立体显示技术的需求;介绍了各种立体显示技术的基本原理,并对比了各种立体显示技术的性能特点,提出了航空电子可应用的立体显示技术设想。  相似文献   

美国航空推进系统关键技术   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
在美国的国防关键技术计划中,航空推进技术受到重视。通过对美国国家级计划--高性能涡轮发动机综合技术计划、脉冲式爆震波产生推力的新概念发动机计划、燃烧室内气流过渡为超声速的冲压发动机计划的研究,对美国选择推进系统的理由作了分析,并对各国在航空推进系统的研究和发展工作进行了评估。可以看出,日本、德国继美、英、法、俄后在航空航天的推进系统方面已完成了一系列的研究。日本斥巨资建立发动机模拟高空试验台。最后详细列出了燃气涡轮发动机,其它航空动力和燃料三类中的10项关键技术。  相似文献   

Exciting new safeguards and security technologies are on the horizon, and some are even on the shelves today. Self-testing sensors, smart sensors, and intelligent alarm analyzers are all designed to provide useful information to the operator. However, today's current annunciator systems were not designed to accommodate these new technologies. New display technologies are also changing the look and feel of the annunciator of the future. Annunciator technology needs to “catch up” to these other security technologies. This paper presents the concept for a new, object-oriented approach to annunciator architecture design. The new architecture could accommodate simple, switch-closure devices as well as information-rich sensors and intelligent analyzers. In addition the architecture could allow other leading-edge interfaces to be easily integrated into the annunciator system. These technologies will reduce operator workload and aid the operator in making informed security decisions  相似文献   

航电系统中的高速数字视频传输技术是一项有待解决的关键技术。FC-AV是FC的一个子集,提供数字音、视频至FC的映射格式,可实现航电系统中传感器和显示器网络的视频传输。本文讨论了FC-AV的层次结构、容器系统、帧头控制协议、简单内容移动架构;并针对航电系统的需求,提出了一种采用FC-AV的视频传输方案。  相似文献   

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