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确保飞行安全防止航空器相撞一直是管制工作的重中之重。空中交通管制的根本目的就是防止航空器与航空器之间以及航空器与障碍物之间的相撞。多年来这个老生常谈的问题一直被空管部门和航空器运营人在茶余饭后不断地进行着探索,机载设备的不断更新改造、机载告警系统越发先进和完善,地面监视系统的精度和准确性都在不断的提高,但始终无法根除航空器运行过程中防相撞的隐患。近年来,航空量的迅猛增长,航空事业的高速发展与略显滞后的保障能力之间的矛盾日益凸显,出现了流量瓶颈制约、高峰时段流量拥堵等影响顺畅运行的现象,  相似文献   

空中交通管制服务的任务是防止航空器与航空器相撞及航空器与障碍物相撞,维护和加快空中交通的有序流动。在空中交通管制工作中表现为:解决飞行冲突并确保有序。可见,在空管工作中最重要的就是调配冲突,也就是说管制员总是处于某种冲突模式中,随着管制环境的改变,冲突模式也不断地转换。本文所讲的冲突模式是指在管制工作中,管制员针对于特定的管制环境所建立起来的某种解决冲突的理论体系,它往往是根据管制员的技能、知识和经验等形成的。  相似文献   

航空器防相撞技术体系研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
近年来,随着我国航空运输业的高速发展.航空运输的飞行量快速增长,使航空器空中相撞事故征候不断增多,飞行协调的难度不断加大,飞行冲突矛盾非常突出。在目前我国防相撞技术体系尚未完善的情况下.这些飞行冲突基本上只能靠协调和协商来解决。不仅影响了空域和航线的有效利用,也极大地制约了我国航空运输业的发展。  相似文献   

安全工作是民航事业的生命线,防止空中危险接近,维护正常、高效的飞行秩序,杜绝航空器空中相撞,保证飞行正常,确保飞行安全,是空中交通管制部门的核心工作和最终目的。  相似文献   

为贯彻党中央、国务院关于认真做好航空安全工作的有关指示精神,经民航总局党委研究,决定召开这次民航防止航空器相撞专题工作会议。会议的主要任务是,分析当前民航防相撞工作形势,交流防相撞工作经验,找准防相撞工作中存在的问题和薄弱环节,研究提出民航《关于进一步防止航空器相撞工作的意见》,动员民航系统干部职工把防相撞工作做得更好,杜绝重大航空器相撞事故的发生,促进航空安全水平的提高。民航总局和国家空管委对这次会议都非常重视,民航总局杨元元局长、国家空管委办公室马健副主任亲临指导并将作重要指示,我们一定要认真学习,深刻领会,狠抓落实。下面,我先讲四个方面的问题。  相似文献   

雷达两项告警功能是空管自动化系统中防止航空器危险接近和防止航空器与地面障碍物相撞的两项重要功能,为空中交通管制部门保障飞行安全发挥着至关重要的作用。然而,在一些地区,两项告警的虚警过多一直困绕着民航的空中交通管制员们。比如,明明有着足够间隔的航空器,系统却给出  相似文献   

管制协调在管制工作中的重要性   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空中交通管制工作的首要任务是防止航空器与航空器相撞及在机动区域内航空器与障碍物相撞,维护和加快空中交通的有序流动;而空中交通管制工作又是由诸多管制单位及各管制单位的不同管制岗位通过分工协作来共同完成的,管制协调工作就是众多管制岗位的其中一个,不管是管制单位之间还是不  相似文献   

民航空管工作的任务是防止航空器相撞及航空器与障碍物相撞,维护和加快空中交通流量的有序流动。空管工作专业化程度非常高,工作责任重。"不能犯任何错误,  相似文献   

空管行业防止管制指挥“错、忘、漏”的思考与对策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
空中交通管制是国家交通运输事业的重要组成部分,是保障国家领空安全和航空事业发展的重要基础。空中交通管制的目的是防止航空器与航空器相撞,防止航空器与  相似文献   

空中交通管制的主要任务是防止航空器与航空器相撞及促进空中交通的有序畅通,作为民航运行保障系统中最为重要的环节,随着民航运输业的迅猛发展和空中交通流量的不断增加,正面临前所未有的巨大挑战。空中交通管制系统的核心实施者——空中交通管制员的个体安全行为及能力几乎决  相似文献   

A study was performed to determine the probability of collision with resident space objects and untrackable debris for the tether component of the Tethered Satellite System (TSS) after it broke away from the space shuttle orbiter (mission STS-75) in February 1996. Both an analytical and a numerical approach were used in this study, and the results obtained with these two methods were found to be in good agreement. These results show that the deployed tether is expected to have been impacted by several particles 0.1 mm or larger in size. The probability of collision with objects 10 cm in size or larger was on the order of 10−3 per month. Since the severed tether reentered within one month after deployment, the collision hazard to other objects while in orbit was small. The analytical methods used in this study are general and can be applied to future tether collision evaluations.  相似文献   

随着军民航飞行流量的快速增长,军民航之间的飞行热点地区增多、管制协调复杂,防相撞工作面临巨大压力。深入开展学习实践科学发展观活动,就是要深入思考、完善举措,采取各种有效手段,解决空管系统发展中的突出问题,为民航运输事业的大发展提供安全顺畅、优质服务的空中交通管理平台,实现空管运行持续安全。为此,谈一谈近年来兰州管制区军民航防相撞工作的开展情况和提升军民航防相撞工作能力的几点思考。  相似文献   

Sensitivities to the future growth of orbital debris and the resulting hazard to operational satellites due to collisional breakups of large derelict objects are being studied extensively. However, little work has been done to quantify the technical and operational tradeoffs between options for minimizing future derelict fragmentations that act as the primary source for future debris hazard growth. The two general categories of debris mitigation examined for prevention of collisions involving large derelict objects (rocket bodies and payloads) are active debris removal (ADR) and just-in-time collision avoidance (JCA). Timing, cost, and effectiveness are compared for ADR and JCA solutions highlighting the required enhancements in uncooperative element set accuracy, rapid ballistic launch, despin/grappling systems, removal technologies, and remote impulsive devices. The primary metrics are (1) the number of derelict objects moved/removed per the number of catastrophic collisions prevented and (2) cost per collision event prevented. A response strategy that contains five different activities, including selective JCA and ADR, is proposed as the best approach going forward.  相似文献   

文章提出了在离散区域上,基于起始点和目标点相向传播波碰撞法的机器人路径规划法。设机器人作业环境为二维平面大小一定的矩形地形,机器人行走时仅限于作原地转向或直线行走。基于此开展路径规划的仿真研究,提出了搜索许可路径的算法。计算机模拟结果证实该算法可行、有效。  相似文献   

The planet Earth has endured unwelcome “visitations” of space rocks many times. NASA and agencies of other nations have proposed concepts on how asteroids, in possible collision with planet Earth, can be diverted. These methods range from impulsive techniques using explosives, conventional and nuclear, to the slow nudging action of a spacecraft with powerful thrust. A methods not described elsewhere in any research, as far as the author knows, is presented in this paper. The methods of electrostatics will be employed to show how the new deflection concept can be developed to avoid asteroid collision with Earth.  相似文献   

因航天器物理特征、空间环境扰动变化、预报技术和大气模型性能等既有不确定因素的存在,空间目标碰撞概率等与轨道预报相关的评估工作存在模糊度问题,无法准确描述碰撞风险水平。文章基于碰撞概率极值,简化气动力误差模型,量化计算轨道预报相关事务的边界;提出空间环境激励图和3σ区的概念,并给出具体实施方法以及空间碎片碰撞预警、空间物体陨落预报的计算示例。计算结果表明,该方法能较好应对轨道预报相关事务中的模糊度问题,可为相关航天工程实践和决策提供参考。  相似文献   

This paper analyses the fuel consumption of interferometric radar missions employing small satellite formations like, e.g., Cross-track Pendulum, Cartwheel, CarPe, or Trinodal Pendulum. Individual analytic expressions are provided for each of the following contributions: separation from a simultaneously injected master satellite, formation set-up, orbit maintenance, formation maintenance, and distance maintenance. For this, a general system of equations is derived describing the relative motion of the small satellites in a co-rotating reference frame. The transformation into Keplerian elements is carried out. To evaluate fuel consumption, three master satellites are assumed in different orbital heights, which are typical for Earth observation missions. The size of the exemplarily analysed formations is defined by remote sensing aspects and their respective fuel requirements are estimated. Furthermore, a collision avoidance concept is introduced, which includes a formation separation and formation set-up after a desired time period.  相似文献   

An analysis is performed of the orbital debris collision hazard to operational spacecraft at geosynchronous orbit (GEO). As part of the examination, the contribution of individual components of the population are considered and presented to provide a clearer linkage between object characteristic and resulting risk. Our examination of GEO collision risk reveals several critical new insights: (1) the current probability of collision in GEO is relatively low, yet the future is difficult to predict due to our limited ability to observe objects in GEO and the uncertainty in past and future debris-generating events in GEO; (2) the probability of collision in GEO is not uniform by longitude — it is seven times greater in regions centered about the geopotential wells; (3) the probability of a mission-terminating collision is greatly dependent upon the approximately 2200 objects in the 10 cm–1 m range observed in GEO but not yet cataloged; (4) hardware relocated to GEO “graveyard” disposal orbits pose a potential additional, but not fully understood, collision hazard to operational GEO satellites; and (5) the collision hazard throughout the course of a day or year is highly episodic (i.e. non-uniform).  相似文献   

为了实现对航天器在轨解体事件及其碎片分布特性的快速分析,中国空气动力研究与发展中心(CARDC)开发了SFA(Spacecraft Fragmentation Analysis)软件。该软件主要基于CSBM航天器解体模型开发形成,同时集成了NASA的标准解体模型。SFA软件具有解体程度分析、解体碎片生成、碎片分布统计等功能,并可以实时显示计算结果、绘制统计曲线。文章着重介绍了SFA软件2.0版的功能模块、主要算法、界面及使用方法等,并针对Iridium 33-Cosmos 2251碰撞、Solwind P78航天器解体等在轨事件进行了分析。  相似文献   

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