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肖择 《上海航天》2007,24(2):15-15
据报道,英国DMC国际成像公司计划于2008年发射一颗高清光学成像卫星(DMC-2),利用直接的下行链路,向地面用户提供持续的陆地级成像。DMC-2卫星是一低成本地球观测(EO)卫星,质量仅120kg,将携带一较高分辨率(22m)的DMC成像仪,成像仪成像范围660km。该增强型微卫星具有频繁的广域覆盖能力,可每日回访、持续成像,并实时向地面站传输数据。  相似文献   

负责“越南星”项目的官员称.已有3家大公司投标建造价值1.97亿美元的越首颗卫星。它们是法国阿尔卡特.阿列尼亚空间公司、美国洛马商业航天系统公司和日本住友商社。评标自2月13日开始。将持续约180天。该卫星将携带多达20个通信模块。需在2008年第二季度前发射.以保住所申请的轨道位置。它的工作寿命为15年。将向越偏远地区发送电视、广播和民航信号。因遇到与相邻在轨卫星的频率协调问题。该项目已几次推迟。项目总经费为2.31亿美元.其中约3400万美元将用于地面设施建设。  相似文献   

大学生公寓是我国高校教育管理的一个重要组成部分,这是现阶段任何高校都回避不了的现实问题.这个问题解决好了,将对学校育人起到积极的促进作用.目前,我校后勤改革后,公寓成立了宿舍区学生工作办公室.本文就该办公室的运作特点、工作职责及工作方法谈一谈个人认识.  相似文献   

大学生公寓是我国高校教育管理的一个重要组成部分,这是现阶段任何高校都回避不了的现实问题。这个问题解决好了,将对学校育人起到积极的促进作用。目前,我校后勤改革后,公寓成立了宿舍区学生工作办公室。本文就该办公室的运作特点、工作职责及工作方法谈一谈个人认识。  相似文献   

从古至今,人类一直梦想着挣脱地球引力的束缚,在浩瀚无垠的宇宙空间里自由翱翔。为实现这一梦想,先辈们进行了不懈的努力和追求。20世纪中叶出现的航天运载技术,使人类飞天的梦想成为现实,并开辟了人类探索外层空间活动的新时代。半个世纪以来,第一颗人造地球卫星发射上天,加加林进入太空,“阿波罗”飞船登上月球,航天飞机成功飞行,在探索太空的征途上人类取得了一个又一个辉煌成就。中国航天技术起步于20世纪50年代。在党和国家三代领导集体的亲切关怀下,通过几代航天人的不懈努力,长征系列运载火箭走过了从常温推进到低…  相似文献   

Samel A  Gander P 《Acta Astronautica》1995,36(8-12):669-683
Work-rest schedules during long duration space missions involve several factors which could disrupt sleep and circadian temporal organisation: (1) displacement of sleep due to two-shift operations; (2) planned or unplanned schedule changes due to operational requirements; (3) social and light Zeitgebers different from those on earth; (4) changes in the gravitational exposure. Timed bright light treatment has the potential to accelerating adaptation to schedule changes. Four male subjects were exposed to two sessions of 11 d of simulated microgravity (6 ° head down tilt bedrest) with 6-h extensions of the wake period on 2 days (12-h phase delay). In a blind crossover design, subjects were exposed to bright light (> 3500 lux) for 5 h on each of the 2 shift days and the following day, at times either expected to accelerate the adjustment to the phase delay (experimental condition) or to have no phase shifting effect (control condition). Sleep was recorded polygraphically, the circadian system was monitored by recordings of heart rate and body temperature, and by collection of urine (electrolyte and hormone excretion). Only the rhythms of 6-hydroxymelatoninsulphate and potassium excretions showed significantly enhanced adjustment under the experimental condition. Different rhythms Actapted to the 12-h delay at different rates, comparable to those observed after time zone shifts. Sleep was shorter in simulated weightlessness than in normal ambulatory age-matched subjects, consistent with the shorter sleep durations characteristic of space flight. These results confirm the disruptive effects of wake-rest schedule shifts on sleep and circadian rhythms. Contrary to our initial hypothesis, 5-h exposures to bright light finishing at the time of the circadian temperature minimum were not more effective at accelerating adjustment to a 12-h schedule delay than exposures coinciding with the temperature maximum. We conclude that, while bright light may accelerate adjustment to work-rest schedule delays, any such effect seems to be largely independent from the timing of the light exposure.  相似文献   

In 1996 the NASA Advisory Council asked for a comprehensive look at future launch projections out to the year 2030 and beyond. In response to this request NASA sponsored a study at The Aerospace Corporation to develop long-range space transportation models for future commercial and government applications, and to analyze the design considerations and desired characteristics for future space transportation systems. Follow-ons to present space missions as well as a wide array of potential new space applications are considered in the study. This paper summarizes the space transportation system characteristics required to enable various classes of future missions. High reliability and the ability to achieve high flight rates per vehicle are shown to be key attributes for achieving more economical launch systems. Technical, economic and policy implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

In 1996 the NASA Advisory Council asked for a comprehensive look at future launch projections out to the year 2030 and beyond. In response to this request NASA sponsored a study at The Aerospace Corporation to develop long-range space transportation models for future commercial and government applications, and to analyze the design considerations and desired characteristics for future space transportation systems. Follow-ons to present space missions as well as a wide array of potential new space applications are considered in the study. This paper summarizes the space transportation system characteristics required to enable various classes of future missions. High reliability and the ability to achieve high flight rates per vehicle are shown to be key attributes for achieving more economical launch systems. Technical, economic and policy implications are also discussed.  相似文献   

今后航天医学研究中的关键问题   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
航天医学是在航空医学的基础上发展起来的一门科学。它是随着载人航天而产生和发展的,目的是研究航天过程中各种环境因素对人体的影响,探讨其机理及制定有效的对抗措施,从而保证航天员的生命安全、身心健康和高效工作。  相似文献   

未来空间技术发展展望   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
经过近50年的发展,我国空间技术取得了举世瞩目的成就,在新的历史时期,世界航天将跨入一个新的发展高潮,我国经济社会的发展对航天事业提出了更高的要求。文章提出了我国未来航天器发展体系,介绍了未来5年我国空间技术发展的重点任务,分析了专业技术发展方向,提出了创新发展的对策建议。  相似文献   

未来太空战的主要作战样式   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
李飞 《中国航天》2002,(3):38-39

Italy initiated space activities in the late 1950s; however, it was only in the 1980s that these activities grew to the point where Italy became a major spacefaring nation. In 1988, the Italian Space Agency was created with the goal of coordinating all Italian space activities, but severe administrative and organizational difficulties hampered its operation. This viewpoint proposes a new space policy-making process, in view of the increased effectiveness that space activities can bring to various departments of the Italian government and to allow it to better exploit investments in space activities.  相似文献   

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