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Testing of electronic systems using conventional testing methods has become more difficult and costly as these systems have become more complex and compact. Conventional testing methods and systems often require lengthy analysis to define testing strategies. These test systems may require lengthy test periods, complex stimulus and measurement instrumentation as well as complicated fixturing. The results are often ambiguous and require further interpretation. This paper presents an exploration of a “non-intrusive” test method based on interpreting changes in the magnetic field close to a Printed Circuit Board (PCB). Currents moving between devices on the PCB produce these magnetic fields. Changes of the PCB operational status due to faults cause changes in the associated magnetic field pattern that can be interpreted by Artificial Neural Networks (ANNs) for fault identification. An apparatus to collect magnetic field measurements is described along with some problems of collecting data. Typical magnetic field patterns for “known-good” and faulted PCBs are presented. Possible extensions of the method are discussed. This paper resulted from internally funded work at Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) concerning non-intrusive diagnostic techniques  相似文献   

This paper describes research and development efforts in the use of infrared (IR) laser beams for detecting failures in integrated circuits resident on printed circuit boards. This work involves taking advantage of the transparency of the silicon substrate of ICs to radiation in the near infrared (NIR) spectrum to devise a non-invasive method for imaging the component circuitry of the IC. The implication is that a means to see into the physical structure of an integrated circuit can be created by using lasers tuned to these wavelengths. While the silicon substrate is transparent to the laser, the circuit paths and devices embedded within the substrate are readily visible since their metallic composition is opaque to laser energy at this wavelength. A laser test fixture consisting of a 1064 nm continuous wave laser, CCD camera, and image acquisition board is used to generate images from flip-chip integrated circuits. Multiresolution image processing techniques are then applied to the resulting images to identify potential defects.  相似文献   

印刷电路板的动力学特性直接影响机载电子设备在振动和冲击环境下的工作可靠性,有必要在设计阶段对其进行动力学分析.印刷电路板为薄壁结构,质量一般较小,在使用传统的加速度传感器测量时,传感器的附加质量会对模态测试结果造成影响.通过加速度传感器与激光测振仪测试数据的对比,分析了加速度传感器附加质量对模态测试结果的影响,验证了传感器附加质量消除方法的效果,结论认为传感器附加质量对印刷电路板模态测试的结果影响明显且这种影响不能被完全消除;使用扫描式激光测振仪可以得到精确详细的模态参数.  相似文献   

Long departure-taxi-out time leads to significant airport surface congestion, fuel-burn costs, and excessive emissions of greenhouse gases. To reduce these undesirable effects, a Predicted taxi-out time-based Dynamic Pushback Control(PDPC) method is proposed. The implementation of this method requires two steps: first, the taxi-out times for aircraft are predicted by the leastsquares support-vector regression approach of which the parameters are optimized by an introduced improved Firefly algorithm. Then, a dynamic pushback control model equipped with a linear gate-hold penalty function is built, along with a proposed iterative taxiway queue-threshold optimization algorithm for solving the model. A case study with data obtained from Beijing International airport(PEK) is presented. The taxi-out time prediction model achieves predictive accuracy within 3 min and 5 min by 84.71% and 95.66%, respectively. The results of the proposed pushback method show that total operation cost and fuel-burn cost achieve a 14.0% and 21.1%reduction, respectively, as compared to the traditional K-control policy.(3) From the perspective of implementation, using PDPC policy can significantly reduce the queue length in taxiway and taxi-out time. The total operation cost and fuel-burn cost can be curtailed by 37.2% and 52.1%,respectively, as compared to the non-enforcement of any pushback control mechanism. These results show that the proposed pushback control model can reduce fuel-burn costs and airport surface congestion effectively.  相似文献   

电力系统中要求电压稳定度和无功功率满足一定的技术指标,利用带独立直流电源的级联式多电平逆变器和多电平逆变器最优化谐波台阶式调制技术(OHSW)设计的STATCOM装置,可以使电力系统中的电压得到稳定以及无功功率和谐波得到有效补偿。本文主要介绍了STATCOM装置主电路的设计,主电路是STATCOM装置与系统进行交换有功功率与无功功率的环节。该装置具有输出谐波含量低、损耗小、性能可靠等优点。  相似文献   

21世纪跌宕起伏的第一个十年已经过去.人们都在揣测.航空航天业的下一个10年将会怎样? 过去的10年.是一些引人注目的大型飞机项目纷纷上马的10年.但以波音787和F-35为代表的高复杂性与高风险性并存的研发项目.却屡屡出现计划延期、成本超支的状况.人们搞不懂.这些严格按照系统工程流程进行管理的项目,为什么还会一再遭...  相似文献   

二次雷达较之一次雷达有许多优点,使其在军用和民用领域得到广泛应用。但当装有航管二次雷达的飞机在海面低飞时,会出现常见的多径效应现象。文章详细分析了飞机机体和海面对航管二次雷达方向图的影响,并利用HFSS软件对飞机在海面低飞时航管二次雷达方向图进行仿真。结果表明,海面影响航管二次雷达的方向图并导致根据其分叉变形,根据平面对天线方向图的影响及其计算公式,对不同飞行高度的方向图进行了计算,得出了在海面低飞时的最佳飞行高度。  相似文献   

发动机飞行试验台进气扰流装置由一组安装在被试发动机吊舱进气道内的插板组成,通过安装不同数量的插板可以在被试发动机进口造成10%~60%的6种堵塞比。通过采用在发动机飞行台试验吊舱进气道上安装进气扰流装置对被试发动机进行逼喘试验,探讨了飞行台发动机插板逼喘试验的试验程序和方法。为进行被试发动机空中插板逼喘试验,测量被试发动机进口流场压力分布,对发动机飞行台试验吊舱的过渡段壁面加装了静压座,并安装了总压测量耙,对被试发动机进口的总压、静压及动态压力进行测量.在试验过程中,首先进行均匀流场地面试验,获得均匀来流下被试发动机进口总压流场,然后再安装30%、40%及50%的插板进行被试发动机地面逼喘试验,最后安装40%的插板进行被试发动机空中逼喘试验。研究了在航空发动机飞行试验台上采用插板方式进行逼喘试验的方法,包括试验设备、测试方法、试验程序,并对地面和空中试验的结果进行了简要的分析。  相似文献   

《Air & Space Europe》2000,2(3):86-87
The Association of Aviation Manufacturers in the Czech Republic, AAM CR, the European Association of Aerospace Industries, AECMA, and the European Commission held a workshop on quality in Aerospace in Prague in March 2000. The workshop focussed strongly on practical examples and issues of quality systems and aimed at supporting further integration of the Czech aerospace industries into the European aerospace industry structure.  相似文献   

去年下半年以来,世界航空运输业因全球金融危机影响开始步入衰退,为了应对危机,国际航空巨头纷纷祭起联合重组的法宝,先后有美国达美航空公司与美国西北航空公司、英国航空公司和西班牙伊比利亚航空公司重组的消息传出。在国内,民航新一轮联合重组的呼声频现报端。在人们更多关注联合重组对市场影响之时,我们不应忽视对联合重组法律关系的研究,  相似文献   

针对类客车体(Ahmed Model)1:1.5模型,采用风洞试验和数值模拟相结合的研究方法,研究了在模型尾部安装多种构型的隔板对气动阻力特性的影响规律。通过分析各种构型隔板对尾流结构和尾部压力分布的影响,初步分析了尾部隔板的减阻机理。研究结果表明:①隔板须根据尾涡结构设计其参数和构型布置,才能达到较理想的减阻效果;②隔板以适当的参数及构型布置时,可以控制尾涡、提高尾部压力、减小压差阻力;③针对该文模型,当隔板宽度为60mm,距尾部后缘10mm,并以3横3纵构型布置时,模型阻力系数降低达15.58%。  相似文献   

含电路模拟结构吸波复合材料力学性能研究   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
研究了填充吸收剂、加入金属、纤维电路屏对吸波复合材料力学性能的影响,测试了含电路模拟结构吸波复合材料在室温和80℃下的弯曲强度、弯曲模量、压缩强度、压缩模量及剪切强度的变化。研究结果表明,通过合理的结构设计,在提高吸波复合材料吸波性能的同时,能够有效地提高吸波复合材料体系的力学性能,使吸波复合材料的吸波 承载一体化得以实现。  相似文献   

Cooperation between the Eveready Battery Company and the Environmental Protection Agency has already led to significant improvements for the environment. Eveready Battery Company, Inc. and the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) have for many years worked successfully in partnership for the benefit of the environment. This article examines an example of successful cooperation and partnership between Eveready and the EPA. In the early 1980's, the environmental community began to focus its attention on the mercury in household batteries. Studies had been performed in the US, Japan and the United Kingdom regarding the potential environmental harm resulting from the disposal of household batteries containing mercury  相似文献   

当今世界,信息技术已成为经济增长的主要推动力之一,正在改变着传统的生产和经营方式以至生活方式。在民航业,信息技术也得到了广泛的应用。民航信息化在基础设施建设,重要信息系统开发和运行,技术队伍建设和人才培训等方面都取得了显著成绩,为进一步加快民航信息化奠定了良好的基  相似文献   

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