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Equatorial radial distributions of plasma density in the 3 < L < 9 region of Saturn’s magnetosphere, obtained from measurements on the Cassini spacecraft, are considered on the basis of diffusion theory. The concentration of particles in the magnetic tubes is found to grow with L. The external source is located at L ? 9. The particles diffuse to Saturn. In the 5 < L < 9 interval the distribution is close to equilibrium. A relation between the diffusion coefficient and the densities of internal sources and losses is obtained in this interval. Prevalence of losses over sources is very probable. Estimates of the diffusion flux and its derivative are given. If the diffusion coefficient is expressed as D LL = D o L 3 and the contencentration of particles depends on L according to a power law, the diffusion rate is constant.  相似文献   

The results of simultaneous analysis of plasma and magnetic field characteristics measured on the INTERBALL/Tail Probe, WIND and Geotail satellites on March 2, 1996, are presented. During these observations the INTERBALL/Tail Probe crossed the low-latitude boundary layer, and the WIND and Geotail satellites measured the solar wind’s and magnetosheath’s parameters, respectively. The plasma and magnetic field characteristics in these regions have been compared. The data of the Corall, Electron, and MIF instruments on the INTERBALL/Tail Probe satellite are analyzed. Fluctuations of the magnetic field components and plasma velocity in the solar wind and magnetosheath, measured onboard the WIND and Geotail satellites, are compared. The causes resulting in appearance of plasma jet flows in the low-latitude boundary layer are analyzed. The amplitude of magnetic field fluctuations in the magnetosheath for a studied magnetosphere boundary crossing is shown to exceed the magnetic field value below the magnetopause near the cusp. The possibility of local violation of pressure balance on the magnetopause is discussed, as well as penetration of magnetosheath plasma into the magnetosphere, as a result of magnetic field and plasma flux fluctuations in the magnetosheath.  相似文献   

In the first part of this study of the substorm of March 12, 1991, the space-time structure of substrorm disturbance and dynamics of auroral ions were considered. This second part presents an analysis of measurements of auroral electrons onboard the CRRES satellite. It is demonstrated that enhancements of the electron flux (injections) during large-scale and local dipolarizations of the magnetic field are determined by a combination of field-aligned, induction, and betatron mechanisms of acceleration with an effect of displacement of the drift shells of particles. The relative contributions of these mechanisms in relation to the energy of auroral electrons are determined.  相似文献   

《Cosmic Research》2007,45(4):273-286
The complex of scientific pay load installed onboard the research and educational Universitetskii-Tatyana microsatellite of Moscow State University is described. The complex is designed to study charged particles in the near-earth space and ultraviolet emissions of the atmosphere. Data of the measurements of charged particle fluxes in the microsatellite orbit are presented, spectra are calculated, and the dynamics of penetration boundaries for protons of solar cosmic rays (SCR) during geomagnetic disturbances in 2005 is investigated. Intensities of the ultraviolet emission are measured in the entire range of variation of the atmospheric irradiation, as well as intensities of auroras in the polar regions of the Northern and Southern hemispheres. The experimental data on flashes of ultraviolet radiation (transient light phenomena in the upper atmosphere) are considered, and some examples of oscillograms of their temporal development and their distribution over geographical coordinates are presented. Original Russian Text ? V.A. Sadovnichy, M.I. Panasyuk, S.Yu. Bobrovnikov, N.N. Vedenkin, N.A. Vlasova, G.K. Garipov, O.R. Grigorian, T.A. Ivanova, V.V. Kalegaev, P.A. Klimov, A.S. Kovtyukh, S.A. Krasotkin, N.V. Kuznetsov, S.N. Kuznetsov, E.A. Muravyeva, I.N. Myagkova, N.N. Pavlov, R.A. Nymmik, V.L. Petrov, M.V. Podzolko, V.V. Radchenko, S.Ya. Reisman, I.A. Rubinshtein, M.O. Riazantseva, E.A. Sigaeva, E.N. Sosnovets, L.I. Starostin, A.V. Sukhanov, V.I. Tulupov, B.A. Khrenov, V.M. Shakhparonov, V.N. Sheveleva, A.V. Shirokov, I.V. Yashin, V.V. Markelov, N.N. Ivanov, V.N. Blinov, O.Yu. Sedykh, V.P. Pinigin, A.P. Papkov, E.S. Levin, V.M. Samkov, N.N. Ignatiev, V.S. Yamnikol, 2007, published in Kosmicheskie Issledovaniya, 2007, vol. 45, No. 4, pp. 291–305.  相似文献   

A critical analysis of existing theories of the magnetospheric resonator for fast magnetosonic waves is performed. A new variant of the theory is suggested, according to which the near-Earth part of the plasma sheet plays the role of the resonator. It is shown that the magnetosonic wave is locked inside this region over its entire boundaries. The eigen frequencies of resonator modes are in a good agreement with observed values (0.8, 1.3, 1.9, 2.6, 3.4, ... MHz), both when estimated in the order of magnitude and when calculated exactly in the context of a simple model.  相似文献   

We consider the formation of small-scale nonstationary plasma structures in the region of relatively strong field-aligned electric currents. The formation of these structures has been shown to be associated with the density instability developed when the current velocity exceeds a critical value. The conditions for the development of this instability can be most favorable in the region of low-density plasma. Numerical calculations have been performed for the initial nonlinear stage of the structure development. The main parameters of the structure, i.e., the times of its formation and destruction, spatial scales, and electric field, have been estimated. The features of the structures are consistent with the existing data from space experiments in the region of auroral field-aligned currents of the Earth.  相似文献   

This work is a continuation of investigation [1] of the behavior of the solar wind’s and interplanetary magnetic field’s parameters near the onset of geomagnetic storms for various types of solar wind streams. The data of the OMNI base for the 1976–2000 period are used in the analysis. The types of solar wind streams were determined, and the times of beginning (onsets) of magnetic storms were distributed in solar wind types as follows: CIR (121 storms), Sheath (22 storms), MC (113 storms), and “uncertain type” (367 storms). The growth of variations (hourly standard deviations) of the density and IMF magnitude was observed 5–10 hours before the onset only in the Sheath. For the CIR-, Sheath-and MC-induced storms the dependence between the minimum of the IMF B z-component and the minimum of the D st -index, as well as the dependence between the electric field E y of solar wind and the minimum of the D st -index are steeper than those for the “uncertain” solar wind type. The steepest D st vs. B z dependence is observed in the Sheath, and the steepest D st vs. E y dependence is observed in the MC.  相似文献   

The general conditions of applicability are formulated for the canonical formulation of the problem of motion of micro-particles with variable electric charge in the near-Earth space. The validity of these conditions is demonstrated for particles of sub-micron dimension executing orbital motion in the Earth’s plasmasphere.  相似文献   

We present results from an initial survey of the 2(12)-1(11) transition of formaldehyde (H2CO) at 140.8 GHz in giant molecular clouds in the far outer Galaxy (RG >or= 16 kpc). Formaldehyde is a key prebiotic molecule that likely plays an important role in the development of amino acids. Determining the outermost extent of the H2CO distribution can constrain the outer limit of the Galactic Habitable Zone, the region where conditions for the formation of life are thought to be most favorable. We surveyed 69 molecular clouds in the outer Galaxy, ranging from 12 to 23.5 kpc in galactocentric radius. Formaldehyde emission at 140.8 GHz was detected in 65% of the clouds. The H2CO spectral line was detected in 26 of the clouds with RG > 16 kpc (detection rate of 59%), including 6 clouds with RG > 20 kpc (detection rate of 55%). Formaldehyde is readily found in the far outer Galaxy-even beyond the edge of the old stellar disk. Determining the relatively widespread distribution of H2CO in the far outer Galaxy is a first step in establishing how favorable an environment this vast region of the Galaxy may be toward the formation of life.  相似文献   

The relationship between proton aurora and geomagnetic pulsations Pc1, which are an indicator of development of ion-cyclotron instability in the equatorial magnetosphere, are studied on the basis of the observations of proton aurora from the IMAGE satellite, observations of particle fluxes onboard the low-orbiting NOAA satellites, and geomagnetic pulsation observations at the Lovozero observatory. A conclusion is drawn that the subauroral spots in the proton emission projected into the magnetosphere near the plasmapause are two-dimensional images at the ionospheric “screen” of the region of intense scattering of energetic protons into the loss cone at the development of an ion-cyclotron instability.  相似文献   

等离子体驱动微小碎片加速器是利用大容量脉冲电容器组对等离子体同轴枪放电产生高温、高密度、高速等离子体,再用这些等离子体加速微粒(10~1 000 μm)至超高速(1~15 km/s)以模拟mm级以下空间碎片撞击效应的地面试验装置。为了提高微粒速度,需要增加等离子体的动量,而等离子体的动量与工作气体的性质及定向速度密切相关。文章用数值模拟及解析计算等理论方法来探索等离子体轴向速度、密度和温度与放电条件、加速电极参数和工作气体之间的关系。通过研究等离子体束与微粒间相互作用的动力学行为,寻求优化试验装置效率的有效途径。  相似文献   

超高速撞击中靶后碎片云的内外边界方程研究   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
研究超高速撞击防护靶形成的碎片云的形状模型对航天器防护结构设计具有重要意义。文章用数值仿真的方法研究靶后碎片云的内外边界模型:将碎片云根据其材料来源分为靶板碎片云和弹丸碎片云,分别根据各碎片云的分布特点建立碎片云形状的内外边界方程;在双纽线边界方程的基础上,修正为由双纽线方程和圆弧方程组成的边界方程。对比整体碎片云的适用率表明,由双纽线方程和圆弧方程组成的边界方程比单一的双纽线边界方程描述碎片云实际分布更为贴合。  相似文献   

A comparison of temporal profiles of low-energy ion intensity and magnetic field magnitude in different periods of solar activity in the outer heliosphere is carried out using the data of the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft. It is shown that temporal, spectral, and statistical characteristics of particle fluxes and magnetic field in the heliospheric regions before and after the terminal shock in 2002–2008 had similar dynamics in different hemispheres. This similarity allowed one to assume that, in the region of the inner heliospheric boundary, a quasistable spatial structure existed moving together with the terminal shock in accordance with the solar wind pressure, as well as, probably, under the action of the interstellar medium. It was revealed that the spatial dimensions of most details of this structure are less on Voyager 2, which, probably, is due to variation of the solar activity level, difference in latitude of spacecraft disposition, and also the influence of the interstellar magnetic field.  相似文献   

Based on a new database on positions of the auroral oval boundaries including measurements made by the IMAGE satellite in 2000–2002 with correct determination of the glow boundaries, statistical estimations of the latitudinal position of the polar cap boundary (PCB) are obtained depending on the IMF B y and B z , and the PCB evolution during a magnetic storm is analyzed. At zero IMF in the noon (midnight) sector, PCB is located approximately at 80° (76°) CGMLat. The PCB displacement along the noon-midnight meridian is controlled by the IMF B z , and in the noon (midnight) sector it is equal to 0.45° (0.15°) CGMLat when B z changes by 1 nT. The PCB displacement along the dawn-dusk meridian depends on the IMF B y , and it equals 0.1° CGMLat when B y changes by 1 nT. Accordingly, the north polar cap as a whole is shifted to the dawn (dusk) side at B y > 0 (B y <0). After northward turn of the IMF during the storm’s recovery phase, the PCB on the dayside is shifted to the north practically without time delay. The night boundary requires 25 h or more in order to be shifted to the pole to a latitude corresponding to B z > 0.  相似文献   

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