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Coherent signal detection in non-Gaussian interference is presently of interest in adaptive array applications. Conventional array detection algorithms inherently model the interference with a multivariate Gaussian random vector. However, non-Gaussian interference models are also under investigation for applications where the Gaussian assumption may not be appropriate. We analyze the performance of an adaptive array receiver for signal detection in interference modeled with a non-Gaussian distribution referred to as a spherically invariant random vector (SIRV). We first motivate this interference model with results from radar clutter measurements collected in the Mountain Top Program. Then we develop analytical expressions for the probability of false alarm and the probability of detection for the adaptive array receiver. Our analysis shows that the receiver has constant false alarm rate (CFAR) performance with respect to all the interference parameters. Some illustrative examples are included that compare the detection performance of this CFAR receiver with a receiver that has prior knowledge of the interference parameters  相似文献   

A constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detection method which is based on a combination of median and morphological filters (MEMO) is proposed. The MEMO algorithm has robust performance with small CFAR loss, very good behavior at clutter edges and high detection performance in the case of closely spaced narrowband signals (targets). The proposed MEMO method is favourably compared with cell averaging (CA) and ordered statistics (OS) CFAR detectors. The Monte Carlo method is employed to analyze the MEMO-CFAR detector  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate data quantization effects in constant false alarm rate (CFAR) signal detection. Exponential distribution for the input data and uniform quantization are assumed for the CFAR detector analysis. Such assumptions are valid in the case of radar for a Swerling I target in Gaussian clutter plus noise and a receiver with analog square-law detection followed by analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion. False alarm and detection probabilities of the cell averaging (CA) and order statistic (OS) CFAR detectors operating on quantized observations are analytically determined. In homogeneous backgrounds with 15 dB clutter power fluctuations, we show analytically that a 12-bit uniform quantizer is sufficient to achieve false alarm rate invariance. Detector performance characteristics in nonhomogeneous backgrounds, due to regions of clutter power transitions and multiple interfering targets, are also presented and detailed comparisons are given  相似文献   

An analysis of the probability of target detection for a clutter map CFAR using digital exponential filtering has been performed. General performance equations are derived. The probability of detection versus signal-to-noise ratio is plotted for a false alarm probability of 1.E-06 for several weight values. The CFAR loss is plotted for a detection probability of 0.9 and false alarm probabilities of 1.E-06 and 1.E-08.  相似文献   

Time diversity transmission is often used to circumvent the high probability of a deep fade on a single transmission which may result in loss of the signal. One way to combat deep fades is to postdetection integrate the received observations from each range resolution cell. The false alarm rate of the postdetection integrator (PI) is extremely sensitive to randomly arriving impulse interference. Such interfering pulses may be unintentionally generated by nearby radars or intentionally generated by pulse jammers seeking to destroy the visibility of the radar. The binary integrator (PI) which uses an M-out-of-L decision rule is insensitive to at most M-1 interfering pulses. We consider the adaptive implementation of the PI and BI detectors for constant false alarm rate (CFAR) operation. We show that the CFAR BI detector when the “AND” (L-out-of-L) decision rule is used exhibits more robust false alarm control properties in the presence of impulse interference at the expense of severe detection loss when no interference is present. The CFAR adaptive PI (API) detector is proposed to alleviate this problem. The CFAR API detector implements an adaptive censoring algorithm which determines and censors with high probability the interference samples thereby achieving robust false alarm control in the presence of interference and optimum detection performance in the absence of interference  相似文献   

The Siebert and the Dicke-fix CFAR radar detectors, used to maintain a constant false alarm rate (CFAR) in radar receivers under very similar circumstances, are considered. The Siebert detector represents the maximum-likelihood detection procedure for a signal in Gaussian noise of unknown power level, whereas the Dicke-fix makes use of a bandpass limiter to normalize the input and thus ensure a constant false alarm rate. The detection performance of the two detectors is determined and a comparison shows that over a wide range of parameters, the Dicke-fix introduces a loss which is approximately 1 B larger than for the Siebert detector.  相似文献   

It is shown that in a situation where a radar target is distant enough from the radar and is included in a natural or artificial clutter environment in such a manner that the conventional detection methods fail, it is possible to improve the radar detection performance by using appropriate signal processing on two orthogonal polarization states. A CFAR (constant false alarm rate) polarimetric detection system based on the study of the polarization difference between clutter and target is proposed. Since the polarization state of the clutter echoes fluctuates slowly from cell to cell, an autoregressive model can be applied to the components of the polarization vector to predict the detection thresholds needed to follow the polarization state variation. The detection thresholds are determined to maintain a false alarm probability equal to 10-6. The presence of a target registers as a significant variation of the estimation error of the polarization vector. Results obtained from measurements of simple and canonical targets with artificial clutter are presented, and these results validate the principle of polarimetric detection  相似文献   

针对传统的双参数恒虚警率(Constant False Alarm Rate,CFAR)算法存在的虚警率高、实现过程繁琐、算法执行效率低等问题,提出了一种改进型的CFAR检测算法。该算法根据SAR图像的统计直方图,对可疑的目标像素进行预筛选,再用2个滑动窗口对像素进行判别。改进型的CFAR检测算法简化了原检测算法的结构,降低了检测结果的虚警率,提高了算法的计算效率,并在国际公开的雷达数据集上进行软件与DSP硬件的应用验证,测试表明该算法的有效性。  相似文献   

The performance of distributed constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detection with data fusion both in homogeneous and nonhomogeneous Gaussian backgrounds is analyzed. The ordered statistics (OS) CFAR detectors are employed as local detectors. With a Swerling type I target model, in the homogeneous background, the global probability of detection for a given fixed global probability of false alarm is maximized by optimizing both the threshold multipliers and the order numbers of the local OS-CFAR detectors. In the nonhomogeneous background with multiple targets or clutter edges, the performance of the detection system is analyzed and its performance is compared with the performance of the distributed cell-averaging (CA) CFAR detection system  相似文献   

A new family of constant false alarm rate (CFAR) processors is introduced. An Ll-CFAR forms its noise power estimate by linearly filtering ranked samples from the reference set; the weights of this combination, however, depend not only on the rank, but also on the relative proximity of the sample to the cell under test. From the class of Ll-CFARs may be chosen members which effectively censor spurious targets; members which exhibit impressive control of false alarm in the presence of a clutter edge; and members which are robust against both such inhomogeneities. While the design of such schemes is involved, their implementation is not significantly more burdensome than that of plain ordered statistic CFAR (OS-CFAR). After a discussion of the stochastic training of Ll-CFAR, the performance is thoroughly assessed under the most commonly encountered instances of environmental conditions, and compared with those of classical CFAR techniques  相似文献   

文章提出了 1种基于双边截断的双参数海上风电站 SAR图像 CFAR检测器 DTCS-TPCFAR,目的是提高在具有多个目标海上区域和石油泄漏区域等环境下对海上风电站的检测性能。DTCS-TPCFAR所提出的双边截断杂波的方法,能够同时消除高强度和低强度异常值的干扰,同时保留真实的杂波样本。通过使用最大似然估计计算双边截断后样本的均值和标准差,然后通过这 2个参数估计值计算出截断阈值,最后再结合指定的虚警率(Probability of False Alarm,PFA)来对测试单元(Test Cell,TC)进行判断,完成最终的目标检测。这也是首次将 CFAR检测器用于检测海上风电站。文章通过 Sentinel-1数据集来验证该方法的有效性。实验结果表明,文章所提出的算法在相同指定虚警率下,具有更高的检测率(Detection Rate,DR)和更低的误报率(False Alarm Rate,FAR)。  相似文献   

Detection of random signals via spectrum matching   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Using a priori knowledge of the signal power spectral density (PSD), a spectrum matching approach which effectively utilizes the available signal spectral shape is developed for random signal detection. Two spectrum matching detector (SMD) structures, which are implemented by correlogram and periodogram, respectively, are examined. Theoretical calculation of their false alarm rates is derived and confirmed by simulations. It is also demonstrated that the proposed detectors outperform the standard periodogram, Bartlett method, and energy detector under constant false alarm rate (CFAR) condition for two different random signals.  相似文献   

OS-CFAR theory for multiple targets and nonuniform clutter   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The performance of a cell averaging constant false-alarm rate (CA-CFAR) detector degrades rapidly in nonideal conditions caused by multiple targets and nonuniform clutter. The ordered-statistic CFAR (OS-CFAR) is an alternative to the CA-CFAR. The OS-CFAR trades a small loss in detection performance relative to the CA-CFAR in ideal conditions for much less performance degradation in nonideal conditions. A formula is given for the detection probability of the OS-CFAR when there are multiple Swerling I targets in the CFAR window, and a formula is given for the probability of false alarm in nonuniform Raleigh clutter  相似文献   

Matched subspace CFAR detection of hovering helicopters   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
A constant false alarm rate (CFAR) strategy for detecting a Gaussian distributed random signal against correlated non-Gaussian clutter is developed. The proposed algorithm is based on Scharf's matched subspace detector (MSD) and has the CFAR property with respect to the clutter amplitude probability density function (apdf), provided that the clutter distribution belongs to the compound-Gaussian family and the clutter covariance matrix is known to within a scale factor. Analytical expressions of false alarm and detection probabilities are derived. An application to the problem of detecting hovering helicopters against vegetated ground clutter is reported  相似文献   

Analysis of CFAR processors in homogeneous background   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five different constant false alarm rate (CFAR) radar processing schemes are considered and their performances analyzed in homogeneous and nonhomogeneous backgrounds, the latter specifically being the multiple target environment and regions of clutter transitions. The average detection threshold for each of the CFAR schemes was computed to measure and compare the detection performance in homogeneous noise background. The exponential noise model was used for clear and clutter backgrounds to get closed-form expressions. The processor types compared are: the cell-averaging CFAR, the `greatest of' CFAR, the `smallest of' CFAR, the ordered-statistics CFAR, and a modified ordered-statistics processor called the trimmed-mean CFAR  相似文献   

The greatest of constant false alarm rate processor (GO CFAR) is a useful architecture for adaptively setting a radar detection threshold in the presence of clutter edges. The GO CFAR input is often the envelope detected in-phase (I) and quadrature (Q) channels of the baseband signal (xe=√(I2+Q2)). This envelope detection can also be approximated using x=a max{|I|,|Q|}+b min{|I|,|Q|} which requires less complex hardware (a and b are simple multiplying coefficients). The envelope GO CFAR processor and several envelope approximation GO CFAR processors are compared in terms of the probability of false alarm (PFA) performance. Closed-form expressions which describe the PFA performance are given and their accuracy evaluated. It is shown that for all cases, the PFA is proportional to the number of reference cells n for small threshold multiplier T and inversely proportional to n for large T. A region of intersection occurs where the PFA is the same for two different values of n. For example, at T'=1.68 in the |I|+|Q| GO CFAR (a=1, b=1) the PFA for n=1 is equal to the optimal n=∞ fixed-threshold PFA (PFA=0.112)  相似文献   

Rohling has developed a constant false alarm rate (CFAR) technique based on ordered statistics of the reference cells. An extension of his technique is presented that maintains a CFAR for two-parameter distributions, with both mean power and skewness variable. The new method is therefore more robust, but has higher CFAR loss than the single-parameter technique.  相似文献   

This work presents a single-scan-processing approach to the problem of detecting and preclassifying a radar target that may belong to different target classes. The proposed method is based on a hybrid of the maximum a posteriori (MAP) and Neyman-Pearson (NP) criteria and guarantees the desired constant false alarm rate (CFAR) behavior. The targets are modeled as subspace random signals having zero mean and given covariance matrix. Different target classes are discriminated based on their different signal subspaces, which are specified by their corresponding projection matrices. Performance is investigated by means of numerical analysis and Monte Carlo simulation in terms of probability of false alarm, detection and classification; the extra signal-to-noise power ratio (SNR) necessary to classify once target detection has occurred is also derived.  相似文献   

It is necessary for automatic detection radars to be adaptive to variations in background clutter in order to maintain a constant false alarm rate (CFAR). A CFAR based on an ordered statistic technique (OS CFAR) has some advantages over the cell-averaging technique (CA CFAR), especially in clutter edges or multiple target environments; unfortunately the large processing time required by this technique limits its use. The authors present two new OS CFARs that require only ahlf the processing time. One is an ordered statistic greatest of CFAR (OSGO), while the other is an ordered statistic smallest of CFAR (OSSO). The OSGO CFAR has the advantages of the OS CFAR with only a negligible increment to the CFAR loss  相似文献   

Littoral operation of radars poses severe signal processing difficulties due to the highly stressing, inhomogeneous clutter. This report describes an initial investigation into the feasibility of utilising site specific radar modelling to provide a localized estimate of the clutter statistics which can then be used to predict the required threshold to maintain a given false alarm rate. The technique has been applied to littoral clutter recordings obtained from the experimental S-band phase array radar, MESAR2. Results are presented for the technique in comparison with a conventional, non-adaptive, cell averaging CFAR. The paper concludes that significant performance enhancements are possible through the use of this new technique.  相似文献   

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