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2021年7月4日,神舟十二号航天员刘伯明、汤洪波顺利出舱,雄伟有力的空间站核心舱机械臂首次托举航天员刘伯明到指定位置,圆满完成出舱操作,抬升天和核心舱舱外全景相机的位置,并验证了机械臂的大范围转移能力,在刚刚迎来建党百年华诞之际,完成了我国空间站工程建造任务的又一壮举. 此次出舱活动,圆满完成了舱外活动相关设备组装、...  相似文献   

为验证空间站柔性机械臂系统在有初始位置、姿态误差的情况下能否成功完成辅助舱段对接任务,文章建立了空间站柔性机械臂辅助舱段对接动力学模型,模型考虑了对接机构的接触碰撞,依据关节精细动力学模型、力矩控制方法和阻抗控制程序进行了空间柔性机械臂辅助舱段对接过程仿真。仿真结果表明,当关节输出端位置测量精度为17位时,依靠阻抗控制的方法,空间柔性机械臂在主动舱存在最大位置误差150mm,最大姿态误差2.5°的情况下仍能完成对接;对接成功后,空间柔性机械臂系统控制力迅速下降,仍然能较好地保持构型,不会影响对接舱段的安全。  相似文献   

浩言 《太空探索》2008,(4):32-33
在欧洲哥伦布实验舱与国际空间站成功对接后,美国航天飞机紧接着的主要任务是放飞日本"希望",为国际空间站继续添砖加瓦.从2008年3月11日起,美国航天飞机将分3次发射日本希望号实验舱与国际空间站对接,即先发射希望号实验后勤舱增压段,然后发射希望号实验舱增压舱和遥控机械臂,最后发射暴露设施和实验后勤舱暴露段.  相似文献   

为分析空间站在应用机械臂转位过程中的动力学特性,采用矢量力学方法推导了考虑偏心量的空间站转位系统动力学模型.使用有限元方法描述柔性臂的弹性变形,应用Newton-Euler法建立空间站机械臂转位系统转动方程,并采用Lagrange法建立柔性臂振动方程;针对柔性机械臂末端带有大负载的特点,将末端弹性变形引起的负载角速度从负载绝对角速度中分离,应用约束模态展开法对动力学方程进行降阶.提出了构造降维矩阵的方法以便于利用空间动力学模型研究机械臂平面转位问题;分析了空间站舱体转位过程中系统的转动惯量、偏心量发生变化的特性.数值仿真结果表明:空间站在转位过程中,系统总体相对于系统质心的转动惯量变化巨大,且偏心量变化范围甚至已超出了空间站核心舱的几何范围.结论可为空间站的控制系统设计提供理论参考.  相似文献   

7月12日,美国阿特兰蒂斯号航天飞机从佛罗里达州卡纳维拉尔角的肯尼迪航天中心发射升空。13日深夜,它与建设中的国际空间站成功对接,机上5名航天员和原国际空间站上的3名长住航天员胜利会师。 编号STS-104的这次飞行是航天飞机第10次到访国际空间站。此行的目的是为国际空间站送去名为“探索”的联合气闸舱以及与之配套的4个高压气罐。在站上第二批长住客以及由前一架航天飞机送上站的机械臂的帮助下,阿特兰蒂斯号上的两名航天员迈克尔-杰恩哈特和詹姆斯·雷利进行了3次舱外行走,圆满完成了“探索”号及高压气罐的安装和启用等所有预定任务。  相似文献   

赵前 《国际太空》1994,(6):6-6,5
日本参加以美国为首的国际空间站计划的项目有三个,即①充压实验舱(JEM),用以进行科学实验;②后勤舱,用以贮存各种气源、试验样品以及其他消耗品;③暴露设施,用以进行暴露在空间的舱外实验,并有日本研制的遥控机械臂进行遥控操作。去年,美国决定重新设计国际空间站并提高了空间站轨道的倾角,结果使日本的实验舱重量不得不减少3600公斤,日本实验舱的发射次数也将由原计划的2次改为3次,增加了发射费用。日本主管日本实验舱的日本宇宙开发事业团(NASDA)一位负责人说,由于去年这一折腾,日本实验舱的计划至少推迟…  相似文献   

2001年航天员承担了更为繁重的太空建筑任务.为国际空间站增添了三个舱段(美国命运号实验舱、美国探索号气闸舱和俄罗斯码头号对接舱)和一只手臂(第一套遥控机械臂系统).  相似文献   

1月23日,肯尼迪航天中心39A发射台的指令长杰夫。威廉姆斯和飞行工程师克里默将“宁静”号节点舱装进“奋进”号航天飞机的有效载荷舱,并关闭了有效载荷舱的舱门,而国际空间站上的航天员完成了一次关键的机械臂操作任务。  相似文献   

正空间站航天员出舱活动医学保障工作,是载人航天长期飞行医学保障的重点,也是空间站运营和发展的重要保障。本文主要以"国际空间站"俄罗斯舱段为背景,介绍了"国际空间站"航天员舱外活动的概况、舱外活动的工作组织原则与医学保障系统,阐述了舱外活动的减压安全保障措施、舱外活动期间航天员作息制度的特点,最后分析了"国际空间站"航天员舱外活动的主要结果。随着航天员舱外活动个体装备技术的完善及其功能可靠性的提高,舱外工作逐渐由短时行为变为航天员有  相似文献   

二○○一年(下) 2001年4月,奋进号航天飞机携带多功能后勤舱,为命运号实验舱送来设备,为国际空间站安装了第一套遥控机械臂系统,还安装了为美国航天员太空行走通信提供支持的超高频天线.  相似文献   

总体技术指标的确定是空间机械臂总体设计中的关键,基于此,文章提出了一种空间机械臂总体技术指标确定方法,并进行动力学仿真研究。首先从任务目标出发,结合总体约束条件,对空间机械臂的长度、末端位姿精度、末端最大运动速度、关节驱动力矩等技术指标进行论证;然后建立系统的多体动力学模型,对常规工况和极限工况下空间机械臂的带载操作过程进行动力学仿真,以验证所确定的总体技术指标。仿真结果表明,所提出的思路和方法对于空间机械臂的设计和研制具有一定参考作用。  相似文献   

The time has come to give serious thought to the use of the International Space Station (ISS) as a space platform to advance remote sensing research in several scientific disciplines. The European scientific community has been developing instrumentation for deployment on the ISS for some time now. Recently, NASA opened competitions for scientific programs to be supported as “Missions of Opportunity” to utilize the “EXPRESS Pallet” facility on the ISS. A single EXPRESS Pallet has the capability of carrying a collection of instruments similar to the payload of a conventional satellite. A major difference between ISS and satellite programs is that the research funding will be expended on scientific instrumentation and analysis and not on a spacecraft, launch vehicle, and flight operations. As the ISS becomes fully operational, EXPRESS Pallets could be deployed in short periods of time compared to preparing a satellite program. The ability to retrieve, improve, and re-fly an instrument is important to a progressive research program. This allows the experiment to be responsive to data analysis in a timely manner and also keep pace with developing technology.  相似文献   

在SI国际单位制中,平面角是导出量,平面角的单位"弧度"是辅助单位。但是,平面角既不能由长度基本单位导出,又不能溯源至长度基本单位,因此不能确立导出关系。平面角应用广泛,作用重要,具有独特的性能,符合基本量的要求,因此提出:平面角,简称"角度",是基本量;平面角的单位"度、(角)分、(角)秒",是基本单位,以供探讨。  相似文献   

机械臂运动学标定对提高机械臂的绝对定位精度具有重要意义,探究高效的机械臂标定方法已成为机器人领域研究的热点。现有标定方法可分类为基于模型的参数运动学标定、自标定和无参数运动学标定三类,对基于模型的参数运动学标定,从运动学建模、末端执行器测量、参数辨识和误差补偿四个方面详细介绍了其研究现状。对各种标定方法进行了比较,并分析了其优缺点。最后对机械臂运动学标定中存在的问题进行了分析,展望了标定技术的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

Continued assembly of the International Space Station (ISS) requires numerous extra-vehicular activities (EVAs). Prudent radiological safety practices require minimizing additional exposures to crewmen during these periods. The spatial distribution of the “normal” trapped proton and electron radiation sources in low Earth orbit is strongly governed by the geomagnetic field. It is possible to use ISS trajectory information to estimate crew exposures during EVAs and to identify periods that can result in minimal EVA crew exposures through avoidance of these trapped radiation regions. Such exposure minimization planning can also accommodate the unforeseen development of a solar proton event. An EVA exposure estimation tool, EVADOSE, is described and applied to various EVA exposure scenarios. Procedures and parameters that influence EVA exposures are discussed along with techniques to minimize crew exposures.  相似文献   

舱外航天手套对手动作业的影响及解决办法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
从舱外活动时航天员手的作用具有无比优越性,众多自动装置或机器人无法取代的事实出发,比较详细地论述了舱外航天手套对手动作业影响的主要因素后,提出了寻求解决手套防护要求与保持手部具有基本功能之间矛盾的一些医学工程设想。  相似文献   

Space weather and related ionizing radiation has been recognized as one of the main health concerns for the International Space Station (ISS) crew. The estimation of the radiation effect on humans outside the ISS requires at first order accurate knowledge of their accumulated absorbed dose rates, which depend on the global space radiation distribution, solar cycle and local variations generated by the 3D mass distribution surrounding the ISS. The R3DE (Radiation Risks Radiometer-Dosimeter for the EXPOSE-E platform) on the European Technological Exposure Facility (EuTEF) worked successfully outside of the European Columbus module between February 2008 and September 2009. A very similar instrument named R3DR for the EXPOSE-R platform worked outside the Russian Zvezda module of the ISS between March 2009 and August 2010. Both are Liulin-type detectors, Bulgarian-built miniature spectrometer-dosimeters. The acquired approximately 5 million deposited energy spectra from which the flux and absorbed dose rate were calculated with 10 s resolution behind less than 0.41 g cm−2 shielding. This paper analyses the spectra collected in 2009 by the R3DE/R instruments and the long-term variations in the different radiation environments of Galactic Cosmic Rays (GCR), inner radiation belt trapped protons in the region of the South Atlantic Anomaly (SAA) and relativistic electrons from the Outer Radiation Belt (ORB). The R3DE instrument, heavily shielded by the surrounding structures, measured smaller primary fluxes and dose rates from energetic protons from the SAA and relativistic electrons from the ORB but higher values from GCRs because of the contribution from secondary particles. The main conclusion from this investigation is that the dose rates from different radiation sources around the International Space Station (ISS) have a large special and temporal dynamic range. The collected data can be interpreted as possible doses obtained by the cosmonauts and astronauts during Extra Vehicular Activities (EVA) because the R3DE/R instruments shielding is very similar to the Russian and American space suits average shielding (,  and ). Fast, active measurements are required to assess accurately the dose accumulated by astronauts during EVA.  相似文献   

Space robots play a significant role in on-orbit capture, space structure construction, and assembly tasks. Since the robotic arms are attached to a free-floating satellite, the motion of the manipulator in such tasks and the satellite are coupled. Multiple-arm space robots can perform complex cooperative tasks and are superior to single-arm space robots. Current work proposes a reactionless manipulation algorithm for a multi-robotic arm based on the iterative Newton–Euler method for space robots with many task and balance arms. The present work demonstrates two tasks and one balance arm to perform a reactionless handshake maneuver in space. This maneuver is presented in detail for a planar and spatial case. The planar case uses 3 DoF robotic arms, while the spatial case uses 6 DoF robotic arms. In addition, the balance arm has been designed considering the efficient usage of energy satisfying reactionless manipulation concept. The design procedure focuses on minimizing energy used during the motion of the balance arm for a known motion of task arms using a genetic algorithm. Moreover, computational experiments are conducted to validate the use of the genetic algorithm for optimization. The results of proposed reactionless manipulation algorithm have been validated with the results available in the literature for the spatial case that uses a different method. In the future, an energy-efficient balance arm will be designed to handle tumbling objects.  相似文献   

控制力矩陀螺驱动的空间机器人轨迹跟踪控制   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
提出一种新的空间机器人设计概念,并研究其轨迹跟踪控制问题.系统中的各机械臂以自由球铰连接,在机器人平台和每节机械臂上均安装有一组控制力矩陀螺(CMGs,Control Moment Gyroscopes)作为控制力矩执行机构.采用改进的罗格里得斯参数(MRPs,Modified Rodrigues Parameters)描述平台和各节机械臂的姿态,利用Kane方程建立了系统的动力学模型.在此基础上,用逆动力学方法设计了系统的轨迹跟踪控制律,用以实现卫星平台的位置/姿态和机械臂末端作用器位置的轨迹跟踪控制.采用带有零运动的CMGs操纵律以使CMGs准确输出力矩并回避构型奇异.基于两关节机械臂系统和金字塔构型CMGs的数值仿真结果验证了所设计的控制律和操纵律的有效性,以及自由球铰连接方式在提高末端作用器运动自由度和降低系统动力学耦合方面的优越性.   相似文献   

A “Real-Time” plasma hazard assessment process was developed to support International Space Station (ISS) Program real-time decision-making providing solar array constraint relief information for Extravehicular Activities (EVAs) planning and operations. This process incorporates real-time ionospheric conditions, ISS solar arrays’ orientation, ISS flight attitude, and where the EVA will be performed on the ISS. This assessment requires real-time data that is presently provided by the Floating Potential Measurement Unit (FPMU) which measures the ISS floating potential (FP), along with ionospheric electron number density (Ne) and electron temperature (Te), in order to determine the present ISS environment. Once the present environment conditions are correlated with International Reference Ionosphere (IRI) values, IRI is used to forecast what the environment could become in the event of a severe geomagnetic storm. If the FPMU should fail, the Space Environments team needs another source of data which is utilized to support a short-term forecast for EVAs. The IRI Real-Time Assimilative Mapping (IRTAM) model is an ionospheric model that uses real-time measurements from a large network of digisondes to produce foF2 and hmF2 global maps in 15?min cadence. The Boeing Space Environments team has used the IRI coefficients produced in IRTAM to calculate the Ne along the ISS orbital track. The results of the IRTAM model have been compared to FPMU measurements and show excellent agreement. IRTAM has been identified as the FPMU back-up system that will be used to support the ISS Program if the FPMU should fail.  相似文献   

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