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除了常说的三大理论来源以外,马克思的理论体系的形成还有很多丰富的思想资源,其中,基督教和<圣经>传统、古希腊神话和西方文学作品对马克思科学世界观、人生观、价值观的形成产生了深刻影响,马克思对他们采取了批判的借鉴的态度,从中汲取了丰富的营养,成为马克思理论体系重要的思想资源.  相似文献   

除了常说的三大理论来源以外,马克思的理论体系的形成还有很多丰富的思想资源,其中,基督教和《圣经》传统、古希腊神话和西方文学作品对马克思科学世界观、人生观、价值观的形成产生了深刻影响,马克思对他们采取了批判的借鉴的态度,从中汲取了丰富的营养,成为马克思理论体系重要的思想资源。  相似文献   

义利观是人们在处理义与利关系上所持的基本观点和态度。邓小平坚持义利并重、义利相宜的思想,肯定了人的正当利益的合理性,遵循"人民利益至高无上"的原则,强调"义"对人的思想塑造作用,丰富和发展了马克思主义义利理论。全面理解邓小平义利观的内涵和实质,对我国当前制定分配政策、解决民生问题、建设社会主义核心价值体系以及推进对外开放具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

从柏拉图的《理想国》起到马克思、恩格斯提出的共产主义社会,中外历史上提过种种设想,但马克思、恩格斯明确指出,共产主义社会需要在物质极大丰富的条件下才能建立。中华民族在历史上丧失了一些改革的机遇,这次改革机遇决不能错过。干部及技术是决定改革成败的重要因素,应建立改革的干部队伍标准。  相似文献   

文章通过对比历史上相关的悲剧理论,阐述了马克思、恩格斯悲剧冲突的必然性理论的形成与完善,指出马克思恩格斯关于悲剧冲突的历史必然性理论是悲剧学史上关于悲剧冲突必然性观念的一次质的飞跃。  相似文献   

养老事业关系到一个国家的经济、社会和政治问题。我国在经济尚不发达的条件下进入人口老龄化社会,汹涌而来的白发浪潮对我国养老事业造成了很大的压力,使尚未形成完善体系的养老福利事业面临着严峻的挑战和考验。国家经济实力的不强和相关法律制度的缺失,难以应对高龄化显著和未富先老的困境,老年群体问题比较突出。探讨新形势下养老事业发展路径,完善相关的法律制度,具有重要的现实意义。  相似文献   

拉宾德拉纳特·泰戈尔是印度极负盛名的文学家、思想家和诗人。人们称他为“东方国家在近代和现代第一个在世界范围产生了极大影响的作家”。在他的文学作品中,反映了他对跨越民族界限问题的思考和对世界和平发展的人文关怀,显露出人类命运共同体思想的意识雏形。从人类命运共同体的理论视角探索泰戈尔的思想,不仅能够为认识泰戈尔思想中的民族性与世界性问题提供新的视角,对从文学的角度推动建构人类命运共同体也具有重要意义。  相似文献   

随着社会生产力的高度发展,社会组织管理的日益现代化,本世纪四十年代末形成的自动控制理论,在短短的三十年中,从研究单输入单输出系统的经典理论发展为研究多变量最优控制系统的现代控制理论。特别是六十年代后期以来,出现了研究规模庞大、构造复杂、影响因素众多的大系统理论。正是在这种必然的发展趋势上,自动控  相似文献   

(一)电离层与超视距雷达覆盖地球的大气越往上越稀薄,而且在太阳紫外线、X 射线和带电粒子等能量的作用下,大气中的分子分解为电子和离子。结果在高空中形成一个高电子密度层,这就是电离层。电离层自下而上又分三层;高度在  相似文献   

论述了ISO9000标准对建立质量工作长效机制的作用和影响,一方面对长效机制建立是有益的,主要体现在对管理模式和思维方式的改变,负面的影响是强调程序性制度弱化了实体性制度的作用,以及企业制度创新能力的降低,提出了围绕ISO9000标准建立质量工作长效机制时应注意的四个方面:“人治”与“法治”的平衡,制度创新,对先进经验要批判的接受及重视实体性制度的建设。  相似文献   

The results of biomedical investigations carried out in the U.S.S.R. manned space missions are discussed. Their basic result is well-documented evidence that man can perform space flights of long duration. The investigations have demonstrated no direct correlation between inflight or postflight physiological reactions of crewmembers and flight duration. In all likelihood, this can be attributed to the fact that special exercises done inflight efficiently prevented adverse effects of weightlessness. However, human reactions to weightlessness need further study. They include negative calcium balance and anemia as well as vestibulo-autonomic disorders shown by crewmembers at early stages of weightlessness. Attention should be given to psychological, social-psychological and ethical problems that may also limit further increase in flight duration.  相似文献   

美国的空域范围与我国空域范围大致相同,但美国空域内飞行量却是我国的几十倍,因此,认真分析和研究美国空域系统的规划、建设与发展,将对提高我国空域使用率,系统建设与空中飞行相配套的设施设备,促进军民航空中飞行安全快速发展起到积极的推动作用。本文就美国未来国家空域系统规划(1998—2015)的主要内容提要奉献给读者,希望大家能得到启示。  相似文献   

本文叙述了前苏联第一种洲际弹道导弹P - 7弹上控制系统的前期研制和试验历史 ,介绍了燃料消耗控制、视速度调节、法向和横向控制这些子系统的构成原理  相似文献   

Rhythm disorders observed in space have always been minor but they are not unfrequent. They include: ventricular or supra-ventricular extrasystoles, nodal arrhythmias, auriculo-ventricular conduction disorders. There are several etiopathogenetic hypotheses: a strict selection must permit its elimination of an underlying heart disease; the potassium deficiency is often advanced but its role is not certain; the role of catecholamines is also discussed; the role of hypervagotony is extensively analysed as great clinical and electro-cardiographic evidence speaks for it. It can induce disorders which are more serious than those observed so far, particularly fibrillation or intermittent atrial flutter; weightlessness itself could partly condition the vagotonic state; and the effects of fluid shifts are also discussed from this point of view. The possible therapies for various atrial, nodal, ventricular disorders are reviewed, with greater detail for vagal atrial arrhythmias.  相似文献   

ADS-B在美国   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国是“广播式自动相关监视”(ADS-B)技术研究和应用的先行者之一。继1991年,瑞典首次成功利用飞行座舱显示器(CDTI)演示ADS-B功能之后,美国从1992年就开始在芝加哥的O’Hare机场开展ADS-B技术的早期应用研究。进入21世纪,美国首先在阿拉斯加地区通用航空飞机上推广应用ADS-B技术。2002年,美国联邦航空局FAA终于出台了ADS-B数据链发展政策以及支持ADS-B技术发展的规划蓝图。一、美国的AD S-B技术发展规划(一)近期规划:(2002年—2006年)(1)定义ADS-B最初发展阶段的国内技术系统底层结构;(2)允许“袖珍型”(不具备上行广播…  相似文献   

一、背景二十世纪末期,美国国家空域系统由于存在容量不足的缺陷,航班延误和旅客投诉处在高发期。据美国官方统计,2000年前几个月对航空运输的不满意率比1999年同期上涨了16个百分点。  相似文献   

Why do plants reflect in the green and have a "red edge" in the red, and should extrasolar photosynthesis be the same? We provide (1) a brief review of how photosynthesis works, (2) an overview of the diversity of photosynthetic organisms, their light harvesting systems, and environmental ranges, (3) a synthesis of photosynthetic surface spectral signatures, and (4) evolutionary rationales for photosynthetic surface reflectance spectra with regard to utilization of photon energy and the planetary light environment. We found the "near-infrared (NIR) end" of the red edge to trend from blue-shifted to reddest for (in order) snow algae, temperate algae, lichens, mosses, aquatic plants, and finally terrestrial vascular plants. The red edge is weak or sloping in lichens. Purple bacteria exhibit possibly a sloping edge in the NIR. More studies are needed on pigment-protein complexes, membrane composition, and measurements of bacteria before firm conclusions can be drawn about the role of the NIR reflectance. Pigment absorbance features are strongly correlated with features of atmospheric spectral transmittance: P680 in Photosystem II with the peak surface incident photon flux density at approximately 685 nm, just before an oxygen band at 687.5 nm; the NIR end of the red edge with water absorbance bands and the oxygen A-band at 761 nm; and bacteriochlorophyll reaction center wavelengths with local maxima in atmospheric and water transmittance spectra. Given the surface incident photon flux density spectrum and resonance transfer in light harvesting, we propose some rules with regard to where photosynthetic pigments will peak in absorbance: (1) the wavelength of peak incident photon flux; (2) the longest available wavelength for core antenna or reaction center pigments; and (3) the shortest wavelengths within an atmospheric window for accessory pigments. That plants absorb less green light may not be an inefficient legacy of evolutionary history, but may actually satisfy the above criteria.  相似文献   

H P Klein 《Acta Astronautica》1981,8(9-10):927-938
Past U.S. space biological experiments in space, using non-human specimens, are discussed and evaluated. Current plans for future experimentation in this field are also given.  相似文献   

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