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孟军红  王诚  周红 《飞机设计》2023,43(5):42-48,63
涡扇运输机利用反推力装置实现空中减速功能和地面倒车滑行功能,可提高军用飞机安全性、自主保障型性和机场适用能力。国外只有少数飞机具有该2项功能,对其设计需求、使用特点、系统设计和安全措施进行了分析,总结了为实现该2项功能在飞机气动和机翼、飞行控制、发动机进气、舱压控制等设计方面需注意的问题。最后给出设计和使用这项功能的建议。  相似文献   

通用汽车公司打算采用与有源阵列技术相似但性能稍微差点的收发T/R模块作为汽车微波传感器。汽车背部的3个小型传感器可以在倒车时向驾驶员告警,以避开附近的障碍,或测出隐蔽处的车辆,以提醒驾驶员改道行驶。一个车头前的远距  相似文献   

辅助驾驶员操纵的预见显示及预测控制   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对人具有预见、预测能力和驾驶员操纵品质要求,提出了辅助驾驶员操纵的预风显示及预测控制方案。应用预见控制技术对驾驶员最优控制模型,显示与控制协调性合成设计的预见加速显示进行了研究,建立了驾驶员跟踪目标信号的最优预见控制模型和基于系统状态的预见加速显示的人机预测控制结构。用非零和协调性动态规划法进行驾驶员-显示器-控制器的最优协调性合成设计。可减轻驾驶员的操纵负担,提高了飞行品质和主观评价。  相似文献   

视景增强系统(EVS)一经问世,就引起了各航空公司,特别是美国航空公司的极大重视。因为这种系统能够直接为航空公司节省费用,提高营运的灵活性。它可直接在平显上(或下显上)显示红外、毫米波雷达、激光雷达及地形数据库所提供的数字式图像,引导驾驶员在低能见度条件下安全进近与着陆。从理论上讲,如果EVS能向驾驶员提供足够可靠的视景感知,机场就可不装备昂贵的Ⅲ B  相似文献   

监视报警系统作为旋翼试验塔测试系统的重要组成部分,不仅为试验的全过程提供实时、直观、准确的数据显示,同时对超过设定值的参数发出声光报警,为试验提供直接的判断。本文较为全面地论述了监视报警技术在实际测试工作中的特点、难点及其减少误报率所采取抗干扰技术的新方法。  相似文献   

雷达终端是雷达系统的核心组成部分,有必要采用当前先进的软硬件技术来设计.考虑到雷达终端发展现状,着重分析了雷达的功能要求和系统中的信息流,构建了基于通用微机的模块化、软件化的雷达终端系统,并详细讨论了系统的结构及硬件和软件的设计.系统由通用微机和雷达信号处理板sD754lA来实现,在运行过程中稳定可靠,满足雷达信号数据实时处理和显示的需求.  相似文献   

概况 近年来,由于以数字计算机为基础的数字式航空电子设备,如ARINC700系列的设备在新一代民航机得到广泛应用,使一种既能向飞机驾驶员提供高综合化程度的飞行信息,又要能减轻驾驶员飞行时操作负担的新型民航机座舱进行一次技术革命。座舱的电子综合显示技术则是座舱自动化所依赖的关键技术之一,除电子学、光学和计算机科学外,还涉及生理学、心理学及神经生理学等其它学科。因此,民航机的座舱电子综合显示技术是一门多学科技术发展的结果。  相似文献   

设在英国希思罗和盖特威克机场的精密空中交通管制(ATC)进近监控设备已进入全面运转状态.这种称为机场监控设备(AMA)的系统告警塔台管制员飞机已偏离正常的进近航迹,由管制员向驾驶员发出警告.在上述两个机场,AMA采用现有的表面运动雷达(SMR)传感器、跟踪和标记系统.AMA图像显示在SMR显示器下面.如果飞机离  相似文献   

机载雷达综合显示器的仿真实现   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
雷达综合显示器是一种能够灵活地把雷达一次信息、二次信息、地图背景和各种表格数据综合在同一个显示界面进行显示的雷达终端系统,可以形象地提供雷达威力范围内比较全面的综合信息。本文对应用Visual C++程序设计来实现航空机载雷达综合显示器的仿真问题进行了探讨。  相似文献   

飞行计划处理是指空中交通管制部门对飞行计划的输入、飞行计划的补充、飞行进程单的产生等进行处理。早期的飞行计划数据处理是基于空中交通管制员的手工操作和大脑记忆。随着计算机技术和数据库技术的发展,在空中交通管制领域中已逐步应用计算机技术和数据库技术对飞行计划的输入、飞行计划的补充、飞行动态的显示、飞行进程单和(或)电子数据显示(ED)信息的产生、与雷达数据处理系统(RDPS)的相关以及与这些数据有关的任何信息的处理。即使是多部雷达联网,雷达的探测范围总是有限的,在雷达能探测到飞机之前,管制员借助飞行计…  相似文献   

Georgia Tech Research Institute (GTRI) has developed a millimeter wave safety warning system for in-vehicle signing for use in the nation's Intelligent Transportation System (ITS, formerly IVHS). The Safety Warning System TU (SWS) utilizes a homodyne radar that operates at 24.1 GHz as both a radar and a system to transmit highway safety messages. The warning message is received by a police radar detector or stand-alone safety warning receiver without radar detector capability. When the message is received, it is displayed to the driver via an alphanumeric light emitting diode (LED) display. The message can also be announced by a voice synthesizer internal to the receiver or by a flashing LED labeled “SWS.” The system is designed to inform the driver that he or she is being overtaken by a police car or emergency vehicle in motion. When the police car or emergency vehicle stops, the radar transmitter senses that the platform is no longer moving and the system automatically changes its message to warn approaching drivers of a stationary hazard ahead. A second safety warning transmitter deployment concept is to mount the unit near the highway at a fixed location. The fixed location SWS is designed to be programmable and transmit any one of 64 fixed text messages  相似文献   

With the development of digital processing technology, there are emerging trends toward digitization in radar receivers design. By applying direct intermediate frequency-to-digital conversion (IF sampling) and direct digital synthesis (DDS), digital radar receivers can be designed. The digital radar receivers can obtain much higher precision and stability than analog ones; moreover, it can retain the extreme flexibility of digital techniques. This paper presents the principle, constitution and design method of digital radar receivers  相似文献   

The VIRTUAL GUARD is a general-purpose computer-based CCTV surveillance system for detecting potential criminal activity in public areas. The system monitors all activity in the surveillance area, the vast majority of which is people innocently going about their normal business. It will alarm when the observed activities of particular pedestrians and vehicles match any of the pre-defined “suspicious behaviour criteria” programmed into the system. At the same time as analysing movement behaviour, the system uses computer-controlled pan tilt zoom cameras to obtain close-up video recordings of any pedestrians and vehicles at the scene. The system can provide automatic surveillance in many different situations, from parking areas and commercial districts, to housing, recreational and transport facilities. It is particularly suited to the protection of government or commercial buildings located on city streets or other public areas where it is not possible to install perimeter fences  相似文献   

介绍了键盘显示驱动芯片MAX6954的性能特点,并给出了基于MAX6954的7段数码管显示和单个LED显示驱动以及键盘扫描组合应用方案,重点介绍了应用方案的肜软件设计。  相似文献   

A technique for suppressing second-time-around radar returns using pulse-repetition interval (PRI) modulation is presented and analyzed. It is shown that a staggered PRI radar system can offer considerable improvement over a nonstaggered radar system in rejecting second-time-around returns which cause false alarms. This improvement is a function of detector implementation (noncoherent integrator or binary integrator), the number of staggered PRIs, the quiescent false alarm number, the Swerling number of the false return, the transmitted signal power, the second-time-around noise power, and the quiescent noise power of the radar. Small changes in transmitted signal power can be traded off with the quiescent false alarm number to suppress the bogus return significantly. In addition, for a noncoherent integrator, all other parameters being equal, if the second-time-around return is a Swerling case II or IV target, then there is an optimum number of staggered PRIs that can be chosen to minimize the likelihood of its detection. It is also shown that the binary integrator significantly reduces the number of second-time-around return detections when compared with the noncoherent integrator. However, there is an accompanying loss of detection  相似文献   

为提高新型飞机装配检测需求,提出了基于激光雷达的装配检测方法,使用激光雷达对装配零部件定位基准进行测量,并对测量数据进行分析,提取出关键尺寸信息,从根本上解决装配问题。结合飞机某部件装配检测实例,对其装配问题进行检测及分析,解决了飞机装配过程中配合尺寸超差问题。结果证明基于激光雷达的装配检测技术可高效准确地检测出飞机装配问题,对实现飞机数字化自动装配具有重要意义。  相似文献   

Ultra-wideband radar and random signal radar are two types of newly-developed radar systems. This paper introduces the special advantages of the combination of ultra-wideband technology and random signal radar to the international radar community. It shows that these two radar systems have a very close relationship in nature and can gain significant benefits from each other. It can be anticipated that the random signal modulated waveform will open many potential possibilities for the applications of ultra-wideband radar systems to civilian operating environments.  相似文献   

基于单片机的多点温度采集系统设计   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着单片机技术的迅速兴起与蓬勃发展,其稳定、安全、高效、经济等优点十分突出。为了实现多点温度数据的精确采集,采用了一种基于单片机AT89C52为核心的数据采集系统,该系统具有电路简单、功耗低、抗干扰能力强、可靠性高等优点,能够通过DBW热电阻变送器对热电阻随温度的变化而得到的模拟信号进行采集,并通过A/D转换器对模拟信号进行模数转换;同时实现基本的人机对话功能,包括使用按键设定温度报警阀值,通过LED数码直读显示检测点、温度等功能。其温度测量精度可达到1℃。  相似文献   

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