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Following the launch and commissioning of NASA’s Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) in 2012, space weather data will be generated and broadcast from the spacecraft in near real-time. The RBSP mission targets one part of the space weather chain: the very high energy electrons and ions magnetically trapped within Earth’s radiation belts. The understanding gained by RBSP will enable us to better predict the response of the radiation belts to solar storms in the future, and thereby protect space assets in the near-Earth environment. This chapter details the presently planned RBSP capabilities for generating and broadcasting near real-time space weather data, discusses the data products, the ground stations collecting the data, and the users/models that will incorporate the data into test-beds for radiation belt nowcasting and forecasting.  相似文献   

The NASA Radiation Belt Storm Probes (RBSP) mission addresses how populations of high energy charged particles are created, vary, and evolve in space environments, and specifically within Earth’s magnetically trapped radiation belts. RBSP, with a nominal launch date of August 2012, comprises two spacecraft making in situ measurements for at least 2 years in nearly the same highly elliptical, low inclination orbits (1.1×5.8 RE, 10°). The orbits are slightly different so that 1 spacecraft laps the other spacecraft about every 2.5 months, allowing separation of spatial from temporal effects over spatial scales ranging from ~0.1 to 5 RE. The uniquely comprehensive suite of instruments, identical on the two spacecraft, measures all of the particle (electrons, ions, ion composition), fields (E and B), and wave distributions (d E and d B) that are needed to resolve the most critical science questions. Here we summarize the high level science objectives for the RBSP mission, provide historical background on studies of Earth and planetary radiation belts, present examples of the most compelling scientific mysteries of the radiation belts, present the mission design of the RBSP mission that targets these mysteries and objectives, present the observation and measurement requirements for the mission, and introduce the instrumentation that will deliver these measurements. This paper references and is followed by a number of companion papers that describe the details of the RBSP mission, spacecraft, and instruments.  相似文献   

This paper is devoted to the problem of particle acceleration in the closest to the Sun Hermean magnetosphere. We discuss few available observations of energetic particles in Mercury environment made by Mariner-10 in 1974–1975 during Mercury flyby’s and by Helios in 1979 upstream of the Hermean bow shock. Typically ions are non-adiabatic in a very dynamic and compact Mercury magnetosphere, so one may expect that particle acceleration will be very effective. However, it works perfectly for electrons, but for ions the scale of magnetosphere is so small that it allows their acceleration only up to 100 keV. We present comparative analysis of the efficiency of various acceleration mechanisms (inductive acceleration, acceleration by the centrifugal impulse force, stochastic acceleration in a turbulent magnetic fields, wave–particle interactions and bow shock energization) in the magnetospheres of the Earth and Mercury. Finally we discuss several points which need to be addressed in a future Hermean missions.  相似文献   

The five THEMIS spacecraft and a dedicated ground-based observatory array will pinpoint when and where substorms occur, thereby providing the observations needed to identify the processes that cause substorms to suddenly release solar wind energy stored within the Earth’s magnetotail. The primary science which drove the mission design enables unprecedented observations relevant to magnetospheric research areas ranging from the foreshock to the Earth’s radiation belts. This paper describes how THEMIS will reach closure on its baseline scientific objectives as a function of mission phase.  相似文献   

Scaling laws for possible outer planet magnetospheres are derived. These suggest that convection and its associated auroral effects will play a relatively smaller role than at Earth, and that there is a possibility that the outer planets could have significant radiation belts of energetic trapped particles.This is one of the publications by the Science Advisory Group.  相似文献   

The Earth’s bow shock is the most studied example of a collisionless shock in the solar system. It is also widely used to model or predict the behaviour at other astrophysical shock systems. Spacecraft observations, theoretical modelling and numerical simulations have led to a detailed understanding of the bow shock structure, the spatial organization of the components making up the shock interaction system, as well as fundamental shock processes such as particle heating and acceleration. In this paper we review the observations of accelerated ions at and upstream of the terrestrial bow shock and discuss the models and theories used to explain them. We describe the global morphology of the quasi-perpendicular and quasi-parallel shock regions and the foreshock. The acceleration processes for field-aligned beams and diffuse ion distribution types are discussed with connection to foreshock morphology and shock structure. The different possible mechanisms for extracting solar wind ions into the acceleration processes are also described. Despite several decades of study, there still remain some unsolved problems concerning ion acceleration at the bow shock, and we summarize these challenges.  相似文献   

In July 2016, NASA’s Juno mission becomes the first spacecraft to enter polar orbit of Jupiter and venture deep into unexplored polar territories of the magnetosphere. Focusing on these polar regions, we review current understanding of the structure and dynamics of the magnetosphere and summarize the outstanding issues. The Juno mission profile involves (a) a several-week approach from the dawn side of Jupiter’s magnetosphere, with an orbit-insertion maneuver on July 6, 2016; (b) a 107-day capture orbit, also on the dawn flank; and (c) a series of thirty 11-day science orbits with the spacecraft flying over Jupiter’s poles and ducking under the radiation belts. We show how Juno’s view of the magnetosphere evolves over the year of science orbits. The Juno spacecraft carries a range of instruments that take particles and fields measurements, remote sensing observations of auroral emissions at UV, visible, IR and radio wavelengths, and detect microwave emission from Jupiter’s radiation belts. We summarize how these Juno measurements address issues of auroral processes, microphysical plasma physics, ionosphere-magnetosphere and satellite-magnetosphere coupling, sources and sinks of plasma, the radiation belts, and the dynamics of the outer magnetosphere. To reach Jupiter, the Juno spacecraft passed close to the Earth on October 9, 2013, gaining the necessary energy to get to Jupiter. The Earth flyby provided an opportunity to test Juno’s instrumentation as well as take scientific data in the terrestrial magnetosphere, in conjunction with ground-based and Earth-orbiting assets.  相似文献   

Energetic particles constitute an important component of the heliospheric plasma environment. They range from solar energetic particles in the inner heliosphere to the anomalous cosmic rays accelerated at the interface of the heliosphere with the local interstellar medium. Although stochastic acceleration by fluctuating electric fields and processes associated with magnetic reconnection may account for some of the particle populations, the majority are accelerated by the variety of shock waves present in the solar wind. This review focuses on “gradual” solar energetic particle (SEP) events including their energetic storm particle (ESP) phase, which is observed if and when an associated shock wave passes Earth. Gradual SEP events are the intense long-duration events responsible for most space weather disturbances of Earth’s magnetosphere and upper atmosphere. The major characteristics of gradual SEP events are first described including their association with shocks and coronal mass ejections (CMEs), their ion composition, and their energy spectra. In the context of acceleration mechanisms in general, the acceleration mechanism responsible for SEP events, diffusive shock acceleration, is then described in some detail including its predictions for a planar stationary shock, shock modification by the energetic particles, and wave excitation by the accelerating ions. Finally, some complexities of shock acceleration are addressed, which affect the predictive ability of the theory. These include the role of temporal and spatial variations, the distinction between the plasma and wave compression ratios at the shock, the injection of thermal plasma at the shock into the process of shock acceleration, and the nonlinear evolution of ion-excited waves in the vicinity of the shock.  相似文献   

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