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《Space Policy》1987,3(1):5-9
This article presents four assessments prepared by a panel of US scientists and space authorities, on post-Challenger use of the Space Shuttle.  相似文献   

以基于远程实时数据的导弹虚拟飞行仿真为例,着重探讨了三维模型、虚拟场景的建立以及实时数据在视景仿真中应用的方法.通过仿真实现了基于实时数据的导弹虚拟飞行的三维可视化显示.可用于实时、直观地监测导弹飞行中的姿态及轨迹,提高了导弹虚拟场景的逼真度和实时性.  相似文献   

发动机喷流对飞行器飞行姿态影响的研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
针对某型导弹的实际飞行结果,在对立了合理的发动机推力模型及喷流模型的基础上,采用多学科的一体化仿真方法,重点研究了发动机喷流干扰对该型导弹飞行性能的影响。结果表明发动机喷流与发动机推力偏心及偏斜的共同作用将对飞行器飞行姿态和弹道产生显著影响,在飞行控制系统的仿真研究与参数整定中应综合考虑这些因素。  相似文献   

A simulation model for the analysis of gas-phase trace contaminants in the cabin air of the NASA Space Station Reference Configuration was developed at the NASA Langley Research Center. The model predicts changes in trace contaminant concentrations from both physical and chemical sources an sinks as a function of time. Simulations were performed in which values for relative humidity, temperature radiation intensity, pressure, and initial species concentrations were constrained to values for the parameters measured and modeled in the continental tropics at the Earth's surface. Species concentrations simulated using the model compared favorable with concentrations in the continental tropics which demonstrated that the chemical mechanism in the trace contaminant model approximates changes atmospheric species concentrations. The sensitivity of initial species concentrations to producing change in additional species concentrations was also assessed. Results from the model indicated that chemical reactions will be important in determining the composition of cabin air in the Space Station. It is anticipated that the trace contaminant model will be useful in assessing the impact of experiments a commercial operations on the composition of the cabin air in the Space Station.  相似文献   

电子对抗目前已经成为决定战争胜负的关键因素,因此对空间电磁辐射强度的分析成为指导和验证电子对抗研究及其作战效果的重要途径。针对实际战场的电磁环境,提出了空间电磁辐射强度的分析模型及其实现方法,为电子战的攻防双方进行对抗实施和对抗效能评估提供了接近实际电磁环境的分析和实验方法。基于所提出的分析方法,进行了详细的仿真实验,验证了所提出方法的正确性和有效性。  相似文献   

面向载人航天器飞行任务仿真需求,根据载人航天器的特点以及高层体系结构(HLA)技术,提出了基于高层体系结构的载人航天器飞行任务仿真平台方案,设计实现了由运行管理、飞行指令、数据记录、数据可视化等功能,以及涵盖轨道、姿态、能源、动力学等多个专业仿真模型组成的仿真平台,给出了应用实例,并就仿真平台开发中的联邦开发过程、仿真模型接口软件、飞行场景三维可视化等关键部分进行了探讨。与单一的飞行任务仿真软件相比,该分布式仿真平台覆盖的专业面更全,验证内容更丰富,可扩展性更强。随着载人航天器系统飞行任务复杂程度的提高,通过对仿真平台的扩展和重用,可适应新的任务验证需求。该仿真平台可为复杂载人航天器的飞行任务设计验证提供依据,并对基于HLA的其他航天器仿真系统的联邦设计与开发具有一定的参考价值。  相似文献   

旋转充液系统全飞行过程非线性动力学仿真   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文考虑一类刚认耦合的旋转充液系统的飞行动力学问题,在依据力学变分原理给出基本方程,导出全飞行过程运动状态方程的基础上,建立了相应的仿真模型。可能通过对Navier-Stokes方程求解和液体流动的惯性波振动特性,给出液体的反作用力矩。经过仿真实验,分析角运动的时间序列,给出了比较详尽的飞行不稳定机制分析结果。  相似文献   

文章介绍了自行研制的石英灯红外辐射式气动加热试验模拟系统以及使用该系统对高超声速飞行器材料与结构进行的高温热评价试验。本热试验系统可实现升温速率高至200 ℃/s的非线性热冲击过程的动态模拟;能够生成1.8 MW/m2热流密度的瞬态非线性热试验模拟环境;能将试验环境温度提高到1 500 ℃。在该热试验系统上完成了如下试验研究: 1)金属蜂窝板结构在高温950 ℃非线性热环境下的隔热性能评价试验和数值模拟;2)对SiC/SiC复合材料试件在1 300~1 500 ℃下的隔热性能评价试验;3)采用轴向非分段加热试验方式对圆柱型壳体结构(长2.1 m)内壁进行高温热环境试验。本试验系统在可控的非线性温升速率、高温高热流密度变化过程的动态模拟、热试验环境模拟的准确性以及非接触式全场高温变形测量等方面的研究成果达到了国际先进水平。  相似文献   

谐波减速器作为重要的空间活动部件,其综合性能直接影响整个传动系统的运行状态。为掌握谐波减速器在空间环境下的服役性能,研制出一种谐波减速器空间环境模拟试验装置,主要用于空间真空高低温环境下谐波减速器的综合性能试验。通过将谐波减速器测试台架整体置于真空高低温试验舱内,避免使用磁流体密封轴,缩短传动链,从而降低试验装置累积误差。同时研制一套谐波减速器测试台架温度保护和监控系统,使测试台架能承受的空间环境温度范围达到-70~150 ℃。测试试验结果表明,该试验装置满足设计要求,可为空间传动机构传动性能评估、工作寿命及可靠性试验以及装置研制提供条件保障。  相似文献   

A Cogoli 《Acta Astronautica》1981,8(9-10):995-1002
This paper gives a summary of the principal hematological and immunological changes observed in crews after space flight. Reduction of red blood cell mass (2-21%) and of hemoglobin mass (12-33%) is generally observed after the US and Soviet space missions. The changes are accompanied with a loss of plasma volume (4-16%). Erythrocyte and hemoglobin concentrations in the blood remain constant, suggesting that the changes are driven by a feed-back mechanism. Immunological changes consist mainly of reduced T-lymphocyte reactivity. The results of the 96-day and 140-day Salyut-6 missions suggest that the adaptation of the immune system to spaceflight occurs in two stages: the first takes place during the first 2-3 months in space, the second follows and consists of further weakening of the immune response. Our experiments with human lymphocytes in vitro indicate that high-g enhance, whereas low-g depress lymphocyte activity. Finally, our investigations to be performed on Spacelab are described.  相似文献   

ZM-4300光学遥感器空间环境模拟试验设备针对航天光学遥感仪器空间环境模拟试验而设计制造,可进行航天光学遥感仪器的热光学、热真空、热平衡及热循环等空间环模试验。设备包括8个主要分系统;具有液氮和机械制冷两个制冷流程;真空容器24 h累积污染量不大于1.36 g/cm2。  相似文献   

F Drake 《Acta Astronautica》1999,44(2-4):113-115
Radio Telescopes for SETI searches are less demanding than general purpose astronomical radio telescopes. This provides an opportunity to exploit economical approaches in designing SETI systems. Radio Telescopes in low Earth orbit offer no discernible advantages to SETI; indeed, they probably would perform more poorly than a telescope in any other location. Telescopes in geosynchronous orbits would be sufficiently far from Earth to mitigate greatly the deleterious effect of human radio transmissions. Telescopes on the far side of the moon would be superb both from a radio interference standpoint, and from a civil engineering standpoint. Single-reflector telescopes as large as 50 kilometers in diameter could be constructed with conventional materials. However, their costs appear prohibitive. The asteroid belt and the outer solar system are unpromising places to place a large radio telescope. Perhaps the ultimate radio telescope would utilize the sun as a gravitational lens, focusing radiation on free-flying 10-meter class or possibly larger radio telescopes located at distances of the order of 1000 A.U. from the sun. Such a combination has an energy collecting area at 10 centimeters wavelength equivalent to that of a radio telescope about 11 kilometers in diameter, or of the order of 3000 Arecibo radio telescopes. Such a system could detect transmitters with EIRP of the order of a gigawatt at a distance of the order of the distance to the galactic center.  相似文献   

The purpose and scope of the Habitability Research Group within the Space Human Factors Office at the NASA/Ames Research Center is described. Both near-term and long-term research objectives in the space human factors program pertaining to the U.S. manned Space Station are introduced. The concept of habitability and its relevancy to the U.S. space program is defined within a historical context. The relationship of habitability research to the optimization of environmental and operational determinants of productivity is discussed. Ongoing habitability research efforts pertaining to living and working on the Space Station are described.  相似文献   

<正>航天时代始于两个超级大国为安全和威望而展开的一场竞赛。它带来的机遇是没有界线的。随后几十年里我们的日常生活方式出现了根本性转变,而这在很大程度上要归功于空间的利用。空间系统已把我们带往其它天体,并把人类的视野拉回到宇  相似文献   

Space radiation is the primary source of hazard for orbital and interplanetary space flight. Radiation levels for different space mission durations, have been established in order to determine the level of hazard. The risk of exceeding the established levels should not be more than 1%. Radiation environment models have been developed to estimate these values. It is possible to build spacecraft shielding based on the calculation of doses and the risk of exceeding these. By reviewing various calculated estimates of the risk, the radiation hazard and the efficiency of protective measures can be established for specific flights.  相似文献   

广 《中国航天》2010,(8):10-11
<正>白宫6月28日推出了全新的美国国家航天政策。新政策旨在加强国际合作,并重申要在2025年前派宇航员造访一颗小行星。这份14页的航天政策文件不只涉及奥巴马总统2月份提出的NASA新设想,即把美国载人航天的目标从重返月球转向造访小行星和火星,还触及对地观测、空间碎片和空间安全方面的未来需求。  相似文献   

目录部分相似点:2010年和2006年两版《国家航天政策》所涉及的主题大同小异。不过,在2006年版的政策中,"国家安全航天方针"是最先给出的(排在背景、原则、目标和总体方针之后),  相似文献   

美国新的国家航天政策   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
晓雨 《中国航天》2006,(11):21-25
总统于2006年8月31日批准了一项新的国家航天政策,确立了用于管理美国航天活动行为的总体国家政策。这一政策取代1996年9月14日颁布的《国家航天政策》(《总统决策指令/NSC-49/NSTC-8》)。1.背景50年来,美国在空间探索与利用领域一直处于世界领先地位,并建立了牢固的民用、商业  相似文献   

A technology assessment study on atmospheric monitoring systems was performed by Battelle Columbus Division for the National Aeronautics and Space Administration's John F. Kennedy Space Center under Contract No. NAS 10-11033. In this assessment, the objective was to identify, analyze, and recommend systems to sample and measure Space Station atmospheric contaminants and identify where additional research and technology advancements were required. To achieve this objective, it was necessary to define atmospheric monitoring requirements and to assess the state of the art and advanced technology and systems for technical and operational compatibility with monitoring goals. Three technical tasks were defined to support these needs: Definition of Monitoring Requirements, Assessment of Sampling and Analytical Technology, and Technology Screening and Recommendations. Based on the analysis, the principal candidates recommended for development at the Space Station's initial operational capability were: (1) long-path Fourier transform infrared for rapid detection of high-risk contamination incidences, and (2) gas chromatography/mass spectrometry utilizing mass selective detection (or ion-trap) technologies for detailed monitoring of extended crew exposure to low level (ppbv) contamination. The development of a gas chromatography/mass spectrometry/matrix isolation-Fourier transform infrared system was recommended as part of the long range program of upgrading Space Station trace-contaminant monitoring needs.  相似文献   

This paper presents a status of the ARIANE 5 launch vehicle dynamic environments after the 5 first flights. It concerns mainly the low frequency vibrations, the acoustic and the shocks that the payloads experience and the related external excitations. The flight measurement plan is described. The results show that the frequencies are well characterized and the levels are low pointing out margins with regard to the specifications Furthermore, one describe the efficiency of attenuation solutions implemented to reduce the payload environments.  相似文献   

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