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产业集群内企业主的不同社会关系网络类型对企业技术创新活动有重要影响。在对广东省小榄镇产业集群进行案例研究的基础上,发现由兄弟姐妹、亲戚、朋友和同乡组成的强关系网络在集群企业的技术活动中扮演了非常重要的角色,同时,集群企业在解决自身技术问题时对强关系网络的过分依赖不利于企业的技术升级和创新,从而在一定程度上加剧了企业集群的技术锁定状态。因此,为了减少强关系网络对企业集群技术创新的不利影响,有必要扩展企业的网络联系渠道,打破企业集群中的强关系限制。  相似文献   

从组织机构角度出发,分析了中原城市群高技术产业发展存在的缺乏统一有效的管理机构,产业发展缺乏整体规划,产业推进体系主体不明晰,高新区管委会职能定位不明确,高技术成果转化平台建设不理想等主要问题.基于中原城市群高技术产业联盟的发展,提出了组织机构的创新模式:成立高技术产业发展协调中心,创新管理体制;建立高技术产业发展融资网络,创新融资机制;推进高新区管委会由"准政府型"管理机构向"服务型"经济组织转变;组建覆盖河南主要高技术产业的河南高新集团公司,创新高技术产业发展模式;建设高技术产业研发成果转化及产业推进公共服务平台,创新公共服务方式.  相似文献   

信息经济时代,区域产业竞争力研究范式发生了转换,产业组织成为区域产业竞争力理论关注的重点,生产网络范式成为产业组织研究的新范式,企业集群成为生产网络范式下的区域主导产业组织形式.然而,并非所有的企业集群对区域产业竞争力的形成都具有正面绩效.将企业集群看做是一个由经济子系统、社会子系统和生态子系统复合而成的复合系统,其 "经济-社会-生态"三重绩效的关联互动所形成的协同效应,是区域产业竞争力的重要来源.企业集群复合系统三重绩效的关联互动具有多重性、非均衡性特征,只有三重绩效实现动态协调,才能维持区域产业持久的竞争力.因此,地方政府在培育企业集群的过程中,要注意保持企业集群三重绩效的动态协调关系.  相似文献   

随着产业集群的不断发展,其对城市经济的影响越来越显著,对两者之间关系的研究势在必行。文章运用回归分析法对城市经济与产业集群之间的关系进行定量研究,认为二者的关系主要体现在以下几个方面:(1)产业集群可以有效促进城市经济发展;(2)产业集群内组织间联系紧密程度决定其对城市经济发展的潜在贡献;(3)产业集群对城市经济的促进依赖于政府的支持程度;(4)产业集群对城市经济的促进依赖于城市人文环境。文章的研究为河南省制定城市经济发展战略、促进产业集群发展提供了量化依据。  相似文献   

产业集群作为一种介于企业与市场之间的组织形式,在推动地方经济发展和促进企业成长方面发挥了积极作用,而地方产业集群的发展,又不同程度上离不开政府意志和行为.从英国地方政府的政策对传统产业的影响,以及后来英国地方政府如何推动新兴产业集群发展等几个方面阐释了地方政府意志与行为对地方产业集群的影响,提出了地方发展新兴产业集群的相关建议.  相似文献   

产业集中、产业集群与区域产业竞争力提升   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
在传统产业经济学中,集中度问题是产业组织优化的研究内容,产业集中度与产业集群通常被认为没有直接的联系。对产业布局过程中的产业集聚现象所进行的考察表明,产业集中度与产业集群存在密切的联系。产业集中、产业集群与区域产业竞争力三者之间存在相互联系、相互作用的机制。提升区域产业竞争力,应围绕提高主导产业集中度、促进产业集聚、形成产业集群而展开。  相似文献   

根据中国高技术产业统计年鉴和全国第一次经济普查资料,基于遴选出的十个指标,利用面板数据模型,对影响河南省高技术产业发展的关键因素进行了分析。分析结果显示:河南省高技术产业发展呈现中性特征,经济发展和高技术产业发展之间尚未形成良好的互动关系,教育与高技术产业的关系在河南省也未能很好地显现出来。  相似文献   

光电子产业是目前以及未来相当长一段时间内都将迅速发展的高技术、高附加值产业。通过回顾光电子技术的发展历史,比较系统地介绍了光电子产业的最新动态,与光电子产业相关的其它新兴产业,以及这一新兴产业的未来发展趋势。  相似文献   

光电子技术具有复杂性和融合性特征,光电子产业将引领未来高技术产业的发展,技术创新需要借助外部合作的方式实现.欧美光电子产业发达国家的经验表明,光电子产品特色各异,但创新网络发展初期的核心节点成长很重要.商业氛围浓厚和科研实力强劲的地区适合发展弱联系网络;技术后进地区适合发展以中介组织为核心的强联系网络.  相似文献   

根据投入产出和RAS法对河南和全国高技术产业的贡献进行了测算和比较,认为:(1)河南高技术产业与其他产业的关联度明显低于全国平均水平,但其对传统工业具有较强的渗透和改造作用。河南高技术产业的发展在很大程度上依托于农业,但对农业的提升作用目前还很弱。(2)河南省高技术产业的影响力最突出且高于全国平均水平,但其感应度却较小。高技术产业自我服务性质突出,产业辐射力还较弱。(3)河南高技术产业对经济增长的贡献率低于全国的平均水平,高技术产业的单位拉动能力很强,但总体拉动能力目前还较弱。由此得到以下启示:高技术产业的发展必须找到突破口,河南省高技术产业发展的突破口应在农业上。应确立农业在河南省的战略地位,并以信息技术的应用为主线,推动农业高技术化.  相似文献   

辽宁产业集群的演变升级问题研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
产业集群问题是近年来国内外学者关注的区域经济问题之一,发展产业集群是辽宁省高新技术产业发展区向纵深发展的必由之路,同时也是改造传统产业、振兴东北老工业基地关键所在。辽宁省的7个高新技术开发区虽然几年来成绩不菲但在产业结构、科研力量、政府行为、自主创新等方面还存在一些问题。在阐述辽宁产业集群现状及分析产业集群优势和制约因素的基础上,从政府层面和企业层面提出辽宁产业集群升级措施。  相似文献   

武汉光谷作为国家级光电子产业基地,聚集了一批有自主创新能力的光电子企业,具有较强的竞争实力。但其发展还存在两方面的缺陷:一是缺乏完整的产业价值链分工体系。二是缺乏必要的协调机制,如产品供求的连接机制、协作研究开发机制、战略联盟,等等。FDI的作用能使光谷的中小型企业直接参与全球价值链的专业化分工,有利于形成完整的光电子产业链。大型跨国企业的管理经验和技术外溢也有利于实现集群内的合作和协同发展,以及实现高端技术人才与管理人才的本地化。武汉光谷在引入FDI进行产业升级的过程中,应从以下几方面着手:第一,优化投资环境,加强基础设施和政策建设。第二,注意引入大型跨国企业特别是世界500强企业。第三,采用并购、合资等多种方式引入具有光电子产业背景的FDI。第四,在引入FDI的同时,大力发展本地企业,利用FDI的技术溢出和管理经验溢出,为产业集群的不断升级提供内在动力支持。  相似文献   

经济空间趋势面模型的建立与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为了形象直观的了解经济空间的发展状况,介绍了如何对经济数据实现基于格网的建模方法,并通过Surfer软件进行空间数据插值后建立空问趋势面。利用此方法绘制了江苏省人均GNP、第一产业、第二产业、第三产业、GNP、农业人口率等二维和三维趋势面图,通过它对江苏省的经济布局及其趋势状况进行了实证研究。结果表明江苏省经济发展存在着明显的梯度特征,三大区域之间的经济差距目前呈显著的扩大趋势。  相似文献   

ESA's first multi-satellite mission Cluster is unique in its concept of 4 satellites orbiting in controlled formations. This will give an unprecedented opportunity to study structure and dynamics of the magnetosphere. In this paper we discuss ways in which ground-based remote-sensing observations of the ionosphere can be used to support the multipoint in-situ satellite measurements. There are a very large number of potentially useful configurations between the satellites and any one ground-based observatory; however, the number of ideal occurrences for any one configuration is low. Many of the ground-based instruments cannot operate continuously and Cluster will take data only for a part of each orbit, depending on how much high-resolution (burst-mode') data are acquired. In addition, there are a great many instrument modes and the formation, size and shape of the cluster of the four satellites to consider. These circumstances create a clear and pressing need for careful planning to ensure that the scientific return from Cluster is maximised by additional coordinated ground-based observations. For this reason, the European Space Agency (ESA) established a working group to coordinate the observations on the ground with Cluster. We will give a number of examples how the combined spacecraft and ground-based observations can address outstanding questions in magnetospheric physics. An online computer tool has been prepared to allow for the planning of conjunctions and advantageous constellations between the Cluster spacecraft and individual or combined ground-based systems. During the mission a ground-based database containing index and summary data will help to identify interesting datasets and allow to select intervals for coordinated studies. We illustrate the philosophy of our approach, using a few important examples of the many possible configurations between the satellite and the ground-based instruments.  相似文献   

The Cluster mission is aimed at the study of small-scale structures that are believed to be fundamental in determining the behaviour of key interactive processes of cosmic plasma. The mission will be controlled from the European Space Operations Centre (ESOC). ESOC is also in charge of the commanding of the scientific payloads on-board the four Cluster spacecraft after negotiation with the Cluster Principal Investigators (PIs) and of collecting and distributing the mission's scientific results to the Cluster community. This paper describes the process of translating the scientific requirements of the Cluster mission into a data-processing system supporting the mission via the definition of an appropriate operational scenario. In particular, the process of negotiation between the PIs and ESOC to command the spacecraft is mediated by the Joint Science Operations Centre (JSOC) and finalised by the Cluster Mission Planning System (CMPS) while the return of the data to the Cluster community is actuated by the Cluster Data Disposition System (CDDS). The Cluster Mission Control System (CMCS) provides the interface between these two systems and the spacecraft. These elements constitute the Cluster Data-Processing System (CDPS).  相似文献   

高科技是新经济发展的基础和动力 ,新技术革命直接提高了综合国力 ,高科技作为动力之源直接推动着新经济的发展 ,高科技以科学技术形态所表现出来的战略实力 ,已经成为增强综合国力和国际竞争力的关键性因素。  相似文献   

Cluster is an ESA/NASA four-spacecraft mission designed to study plasma processes in three dimensions using the combined data from eleven instruments on each spacecraft. This mission requires the combination of many measured parameters, and the Cluster community have taken the unprecedented step of establishing a set of high quality data products from all instruments at spin (~ 4 s) resolution which will be produced and distributed throughout the mission lifetime. The Cluster Science Data System (CSDS) is based on a set of eight data centres which are implemented and funded through national programmes. As part of CSDS, a Joint Science Operations Centre (JSOC) has been established to facilitate the commanding of the 44 instruments. It is co-located with the UK data centre at the Rutherford Appleton Laboratory (RAL), Didcot, United Kingdom. ESA's contribution to CSDS includes the provision of the CSDS User Interface, a dedicated network (CSDSnet) to interconnect the data centres, and the co-ordination of all activities at CSDS level. A wide scientific community wishing to use Cluster data will have differing data rights, experience and means of access. Users will also include those working with data sets from other missions, e.g., Soho, Geotail, Wind, Polar, Interball, and Equator-S. The Cluster Science Data System is primarily designed to support multi-instrument and multi-spacecraft data analysis and it is distributed across six national data centres in Europe, one in the USA, and one in China. CSDSnet will be used to interconnect the European data centres, the Joint Science Operations Centre at Didcot and the spacecraft Operations Control Centre at ESOC in Darmstadt.  相似文献   

During the first half of 1996, the European Space Agency (ESA) will launch a unique flotilla of spacecraft to study the interaction between the solar wind and the Earth's magnetosphere in unprecedented detail. The Cluster mission was first proposed to the Agency in late 1982 and was selected, together with SOHO, as the Solar Terrestrial Science Programme (STSP), the first cornerstone of ESA's Horizon 2000 Programme. It is a complex four-spacecraft mission designed to carry out three-dimensional measurements of the magnetosphere, covering both large- and small-scale phenomena in the sunward and tail regions. The mission is a first for ESA in a number of ways: – the first time that four identical spacecraft have been launched on a single launch vehicle, – the first time that ESA has built spacecraft in true series production and operated them as a single group, – the first time that European scientific institutes have produced a series of up to five instruments with full intercalibration, and – the first launch of the Agency's new heavy launch vehicle Ariane-5. The article gives an overview of this unique mission and the requirements that governed the spacecraft design. It then describes in detail the resulting design and how the particular engineering challenges posed by the series production of four identical spacecraft and sets of scientific instruments were met by the combined efforts of the ESA Project Team, Industry and the experiment teams.  相似文献   

The dynamics of the current sheet is one of the most essential elements in magnetotail physics. Particularly, thin current sheets, which we define here as those with a thickness of less than several ion inertia lengths, are known to play an important role in the energy conversion process in the magnetotail. With its capability of multi-point observation, Cluster succeeded to obtain the current density continuously and therefore identify structures of thin current sheets. We discuss characteristics of the thin current sheets by showing their temporal evolution and the spatial structures based on several Cluster observations.  相似文献   

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