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为了研究冰冻天体表面撞击坑的形成与演化,开展了水冰的超高速撞击成坑实验。使用二级轻气炮发射1.0 mm直径的球形弹丸,以3 km/s、5 km/s和7 km/s速度对圆柱状冰块进行撞击。弹丸材料包括聚碳酸酯和不锈钢两种,冰块温度为253 K。实验观察到了不同弹丸和不同速度条件下,冰块中撞击坑的形貌特征。对撞击坑直径、深度和剖面形状进行了测量,并与文献中铝弹丸对水冰的撞击坑进行了比较分析。获得了水冰撞击坑特征随撞击参数的变化规律,结果表明:撞击坑直径和深度的主导机制不同,坑深主要由弹丸侵彻作用形成,而坑径主要由冰块的剥落所致;坑深比坑径具有更强的对于弹丸密度的依赖性,高密度弹丸撞击坑直径具有比低密度弹丸更强的对于撞击速度的依赖性;撞击坑体积与撞击能量成正比,高密度弹丸形成的撞击坑直径表现出“能量缩比”行为,而低密度弹丸形成的撞击坑直径表现出“动量缩比”行为。 相似文献
超高速撞击弹丸形状效应数值模拟研究 总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3
为保证在轨航天器的安全运行,微流星体和空间碎片的防护成为现有航天器,特别是长寿命、大尺寸航天器设计时必须考虑的问题。本文采用AUTODYN软件进行了不同形状弹丸超高速撞击whipple防护结构的数值模拟,对不同形状弹丸撞击Whipple防护结构的撞击极限曲线进行了比较,分析了各形状弹丸撞击防护屏后形成的碎片云状态,以及分析了各撞击极限曲线之间差异的原因。不同形状弹丸对Whiple防护结构的损伤能力有很大差异,弹丸破碎和碎片云分散程度随弹丸速度、长径比和撞击方向的改变而改变。 相似文献
超高速撞击中的弹丸形状效应数值模拟研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
文章用AUTODYN仿真软件对球形、圆锥形、圆柱形和盘形4种不同形状弹丸超高速撞击Whipple防护结构所产生的碎片云形貌特征及对后墙的毁伤程度进行了数值仿真研究。对比分析结果指出:质量与速度相等的4种不同形状弹丸撞击缓冲屏所产生的碎片云有明显差异;弹丸长径比越小,穿过缓冲屏后的破碎程度越大;在5 km/s撞击速度下,球形弹丸对后墙的毁伤程度最小,而圆柱形弹丸的毁伤程度最大。这说明弹丸的形状对超高速撞击结果有显著影响,在航天器超高速撞击风险评估和防护工程设计中应充分考虑弹丸的形状效应。球形弹丸的弹道极限曲线在防护结构的碎片防护能力评价时存在高估的问题,在实际工作中要特别注意这一点。 相似文献
铝合金弹丸超高速撞击玄武岩纤维布损伤分析 总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1
高强度、高模量纤维防护材料是航天器空间碎片超高速撞击防护结构材料的发展趋势之一。开展弹丸超高速撞击高强纤维材料时的损伤分析是空间碎片防护结构研究开发设计的重要环节。玄武岩纤维是近年来受到人们关注的一种高强度、高模量纤维。文章对铝合金弹丸超高速撞击玄武岩纤维布的损伤特性进行了分析研究,观察到了弹丸前部的损伤形态。根据试验结果拟合得到了铝合金弹丸后部产生初始破坏的临界破碎速度方程。分析表明:在试验范围内,铝合金弹丸撞击玄武岩纤维布的临界破碎速度低于撞击铝合金板的,即玄武岩纤维布对铝合金弹丸的破碎能力优于铝合金板。 相似文献
针对空间碎片撞击航天器典型结构形成的碎片特征问题,开展了单层板和多层板在4.4~5.8 km/s速度下的超高速撞击试验,利用激光阴影照相技术和碎片软回收方法获得了不同试验状态下碎片尺寸及质量分布等信息,同时采用数值仿真方法分析了碎片的形成机理。研究结果表明,碎片数量随弹丸及靶材尺度的增大、撞击速度的提高而增加,且随碎片尺寸的减小呈指数关系增长。碎片尺寸与其形成机理有关,小碎片主要是在应变率较高的冲击加载和相变作用下形成,对撞击速度的变化更为敏感;大碎片则是在较低应变率下,因靶材的穿孔损伤造成局部强度下降,在冲击作用下材料沿薄弱处撕裂并脱落而形成。 相似文献
卫星超高速撞击解体碎片特性的试验研究 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Each time a debris particle or a meteoroid strikes a satellite in orbit, a great amount of secondary particles is ejected in the neighborhood of the impact site. This phenomenon is important in particular for brittle materials, such as those used for solar arrays or thermal control paint. The secondary particles that do not impact other parts of the spacecraft are added to the primary debris population and hence increase the small debris particle flux. We describe an ejecta production model that gives the size and the velocity distribution of ejected particles as a function of primary impact parameters. The model has been used to explain the discrepancy between measurements and modeling of impact crater distribution on the solar arrays of the EuReCa spacecraft. 相似文献
对铝合金平板上形成的超高速撞击(HVI)声发射(AE)信号S2模态的特征进行研究,分析其与损伤模式之间的关系。以3 mm厚5A06铝合金平板为研究对象,通过数值仿真获得不同撞击工况下的超高速撞击声发射信号,提取信号中的S2模态,并分析其幅值、能量、频谱等特征。结果表明,S2模态能量随传播距离呈指数衰减;分别随撞击弹丸直径和撞击速度的增加先下降后上升,且在弹丸直径与靶板厚度相近、临界撞击速度时最低。S2模态的中心频率随弹丸直径的增加而降低;随撞击速度的增加而增加;随传播距离的增加向1500 kHz移动。S2模态小波包系数呈凹性的频域范围分别随撞击速度和弹丸直径的增大变窄。在此基础上,当靶板形成穿孔损伤时,可根据S2模态的中心频率推测弹丸的直径;在传播距离和弹丸直径已知的前提下,可根据S2模态小波包系数呈凹性的频域范围推测撞击速度。 相似文献
利用等离子体加速器发射超高速微小空间碎片的研究 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
文章介绍了国内外微小空间碎片超高速撞击地面模拟实验研究的现状,描述了国内等离子体微小空间碎片加速器的研制进展和初步实验结果,分析了该加速器在空间碎片防护研究工作中的应用.在初步调试阶段,在系统设计满负荷储能6﹪和35﹪的条件下,分别将100μm和200μm的玻璃微粒加速至5.5 km/s和9.3 km/s.利用该加速器可以模拟研究10~1 000μm的微小空间碎片对卫星功能材料的撞击损伤特性,可以加速模拟研究卫星关键部件或分系统在大量微小空间碎片撞击下的失效机理和失效模式,为卫星防护微小空间碎片的设计提供技术支持.该加速器还能为国内发展星载空间微小碎片探测仪器的设计和标定提供模拟实验条件. 相似文献
In this paper, we describe a compact, low cost, fast turn-around-time technique used at the Air Force Research Laboratory to study hypervelocity debris impact effects on spacecraft structures and components. The technique described was used to study debris effects in the areas of: shock physics, debris-produced contamination, chemical analyses of the impact ejecta and debris initiated spacecraft discharge. Examples of research results obtained with the technique are presented and illustrate problems encountered in the field of space debris effects on spacecraft. 相似文献
Metallic and Oxidized Aluminum Debris Impacting the Trailing Edge of the Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A total of 87 microcraters >30 m in diameter that were found in gold substrates exposed on the trailing edge of the non-spinning Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF) yielded analyzable projectile residues in their interiors. Using qualitative SEM-EDS analysis methods, some 60 of these craters were formed by natural cosmic-dust particles, while 27 residues (31%) were assigned to orbital debris (Hörz et al., 1993). The far majority of the orbital-debris impacts, 24 (89%) of the 27 events, contained only aluminum in their X-ray spectra. The present study evaluates these aluminum-rich residues in detail and employs a windowless X-ray detector, which permits for the analysis of low-Z elements and specifically of oxygen. This makes it possible to discriminate between oxidized (Al2O3) and metallic (Al) projectiles from dramatically different sources, the former produced during solid-fuel rocket firings, the latter resulting from explosively or collisionally disrupted spacecraft.Of the 24 craters analyzed with the windowless detector, 13 (54%) contained Al2O3 and 11 (46%) yielded structurally disintegrated Al metal. The oxidized residues preferentially occur in the smaller craters, all <60 m in diameter. Corresponding particles on LDEF's trailing edge are <35 m in diameter. Some 70% of this particle population is composed of Al2O3. Although solid-fuel rocket exhaust products are typically <5 m in size, they tend to coagulate into crusts at the rocket nozzle to be shed occasionally as relatively large, aggregate particles. Structurally disintegrated, metallic fragments compose one-third of all particles <35 m, but they dominate all particles >35 m, and thus all craters >60 m. These findings clearly establish that solid-rocket exhaust particles, as well as explosively or collisionally produced debris, exist in low-inclination, high-eccentricity orbits in sufficient quantities that they must be accounted for in models describing the present and future orbital-debris population at typical Shuttle and Space Station altitudes. 相似文献
Hypervelocity impacts on the retrieved Hubble Space Telescope (HST) solar array was investigated by our extended Direct Simulation Monte Carlo (DSMC) model and the result matches well with the measured data in most of the particle mass range. The revelation of the altitude dependence of particles flux onto the retrieved surfaces provides some insight in understanding the observed higher flux onto Mir space station relative to that onto Long Duration Exposure Facility (LDEF). Our analysis suggests that a slightly higher primary flux onto Mir space station would be possible even without taking into account the secondary impacts, as a result of the existence of the highly eccentric orbits of small-sized debris. It is, furthermore, predicted that 43% of the measured impact flux onto Mir station in PIE experiment may be from secondary impacts, and a corresponding 7% for the detectors in Echantillions experiment. 相似文献