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Expressions are provided for the accuracy of monopulse angle estimation using two beams. It is shown that, if the signal angle is halfway between the angles of the beams, the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB) for monopulse processing is almost as small as the CRLB obtained if the entire array of sensors is used. The monopulse CRLB is considerably poorer if the angle of the signal is equal to that of one of the two beams. The expressions in this correspondence are for a uniformly weighted linear array of M equally spaced sensors, for which N⩾M beams are formed 相似文献
螺旋天线几何尺寸的优化设计 总被引:2,自引:1,他引:2
高建平 《沈阳航空工业学院学报》2003,20(3):58-59
本文首先导出了螺旋天线输入阻抗的计算公式。然后,在使天线输入阻抗满足技术要求的条件下,对螺旋天线的几何尺寸进行了优化设计。 相似文献
Xiangpeng Li Yongsheng Wang Lu Gao 《Aerospace and Electronic Systems Magazine, IEEE》1996,11(7):35-38
In this paper, the advantages and development of GPS applied in a space vehicle are introduced first. Then, the software employed to calculate the applied altitude of GPS in a space vehicle is explained. The detailed software flowchart is also given, and the process of choosing used GPS satellites is described in detail. In order to study the receiving condition in a space vehicle, we also make a simulating calculation with our software. The results of receiving GPS satellites over a certain place are given. The paper has not only the value for using GPS in a space vehicle, but also the significance for an aircraft whose navigation system is GPS 相似文献
Adaptive digital beamforming for angle estimation in jamming 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
A radar digital beamforming (DBF) architecture and processing algorithm is described for nulling the signal from a mainlobe electronic jammer and multiple sidelobe electronic jammers while maintaining monopulse angle estimation accuracy on the target. The architecture consists of a sidelobe jamming (SLJ) cancelling adaptive array (AA) followed by a mainlobe jamming (MLJ) canceller. A mainlobe maintenance (MLM) technique or constrained adaptation during the sidelobe cancellation process is imposed so that the results of the SLJ cancellation process do not distort the subsequent mainlobe cancellation process. The SLJ signals and the MLJ signals are thus cancelled sequentially in separate processes. This technique was developed for improving radar processing in determining the angular location of a target, and specifically for improving the monopulse technique by maintaining the accuracy of the target echo monopulse ratio in the presence of electronic jamming by adaptive suppression of the jamming signals before forming the monopulse sum and difference beams 相似文献
研究单快拍下双基地多输入多输出(Multiple—InputMultiple-Output,MIMO)雷达中相干信源的离开角(Directionofdeparture,DOD)与到达角(directionofarrival,DOA)联合估计问题。利用单快拍下双基地MIMO雷达的接收信号构造一组Toeplitz矩阵,利用这组ToepIitz矩阵重构一个信号矩阵,提出一种基于降维多重信号分类(ReducedDimensionMultipleSignalClassification,RD-MUSIC)的DOD与DOA联合估计算法。提出的算法能够有效估计相干信源以及非相干信源的角度,实现角度的自动配对,并且角度估计性能远优于FBSS—ESPRIT算法以及ESPRIT-like算法。仿真结果验证了算法的有效性。 相似文献
The force exerted by the solar radiation, though very small in magnitude, produces significant effects, especially in the case of high altitude satellites. The solar radiation pressure represents one freely available environmental force that may be put to use for various purposes. This may lead to enhancement of the life of the satellite since it consumes a very nominal amount of on-board energy. The advantages offered by the solar radiation pressure have drawn the attention of several researchers. Various controllers were proposed for many space missions, particularly for attitude control and stabilization of satellites. A controller for achieving large angle pitch attitude maneuver is described. The proposed control law is very simple in its form and requires a minimum number of on-board computations. Varieties of cases are tried and the effect of various parameters is studied 相似文献
Farina A. Gini F. Greco M. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》2002,38(4):1276-1286
We propose a beamsplitting-like approach to estimate the directions of arrival (DOA) of multiple radar targets present in the mainlobe of a rotating antenna. The proposed method is based on the maximum likelihood (ML) technique and it avoids the need for a difference channel by exploiting knowledge of the antenna main beam pattern. Two scenarios are considered: multiple targets with unknown deterministic complex amplitudes and multiple targets with Gaussian distributed random complex amplitudes. The performance of the proposed estimator is investigated through Monte Carlo simulation and it is compared with the Cramer-Rao lower bound (CRLB). 相似文献
Weiss A.J. Friedlander B. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》1996,32(3):1047-1057
We consider the problem of estimating directions of arrival (DOAs) using an array of sensors, where some of the sensors are perfectly calibrated, while others are uncalibrated. We identify a cost function whose minimizer is a statistically consistent and efficient estimator of the unknown parameters-the DOAs and the gains and phases of the uncalibrated sensors. Next we present an iterative algorithm for finding the minimum of that cost function The proposed algorithm is guaranteed to converge. The performance of the estimation algorithm is compared with the Cramer Rao bound (CRB). The derivation of the bound is also included. It is shown that DOA accuracy can be improved by adding uncalibrated sensors to a precisely calibrated array. Moreover, the number of sources that can be resolved may be larger than the number that can be resolved by the calibrated portion of the array 相似文献
Efficient wideband signal parameter estimation using a radon-ambiguity transform slice 总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4
A novel efficient technique based on a single slice Radon-ambiguity transform (RAT) for time-delay and time-scale estimation is proposed. The proposed approach combines the narrowband cross-ambiguity function (NBCAF), the wideband cross-ambiguity function (WBCAF), and a single slice RAT to estimate multiple target parameters in noisy environments. The square modulus of Gaussian-enveloped linear frequency modulated (GLFM) signals has high-energy centrality in the ambiguity plane. Its peaks in the NBCAF fall along nearly straight lines whose slopes depend on the Doppler rates of the moving targets. These lines could be effectively detected by computing the entire Radon transform of the NBCAF for all possible angles; however, it is a computationally intensive procedure. It is shown that without calculating the entire RAT, it is possible to estimate target parameters using only a single slice of the RAT, i.e., using an appropriate projection of the NBCAF. It is demonstrated that the proposed method can successfully separate overlapping targets efficiently. The efficiency is achieved due to fast Fourier transform (FFT)-bascd processing, use of a single slice of RAT, and the use of only one-dimensional (1-D) searches. 相似文献
Sworder D.D. Hutchins R.G. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》1990,26(4):625-638
An image-based algorithm which provides an estimate of the current radial acceleration of a target is studied. Since the data in a single image frame provide information only on the orientation of the target, a sequence of frames must be processed to detect maneuvers. The estimation problem is parameterized in terms of natural groupings of measurement errors, and the influence of these errors on estimator fidelity is studied 相似文献
Kimura S. Takeuchi M. Harima K. Fukase Y. Sato H. Yoshida T. Miyasaka A. Noda H. Sunakawa K. Homma M. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》2004,40(1):247-258
To establish a large deployable antenna, monitoring and collimation are essential for reliable and precise deployment. We have developed an analysis method to detect shifts in several images, in which the combination of cross-correlations between images and approximations at subpixel precision enables us to detect shifts in images with a precision of up to 0.01 pixels. The LDREX mission; which was a preliminary experiment for a large deployable antenna, ETS-VIII, was performed in December 2000. During this experiment, anomalies occurred in the antenna, and deployment was aborted. To understand the cause of the anomalies, we used our visual analysis method. Using this analysis, we detected vibrating features in the antenna, which were useful for explaining the anomalies. We outline our visual analysis method and discuss its application in monitoring the deployable antenna. 相似文献
A series of tests to validate an antenna pointing concept for spin-stabilized satellites using a data relay satellite is described. These tests show that proper antenna pointing on an inertially stabilized spacecraft can lead to significant access time through the relay satellite even without active antenna pointing. We summarize the test results, the simulations to model the effects of antenna pattern and space loss, and the expected contact times. We also show how antenna beam width affects the results. 相似文献
Flight path estimation using frequency measurements from a wideaperture acoustic array 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
A narrowband technique based on the acoustical Doppler effect is proposed for estimating the trajectory of a turbo-prop aircraft in level flight with constant velocity as it transits over a ground-based passive acoustic sensor array. The basic principle is to measure the temporal variation of the instantaneous frequency (IF) of the acoustic signal received by each sensor and then to minimize the sum of the squared deviations of the IF estimates from their predicted values over a sufficiently long period of time for all sensors. The technique provides estimates of the propeller blade rate and the five source motion parameters that describe the aircraft trajectory. The six dimensional minimization problem is reduced to a five dimensional maximization problem, which is solved numerically using the quasi-Newton method. A simple method is described that provides the initial parameter estimates required for the numerical maximization. The effectiveness of the motion parameter estimation technique is verified using real acoustic data recorded from a wide aperture microphone array during various transits of a turbo-prop aircraft 相似文献
Sword C.K. Simaan M. Kamen E.W. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》1990,26(2):367-373
The use of the output of an array of sensors to track multiple independently moving targets is reported. The output of each sensor in the array is the sum of signals received from each of the targets. The results of direction-of-arrival estimation by eigenvalue analysis are extended to derive a recursive procedure based on a matrix quadratic equation. The solution of this matrix quadratic equation is used to provide updated target positions. A linear approximation method for estimating the solution of the matrix equation is presented. The algorithm is demonstrated by the simulated tracking of two targets. The main advantage of the algorithm is that a closed-form solution for updating the target angle estimates has been obtained. Also, its application is straightforward, and the data association problem due to uncertainty in the origin of the measurements is avoided. However, it requires the inversion of an N ×N as well as other linear operations, so that the computational burden becomes substantial as N becomes very large 相似文献
The problem of optimal data fusion in multiple detection systems is studied in the case where training examples are available, but no a priori information is available about the probability distributions of errors committed by the individual detectors. Earlier solutions to this problem require some knowledge of the error distributions of the detectors, for example, either in a parametric form or in a closed analytical form. Here we show that, given a sufficiently large training sample, an optimal fusion rule can be implemented with an arbitrary level of confidence. We first consider the classical cases of Bayesian rule and Neyman-Pearson test for a system of independent detectors. Then we show a general result that any test function with a suitable Lipschitz property can be implemented with arbitrary precision, based on a training sample whose size is a function of the Lipschitz constant, number of parameters, and empirical measures. The general case subsumes the cases of nonindependent and correlated detectors. 相似文献
Spaceborne GPS receiver antenna phase center offset and variation estimation for the Shiyan 3 satellite 总被引:1,自引:2,他引:1
In determining the orbits of low Earth orbit (LEO) satellites using spaceborne GPS, the errors caused by receiver antenna phase center offset (PCO) and phase center variations (PCVs) are gradually becoming a major limiting factor for continued improvements to accuracy. Shiyan 3, a small satellite mission for space technology experimentation and climate exploration, was developed by China and launched on November 5, 2008. The dual-frequency GPS receiver payload delivers 1 Hz data and provides the basis for precise orbit determination within the range of a few centime-ters. The antenna PCO and PCV error characteristics and the principles influencing orbit determi-nation are analyzed. The feasibility of PCO and PCV estimation and compensation in different directions is demonstrated through simulation and in-flight tests. The values of receiver antenna PCO and PCVs for Gravity Recovery and Climate Experiment (GRACE) and Shiyan 3 satellites are estimated from one month of data. A large and stable antenna PCO error, reaching up to 10.34 cm in the z-direction, is found with the Shiyan 3 satellite. The PCVs on the Shiyan 3 satellite are estimated and reach up to 3.0 cm, which is slightly larger than that of GRACE satellites. Orbit validation clearly improved with independent k-band ranging (KBR) and satellite laser ranging (SLR) measurements. For GRACE satellites, the average root mean square (RMS) of KBR resid-uals improved from 1.01 cm to 0.88 cm. For the Shiyan 3 satellite, the average RMS of SLR resid-uals improved from 4.95 cm to 4.06 cm. 相似文献
Anderson R.H. Kraut S. Krolik J.L. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》2003,39(1):192-201
In previous work, a matched-field estimate of aircraft altitude from multiple over-the-horizon (OTH) radar dwells was presented. This approach exploits the altitude dependence of direct and surface reflected returns off the aircraft and the relative phase changes of these micro-multipath arrivals across radar dwells. Since this previous approach assumed high dwell-to-dwell predictability, it has been found to be sensitive to mismatch between modeled versus observed micro-multipath phase and amplitude changes from dwell-to-dwell. A generalized matched-field altitude estimate is presented here based on a state-space model that accounts for random ionospheric and target-motion effects that degrade the dwell-to-dwell predictability of target returns. The new formulation results in an efficient, robust recursive maximum likelihood (ML) estimation of aircraft altitude. Simulations suggest that the proposed technique can achieve accuracy within 5,000 ft of the true aircraft altitude, even with relatively high levels of uncertainty in modeling of dwell-to-dwell changes in the target return. A real data result is also presented to illustrate the technique. 相似文献
Tracking a maneuvering target using input estimation versus theinteracting multiple model algorithm 总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1
Bar-Shalom Y. Chang K.C. Blom H.A.P. 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》1989,25(2):296-300
Two maneuvering-target tracking techniques are compared. The first, called input estimation, models the maneuver as constant unknown input, estimates its magnitude and onset time, and then corrects the state estimate accordingly. The second models the maneuver as a switching of the target state model, where the various state models can be of different dimension and driven by process noises of different intensities, and estimates the state according to the interacting multiple model (IMM) algorithm. While the first requires around twenty parallel filters, it is shown that the latter, implemented in the form of the IMM, performs equally well or better with two or three filters 相似文献
It is well known that passive target tracking by a single observer, commonly referred to as target motion analysis (TMA), can be done using angle and/or frequency measurements. Depending on the measurement set, different passive tracking procedures result: angle-only tracking (AOT), frequency-only tracking (FOT), and angle/frequency tracking (AFT). Whereas the two-dimensional passive tracking problem has been solved for a multitude of scenarios, thus giving a good insight into the parametric dependences, the three-dimensional problem has been discussed only in a few specific cases. To get a deeper insight into the parametric dependences of three-dimensional TMA, this work analyzes AOT and AFT in typical three-dimensional Airborne Warning and Control System (AWACS) scenarios. A Cramer Rao (CR) analysis of the problem reveals the parametric dependences of both methods and gives a clear idea of the increase in estimation accuracy by using AFT instead of AOT. The results obtained in this way are well confirmed by Monte Carlo simulations taking maximum likelihood (ML) as estimation procedure. 相似文献
Xiao-Jiao Tao Cai-Rong Zou Zhen-Ya He 《IEEE transactions on aerospace and electronic systems》1996,32(4):1348-1354
Estimation of target trajectory from passive sonar bearings and frequency measurements in the presence of multivariate normally distributed noise, with unknown inhomogeneous general covariance, is modeled as a nonlinear multiresponse parameter estimation problem. It is shown that maximum likelihood estimation in this case is identical to optimizing a determinant criterion which has a concise form and contains no elements of unknown covariance matrix. A Gauss-Newton type algorithm using only the first-order derivatives of the model function and a new convergence criterion, is presented to implement such estimation. The simulation results demonstrate that performance of the maximum likelihood estimation method with the above noise model is superior to that with the traditional noise assumption 相似文献