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This paper presents results of calculations of total radiation risk for cosmonauts over their lifetimes and assessments of possible shortening of life expectancy on the basis of generalized doses calculated for cosmonauts after a long term interplanetary and orbital space missions on "MIR" station and International Space Station with the use of mathematical expressions coming from a model of change mortality rate of mammals after irradiation. Tumor risk assessments for cosmonauts over lifetime after flights are also given. Dependences of the delayed radiation consequences mentioned above on flight duration, spacecraft shielding thicknesses, solar activity and cosmonauts' age are analyzed.  相似文献   



To evaluate radiation induced chromosome aberration frequency in peripheral blood lymphocytes of cosmonauts who participated in flights on Mir Orbital Station and ISS (International Space Station).

Materials and methods

Cytogenetic examination which has been performed in the period 1992–2008 included the analysis of chromosome aberrations using conventional Giemsa staining method in 202 blood samples from 48 cosmonauts who participated in flights on Mir Orbital Station and ISS.


Space flights led to an increase of chromosome aberration frequency. Frequency of dicentrics plus centric rings (Dic+Rc) depend on the space flight duration and accumulated dose value. After the change of space stations (from Mir Orbital Station to ISS) the radiation load of cosmonauts based on data of cytogenetic examination decreased. Extravehicular activity also adds to chromosome aberration frequency in cosmonauts’ blood lymphocytes. Average doses after the first flight, estimated by the frequency of Dic+Rc, were 227 and 113 mGy Eq for long-term flights (LTF) and 107 and 53 mGy Eq for short-term flights (STF).


Cytogenetic examination of cosmonauts can be applied to assess equivalent doses.  相似文献   

Long-term space missions may increase risks of unfavorable consequences for cosmonauts as a result of radiation effects. This paper presents results of a study of cytogenetic damage in cosmonauts' peripheral blood lymphocytes induced by space radiation. Cultivation of lymphocytes and analysis of chromosomal aberrations were made according to generally accepted methods. It is shown that the yields of dicentrics and centric rings scored after long-term space flights are considerably higher than those scored prior to the flights. An attempt was made to assess individual doses received by cosmonauts. Individual biodosimetry doses received by cosmonauts who showed a reliable increase in the yields of chromosomal-type aberrations after their first flights were estimated to be from 0.02 to 0.28 Gy.  相似文献   

The oxygen tension (PO2) in the dorsal skin surface of the forearm was studied during the stay of cosmonauts on board Salyut 6. Between the fourth and fifth day of stay on the orbital station a considerable reduction of the PO2 level was observed. The oxygen utilization values were also reduced. In the early postflight period the low PO2 level persisted, with gradual normalization.  相似文献   

As the second telescience testbed experiment we were examined sophisticated processes of biomedical experiment, such as an implantation of a transmitter into the hamster's abdominal cavity, non-stressful blood sampling, large amount of blood collection, muscle extirpation and biopsy from the hamsters on February 6-8, 1990. To make clear the differences between successful results obtained by an experienced hand and by a non-experienced one, three operators were selected for three successive experimental days; an engineer who had never experienced any biological experiment, a non-biology student, who experienced on biological experiments, and a veterinary surgeon. Surgical procedures need much experiences on maneuvering and understanding of theory to shorten the elapse time. Especially for a non-experienced hand, graphic instructions were much helpful to understand and to maneuver the procedures. Continuous recordings of ECG from a operator and PIs were of an advantage to grasp an extent of the mental strain, which was compared with their reports requested after end of each experimental day. The mental strain was not related to degrees of scientific achievement, but showed faithfully difficulty of each experimental procedure. Training effects on PIs in successive experimental days were found in their instructions for the operator to let understand the procedures.  相似文献   

Two tasks must be accomplished to provide planetary protection for Mars return missions: (1) sterilization of the scientific module to be landed on Mars and (2) reliable sterilization of all material returned to Earth, while ensuring the scientific integrity of martian samples. This paper examines similarity and differences between these two tasks, and includes a discussion of technological implementation conditions and the nature of terrestrial and hypothesized martian microflora. The feasibility of a number of chemical and physical (ultraviolet and ionizing radiation and heating) methods of sterilization for use on the ground and onboard are discussed and compared. A combination of different methods will probably be selected as the most appropriate for ensuring planetary protection on the return mission.  相似文献   

The inauguration of NASA of the position of Payload Specialists for SHUTTLE-SPACELAB flights has broken the tradition of restrictive medical physical standards in several ways: by reducing physical requirements and extensive training; by permitting the selection of older individuals and women; by selecting individuals who may fly only one or several missions and do not spend an entire career in space activities. Experience with Payload Specialists to be gained during the forthcoming SPACELAB missions, observing man in spaceflight step by step on an incremental basis, will provide valuable data for modifying the medical standards for Payload Specialists, Space Station Technicians, and Space Support Personnel who perform routine work rather than peculiar tasks. Such revisions necessarily include a modification of traditional blood pressure standards. In this paper I review the history and evolution of these standards in aeronautics and astronautics.  相似文献   

地外天体着陆点选择综述与展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
行星表面具有科学研究价值的区域往往地形复杂,对着陆的安全性提出了很高的要求。如何选择既满足工程约束又具有很好科学价值的着陆点,在提高任务可靠性的同时获得最优的科学回报,成为未来行星着陆任务需要解决的首要问题之一。回顾了以往地外天体着陆任务的着陆点分布情况,总结归纳了着陆点选取过程中需要考虑的因素,分析了当前的研究现状并给出一般选取流程,最后针对我国未来深空探测任务着陆点选择问题提出了一些思考与建议。  相似文献   

载人航天着陆场选择与分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
根据载人航天的任务和特点,结合对着陆场的要求,从工程应用的角度出发,对中国载人航天着陆场进行了选择论证,并进行了综合分析;其正确性和可行性在多次无人飞行试验和两次载人飞行任务中得到实际考核和验证。  相似文献   

针对液压系统油源的安全性及可靠性问题,提出油源冗余设计方法,即多油源供给多负载,当某一油源发生故障时能源选择阀切断故障油源,由其他油源给负载提供基本液压能源,系统能完成必须的服役性能。针对液压系统能源选择阀存在的频繁换向与振动问题,提出一种插装式液控能源选择阀,其先导阀采用锥阀和可变阻尼形式,主阀采用三台肩且终端有缓冲功能的滑阀。建立了插装式液控能源选择阀的数学模型,分析了能源选择阀在两种模拟故障下的切换压力及切换时间、油源压力脉动等特性。理论分析结果表明,油源压力阶跃和线性变化时,某能源选择阀切换时间分别为5 ms和7 ms。当压力发生波动时,主阀不会发生振动,还可通过液控先导阀结构设计来控制切换压力和回复压力大小。  相似文献   

针对2020-2040年载人小行星探测任务,研究了探测目标选择与轨道优化设计问题。首先,针对已编目的近地小行星,综合考虑绝对星等、燃料消耗等多方面因素与约束,给出了适合载人探测任务的候选小行星序列;然后,构建了载人小行星探测任务轨道的设计模型,采用参数优化算法对探测轨道进行了设计;进一步,为了获得最优探测轨道,利用主矢量原理对探测轨道进行了优化。该研究可为载人小行星探测任务设计提供有价值的参考。  相似文献   

BP网络实时图像自动选取算法研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
实时图像的自动选取是景像匹配自动化的关键技术.提出了一种基于神经网络的实时图像自动选取算法.仿真研究表明,引入Sobel算子的3层BP网络实时图像自动选取算法结构简单、训练时间短和分类准确性高,其并行处理能力能满足景像匹配技术的实时性要求.经最小二乘和Bayes精匹配算法检验,实时图经此网络选取、粗匹配和精匹配,可达到高于0.5像素的定位精度.  相似文献   

正1探测近地小行星面临的问题探测是研究的基础,但与探测大天体相比,小行星探测面临许多新问题,这些问题包括:1)近地小行星(NEA)数量巨大,截至2017年5月1日,已经发现了16089颗。从众多的天体中选择探测目标,其难度可想而知。2)近地小行星的轨道各异,如轨道倾角、偏心率、自旋周期、半主轴长度等参数相差很大。根据美国航空航天局(NASA)喷气与推进实验室(JPL)给出的数据,近地小行星轨道  相似文献   

卫星编队飞行相对轨道动力学模型的比较及选用   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
基于动力学方法推导了几种编队飞行相对轨道动力学模型.分析比较了引力项线性化以及J2摄动引起的模型误差的数量级,给出了模型选取的参考准则以及适用条件,分析了不同模型的适用性.最后选取太阳同步轨道和静止轨道作为数值算例,选取合适的相对轨道动力学模型,验证模型选取准则的有效性.仿真结果表明一定范围内考虑^摄动能提高精度,而超出一定范围J2的引入只会增加复杂性,因此提出的模型选取准则对相对轨道动力学模型的选取有一定的参考价值.  相似文献   

  空间实验室任务是我国载人航天工程第二步第二阶段的收官之战,承上启下,意义深远。空间实验室任务主要包括两个方面:一是开展较大规模的空间科学实验和空间应用试验,以及航天医学实验;二是考核验证航天员中期驻留、推进剂补加、在轨维修等空间站建造运营关键技术。  相似文献   

火星车绝对定位方法选择   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
针对火星巡视探测任务,提出3种火星车绝对定位方法:无线电测控定位、图像匹配定位、位置圆定位。无线电测控方法首先确定环绕器的轨道,然后利用环绕器和火星车的器间通信定位确定火星车的绝对位置;图像匹配方法利用着陆过程中的降落图像与带地理信息的着陆区地形图进行匹配,实现火星车的位置确定;位置圆方法通过敏感器在多个时刻测量阳光矢量方向和重力矢量方向,结合星历信息求解火星车的位置。对3种方法进行分析比较,根据定位精度、使用约束等因素,给出在轨使用建议:位置圆定位为基本方法,无线电测控定位作为校验手段,图像匹配定位作为修正手段,以满足火星车快速、高精度的定位需求。  相似文献   

信息系统的一种分块特征选取方法   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
利用差异矩阵和最小差异表,结合与或树技术,提出了一种特征选取的方法IBFS.该方法采用指定标示后分解信息系统为标示块(IB),再根据各个标示块最终求解信息系统的一个较优特征选取.它不仅具有确定性,而且具有快速和有效的特点.   相似文献   

教练机训练效能对飞行学员掌握飞行技能和战术水平有重要作用,量化评估教练机训练效能是优化训练体制和评估飞行训练大纲的前提.典型的教练机训练效能计算模型对飞机的航空电子系统、操纵系统考虑不足,对飞行参数选择有局限性.利用层次分析法原理改进的教练机训练效能评估模型弥补了这些不足,同时对飞行科目权重给出了新的选择方法.改进模型能够很好地适应第三代战斗机飞行员训练效能评估,为现代飞行训练大纲和飞行训练体制评估提供了基础,算例结果证明改进模型更为合理可行.   相似文献   

Microwave radiometers and scatterometers as all-weather and day-and-night sensors are excellent tools for the reliable, regular observation of dynamic features of the surface of the earth. The various hydrologic states, the development of the metamorphism, the water equivalent and other parameters of the snow cover cause a very distinct spectral behaviour of the microwave emission and backscattering.The results of a long-term ground-based investigation of the microwave radiation properties along with classical determinations of the snow parameters during five seasons on an alpine test area allow the definition of an optimum package of microwave passive and active sensors for the global monitoring of the snow cover.Additionally it has been demonstrated that the utilization of the Nimbus-7 Scanning Multi-channel Microwave Radiometer data permit the production of large scale maps of the extent of dry snow, the estimated water equivalent of dry snow and the areas changing between frozen and wet snow.  相似文献   

分析了X射线脉冲星导航原理,发现脉冲星的位置和脉冲到达时间(Time of Arrival,TOA)的测量误差直接影响导航精度.为优选导航脉冲星组合,在误差协方差分析的基础上,提出了一种导航脉冲星组合优选方法.该方法分别定义了优选指标位置精度因子(Positioning Dilution of Precision,PDOP)和脉冲星优选指标(Pulsars Select Criteria,PSC),不仅考虑了脉冲星空间位置分布,还考虑了测量噪声差异对导航误差的影响.最后以25颗信号品质较好的脉冲星为例,仿真验证了所提方法的有效性.  相似文献   

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