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石林(云南) 摄影:孔祥根 Stone Forest (Yunnan) Photo: Kong Xianggen国 内Domestic西柏坡 (河北) 摄影:思维 Xibaipo (Hebei) Photo: Si Wei华山(西安) 摄影:东子 Huashan Mountain (Xi?an) Photo: Dongzi平遥古城 (山西) 摄影:磊子 Pingyao Ancient city (Shanxi) Photo: Leizi国 外 Overseas 新西兰 摄影:吴云舟 New Zealand Photo: Wu Yunzhou 卢森堡 摄影:罗晓磊 Luxembourg (Europe) Photo: Luo Xiaolei 纽约 (美国) 摄影:韩文骥 New York (the United States) Photo: Han Wenji 澳大利亚 摄影:王彬 Australia Phot…  相似文献   

国内Domestic周庄(江苏)摄影:云舟Zhouzhuang(Jiangsu)Photo:Yunzhou四姑娘山(四川)摄影:陈秀云Four Girls Mountain(Sichuan)Photo:Chen Xiuyun婺源(江西)摄影:蒋巍Wuyuan(Jiangxi)Photo:Jiang Wei新疆摄影:李学亮Xinjiang Photo:Li XueliangOOSTENDE(比利时)摄影:王乃仓Oostende(Belgium)Photo:Wang Naicang大阪(日本)摄影:晨韵Osaka(Japan)Photo:Chen Yun哈姆雷特城堡(丹麦)摄影:罗晓磊Hamlet Castle(Denmark)Photo:Luo Xiaolei亚特兰大(美国)摄影:韩青Atlanta(the United States)Photo:Han Qing国外Overseas四海风…  相似文献   

国 内Domestic松赞林布寺(云南) 摄影:张海勤Songzan Linbu Temple (Yunnan) Photo: Zhang Haiqi土楼群 (福建) 摄影:王玉喜Mud-Wall Houses (Fujian) Photo: Wang Yuxi特洛伊木马(土耳其) 摄影:邱志华Trojan horse (Turkey) Photo: Qiu Zhihua渥太华 (加拿大) 摄影:春天Ottawa (Canada) Photo: Chun Tian成田机场 (日本) 摄影:晨子Narita Airport (Japan) Photo: Chen Zi洛杉矶 (美国) 摄影:曹亮Los Angeles (the United States) Photo: Cao Liang四海风光…  相似文献   

国内Domestic松赞林布寺(云南)摄影:张海勤Songzailinbu Temple(Yunnan)Photo:Zhang Haiqin濠河(南通)摄影:王培良Haohe River(Nantong)Photo:Wang Peiliang苏州(江苏)摄影:华子Suzhou(Jiangsu)Photo:Hua Zi那拉提草原(新疆)摄影:田璐Nalati Grassland(Xinjiang)Photo:Tian LuIRPOAT JORRNALU91国外Overseas哥本哈根(丹麦)摄影:罗晓磊New Port at Copenhagen(Denmark)Photo:Luo Xiaolei澳洲摄影:吴云舟AustraliaPhoto:Wu Yunzhou涅瓦河(俄罗斯)摄影:王彬Neva River(Russia)Photo:Wang Bin夏威夷(美国)摄影:曹亮Hawai…  相似文献   

国内新都桥(四川)摄影:陈秀云稻城(四川)摄影:陈晓春丽江(云南)摄影:陈邵国子监(北京)摄影:吴云舟土耳其摄影:邱志华莫斯科(俄罗斯)摄影:王彬美国摄影:曹亮王宫后花园(德国)摄影:ShallyXindouqiao(Sichuan)Photo:Chen XiuyunDaocheng(Sichuan)Photo:Chen XiaochunLijiang(Yunnan)Photo:Chen ShaoThe Imperial College(Beijing)Photo:Wu YunzhouMoscow(Russia)Photo:Wang BinTurkey Photo:Qiu ZhihuaThe Unite StatesPhoto:Cao LiangThe Imperial Garden(Germany)Photo:Shally四海风光…  相似文献   

90IRPOAT JORRNALU四海风光国内Domestic天坛(北京)摄影:董愿Temple of Heaven(Beijing)Photo:Dong Yuan大剧院(上海)摄影:谢新发Grand Theater(Shanghai)Photo:Xie Xinfa周庄(江苏)摄影:彭瑞英Zhouzhuang(Jiangsu)Photo:Peng Ruiying井岗山(江西)摄影:吴金云Jinggang Mountain(Jiangxi)Photo:Wu JinyuanIRPOAT JORRNALU91四海风光Scenery Around the World国外Overseas尼罗河(埃及)摄影:李素珠Nile(Egypt)Photo:Li Suzhu北海道洞爷湖(日本)摄影:张建光Hokkaido laice(Japan)Photo:Zhang Jianguang波茨坦的别墅(…  相似文献   

婺源(江西)摄影:吴琛Wuyuan(Jiangxi)Photo:Wu Chen林芝(西藏)摄影:春天Linzhi(Tibet)Photo:Chuntian稻城(四川)摄影:陈晓春Daocheng(Sichuan)Photo:Chen Xiaochun西双版纳(云南)摄影:田久强Xishuangbanna(Yunnan)Photo:Tian JiuqiangIRPOAT JORRNALU91国外Overseas斯坦福大学(美国)摄影:曹亮Stanford University(USA)Photo:Cao Liang富士山(日本)摄影:晨韵Mt.Fuji(Japan)Photo:Chen Yun塞班摄影:戴闯Saipan Island Photo:Dai Chuang布鲁塞尔(比利时)摄影:ShallyBrussels(Belgium)Photo:Shally四海风光~~…  相似文献   

鸣沙山(敦煌)摄影:楚篁MingshaMountain(Dunhuang)Photo:ChuHuang国内Domestic稻城(四川)摄影:翁忱Daocheng(Sichuan)Photo:WengChen承德(河北)摄影:王江Chengde(Hebei)Photo:WangJiang布拉戈维申斯克(俄罗斯)摄影:戴晨斌Blagveoscensk(Russia)Photo:DaiChenbin成田空港(日本)摄影:翟超NaritaAirport(Japan)Photo:ZhaiChao海防(越南)摄影:风晨Haiphong(VietNam)Photo:FengChen洛杉矶(美国)摄影:吴亦远LosAngeles(theUnitedStates)Photo:WuYiyuan四海风光…  相似文献   

国内Domestic常熟(江苏)摄影:启越Changshu(Jiangsu)Photo:Qiyue新疆摄影:施艳芳Xinjiang Photo:Shi Yanfang复兴公园(上海)摄影:田久强Fuxing Park(Shanghai)Photo:Tian Jiuqiang国外Overseas布鲁塞尔街边(比利时)摄影:罗晓磊Streets in Brussels(Belgium)Photo:Luo Xiaolei横滨海岸(日本)摄影:古懋Yokohama Coasts(Japan)Photo:Gu Mao加州斯坦福大学(美国)摄影:海华Stanford University inCalifornia(USA)Photo:Haihua悉尼(澳大利亚)摄影:徐旭栋Sydney(Australia)Photo:Xu Xudong四海风光…  相似文献   

响河湾(内蒙古)摄影:春天Xianghe Bay (Inner Mongolia) Photo: Chuntian青浦(上海)摄影:逸子Qingpu (Shanghai) Photo: Yizi拉萨 (西藏)摄影:盛黎华Lhasa (Tibet) Photo: Sheng Lihua黑龙潭 (云南)摄影:李沪麟Heilongtan (Yunnan) Photo: Li Hulin国外Overseas凡尔赛宫 (法国)  相似文献   

▲丽江(云南)摄影:刘爱玲LIJiang(Yunnan)Photo:Liu Ai!ing卜新弧摄影:施艳芳X injlang Photo:Shi Yanfang四海风光~~  相似文献   

仙居(浙江)摄影:紫云Xi“nju(之hejiang}Phot火21 Yun圣沃夫岗湖(维也纳)摄影;St.Wo!fg日ngL日ke(Vienn日)Photo:Chen Yue晨韵四海风光  相似文献   

Wu Nianzu, chairman and president of the Shanghai Airport (Group) Company, was invited by Huang Wenliang, director of Singapore Civil Aviation Administration, to attend 2004 Asia Aviation Exhibition held in Singapore on February 22 to 28. His party included Wang Guangdi, vice president of the company.They attended the opening ceremony, visited the  相似文献   

The Netherlands is a small country but an agricultural, economic,technological and educational power.The reporter was lucky to have an interview with Wang Tao, secretary general of Foundation Euro-China For Economical & Technological Co-operation (EuSino), when he was in Europe. Wang is an expert who has worked in the Sino-European exchange sphere for more than10 years.Position yourself and find potential from challenge Question: Please give a brief introduction…  相似文献   

Fluid Mechanics, Flight Mechanics and Engine Aerodynamic Design and Analysis of a Low-reaction Axial Compressor Stage (P) …………………… ………………………………… Qiang Xiaoqing, Wang Songtao, Feng Guotai, Wang Zhongqi (1) Active Aerothermoelastic Cont  相似文献   

盛大教堂广场(澳门)摄影:周家根少t卜d萝S叫欲州M“ao)尸no刃:乙nouJ旧gen氯里拉修道院(保加利亚)摄影:邱志华 七ilaConvent(8u了garia)户hot。:QiuZhthua四海风光  相似文献   

正纽约现代艺术博物馆(MoMA)呈现的《存在:新摄影2018》是MoMA"新摄影"系列的一部分。"新摄影"自1985年发起后,推出了全球各地一百多位艺术家,也成为MoMA当代艺术项目中的重要组成部分。每隔两年,"新摄影"都会呈现出在当下摄影和以摄影为主要形式的艺术作品中新锐有力、引起关注的创作。今年"新摄影"的主题是"存在",探讨摄影如何捕捉"存在"对人的  相似文献   

The effects of the thickness of MgO and Fe on the electronic structure and magnetic properties of Fe/MgO/Fe magnetic tunnel junction was studied using the first principle method. Two series of models with MgO of different thicknesses: Fe(3)MgO(t)Fe(3) (t=1,3,5,7) and with Fe of varied thicknesses: Fe(t)MgO(3)Fe(t) (t=3,4,5,6,7) were established. Calculated results show that in all the models the magnetic moment of Fe increases at the Fe/MgO interface and surface as compared with that of the inner layers. The mag-netic moment of each Fe layer was found to be independent of MgO thicknesses, while the spin-polarization of Fe layer at the interface shows a slight change in function of the MgO thicknesses. The tunneling magnetoresistance (TMR) ratio estimated by the Julliere model has the same change tendency as the spin-polarization has, and the largest value is obtained at the MgO thickness of 5 atomic layers. When the Fe thickness increases, the spin-polarization of interface Fe layer follows up an increase with a decrease. The highest TMR value is achieved when the Fe thickness is of 4 atomic layers.  相似文献   

New Neural Network Response Surface Methods for Reliability Analysis   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
This article presents two new kinds of artificial neural network (ANN) response surface methods (RSMs): the ANN RSM based on early stopping technique (ANNRSM-1), and the ANN RSM based on regularization theory (ANNRSM-2). The following improvements are made to the conventional ANN RSM (ANNRSM-0): 1) by monitoring the validation error during the training process, ANNRSM-1 determines the early stopping point and the training stopping point, and the weight vector at the early stopping point, which corresponds to the ANN model with the optimal generalization, is finally returned as the training result; 2) according to the regularization theory, ANNRSM-2 modifies the conventional training performance function by adding to it the sum of squares of the network weights, so the network weights are forced to have smaller values while the training error decreases. Tests show that the performance of ANN RSM becomes much better due to the above-mentioned improvements: first, ANNRSM-1 and ANNRSM-2 approximate to the limit state function (LSF) more accurately than ANNRSM-0; second, the estimated failure probabilities given by ANNRSM-1 and ANNRSM-2 have smaller errors than that obtained by ANNRSM-0; third, compared with ANNRSM-0, ANNRSM-1 and ANNRSM-2 require much fewer data samples to achieve stable failure probability results.  相似文献   

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