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Littoral operation of radars poses severe signal processing difficulties due to the highly stressing, inhomogeneous clutter. This report describes an initial investigation into the feasibility of utilising site-specific radar modelling to provide a localised estimate of the clutter statistics which can then be used to predict the required threshold to maintain a given false alarm rate. The technique has been applied to littoral clutter recordings obtained from the experimental S-band phased array radar, MESAR2. Results are presented for the technique in comparison with a conventional, non-adaptive, cell averaging CFAR. This paper concludes that significant performance enhancements are possible through the use of this new technique.  相似文献   

Radar CFAR Thresholding in Clutter and Multiple Target Situations   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
Radar detection procedures involve the comparison of the received signal amplitude to a threshold. In order to obtain a constant false-alarm rate (CFAR), an adaptive threshold must be applied reflecting the local clutter situation. The cell averaging approach, for example, is an adaptive procedure. A CFAR method is discussed using as the CFAR threshold one single value selected from the so-called ordered statistic (this method is fundamentally different from a rank statistic). This procedure has some advantages over cell averaging CFAR, especially in cases where more than one target is present within the reference window on which estimation of the local clutter situation is based, or where this reference window is crossing clutter edges.  相似文献   

Analysis of CFAR performance in Weibull clutter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Recent interest has focused on order statistic-based (OS-based) algorithms for calculating radar detection thresholds. Previous analyses of these algorithms are extended, to determine closed-form approximations for the signal-to-clutter ratio required to achieve a particular probability of detection in clutter environments whose amplitude statistics are modeled by the Weibull distribution, and where the clutter dominates receiver noise. Performance is evaluated in both homogeneous and inhomogenous clutter. The analysis shows that the OS-based algorithm is quite robust against both interference and clutter edges. A method is suggested for improving performance at clutter inhomogeneities for short-range targets  相似文献   

The Siebert and the Dicke-fix CFAR radar detectors, used to maintain a constant false alarm rate (CFAR) in radar receivers under very similar circumstances, are considered. The Siebert detector represents the maximum-likelihood detection procedure for a signal in Gaussian noise of unknown power level, whereas the Dicke-fix makes use of a bandpass limiter to normalize the input and thus ensure a constant false alarm rate. The detection performance of the two detectors is determined and a comparison shows that over a wide range of parameters, the Dicke-fix introduces a loss which is approximately 1 B larger than for the Siebert detector.  相似文献   

为提高导航雷达在复杂环境中的目标检测能力,研究了修正中值(MMD)检测器在导航雷达中的应用,并与经典非参量广义符号(GS)检测器和参量最小选择(SO)检测器的检测结果进行对比。仿真结果表明:GS检测器对海上单一目标有较好的检测性能,但是在多目标环境下的检测性能严重下降;SO检测器虽然对上述环境有较好的检测性能,但是由于杂波包络分布类型难以准确已知,杂波抑制能力较差;MMD检测器在多目标环境下有较好的检测性能和杂波抑制能力。  相似文献   

袁宁  郑严  于守志 《推进技术》2001,22(6):458-463
给出了采用弯扭导向器提高发动机性能的设计原则:在全三维弯扭设计时,必须在保证涡轮前总温、总压和燃气流量的前提下,合理调整尾喷管面积,提高涡轮后背压,保证在设计转速下涡轮输出功与原型涡轮级相同,从而保证了压气机的设计点和喘振裕度,同时提高了发动机推力、降低油耗。  相似文献   

Optimal CFAR detection in Weibull clutter   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Optimal, in the maximum likelihood sense, constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) detection for Weibull clutter statistics, is investigated. The proposed OW (optimal Weibull) estimator is proved to be an asymptotically efficient estimator of the mean power of the Weibull clutter. Theoretical analysis of the OW-CFAR detector is provided, while detection performance analysis is carried out using the Monte Carlo simulation method. The operation of the median and morphological (MEMO)-CFAR detector in Weibull clutter statistics is also explained. It performs almost optimally in uniform clutter and, simultaneously, it is robust in multitarget situations. The performance of the proposed OW-CFAR detector in uniformal Weibull clutter is used as a yardstick in the analysis of the MEMO cell-averager (CA) and ordered statistic (OS) CFAR detectors. Nonfluctuating and fluctuating (Swerling II) targets are considered in detection analysis. The performance of the detectors is also examined at clutter edges  相似文献   

基于某机载彩色多功能显示器的功能振动试验,提出了几种在改善抗振性能方面行之有效的、有针对性的对策,探索了信号抗干扰的原理及设计方法.  相似文献   

The problem of adaptive cell-averaging constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) detection is considered for two distributed sensor network topologies, namely the parallel and the tandem topologies. The compressed data transmitted amongst the detectors is assumed to be in the form of decisions. The overall systems are optimized to yield the maximum probability of detection for a fixed probability of false alarm. The performance of the systems is also analyzed  相似文献   

We consider the decentralized detection problem, involving N sensors and a central processor, in which the sensors transmit unquantized data to the fusion center. Assuming a homogeneous background for constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) analysis, we obtain the performances of the system for the Swerling I and Swerling III target models. We demonstrate that a simple nonparametric fusion rule at the central processor is sufficient for nearly optimum performance. The effect of the local signal-to-noise ratios (SNRs) on the performances of the optimum detector and two suboptimum detectors is also examined. Finally, we obtain a set of conditions, related to the SNRs, under which better performance may be obtained by using decentralized detection as compared with centralized detection  相似文献   

Time diversity transmission is often used to circumvent the high probability of a deep fade on a single transmission which may result in loss of the signal. One way to combat deep fades is to postdetection integrate the received observations from each range resolution cell. The false alarm rate of the postdetection integrator (PI) is extremely sensitive to randomly arriving impulse interference. Such interfering pulses may be unintentionally generated by nearby radars or intentionally generated by pulse jammers seeking to destroy the visibility of the radar. The binary integrator (PI) which uses an M-out-of-L decision rule is insensitive to at most M-1 interfering pulses. We consider the adaptive implementation of the PI and BI detectors for constant false alarm rate (CFAR) operation. We show that the CFAR BI detector when the “AND” (L-out-of-L) decision rule is used exhibits more robust false alarm control properties in the presence of impulse interference at the expense of severe detection loss when no interference is present. The CFAR adaptive PI (API) detector is proposed to alleviate this problem. The CFAR API detector implements an adaptive censoring algorithm which determines and censors with high probability the interference samples thereby achieving robust false alarm control in the presence of interference and optimum detection performance in the absence of interference  相似文献   

In this paper, we investigate data quantization effects in constant false alarm rate (CFAR) signal detection. Exponential distribution for the input data and uniform quantization are assumed for the CFAR detector analysis. Such assumptions are valid in the case of radar for a Swerling I target in Gaussian clutter plus noise and a receiver with analog square-law detection followed by analog-to-digital (A/D) conversion. False alarm and detection probabilities of the cell averaging (CA) and order statistic (OS) CFAR detectors operating on quantized observations are analytically determined. In homogeneous backgrounds with 15 dB clutter power fluctuations, we show analytically that a 12-bit uniform quantizer is sufficient to achieve false alarm rate invariance. Detector performance characteristics in nonhomogeneous backgrounds, due to regions of clutter power transitions and multiple interfering targets, are also presented and detailed comparisons are given  相似文献   

Analysis of CFAR processors in homogeneous background   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
Five different constant false alarm rate (CFAR) radar processing schemes are considered and their performances analyzed in homogeneous and nonhomogeneous backgrounds, the latter specifically being the multiple target environment and regions of clutter transitions. The average detection threshold for each of the CFAR schemes was computed to measure and compare the detection performance in homogeneous noise background. The exponential noise model was used for clear and clutter backgrounds to get closed-form expressions. The processor types compared are: the cell-averaging CFAR, the `greatest of' CFAR, the `smallest of' CFAR, the ordered-statistics CFAR, and a modified ordered-statistics processor called the trimmed-mean CFAR  相似文献   

To investigate the effects of lift and propulsive force shares on flight performance, a compound helicopter model is derived. The model consists of a helicopter model, a wing model and a propeller model. At a low speed of 100 km/h, the Lift-to-Drag ratio(L/D) of the compound helicopter is improved when the wing provides 20.2% of the take-off weight. At high speeds, the L/D can be improved when the propeller provides the total propulsive force. Lowering the main rotor speed increases the wing lif...  相似文献   

The performance of distributed constant false alarm rate (CFAR) detection with data fusion both in homogeneous and nonhomogeneous Gaussian backgrounds is analyzed. The ordered statistics (OS) CFAR detectors are employed as local detectors. With a Swerling type I target model, in the homogeneous background, the global probability of detection for a given fixed global probability of false alarm is maximized by optimizing both the threshold multipliers and the order numbers of the local OS-CFAR detectors. In the nonhomogeneous background with multiple targets or clutter edges, the performance of the detection system is analyzed and its performance is compared with the performance of the distributed cell-averaging (CA) CFAR detection system  相似文献   

Detectability Loss Due to "Greatest Of" Selection in a Cell-Averaging CFAR   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
Curves are presented showing the additional constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) loss which results when a "greatest of" logic is imple mented between the leading and lagging sets of reference cells. Thee analytical results for a square law detector and a Swerling case 1 fluctuating target are supplemented by simulation results for a nonfluctuating target, and envelope and logarithmic detector laws.  相似文献   

We develop a constant false-alarm rate (CFAR) approach for detecting a random N-dimensional complex vector in the presence of clutter or interference modeled as a zero mean complex Gaussian vector whose correlation properties are not known to the receiver. It is assumed that estimates of the correlation properties of the clutter/interference may be obtained independently by processing the received vectors from a set of reference cells. We characterize the detection performance of this algorithm when the signal to be detected is modeled as a zero-mean complex Gaussian random vector with unknown correlation matrix. Results show that for a prescribed false alarm probability and a given signal-to-clutter ratio (to be defined in the text), the detectability of Gaussian random signals depends on the eigenvalues of the matrix Rc-1Rs. The nonsingular matrix Rc and the matrix Rs are the correlation matrices of clutter-plus-noise and signal vectors respectively. It is shown that the “effective” fluctuation statistics of the signal to be detected is determined completely by the eigenvalues of the matrix Rc-1Rs. For example the signal to be detected has an effective Swerling II fluctuation statistics when all eigenvalues of the above matrix are equal. Swerling I fluctuation statistics results effectively when all eigenvalues except one are equal to zero. Eigenvalue distributions between these two limiting cases correspond to fluctuation statistics that lie between Swerling I and II models  相似文献   

CFAR detection of distributed targets in non-Gaussian disturbance   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The subject of detection of spatially distributed targets in non-Gaussian noise with unknown statistics is addressed. At the design stage, in order to cope with the a priori uncertainty, we model noise returns as Gaussian vectors with the same structure of the covariance matrix, but possibly different power levels (heterogeneous environment). We also assume that a set of secondary data, free of signal components, is available to estimate the correlation properties of the disturbance The proposed detector assumes no a priori knowledge about the spatial distribution of the target scatterers and ensures the constant false alarm rate (CFAR) property with respect to both the structure of the covariance matrix and the power levels. Finally, the performance assessment, conducted modeling the disturbance as a spherically invariant random process (SIRP), confirms its validity to operate in real radar scenarios  相似文献   

This paper presents a comprehensive simulation for a high-altitude dual-balloon system which consists of zero- and super-pressure balloons. Preliminary calculations were established to describe the basic concept of the new integrated system. A mathematical model was investigated to simulate the ascending and floating processes which considered the atmospheric conditions and thermodynamic variations. Based on the simulation, results showed that the floating altitude stability between daytime and nighttime was improved. This integrated system supports higher floating altitude levels than those of ordinary balloons and extends the lifetime of floating balloon systems. Moreover, results demonstrated that the integrated system was lighter than ordinary balloons, saving useful weight for effective payload. Furthermore, exploiting the advantages of both kinds of balloons while avoiding the difficulties was a significant goal in the current design to promote the floating performance of high-altitude balloons technology.  相似文献   

用高低压涡轮间补燃提高双轴涡扇发动机性能   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3       下载免费PDF全文
基于双轴涡扇发动机热力学模型,采用高低压涡轮间补燃的方法,实现了对发动机性能的改善,研究分析了高低压涡轮间补燃对发动机高度特性,速度特性以及转速特性的影响,计算结果表明采用高低压涡轮间补燃的热力循环后,发动机的推力明显提高,耗油率基本保持原来的水平或有所降低。  相似文献   

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