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The paper is concerned with studying the thickness of fronts of 38 interplanetary shocks detected by the BMSW instrument, which is a part of the scientific payload of the SPEKTR-R spacecraft, which was launched into a highly elliptical orbit in 2011. The main parameters of the interplanetary shocks have been calculated as follows: the ratio of thermal pressure to magnetic pressure before the front β, the angle between the shock front normal and the undisturbed magnetic field θBn, the ratio of the shock propagation velocity to the magnetosonic velocity in the undisturbed region Mms, and the shock front velocity relative to the Earth. It has been shown that the front thickness determined from the plasma parameters approximately matches the front thickness obtained from the magnetic field measurements and lies between 0.5 and 5 proton inertial lengths. In some events, the oscillations have been observed (upstream and downstream of the shock) in plasma parameters and in the magnetic field data. The length has been found to be between 0.5 and 6 proton inertial lengths for the preceding oscillations and between 0.5 and 10 proton inertial lengths for the following oscillations. The average value of the proton inertial length is 62 km.  相似文献   

Results of the analysis of 327 sessions of radio occultation on satellite-to-satellite paths are presented. The data are taken in the nighttime polar ionosphere in the regions with latitudes of 67°–88°, and in the period of high solar activity from October 26, 2003 to November 9, 2003. Typical ionospheric changes in the amplitude and phase of decimeter radio waves on paths GPS satellites-CHAMP satellite are presented. It is demonstrated that these data make it possible to determine characteristics of the sporadic E s structures in the lower ionosphere at heights of 75–120 km. Histograms of distribution of the lower and upper boundaries, thickness, and intensity of the E s structures are presented. Dispersion and spectra of amplitude fluctuations of decimeter radio waves caused by small-scale irregularity of the ionospheric plasma are analyzed. The relation of the polar E s structures and intensity of small-scale plasma irregularity to various manifestations of solar activity is discussed. The efficiency of monitoring the ionospheric disturbances caused by shock waves of the solar wind by the radio occultation method on satellite-to-satellite paths is demonstrated.  相似文献   

To construct models for hazard prediction from radiation belt particles to satellite electronics, one should know temporal behavior of the particle fluxes. We analyzed 11-year variation in relativistic electron flux (E>2 MeV) at geosynchronous orbit using measurements made by GOES satellites during the 23rd sunspot cycle. As it is believed that electron flux enhancements are connected with the high-speed solar wind streams and ULF or/and VLF activity in the magnetosphere, we studied also solar cycle changes in rank order cross-correlation of the outer radiation belt electron flux with the solar wind speed and both interplanetary and on-ground wave intensity. Data from magnetometers and plasma sensors onboard the spacecraft ACE and WIND, as well as magnetic measurements at two mid-latitude diametrically opposite INTERMAGNET observatories were used. Results obtained show that average value of relativistic electron flux at the decay and minimum phases of solar activity is one order higher than the flux during maximum sunspot activity. Of all solar wind parameters, only solar wind speed variation has significant correlation with changes in relativistic electron flux, taking the lead over the latter by 2 days. Variations in ULF amplitude advance changes in electron flux by 3 days. Results of the above study may be of interest for model makers developing forecast algorithms.  相似文献   

This work presents a review of studies of the Martian magnetic fields during the early Soviet missions to Mars in 1971–1974, which never approached Mars by closer than 1000 km before the experiment with the Magnetometer/Electronic Reflectometer (MAG/ER) on board the Mars Global Surveyor spacecraft, which could descend to altitudes of 80–100 km. At present, the experiment with the magnetometer (MAG) onboard the American MAVEN spacecraft adds new data, but the map of distribution of remnant magnetic fields of Mars and the picture of their interaction with the solar wind are already formed and, at its core, obviously, will not be revised. Thus, it would be very instructive to consider the following in detail: (a) what is already known regarding the features and distribution of remnant magnetic fields on Mars; (b) how they control the interaction of solar wind with a weakly magnetized planet (Mars); and (c) what is its distinction from another nonmagnetized planet (Venus).  相似文献   

The tensor of permittivity for the system “electron beam - plasma of the interplanetary space” is derived in the approximation of geometrical optics. The problem is one-dimensional; all parameters such as density of the beam and of the solar wind plasma, and the induction of the interplanetary magnetic field are assumed to be dependent only on the distance to the Sun. The beam is generated by an active region during a solar flare, and it is a source of radio bursts of type III in the interplanetary space. The tensor of permittivity was obtained to close field equations by a material equation. On the basis of these equations it becomes possible to study theoretically the amplitude-frequency characteristics of the radio bursts as disturbances of the above-described beam-plasma system.  相似文献   

A new and innovative type of gridded ion thruster, the “Dual-Stage 4-Grid” or DS4G concept, has been proposed and its predicted high performance validated under an ESA research, development and test programme. The DS4G concept is able to operate at very high specific impulse and thrust density values well in excess of conventional 3-grid ion thrusters at the expense of a higher power-to-thrust ratio. This makes it a possible candidate for ambitious missions requiring very high delta-V capability and high power. Such missions include 100 kW-level multi-ton probes based on nuclear and solar electric propulsion (SEP) to distant Kuiper Belt Object and inner Oort cloud objects, and to the Local Interstellar medium. In this paper, the DS4G concept is introduced and its application to this mission class is investigated. Benefits of using the DS4G over conventional thrusters include reduced transfer time and increased payload mass, if suitably advanced lightweight power system technologies are developed.A mission-level optimisation is performed (launch, spacecraft system design and low-thrust trajectory combined) in order to find design solutions with minimum transfer time, maximum scientific payload mass, and to explore the influence of power system specific mass. It is found that the DS4G enables an 8-ton spacecraft with a payload mass of 400 kg, equipped with a 65 kW nuclear reactor with specific mass 25 kg/kW (e.g. Topaz-type with Brayton cycle conversion) to reach 200 AU in 23 years after an Earth escape launch by Ariane 5. In this scenario, the optimum specific impulse for the mission is over 10,000 s, which is well within the capabilities of a single 65 kW DS4G thruster. It is also found that an interstellar probe mission to 200 AU could be accomplished in 25 years using a “medium-term” SEP system with a lightweight 155 kW solar array (2 kg/kW specific mass) and thruster PPU (3.7 kg/kW) and an Earth escape launch on Ariane 5. In this case, the optimum specific impulse is lower at 3500 s which is well within conventional gridded ion thruster capability.  相似文献   

The character of statistical distributions of the intensity of energetic charged particles, solar wind flux, and the interplanetary magnetic field strength is analyzed using the data obtained by the Voyager 1 and Voyager 2 spacecraft in the distant heliosphere. A comparison of the distributions in the region of crossings of shock wave fronts in 1991 and in 2004 is carried out, and their similarities and differences are discussed.  相似文献   

Results of modeling the time behavior of the D st index at the main phase of 93 geomagnetic storms (?250 < D st ≤ ?50 nT) caused by different types of solar wind (SW) streams: magnetic clouds (MC, 10 storms), corotating interaction regions (CIR, 31 storms), the compression region before interplanetary coronal ejections (Sheath before ICME, 21 storms), and “pistons” (Ejecta, 31 storms) are presented. The “Catalog of Large-Scale Solar Wind Phenomena during 1976–2000” (ftp://ftp.iki.rssi.ru/pub/omni/) created on the basis of the OMNI database was the initial data for the analysis. The main phase of magnetic storms is approximated by a linear dependence on the main parameters of the solar wind: integral electric field sumEy, dynamic pressure P d , and fluctuation level sB in IMF. For all types of SW, the main phase of magnetic storms is better modeled by individual values of the approximation coefficients: the correlation coefficient is high and the standard deviation between the modeled and measured values of D st is low. The accuracy of the model in question is higher for storms from MC and is lower by a factor of ~2 for the storms from other types of SW. The version of the model with the approximation coefficients averaged over SW type describes worse variations of the measured D st index: the correlation coefficient is the lowest for the storms caused by MC and the highest for the Sheath- and CIR-induced storms. The model accuracy is the highest for the storms caused by Ejecta and, for the storms caused by Sheath, is a factor of ~1.42 lower. Addition of corrections for the prehistory of the development of the beginning of the main phase of the magnetic storm improves modeling parameters for all types of interplanetary sources of storms: the correlation coefficient varies within the range from r = 0.81 for the storms caused by Ejecta to r = 0.85 for the storms caused by Sheath. The highest accuracy is for the storms caused by MC. It is, by a factor of ~1.5, lower for the Sheath-induced storms.  相似文献   

We have analyzed oscillations in the Pc5 range recorded in the outer region of the evening magnetosphere onboard 5 THEMIS satellites when all vehicles were moving with a small distance along one and the same orbit. Gradients of the spatial structure of oscillations and fluxes of energetic protons are determined. The observed phase shifts of the oscillation field between the satellites are presumably caused by their sunward (westward) propagation with azimuthal wave numbers m ~ 30–60. According the data of particle detectors, non-equilibrium character of the distribution of protons is found: their non-monotonous distribution in energy and sharp spatial heterogeneity. The calculated parameters of plasma and oscillations are not consistent with the assumption on drift-mirror instability as a source of the oscillations. A complete theory of these waves should include effects of the finite Larmor radius and simultaneous existence of two types of nonequilibrium plasma.  相似文献   

We consider the results of measurements of density and temperature of cold plasma in the dayside sector of the plasmasphere. The measurements were made by Interball-1 (Tail Probe) in November 1995, by Interball-2 (Auroral Probe) in August 1996 (the periods close to the solar cycle minimum), and by the Magion-5 satellite in June 2000 (this period is close to the solar cycle maximum). It was shown by the measurements in the dayside sector of the plasmasphere that, contrary to expectations of model distributions of temperature in the plasmasphere [1, 2], under quiet geomagnetic conditions the temperature of hydrogen ions of the cold plasma filling the plasmasphere was observed to increase at altitudes 5000 km < H < 10000 km. Its altitude gradient was equal to ~0.5 deg/km, the geomagnetic latitude being variable within the limits 10° < λ < 40°. The maximum values of temperature of protons, as measured by Tail Probe and Auroral Probe deep in the plasma-sphere, were equal to ~4000–6000 K. According to the data obtained by the Magion-5 satellite in the depth of the plasmasphere, these temperatures varied within the limits 7500–8500 K. These results can be considered as some indication of a dependence of the plasmasphere thermal structure on the phase of the solar cycle. In the region 2.5 < L < 5 and at geomagnetic latitudes λ < 40°, drops of the ion temperature were regularly observed with values reaching ~2000 K.  相似文献   

In 2001–2003, the X-ray and microwave observations of ten solar flares of M- and X-classes were carried out by the CORONAS-F orbital station, the RSTN Sun service, and Nobeyama radio polarimeters. Based on these observations, a correlation analysis of time profiles of nonthermal radiation was performed. On average, hard X-ray radiation outstrips the microwave radiation in 9 events, i.e., time delays are positive. The appearance of negative delays is associated with effective scattering of accelerated electrons in pitch angles, where the length of the free path of a particle is less than the half-length of a flare loop. The additional indications are obtained in favor of the need to account for the effect of magnetic mirrors on the dynamics of energetic particles in the coronal arches.  相似文献   

Injections of energetic electrons with a dispersion over energies were observed during the February 23, 2004 (at about 03:20 UT) substorm onboard the Cluster satellites in the vicinity of perigee near the midnight meridian. The delays in the particle observation caused by the energy dependence of the magnetic drift velocities made it possible to determine the position and time of the beginning of the drift, tracing the trajectories of the leading center of particles back in time in the magnetospheric model. The comparisons of the measurements of four satellites allowed us to determine the radial propagation of the injection front with a velocity of 100–150 km/s at a distance of 7–9 R E. The comparison with a few previous measurements shows a substantial slowing down of injections as they approached the Earth, and this confirms the prospects of this method for more detailed study of propagation of plasma injection into the inner magnetosphere.  相似文献   

Characteristics of polar wind fluxes at a height of ∼20000 km measured by the Hyperboloid mass-spectrometer installed onboard the Interball-2 satellite are presented in the paper. The characteristics are presented for the upwelling flows of ionospheric ions H+, He+, and O+ from the sunlit polar cap in the period of solar activity minimum. Orbit segments with minimal precipitation of magnetospheric ions and electrons were preliminarily selected, and the measurements where the fluxes of ions coming from the cusp/cleft were excluded as carefully as possible. Thus, the densities, field-aligned velocities, and temperatures of ions in the regions where fluxes of polar wind could be detected with the maximal probability degree are presented in the paper. It is found that cases when only H+ ions are reaching the detector are with high probability the polar wind outflows. Their characteristics agree well with the Tube-7 hydrodynamic model and are as follows: n ≈ 1.5 cm−3, V ∼ 21 km/s; T = 3500 K, and T = 2000 K. In cases when He+ and O+ ions are also detected, the temperatures are substantially higher than the model ones, and the measured field-aligned velocities of O+ fluxes are several times higher than the model ones. Moreover, it was revealed that the polar wind outflows are predominantly observed in the polar cap regions where the polar rain fluxes are very small.  相似文献   

Breus  T. K.  Verigin  M. I.  Kotova  G. A.  Slavin  J. A. 《Cosmic Research》2021,59(6):478-492
Cosmic Research - On January 21, 1972, the Mars 3 satellite recorded a strong (~27 nT) regular magnetic field in the region of the spacecraft’s closest approach to the dayside of Mars. Many...  相似文献   

The solar or laser optical radiation impact to humans in space depends on the intensity, on the exposure type (direct or indirect) & duration and on the matching of radiation wavelength to tissue characteristics. The main protection factor in space is the application of exposure limits. This paper describes the main biological optical interaction parameters, the optical exposure hazards and the development of a small active lightweight indicator, with output beeper rate depended to the ratio of optical irradiance/exposure limit. The indicator may be used as warning element on the side of helmets, goggles, spectacles, etc, with low power consumption. Electronically the indicator is an intensity/frequency converter, based on the value of the ratio of exposure/exposure limits, with audio & light beepers like the indication output of the ionizing (radioactive) radiation monitors.  相似文献   

Based on more than 4500 sessions of radio transillumination of Earth’s atmosphere along the satellite–atmosphere–satellite path obtained in the COSMIC experiment, the distribution along latitude and over local time of the spatial spectra of variations in the ionospheric phase delay and signal amplitude has been analyzed. The spatial spectra have been calculated for two height ranges, i.e., 60–80 and 80–100 km. In the phase signal spectrum within the height range 80–100 km, the second maximum in the vicinity of a frequency of 7–8 rad/km is clearly seen. Its diurnal and latitudinal behavior and its decrease towards high latitudes in both hemispheres can also be seen. In the height range of 60–80 km, this maximum is hardly observed. Although solar flares can lead to substantial local changes in the electron concentration, no substantial difference in the behavior of the spectral densities of the amplitude and phase delay at long limb paths was observed within these two height ranges on days of active and quiet sun. The latter fact makes it possible to develop a united algorithm of optimal ionospheric correction of the radio occultation data independent of solar activity.  相似文献   

The problem of optimization of a spacecraft transfer to the Apophis asteroid is investigated. The scheme of transfer under analysis includes a geocentric stage of boosting the spacecraft with high thrust, a heliocentric stage of control by a low thrust engine, and a stage of deceleration with injection to an orbit of the asteroid’s satellite. In doing this, the problem of optimal control is solved for cases of ideal and piecewise-constant low thrust, and the optimal magnitude and direction of spacecraft’s hyperbolic velocity “at infinity” during departure from the Earth are determined. The spacecraft trajectories are found based on a specially developed comprehensive method of optimization. This method combines the method of dynamic programming at the first stage of analysis and the Pontryagin maximum principle at the concluding stage, together with the parameter continuation method. The estimates are obtained for the spacecraft’s final mass and for the payload mass that can be delivered to the asteroid using the Soyuz-Fregat carrier launcher.  相似文献   

The work is devoted to observations of sharp growths of magnetospheric electron fluxes in the vicinity of the polar boundary of the outer radiation belt of the Earth according to the data of measurements on the Vernov and Lomonosov satellites. This precipitation was observed at the high-latitude boundary of the outer radiation belt toward the equator from the isotropization boundary, and can be caused by scattering waves of various physical natures, including electromagnetic and electrostatic waves.  相似文献   

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