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The main unifying feature of natural and artificial ecosystems is their biotic turnover (cycling) of substances which is induced with energy fluxes. A new integrating scientific discipline – Biospherics – studies biotic cycles (both in experiments and in mathematical models) of different degree of closure and complexity. By its origin, Biospherics is to be connected with extensive studies of Biosphere by Russian academician Vladimir Vernadsky. He developed and used “empirical generalizations” based on innumerous observations, comparisons and reflections. His “bio-geo-chemical principles” of Biosphere and ecosystems development have more qualitative than quantitative nature. Quantitative criteria to evaluate the efficiency of natural and artificial ecosystems are to take into account energy fluxes and their use in ecosystems of different types. At least, three of them are of value for estimation of natural and artificial ecosystems’ functional activities. Energy principle of extensive development (EPED), energy principle of intensive development (EPID) and main universal (generalized) criterion (MUC). The last criterion (Principle) characterizes the specific cycling rate of limiting chemical elements in multi-organism systems, developing under external energy fluxes. Its value can be a quantitative measure of effectiveness for every ecosystem functioning, including our global Biosphere. Different examples of these (above-mentioned) integrated criteria actions are presented and analyzed in the paper.  相似文献   

The anthropogenic impact on the Earth's ecosystems are leading to dramatic changes in ecosystem functioning and even to destruction of them. System analysis and the use of heuristic modeling can be an effective means to determine the main biological interactions and key factors that are of high importance for understanding the development of ecosystems. Cycling of limiting substances, induced by the external free energy flux, and trophic links interaction is the basis of the mathematical modeling studies presented in this paper. Mathematical models describe the dynamics of simplified ecosystems having different characteristics: 1) different degrees of biotic turnover closure (from open to completely closed); 2) different numbers of trophic links (including both "top-down", "bottom-up" regulation types); 3) different intensities of input-output flows of the limiting nutrient and its total amount in the system. Adaptive values of the changes of lower hierarchical levels (populational, trophic chain level) are to be estimated by integrity indices for total system functioning (e.g. NPP, total photosynthesis). The approach developed can be used for evaluating the contributions of lower hierarchical levels to the functioning of the higher hierarchical levels of the system. This approach may have value for determining biomanipulation management and their assessment.  相似文献   

Closed Artificial ecosystems (CAES) have good prospects for wide use as new means for quantitative studies of different types of both natural ecosystems and man-made ones. The paper deals with the discussion of three points of CAES applications. The first one is of importance for theoretical ecology development and is connected with bringing together "holistic" and "merological" approaches in ecosystems studies. Using CAES, we can combine both approaches, taking into account the biotic turnover of limiting substrates which few in number even for complicated natural ecosystems. The second CAES use concerns the development of "ecosystems health" concept and application of a key-factor-approach for the indication and measurement of healthy unhealthy state and functioning of ecosystems or their links. The third use is more of an applied nature, oriented to the intensification of bioremediation or biodepollution processes in different types of ecosystems, including the global biosphere. Grant numbers: N 99-04-96017, N25.  相似文献   

Studying material transformations and biotic cycling in artificial ecosystems (AES), we need to know the principles of biological adaptation of active organisms to change in the environment. Microorganisms in AES for water purification are the most active transforming organisms and consumers of the organic substances contained in wastes. Utilization of organic substances is directly connected with the energy fluxes used by AES. According to energy criteria, the energy fluxes used by a biological system tend to reach maximum values under stable conditions. Unutilized substrate concentration decreases as a result of biological adaptations. After a dramatic change in environmental factors, for example, after a sharp increase in the flow rate of organic substances, the biological system is not able to react quickly. The concentration of unutilized substrate increases and the energy flux used by the biological system decreases. The structure of the microbial community also changes, with a decrease in biological diversity. The efficiency of energy use by simple terrestrial ecosystems depends on the energetic intensity and interactions between plants and rhizospheric microorganisms.  相似文献   

Key factors of ecosystem functioning are of the same nature for artificial and natural types. An hierarchical approach gives the opportunity for estimation of the quantitative behavior of both individual links and the system as a whole. At the organismic level we can use interactions of studied macroorganisms (man, animal, higher plant) with selected microorganisms as key indicating factors of the organisms immune status. The most informative factor for the population/community level is an age structure of populations and relationships of domination/elimination. The integrated key factors of the ecosystems level are productivity and rates of cycling of the limiting substances. The key factors approach is of great value for growth regulations and monitoring the state of any ecosystem, including the life support system (LSS)-type.  相似文献   

The process of biotic turnover in a closed ecological system (CES) with an external energy flow was analyzed by mathematical modeling of the biotic cycle formation. The formation of hierarchical structure in model CESs is governed by energy criteria. Energy flow through the ecosystem increases when a predator is introduced into a "producer-reducer" system at steady state. Analysis of the model shows that under certain conditions the presence of the primary predator with its high mineralization ability accelerates the biotic turnover measured by primary production. We, therefore, conclude that for every system it is possible to find a suitable predator able to provide the system with a higher biotic turnover rate and energy consumption. Grant numbers: 99-04-96017/2000.  相似文献   

Although soil is a component of terrestrial ecosystems, it is comprised of a complex web of interacting organisms, and therefore can be considered itself as an ecosystem. Soil microflora and fauna derive energy from plants and plant residues and serve important functions in maintaining soil physical and chemical properties, thereby affecting net primary productivity (NPP), and in the case of contained environments, the quality of the life support system. We have been using 3 controlled-environment facilities (CEF's) that incorporate different levels of soil biological complexity and environmental control, and differ in their resemblance to natural ecosystems, to study relationships among plant physiology, soil ecology, fluxes of minerals and nutrients, and overall ecosystem function. The simplest system utilizes growth chambers and specialized root chambers with organic-less media to study the physiology of plant-mycorrhizal associations. A second system incorporates natural soil in open-top chambers to study soil bacterial and fungal population response to stress. The most complex CEF incorporates reconstructed soil profiles in a "constructed" ecosystem, enabling close examination of the soil foodweb. Our results show that closed ecosystem research is important for understanding mechanisms of response to ecosystem stresses. In addition, responses observed at one level of biological complexity may not allow prediction of response at a different level of biological complexity. In closed life support systems, incorporating soil foodwebs will require less artificial manipulation to maintain system stability and sustainability.  相似文献   

In this paper, the influence of the extent of openness of ecosystem that is defined by the dilution rate, which characterizes the extent of flowage of the pond, on the intensity of the biotic circulation in ecosystems with different regulation types, number of trophic links and extent of closing has been investigated. We considered open systems, we took into account the return of the limiting substances, such as nitrogen and phosphorous, into the cycle by degradation of detritus and products of vital functions of consumers. It was shown by the numerical calculations that the increase of the dilution rate in without recycle ecosystems leads to increase of the net primary production up to the maximum value corresponding to the two-link trophic chain (biogenic substance and producer) and then, to gradually decrease. The residual concentration of biogenic limiting substances monotone increases. Net primary production and residual concentration of biogenic limiting substances in systems with recycle with even number of links behaves similarly to that in without recycle ecosystems. In the systems with recycle with the odd number of links that values lies on the stable level. We showed that in wide range of the dilution rate the recycling of the ecosystem can highly increase the net primary production and reduce residual concentration of biogenic limiting substances. The influence of the dilution rate on numbers of links that may exist in the system was analyzed.  相似文献   

The ECOSIMP2 model, simulating the Plant-Soil-Atmosphere interactions, was developed as a tool for the management of an experimental artificial ecosystem. It consists in three main carbon compartments for production, consumption and decomposition of the biomass. The main biological parameters concern photosynthesis (apparent Km, CO2 compensation point), the harvest index, the rate of consumption, and the kinetics of litter decomposition. From realistic assumptions of kinetics of soil compartments, a steady-state case was obtained, simulating a terrestrial ecosystem. The stability of the atmospheric CO2 concentration was studied after a virtual enclosure of the system in a 20-m high greenhouse. In natural lighting the conditions of stability are severe because of the small size of the atmospheric compartment which amplifies any imbalance between carbon fluxes. The positive consequence of that amplification for research on artificial ecosystems was emphasized.  相似文献   

Simple models of terrestrial ecosystems with a limited number of components are an efficient tool to study the main laws of functioning of populations, including microbial ones, and their communities, as components of natural ecosystems, under variable environmental conditions. Among other factors are the increase of carbon dioxide in the atmosphere and limitation of plants' growth by biogenic elements. The main types of ecosystems' responses to changes in environmental conditions (a change in CO2 concentration) have been demonstrated in a "plants-rhizospheric microorganisms-artificial soil" simple experimental system. The mathematical model of interactions between plants and microorganisms under normal and elevated atmospheric CO2 and limitation by nutrients (nitrogen and phosphorus) yielded a qualitative agreement between calculated and experimental values of limiting substances concentrations and release rates of exudates.  相似文献   

Considerations of design for life support systems.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
During the design phase for construction of artificial ecosystems, the following considerations are important. (1) Influences on living things in the ecosystem, such as lifestyles and physiological functions caused by stresses due to environmental changes. The long stay in the artificial ecosystem has a possibility to lead to evolutional change in the living things. (2) The system operation method in trouble, which relates to maintainability. (3) The system metamorphosis according to new technologies. (4) Route minimization of material flow that leads to an optimum system layout.  相似文献   

The possibility of introducing genetically engineered microorganisms (GEM) into simple biotic cycles of laboratory water microcosms was investigated. The survival of the recombinant strain Escherichia coli Z905 (Apr, Lux+) in microcosms depends on the type of model ecosystems. During the absence of algae blooming in the model ecosystem, the part of plasmid-containing cells E. coli decreased fast, and the structure of the plasmid was also modified. In conditions of algae blooming (Ankistrodesmus sp.) an almost total maintenance of plasmid-containing cells was observed in E. coli population. A mathematics model of GEM's behavior in water ecosystems with different level of complexity has been formulated. Mechanisms causing the difference in luminescent exhibition of different species are discussed, and attempts are made to forecast the GEM's behavior in water ecosystems.  相似文献   

Functional, regulatory and indicator features of microorganisms in development and functioning of the systems and sustaining stability of three man-made ecosystem types has been studied. 1) The functional (metabolic) feature was studied in aquatic ecosystems of biological treatment of sewage waters for the reducer component. 2) The regulatory feature of bacteria for plants (producer component) was studied in simple terrestrial systems "wheat plants-rhizospheric microorganisms-artificial soil" where the behavior of the system varied with activity of the microbial component. For example with atmospheric carbon dioxide content elevated microbes promote intensification of photosynthesis processes, without binding the carbon in the plant biomass. 3) The indicator feature for the humans (consumer component) was studied in Life Support Systems (LSS). High sensitivity of human microflora to system conditions allowed its use as an indicator of the state of both system components and the entire ecosystem. Grant numbers: N99-04-96017, N15.  相似文献   

The paper deals with microalgae-bacteria interrelationships in the "autotroph-heterotroph" aquatic biotic cycle. Explanations of why and how algal-bacterial ecosystems are formed still remain controversial. The paper presents results of experimental and theoretical investigations of the functioning of the algal-bacterial cenosis (the microalga Chlorella vulgaris and concomitant microflora). The Chlorella microbial community is dominated by representatives of the genus Pseudomonas. Experiments with non-sterile batch cultures of Chlorella on Tamiya medium showed that the biomass of microorganisms increases simultaneously with the increase in microalgal biomass. The microflora of Chlorella can grow on organic substances released by photosynthesizing Chlorella. Microorganisms can also use dying Chlorella cells, i.e. form a "producer-reducer" biocycle. To get a better insight into the cenosis-forming role of microalgae, a mathematical model of the "autotroph-heterotroph" aquatic biotic cycle has been constructed, taking into account the utilization of Chlorella photosynthates and dead cells by microorganisms and the contribution of the components to the nitrogen cycle. A theoretical study showed that the biomass of concomitant bacteria grown on glucose and detritus is larger than the biomass of bacteria utilizing only microalgal photosynthates, which agrees well with the experimental data.  相似文献   

MELISSA is a micro-organisms based ecosystem conceived as a tool for understanding the behaviour of artificial ecosystems, and developing the technology for a future biological life support system for long term space mission. The driving element of MELISSA is the recovering of oxygen and edible biomass from waste (faeces, urea). Due to its intrinsic instability and the safety requirements of manned missions, an important control strategy is developed to pilot this system and to optimize its recycling performance. This is a hierarchical control strategy. Each MELISSA compartment has its local control system, and taking into account the states of other compartments and a global desired functioning point, the upper level determines the setpoints for each compartment. The developed approach is based on first principles models of each compartment (physico chemical equations, stoichiometries, kinetic rates, ...). Those models are used to develop a global simulator of the system (in order to study the global functioning). They are also used in the control strategy, which is a non linear predictive model based strategy. This paper presents the general approach of the control strategy of the loop from the compartment level up to the overall loop. At the end, some simulation and experimental results are presented.  相似文献   

Sustainability is one of the most important criteria in the creation and evaluation of human life support systems intended for use during long space flights. The common feature of biological and physicochemical life support systems is that basically they are both catalytic. But there are two fundamental properties distinguishing biological systems: 1) they are auto-catalytic: their catalysts--enzymes of protein nature--are continuously reproduced when the system functions; 2) the program of every process performed by enzymes and the program of their reproduction are inherent in the biological system itself--in the totality of genomes of the species involved in the functioning of the ecosystem. Actually, one cell with the genome capable of the phenotypic realization is enough for the self-restoration of the function performed by the cells of this species in the ecosystem. The continuous microalgal culture of Chlorella vulgaris was taken to investigate quantitatively the process of self-restoration in unicellular algae population. Based on the data obtained, we proposed a mathematical model of the restoration process in a cell population that has suffered an acute radiation damage.  相似文献   

An experimental model of matter turnover in the biotic cycle: plants (plant biomass) --> mushrooms (residual substrate + mushroom fruit bodies) --> worms (biohumus) --> microorganisms (soillike substrate) --> plants is presented. The initial mass of soillike substrate was produced from wheat plants grown in a hydroponic system. Three cycles of matter turnover in the biotic cycle were carried out. Grain productivity on soillike substrate was 21.87 g/m2 day. The results obtained were used for designing a CES containing man, plants, soillike substrate, bioregeneration module and aquaculture. It was shown, that the circulating dry mass of the CES is 756 kg. The main part (88%) of the circulating mass accumulates in the soillike substrate and bioregeneration module.  相似文献   

The term Closed Ecological System (CES) is in wide use. However there is no generally accepted measure of the closure of ecological systems. In order to obtain reproducibility of experiments with natural and man-made CES (with respect to degree of closure) some universal estimate needs to be developed. Understanding ecological systems as a network and closure as the degree of matter recycling allows the use of matrix graphs. Graphs are very natural forms for the presentation of the network of matter flows in ecosystems. An estimate equal to the sum of products of weights of oriented edges that constitute contour is suggested as a measure of the degree of closure in ecosystems. It is shown that this estimate can be uniformly applied to ecosystems of arbitrary size and configuration of flows.  相似文献   

Experimental and theoretical models of closed "autotroph-heterotroph" (chlorella-yeast, chlorella-protozoa) ecosystems with spatially separated components have been created and studied. The chart of flows and interaction of components of gas-closed "chlorella-yeast" system have formed the basis describe mathematically the functioning of the given system, experimental results have been found to agree with computer solution of the problem in terms of quality. Investigation of the experimental model of the "producer-consumer" trophic chain demonstrated the role of protozoa in nitrogen turnover. "Production-decomposition" and "production-grazing-decomposition" cycle models has been theoretically analyzed and compared. The predator has been shown to be a more intensive mineralizer than the reducer component.  相似文献   

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