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以某型飞机语音告警信号为例,分析了故障告警原理,找到了故障原因,为类似语音告警信号的排故提供参考。  相似文献   

飞机飞行时会出现各种各样的故障,飞行员一般是通过安装在其前下方的告警灯光信号,了解到飞机是哪项系统出现了故障。但是,由于飞行员空中飞行时注意力高度集中,对于告警灯光信号有时会注意不到,或者对众多的告警灯光信号一时分辨不出应归属哪个系统,而不能及时将故障排除造成了严重的飞行事故。如果在飞机上加装语音告警系统,则该系统可将机上告警信号直接输出到飞行员的耳机,用话音来提醒飞行员,  相似文献   

在分析告警计算机工作原理和组成结构的基础上,详细叙述了近地告警计算机自动测试系统的软硬件设计,重点分析了设计中的难点问题.实际应用表明,该测试设备性能稳定可靠、操作方便.  相似文献   

NM7000B盲降设备通过连接专用的遥控盒,可以实时在导航监控室监控盲降设备运行情况。但是NM7000B盲降设备的遥控盒在实际使用过程中,当设备出现告警时,遥控盒发出的声音特别小,往往不能引起监控人员的注意,特别是晚上监控人员疲惫时,很容易造成事故[1]。为此设计了一套实用的移动端辅助告警系统来弥补它的缺陷,该系统通过将单片机控制模块、TC35移动端模块、继电器模块跟遥控盒连接起来,达到了当盲降设备出现故障时,能及时准确通过发送短信或者打电话的方式,提醒监控人员设备出现故障的效果,从而减少了航空器着陆事故的发生。  相似文献   

针对某型飞机大修调试过程中发生的机载红外告警系统自检报故及告警时无符号、无灯光显示故障,阐述了红外告警系统组成、交联和工作原理,分析了故障产生的原因,识别确定了故障部位,并结合实际经验给出维修建议.  相似文献   

利用监控技术对运行中的民用航空飞机故障进行实时监控,已经成为各航空公司普遍采用的技术手段。国航机队主要通过飞机状态预测和维修作业管理平台(APCM)的飞机健康管理系统模块进行故障实时监控,本文详细介绍了该平台使用过程中如何对告警优先级进行动态调整,以确保机队运行的安全性、可靠性。  相似文献   

提出了一种利用地形辅助导航精确获取位置信息的直升机低空飞行告警方法,该方法通过地形辅助导航修正惯导系统误差,然后利用直升机飞行动力学模型预测逃逸轨迹并生成告警边界,最终实现直升机近地告警.仿真测试结果表明,本文采用的地形辅助导航方法能够有效修正惯导误差,基于此实现的直升机近地告警方法能够有效提高直升机飞行的安全性.  相似文献   

某型飞机出现一起告警系统故障,故障现象复杂,本文通过对该故障的故障现象、排除过程和机理进行分析、阐述,为类似故障的排除提供思路和参考。  相似文献   

随着技术的发展,尽管空中和地面系统之间数据交流的自动化程度有所提高,语音通信仍将是必不可少的。在发生紧急情况或非常规问题时,仍需使用语音通信。目前,海洋和偏远大陆地区依靠高频语音通信,这要求无线电操作员在飞行员和管制员之间进行中继,除去高频通信技术本身的缺点外,额外增加了通信应用的环节。  相似文献   

本文对某型飞机空中发出机翼折叠信号告警故障进行了深入的机理剖析,结合地面试验验证,最终找到了引发该故障的真正原因,并提出了有效的解决方法.该问题的解决保证了飞机的飞行安全,解决了故障隐患,对后期的机翼折叠检查工作提供了新的思路,也为类似故障的排查提供了有力的技术借鉴.  相似文献   

The digital twin-driven performance model provides an attractive option for the warn gas-path faults of the gas turbines. However, three technical difficulties need to be solved: (1) low modeling precision caused by individual differences between gas turbines, (2) poor solution efficiency due to excessive iterations, and (3) the false alarm and missing alarm brought by the traditional fixed threshold method. This paper proposes a digital twin model-based early warning method for gas-path faults that breaks through the above obstacles from three aspects. Firstly, a novel performance modeling strategy is proposed to make the simulation effect close to the actual gas turbine by fusing the mechanism model and measurement data. Secondly, the idea of controlling the relative accuracy of model parameters is developed. The introduction of an error module to the existing model can greatly shorten the modeling cycle. The third solution focuses on the early warning based on the digital twin model, which self-learns the alarm threshold of the warning feature of gas-path parameters using the kernel density estimation. The proposed method is utilized to analyze actual measured data of LM2500 +, and the results verify that the new-built digital model has higher accuracy and better efficiency. The comparisons show that the proposed method shows evident superiority in early warning of performance faults for gas turbines over other methods.  相似文献   

根据当今火灾探测的现状和实现火灾早期报警的需求,将多传感器数据融合技术应用在火灾报警系统中。在分析了信息融合系统的三级结构及火灾报警信息非结构特性的基础上,以感温、感烟和气体的火灾报警模拟量为输入,利用粗糙集和神经网络对多传感器信号进行融合,设计出一种快速、准确和有效的火灾探测系统,达到了提早报警和降低误报警频次的目的。  相似文献   

计算机报警系统中接口电路研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
吕岩 《航空计算技术》2002,32(3):100-102
在计算机报警系统中 ,接口电路承担把外部信号准确传给计算机 ,同时把计算机指令输出并控制执行的双重功能 ,其输入输出功能的实现和准确可靠地工作对于整个控制系统都是非常重要的。本文对报警系统总线结构及接口模块进行充分地分析 ,在电路设计中采用编码技术和脉冲、电源复用技术 ,使电路优化、成本降低、运行稳定、兼容性好 ,较好地实现了输入及输出功能。  相似文献   

The use of high speed multicolor imaging sensors provides a valuable tool for characterizing both the infrared signatures of missiles as well as clutter. Over 14 flight hours worth of collections were made of difficult to characterize clutter. This additional data can be utilized to develop and improve missile warning algorithms for better false alarm rates. These analyses show that although a two color staring system could have multiple advantages over a single color system in false alarm rejection, the clutter rejection capabilities can be limited by the relatively low inter-band correlations between the red and blue bands  相似文献   

空中威胁态势探测与告警是无人机飞行防相撞预警的关键。为此,提出一种基于航迹预测的无人机防相撞空中威胁态势探测与告警方法。在该方法中,先采用滑动窗多项式拟合法对入侵机航迹进行动态预测,然后,在航迹预测基础上,利用无人机与入侵机飞行信息,建立针对入侵机的无人机动态避撞区,最后,结合静态保护区原理,对特定飞行场景下的无人机飞行冲突趋势、空中危险接近趋势和飞行碰撞趋势的探测与告警。仿真实例验证了所提出方法的有效性,也验证了其用于无人机飞行防相撞预警的可行性。  相似文献   

The need to provide aircrew with a timely warning of a dangerously close approach to the terrain is discussed, along with the benefits this capability is expected to provide and specific requirements that it must fulfil. The ground proximity warning techniques that are available are reviewed, and their benefits and limitations are assessed. The GEC Avionics Ground and Obstacle Collision Avoidance Technique (GOCAT) is described. The particular advantages of the GOCAT approach are identified. Because GOCAT uses a database of the terrain and obstacles around the aircraft it has a very low nuisance alarm rate but will always generate a warning when the aircraft is in a dangerous situation. Issues of parameter selection, search area definition and system limitations are examined. The results of a GOCAT simulation are presented. The system performance parameters are discussed, and database requirements are reviewed. The characteristics of a practical implementation for both civil and military applications are briefly stated  相似文献   

Intruder alarm systems, IAS, are seen by many as an essential part of the United Kingdom's defence against the crime of burglary. IAS are intended either to deter the potential intruder or detect and give warning of an intruder directly or indirectly to the police. Unfortunately the false alarm rate, at over 90%, is so high that it leads to ineffectual use of police resources and calls into question the ability of IAS to perform effectively either as a deterrent or detector. To try and improve the situation the Police Forces in the UK have in conjunction with the alarm industry, over the past few years, implemented special measures in an attempt to reduce the number of false alarms and improve the effectiveness of the systems. However, from a study of available data on the deterrent effect of alarm systems, the national statistics for all alarm call types, the numbers of arrests arising from the calls, etc., this paper concludes that IAS on their own are not an effective police crime prevention measure. Thus a radical rethink of their use is required. The paper also suggests an alternative strategy which may improve the situation  相似文献   

谷雨  徐美芳 《飞机设计》2022,42(2):50-53,63
随着现代飞机机载系统规模的增加及运行环境复杂度的提升,不合理的告警设计很容易在不必要的时机,或以不适当的方式发出告警指示,增加飞行机组工作负担,进而影响安全运行或降低任务效能。因此旨在研究如何根据飞机特性和试验数据进行发动机告警优化设计。基于某在研的多发涡桨水陆两栖飞机的发动机相关参数告警优化设计与应用的研究,从发动机参数特性的角度出发,对试飞验证期间发现的几个典型的告警问 题进行了分析,给出了基于该飞机发动机指示与空勤告警系统的优化实现方案。通过装机后的发动机试车,虚假告警得到了改善,验证了优化方法有效,为后续相关飞机的机组告警设计提供一定的借鉴作用。  相似文献   

基于人因工程视角的民机驾驶舱告警系统研究综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1       下载免费PDF全文
为研究现代民机驾驶舱告警系统的发展历程及应用现状,通过文献综述,以人因工程学为视角,结合事故调查分析、国内外民机驾驶舱告警系统应用进展,了解民机驾驶舱告警系统功能、告警方式和告警类别,总结国内外驾驶舱告警系统概况,分析民机驾驶舱告警系统现存问题。基于驾驶舱告警的适航管理规章要求和机组在飞行任务中的认知需求,探究驾驶舱告警系统的设计需求。结合人因工程领域的研究进展,提出驾驶舱告警系统的改进方向和发展趋势,即民机告警系统设计的及时性和可靠性还存在一定改进空间,驾驶舱告警系统整体结构的设计必须要突出重点,注重自主化及个性化设计,必要时考虑驾驶舱触觉感知的融合,旨在为后续告警系统的总体设计及优化提供参考。  相似文献   

The purpose of an intelligent alarm analysis system is to provide complete and manageable information to a central alarm station operator by applying alarm processing and fusion techniques to sensor information. This paper discusses the sensor fusion approach taken to perform intelligent alarm analysis for the Advanced Exterior Sensor (AES). The AES is an intrusion detection and assessment system designed for wide-area coverage, quick deployment, low false/nuisance alarm operation, and immediate visual assessment. It combines three sensor technologies (visible, infrared, and millimeter wave radar) collocated on a compact and portable remote sensor module. The remote sensor module rotates at a rate of 1 revolution per second to detect and track motion and provide assessment in a continuous 360° field-of-regard. Sensor fusion techniques are used to correlate and integrate the track data from these three sensors into a single track for operator observation. Additional inputs to the fusion process include environmental data, knowledge of sensor performance under certain weather conditions, sensor priority, and recent operator feedback. A confidence value is assigned to the track as a result of the fusion process. This helps to reduce nuisance alarms and to increase operator confidence in the system while reducing the workload of the operator  相似文献   

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