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We have studied the effects of prolonged (up to 175 days) exposure of Lactuca sativa seeds to space flight factors, including primary cosmic radiation heavy ions. The data obtained evidence a significant fourfold increase ofs pontaneous mutagenesis in seeds both with regard to the total number of aberrant cells as well as the formation of single cells with multiple aberrations. Comparison of the present experiment with earlier works shows that the frequency of such aberrations increases with the duration of the flight.  相似文献   

Lettuce (Lactuca sativa) seeds were flown on-board the orbital station Salyut 7 for 66-457 days. It was found that a single heavy charged particle (HZE) hitting a seed only slightly affects the subsequent plant growth. However, morphological anomalies of varying type in primordial leaves and roots were observed that show good correlation with the location of the particle track. The most severe damage detected by light and an electron microscopy were "channels" in dry and soaked seeds. The appearance of "channels" seems to be related to the LET of the incident particle. This finding is of considerable importance for assessment of space flight radiation hazard.  相似文献   

Effect of HZE particles and space hadrons on bacteriophages.   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
The effect of high energy (HZE) particles and high energy hadrons on T4Br+ bacteriophage was analyzed. The experiments were done in orbital flight, on high mountains, on an accelerator, and with an alpha particle source. We studied the survival rate of the bacteriophage, the mutation frequency, the mutation spectrum and the revertability under the action of chemical mutagens with a known mechanism of action on DNA. It was found that the biological efficiency of HZE particles and high energy hadrons is greater than that of gamma radiation. The spectra of mutations produced by these mutations and the mechanisms of their action are also different. These effects were local, because of the mode of interaction of the radiant energy with biological objects, and depended on the linear energy transfer (LET). The modes have now been experimentally defined.  相似文献   

On exploratory class missions astronauts will be exposed to a variety of heavy particles (HZE particles) which differ in terms of particle energy and particle linear energy transfer. The present experiments were designed to evaluate how these physical characteristics of different particles affect cognitive performance, specifically operant responding. Following exposure to 28Si, 48Ti, 12C and 16O particles at the NASA Space Radiation Laboratory rats were tested for their ability to respond appropriately to changes in reinforcement schedules using an operant task. The results showed that the effectiveness of different particles in disrupting cognitive performance, defined as the lowest dose that produced a performance decrement, varied as a function of the energy of the specific particle: for comparisons between different energies of the same particle (e.g., 56Fe) the effectiveness of the particle was directly proportional to particle linear energy transfer, whereas for comparisons between different particles (e.g., 56Fe and 16O) effectiveness was inversely proportional to particle linear energy transfer. The results are discussed in terms of the mechanisms that influence the effectiveness of different particles and energies and in terms of their implications for analyzing the possible risks to astronauts of decrements in cognitive performance following exposure to HZE particles on long-duration exploratory class missions.  相似文献   

For interpretation of results obtained in future biological experiments in the International Space Station (ISS), biologically equivalent doses have to be determined using small-scale detectors without disturbing the surrounding radiation field. The detectors should be lightweight, stable, safe, and simple in handling. Solid-state integrating detectors (SSID) can satisfy these requirements. This paper demonstrates that combination of SSID such as thermoluminescence dosimeters and radiophotoluminescence glasses can be practically used for the evaluation of biologically equivalent doses. Statistical errors (type-A uncertainty) of this method will be satisfactorily small relative to those generally observed in biological responses. Permissible levels of systematic errors (type-B uncertainty) depend on dosimetry purposes (most-probable or conventional) and variability of biological responses.  相似文献   

In track segment experiments cell survival and chromosome aberrations of mammalian cells have been measured for various heavy ion beams between helium and uranium in the energy range between 0.5 and 960 MeV/u, corresponding to a velocity range of 0.03 to 0.87 C, and an LET spectrum from 10 to 15 000 keV/micrometers. At low LET, the cross section (sigma) for cell killing increases with increasing LET and shows a common curve for all ions regardless of the atomic number. This indicates that in this region the track structure of the different ions is of only a minor influence, and it is rather the total energy transfer, which is important for cell killing. At higher LET values, deviations from a common sigma-LET curve can be observed which indicate a saturation effect. The saturation of the lighter ions occurs at lower LET values than for the heavier ions. These findings are also confirmed by the chromosome data, where the efficiency for the induction of chromosomal aberrations for high LET particles depends on the track structure and is nearly independent of LET. In the heavier beams (Z > or = 10) individual particles cause multiple chromosome breaks in mitotic cells.  相似文献   

The effects of exposure to heavy particles on behaviors mediated by the central nervous system (CNS) are qualitatively different than the effects produced by exposure to other types of radiation. One behavior mediated by the CNS is the amphetamine-induced taste aversion, which is produced by pairing a novel tasting solution with injection of amphetamine. When the conditioning day is three days following irradiation, exposing rats to low doses of 56Fe particles (600 MeV/n or 1 GeV/n) eliminates the taste aversion produced by injection of amphetamine, which is dependent upon the integrity of the central dopaminergic system, but has no effect on the aversion produced by injection of lithium chloride which is mediated by the gastrointestinal system. In contrast to the effects obtained using heavy particles, exposing rats to 60CO gamma rays or to fission spectrum neutrons has no selective effect upon the acquisition of either amphetamine- or lithium chloride-induced taste aversions. When the conditioning day occurs four months following exposure to 1 GeV/n 56Fe particles, there is an enhancement of the amphetamine-induced taste aversion. The implications of these findings for approaches to risk assessment are considered.  相似文献   

A small, vibration- and shock-resistant thermoluminescent dosemeter /TLD/ system--named PILLE--was developed at the Health Physics Department of the Central Research Institute for Physics, Budapest, to measure the cosmic radiation dose on board orbital stations. The first on-board measurements with this system were performed /by B. Farkas, the Hungarian astronaut/, on the Salyut-6 space station in 1980. The same instrument was used by other crews in the following years. Doses measured at different sites in Salyut-6 are presented. The dose rates varied from 0.07 to 0.11 mGy.day-1. After the first cosmic measurements, the system was further developed. The minimum detectable dose of the new TLD system is 1 microGy, i.e. less by on order of magnitude than that of the former system. The self-irradiation dose rate of the TLD bulbs is also reduced--by more than one order of magnitude--to 10 nGy.h-1, by the use of potassium-free glass for the bulb envelope. This new type of PILLE TLD system is currently on-board Salyut-7. The dose rates /0.12-0.23 mGy.day-1/ measured in 1983 are presented in detail.  相似文献   

Estimates of radiation doses resulting from possible HZE (high energy heavy ion) components of solar particle events (SPEs) are presented for crews of manned interplanetary missions. The calculations assume a model spectrum obtained by folding measured solar flare HZE particle abundances with the measured energy spectra of SPE alpha particles. These hypothetical spectra are then transported through aluminum spacecraft shielding. The results, presented as estimates of absorbed dose and dose equivalent, indicate that HZE components by themselves are not a major concern for crew protection but should be included in any overall risk assessment. The predictions are found to be sensitive to the assumed spectral hardness parameters.  相似文献   

Spermatogonial cell loss has been observed in rats flown on Space Lab 3, Cosmos 1887, Cosmos 2044 and in mice following irradiation with X-ray or with high energy (HZE) particle beams. Spermatogonial loss is determined by cell counting in maturation stage 6 seminiferous [correction of seminferous] tubules. With the exception of Iron, laboratory irradiation experiments (with mice) revealed a similar pattern of spermatogonial loss proportional to the radiation dose at levels less than 0.1 Gy. Helium and Argon irradiation resulted in a 5% loss of spermatogonia after only 0.01 Gy exposure. However, significant spermatogonial loss (45%) occured at this radiation level with Iron particle beams. The loss of spermatogonia during each space flight was less than 10% when compared to control (non-flight) animals. This loss, although small, was significant. Although radiation may be a contributing factor in the loss of spermatogonia during space flight, exposure levels, as determined by dosimetry, were not significant to account for the total cell loss observed.  相似文献   

Exposure of rats to high-energy iron particles (600 MeV/amu) has been found to alter behavior after doses as low as 10 rads. The performance of a task that measures upper body strength was significantly degraded after irradiation. In addition, an impairment in the regulation of dopamine release in the caudate nucleus (a motor center in the brain), lasting at least 6 months, was also found and correlated with the performance deficits. A general indication of behavioral toxicity and an index of nausea and emesis, the conditioned taste aversion, was also evident. The sensitivity to iron particles was 10-600 times greater than to gamma photons. These results suggest that behavioral and neurobiological damage may be a consequence of exposure to low doses of heavy particles and that this possibility should be extensively studied.  相似文献   

The fragmenting of high energy, heavy ions (HZE particles) by hydrogen targets is an important, physical process in several areas of space radiation research. In this work quantum mechanical optical model methods for estimating cross sections for HZE particle fragmentation by hydrogen targets are presented. The cross sections are calculated using a modified abrasion-ablation collision formalism adapted from a nucleus-nucleus collision model. Elemental and isotopic production cross sections are estimated and compared with report measurements for the breakup of neon, sulphur, and iron, nuclei at incident energies between 400 and 910 MeV/nucleon. Good agreement between theory and experiment is obtained.  相似文献   

We have studied the somatic and genetic effects of heavy ions (HZE particles) and the very high energy hadrons of space radiation on various organisms ranging in complexity from bacteriophage to man. Experimental data were obtained in space, on high mountains and in a proton accelerator at energies of 76 GeV. In all these experiments local micro- and macroradiational damage was observed. This damage was characterized by severity over large local regions and for the most part was due to cascades of secondary particle bundles resulting from the collosion of very high energy space hadrons with atomic nuclei rather than from cellular hits from relatively low energy single HZE particles. At present there does not appear to be any effective way to provide shielding against these cosmic hadrons.  相似文献   

Among cosmic rays, the heavy nuclei ranging from carbon to iron provide the principal contribution to the dose equivalent. The LET-distributions and absorbed dose aid dose equivalent have been calculated and are presented as a function of shielding and tissue self-shielding. At solar minimum, outside the magnetosphere, the unshielded dose equivalent of nuclei with atomic number Z > or = 6 is about 47 rem/year. The contribution of the target nuclei adds 7 rem/year. With 4 g/cm2 aluminum shielding, and at a depth of 5 cm in a biological phantom of 30 cm diameter, the respective values are 11 and 10 rem/year. Corresponding dose rates for orbits with various inclinations are presented, as well as the LET distributions of various components of cosmic rays.  相似文献   

Artemia cysts, lettuce and tobacco seeds were flown aboard the Cosmos 1129 for 19 days. A correlative method was used in order to determine the passage of cosmic heavy ions (HZE particles) through the biological test objects. This space flight resulted in a decrease on hatchability, nucleic acid and protein synthesis in hydrated Artemia cysts. HZE particle effects on plant cellular chromosomes are confirmed. In tobacco seeds, a stimulating effect on germination rate and a higher frequency of abnormalities were observed. Dormant biological objects are a very suitable material to study cosmic ray effects: these objects can be arranged in monolayers and sandwiched between visual track detectors in order to determine the passage of the cosmic heavy ions (HZE particles). On the other hand this method allows us to study effects of microgravity and those of the protonic component of cosmic rays in the objects not hit by the HZE articles.  相似文献   

Barley seeds were exposed to outer space for 13 months in a vented metal container without a climate control system to assess the risk of physiological and genetic mutation during long-term storage in space. The space-stored seeds (S0 generation), with an 82% germination rate in 50 seeds, lost about 20% of their weight after the exposure. The germinated seeds showed normal growth, heading, and ripening. The harvested seeds (S1 generation) also germinated and reproduced (S2 generation) as did the ground-stored seeds. The culm length, ear length, number of seed, grain weight, and fertility of the plants from the space-stored seeds were not significantly different from those of the ground-stored seeds in each of the S0 and S1 generation. Furthermore, the S1 and S2 space-stored seeds respectively showed similar β-glucan content to those of the ground-stored seeds. Amplified fragment length polymorphism analysis with 16 primer combinations showed no specific fragment that appears or disappears significantly in the DNA isolated from the barley grown from the space-stored seeds. Though these data are derived from nine S0 space-stored seeds in a single exposure experiment, the results demonstrate the preservation of barley seeds in outer space for 13 months without phenotypic or genotypic changes and with healthy and vigorous growth in space.  相似文献   

The potentially specific importance of the heavy ions of the galactic cosmic radiation for radiation protection in manned spaceflight continues to stimulate in situ, i.e., spaceflight experiments to investigate their radiobiological properties. Chromosome aberrations as an expression of a direct assault on the genome are of particular interest in view of cancerogenesis being the primary radiation risk for man in space. In such investigations the establishment of the geometrical correlation between heavy ions' trajectories and the location of radiation sensitive biological substructures is an essential task. The overall qualitative and quantitative precision achieved for the identification of particle trajectories in the order of approximately 10 micrometers as well as the contributing sources of uncertainties are discussed. We describe how this was achieved for seeds of Lactuca sativa as biological test organisms, whose location and orientation had to be derived from contact photographies displaying their outlines and those of the holder plates only. The incidence of chromosome aberrations in cells exposed during the COSMOS 1887 (Biosatellite 8) and the COSMOS 2044 (Biosatellite 9) mission was determined for seeds hit by cosmic heavy ions. In those seeds the incidence of both single and multiple chromosome aberrations was enhanced. The results of the Biosatellite 9 experiment, however, are confounded by spaceflight effects unrelated to the passage of heavy ions.  相似文献   

The objectives of this research were to determine photosynthesis, evapotranspiration and growth of lettuce at long-term low atmospheric pressure. Lettuce (Lactuca sativa L. cv. Youmaicai) plants were grown at 40 kPa total pressure (8.4 kPa pO2pO2) or 101 kPa total pressure (20.9 kPa pO2pO2) from seed to harvest for 35 days. Germination rate of lettuce seeds decreased by 7.6% at low pressure, although this was not significant. There was no significant difference in crop photosynthetic rate between hypobaria and ambient pressure during the 35-day study. The crop evapotranspiration rate was significantly lower at low pressure than that at ambient pressure from 20 to 30 days after planting (DAP), but it had no significant difference before 20 DAP or after 30 DAP. The growth cycle of lettuce plants at low pressure was delayed. At low pressure, lettuce leaves were curly at the seedling stage and this disappeared gradually as the plants grew. Ambient lettuce plants were yellow and had an epinastic growth at harvest. The shoot height, leaf number, leaf length and shoot/root ratio were lower at low pressure than those at ambient pressure, while leaf area and root growth increased. Total biomass of lettuce plants grown at two pressures had no significant difference. Ethylene production at low pressure decreased significantly by 38.8% compared with ambient pressure. There was no significant difference in microelements, nutritional phytochemicals and nitrate concentrations at the two treatments. This research shows that lettuce can be grown at long-term low pressure (40 kPa) without significant adverse effects on seed germination, gas exchange and plant growth. Furthermore, ethylene release was reduced in hypobaria.  相似文献   

The effects of exposure to ionizing radiation on behavior may result from effects on peripheral or on central systems. For behavioral endpoints that are mediated by peripheral systems (e.g., radiation-induced conditioned taste aversion or vomiting), the behavioral effects of exposure to heavy particles (56Fe, 600 MeV/n) are qualitatively similar to the effects of exposure to gamma radiation (60Co) and to fission spectrum neutrons. For these endpoints, the only differences between the different types of radiation are in terms of relative behavioral effectiveness. For behavioral endpoints that are mediated by central systems (e.g., amphetamine-induced taste aversion learning), the effects of exposure to 56Fe particles are not seen following exposure to lower LET gamma rays or fission spectrum neutrons. These results indicate that the effects of exposure to heavy particles on behavioral endpoints cannot necessarily be extrapolated from studies using gamma rays, but require the use of heavy particles.  相似文献   

Recently, comparison of biophysical data obtained from orbital flights of short and long duration led to results which will be significant for long and/or repeated stay of man in space. Under orbital conditions biological stress is induced in dry seeds of Arabidopsis thaliana by cosmic radiation especially its high energetic, densely ionizing component, the heavy ions (HZE). For comparison of radiation impact during different space flights a biological attempt at estimating the impact of single particles with high mass and energy (HZE-particles) on seeds was developed. Subdivision into LET-groups showed a remarkable contribution of an intermediate group (LET = 35 to 100 keV/micrometer) due to medium heavy ions (Z = 6 to 10). Efficiency factors for radiation damage experimentally determined and assigned to different LET-classes were compared to radiation quality factors discussed in literature.  相似文献   

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