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Under gravistimulation, dark-grown protonemata of Pottia intermedia revealed negative gravitropism with a growth rate of approximately 28 μm·h−1 at room temperature (20 °C). In 7 days, the protonema formed a bundle of vertically oriented filaments. At an elevated temperature (30 °C), bundles of vertically growing filaments were also formed. However, both filament growth rate and amplitude of the gravicurvature were reduced. Red light (RL) irradiation induced a positive phototropism of most apical protonemal cells at 20 °C. In a following period of darkness, approximately two-thirds of such cells began to grow upward again, recovering their negative gravitropism. RL irradiation at the elevated temperature caused a partial increase in the number of protonemal cells with negative phototropism, but the protonemata did not exhibit negative gravitropism after transfer to darkness. The negative gravitropic reaction was renewed only when protonemata were placed at 20 °C. A dramatic decrease in starch amount in protonemal apical cells, which are sensitive to both gravity and light, occurred at the higher temperature. Such a decrease may be one of the reasons for the inhibition of the protonemal gravireaction at the higher temperature. The observation has a bearing on the starch-statolith theory.  相似文献   

Under gravistimulation, dark-grown protonemata of Pottia intermedia revealed negative gravitropism with a growth rate of approximately 28 μm·h−1 at room temperature (20 °C). In 7 days, the protonema formed a bundle of vertically oriented filaments. At an elevated temperature (30 °C), bundles of vertically growing filaments were also formed. However, both filament growth rate and amplitude of the gravicurvature were reduced. Red light (RL) irradiation induced a positive phototropism of most apical protonemal cells at 20 °C. In a following period of darkness, approximately two-thirds of such cells began to grow upward again, recovering their negative gravitropism. RL irradiation at the elevated temperature caused a partial increase in the number of protonemal cells with negative phototropism, but the protonemata did not exhibit negative gravitropism after transfer to darkness. The negative gravitropic reaction was renewed only when protonemata were placed at 20 °C. A dramatic decrease in starch amount in protonemal apical cells, which are sensitive to both gravity and light, occurred at the higher temperature. Such a decrease may be one of the reasons for the inhibition of the protonemal gravireaction at the higher temperature. The observation has a bearing on the starch-statolith theory.  相似文献   

In dark-grown plantlets of the moss, Pottia intermedia, negatively gravitropic secondary protonemata differentiate from the superficial cells of leafy shoots. When transferred to the light, distal parts of the protonemata nearest to the apical cells begin to ramify and the apical cells of the side branches as well as of the main protonemal filaments often differentiate as buds. Dark-grown protonemata were oriented horizontally and illuminated from below with white light of different intensities. Only light with an intensity of 4.5 μmol·m−2·s−1 was sufficient to induce: (a) phototropism in the apical cells, (b) light-directed initiation of branch primordia, and (c) directed growth of side branches and bud differentiation. Apical cells illuminated with light of lower (0.03–0.37 μmol·m−2·s−1) intensity grew upwards (i.e., away from the light). It was shown that this upward growth was determined by the action of gravity. Although initiation of branch primordia was only slightly affected, their growth was strongly stimulated on the upper side of the protonemata.  相似文献   

Moss protonemata are among the few cell types known that both sense and respond to gravity and light. Apical cells of Ceratodon protonemata grow by oriented tip growth which is negatively gravitropic in the dark or positively phototropic in unilateral red light. Phototropism is phytochrome-mediated. To determine whether any gravitropism persists during irradiation, cultures were turned at various angles with respect to gravity and illuminated so that the light and gravity vectors acted either in the same or in different directions. Red light for 24h (> or = l40nmol m-2 s-1) caused the protonemata to be oriented directly towards the light. Similarly, protonemata grew directly towards the light regardless of light position with respect to gravity indicating that all growth is oriented strictly by phototropism, not gravitropism. At light intensities < or = l00nmol m-2 s-1, no phototropism occurs and the mean protonemal tip angle remains above the horizontal, which is the criterion for negative gravitropism. But those protonemata are not as uniformly upright as they would be in the dark indicating that low intensity red light permits gravitropism but also modulates the response. Protonemata of the aphototropic mutant ptr1 that lacks a functional Pfr chromophore, exhibit gravitropism regardless of red light intensity. This indicates that red light acts via Pfr to modulate gravitropism at low intensities and to suppress gravitropism at intensities < or = 140nmol m-2 s-1.  相似文献   

The superficial cells of dark-grown moss shoots give rise to negatively gravitropic protonemata, whatever the orientation of the shoot. Shoot orientation, however, does affect from which side of the shoot the protonemata form and the direction of their growth. Protonemata from horizontal shoots grow out at a near-right angle to their supporting axes and are initiated more or less evenly along the upper side of the stem. Protonemata arising from vertically-oriented shoots in either an upright or an inverted position grow straight at an acute angle to the stem axis. The difference in the growth direction of the protonemata seems to be conditioned by the different position of the growth zone of the protonemal outgrowths, and subsequently that of the apical protonemal cells, with respect to the gravity vector. Observations suggest that the shoot protonemata, in conditions of clinorotation, persist in their original growth direction. Results also indicate that, in darkness, gravity determines only the site of protonemata initiation, not the process of initiation itself. Light, by contrast, by acting through both phytochrome and high-energy reaction systems, triggers the initiation process and defines the location of protonemata.  相似文献   

Apical cells of moss protonemata represent a single-celled system that perceives and reacts to light (positive and negative phototropism) and to gravity (negative gravitropism). Phototropism completely overrides gravitropism when apical cells are laterally irradiated with relatively high red light intensities, but below a defined light intensity threshold gravitropism competes with the phototropic reaction. A 16 day-long exposure to microgravity conditions demonstrated that gravitropism is allowed when protonemata are laterally illuminated with light intensities below 140 nmol m-2s-1. Protonemata that were grown in darkness in microgravity expressed an endogenous tendency to grow in arcs so that the overall culture morphology resembled a clockwise spiral. However this phenomenon only was observed in cultures that had reached a critical age and/or size. Organelle positioning in dark-grown apical cells was significantly altered in microgravity. Gravisensing most likely involves the sedimentation of starch-filled amyloplasts in a well-defined area of the tip cell. Amyloplasts that at 1-g are sedimented were clustered at the apical part of the sedimentation zone in microgravity. Clustering observed in microgravity or during clino-rotation significantly differs from sedimentation-induced plastid aggregations after inversion of tip cells at 1-g.  相似文献   

Moss protonemal growth direction is controlled by at least three factors, photo-, gravi- and autotropism. It is possible to experimentally separate these factors and to control selectively their morphological appearance. In darkness protonema grow negatively gravitropically, and unilateral illumination initiated positive phototropism. Red light suppressed auto- and gravitropism, blue light suppressed only gravitropism. Green light allowed both gravi- and autotropism. The effect of light on gravitropism might involve changes in starch synthesis.  相似文献   

Moss protonemata exhibit negative gravitropism and the amyloplasts of the apical cell seem to play a key role in protonemal gravisensitivity. However, the mechanisms of this process are still poorly understood. Previously, we have shown that Ceratodon protonemata grown on agar-medium demonstrated greater gravicurvature than protonemata grown on medium with 11 mM glucose. In this study, we have examined whether gibberellic acid (GA), which promotes alpha-amylase expression, influences graviresponse of C. purpureus protonemata (strains WT-4 and WT-U) and how this event interacts with exogenous soluble sugars. After gravistimulation the WT-4 strain curved about twice as fast as the WT-U strain. However, responses of both strains to added substances were similar. High concentration of glucose (0.11 M) caused a decrease in protonema curvature, while the same concentration of sucrose did not significantly change the angles of curvature compared with controls. GA at 0.1 mM and higher concentrations inhibited gravitropism, and caused some apical cells to swell. The possible involvement of the carbohydrates in gravitropism is discussed.  相似文献   

The gravitropism of protonemata of Pohlia nutans is described and compared with that of other mosses. In darkness, protonemata showed negative gravitropism. Under uniform illumination they grew radially over the substrate surface, whereas unilateral illumination induced positive phototropic growth. Gravitropism was coupled with starch synthesis and amyloplast formation. Protonematal gravitropic growth is more variable than the strict negative gravitropism of Ceratodon chloronema.  相似文献   

The gravitropism of protonemata of Pohlia nutans is described and compared with that of other mosses. In darkness, protonemata showed negative gravitropism. Under uniform illumination they grew radially over the substrate surface, whereas unilateral illumination induced positive phototropic growth. Gravitropism was coupled with starch synthesis and amyloplast formation. Protonematal gravitropic growth is more variable than the strict negative gravitropism of Ceratodon chloronema.  相似文献   

Gravitropically tip-growing cell types are attractive unicellular model systems for investigating the mechanisms and the regulation of gravitropism. Especially useful for studying the mechanisms of positive and negative gravitropic tip-growth are characean rhizoids and protonemata. They originate from the same cell type, show the same overall cell shape, cytoplasmic zonation, arrangement of actin and microtubule cytoskeleton, use statoliths for gravisensing, but show opposite gravitropism. In both cell types, actin microfilaments are complexly organized in the apical dome,where a dense spherical actin array is colocalized with spectrin-like epitopes and a unique endoplasmic reticulum aggregate, the structural center of the Spitzenk?rper. The opposite gravitropic responses seem to be based on differences in the actin-organized anchorage of the Spitzenk?rper and the actin-mediated transport of statoliths. In negatively gravitropic (upward bending) protonemata, the statoliths-induced drastic upward shift of the cell tip is preceded by a relocalization of dihydropyridine-binding calcium channels and of the apical calcium gradient to the upper flank (bending by bulging). Such relocalizations have not been observed in positively gravitropically responding (downward growing) rhizoids in which statoliths sedimentation is followed by differential flank growth (bending by bowing). This paper reviews the current knowledge and hypotheses on the mechanisms of the opposite gravitropic responses in characean rhizoids and protonemata.  相似文献   

The rhizoids of the green alga Chara are tip-growing cells with a precise positive gravitropism. In rhizoids growing downwards the statoliths never sediment upon the cell wall at the very tip but keep a minimal distance of approximately 10 micrometers from the cell vertex. It has been argued that this position is attained by a force acting upon the statoliths in the basal direction and that this force is generated by an interaction between actin microfilaments and myosin on the statolith membrane. This hypothesis received experimental support from (1) effects of the actin-attacking drug cytochalasin, (2) experiments under microgravity conditions, and (3) clinostat experiments. Using video-microscopy it is now shown that this basipetal force also acts on statoliths during sedimentation. As a result, many statoliths in Chara rhizoids do not simply fall along the plumb line while sedimenting during gravistimulation, but move basipetally. This statolith movement is compared to the ones occurring in the unicellular Chara protonemata during gravistimulation. Dark-grown protonemata morphologically closely resemble the rhizoids but respond negatively gravitropic. In contrast to the rhizoids a gravistimulation of the protonemata induces a transport of statoliths towards the tip. This transport is mainly along the cell axis and not parallel to the gravity vector. It is stressed that the sedimentation of statoliths in Chara rhizoids and protonemata as well as in gravity sensing cells in mosses and higher plants is accompanied by statolith movements based on interactions with the cytoskeleton. In tip-growing cells these movements direct the statoliths to a definite region of the cell where they can sediment and elicit a gravitropic curvature. In the statocytes of higher plants the interactions of the statoliths with the cytoskeleton probably do not serve primarily to move the statoliths but to transduce mechanical stresses from the sedimenting statoliths to the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

Moss protonemata are a valuable system for studying gravitropism because both sensing and upward curvature (oriented tip growth) take place in the same cell. We review existing evidence, especially for Ceratodon purpureus, that addresses whether the mass that functions in sensing is that of amyloplasts that sediment. Recent experiments show that gravitropism can take place in media that are denser than the apical cell. This indicates that gravity sensing relies on an intracellular mass rather than that of the entire cell and provides further support for the starch-statolith hypothesis of sensing. Possible mechanisms for how amyloplast mass functions in sensing and transduction are discussed.  相似文献   

In Zea mays L., changes in orientation of stems are perceived by the pulvinal tissue, which responds to the stimulus by differential growth resulting in upward bending of the stem. Gravity is perceived in the bundle sheath cells, which contain amyloplasts that sediment to the new cell base when a change in the gravity vector occurs. The mechanism by which the mechanical signal is transduced into a physiological response is so far unknown for any gravity perceiving tissue. It is hypothesized that this involves interactions of amyloplasts with the plasma membrane and/or ER via cytoskeletal elements. To gain further insights into this process we monitored amyloplast movements in response to gravistimulation. In a pharmacological approach we investigated how the dynamics of plastid sedimentation are affected by actin and microtubule (MT) disrupting drugs. Dark grown caulonemal filaments of the moss Physcomitrella patens respond to gravity vector changes with a reorientation of tip growth away from the gravity vector. MT distributions in tip cells were monitored over time and MTs were seen to accumulate preferentially on the lower flank of the tip 30 min after a 90 degree turn. Using a self-referencing Ca2+ selective ion probe, we found that growing caulonemal filaments exhibit a Ca2+ influx at the apical dome, similar to that reported previously for other tip growing cells. However, in gravistimulated Physcomitrella filaments the region of Ca2+ influx is not confined to the apex, but extends about 60 micrometers along the upper side of the filament. Our results indicate an asymmetry in the Ca2+ flux pattern between the upper and side of the filament suggesting differential activation of Ca2+ permeable channels at the plasma membrane.  相似文献   

LED光谱对模拟空间培养箱中植物生长发育的影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
通过研究在空间植物培养箱中利用LED作为光源对植物生长发育的作用, 并以荧光灯作为对照, 评估LED光源在空间植物培养中的优缺点, 可为中国即将在空间实验室天宫二 号和空间站中开展的高等植物生长实验提供参考. 利用不同比例的红光与白光LED组合光源, 研究光谱组成(红蓝光比例)、光照强度、光周期和气体流通等条件对于模拟空间 植物培养箱中拟南芥和水稻生长发育的影响. 结果表明, 与荧光灯相比, 红蓝光比例高的LED会导致拟南芥提早开花和水稻叶片的早衰. 红蓝光峰值比在3.9左右时, 拟南芥 和水稻生长最为有利; 红蓝光峰值比超过16则明显抑制拟南芥和水稻的生长, 导致叶片早衰. 另外, 在密闭培养箱中, 光强小于150μmol·m-2·s-1时, 增加光照强度可以部分抵消气体流通不足导致拟南芥植物生长的抑制, 而光照强度大 于150μmol·m-2·s-1时, 光强越大拟南芥的生长发育受到抑制越严重. 水稻对密闭培养环境中高光强的耐受性明显好于拟南芥. 因此, 在设计空间植物培养箱的LED光照系统时, 红蓝光的比例选择是关键, 此外还需综合考虑空间微重力条件下气体对流变化影响植物对光的反应.   相似文献   

The blue light receptor cryptochrome that could form radical pairs after exposure to blue light was suggested to be a magnetoreceptor based on the proposition that radical pairs were involved in the magnetoreception. But the effects of magnetic fields on the function of cryptochrome are poorly understood. Phosphorylation of cryptochrome in Arabidopsis was closely associated with the function of this photoreceptor. Here, we grew Arabidopsis seedlings in a 500 μT magnetic field and a near-null magnetic field and found that the 500 μT magnetic field enhanced the blue light-dependent phosphorylations of CRY1 and CRY2, and the near-null magnetic field weakened the blue light-dependent phosphorylation of CRY2 but not CRY1. Dephosphorylations of CRY1 and CRY2 in the darkness were slowed down in the 500 μT magnetic field, whereas dephosphorylations of CRY1 and CRY2 were accelerated in the near-null magnetic field. These results suggest that magnetic field with strength higher or weaker than the local geomagnetic field affects the activated states of cryptochromes, which thus modifies the functions of cryptochromes.  相似文献   

Plant cells characterized by apical growth, for example, root hairs and apical cells of moss protonema, are a convenient model to address the problem of gravity response mechanisms including initiation of cell polarity. The fluorescent calcium probe, chlorotetracycline, allowed us to display the calcium distribution gradient in these cells. Irradiation by red light led to a sharp decrease in the Ca2+ ion activity in cells. During clinostatting in darkness the pattern of calcium influx and distribution changes inconsiderably as compared with control; in root hairs calcium is detected mainly in their apices and bases as in control. Addition of chlorpromazine to the medium probably increases the influx and accumulation of Ca2+ ions. Under data obtained confirm speculations on the Ca2+ ion functional role for the apical growth of plant cells and may suggest the participation of gravity in redistribution or activation of ion channels, calcium channels included, in the plasmalemma.  相似文献   

We measured changes in length on the two opposite sides of the red-light-grown oat (Avena sativa L.) coleoptiles subjected to either gravitropic or phototropic stimulation and subsequently rotated on a horizontal clinostat. The length measurement was conducted using three 5 mm-long zones delimited by ink markers from the tip. Curvature of each zone was analyzed from the length difference between the two sides. Gravitropism was induced by displacing the seedling from the vertical by 30 degrees or 90 degrees for 25 min. Phototropism was induced by exposing the coleoptile to unilateral blue light for 30 s, which provided a fluence (1.0 micromoles m-2) optimal for the pulse-induced positive phototropism or a lower, suboptimal fluence (0.03 micromoles m-2). After negatively gravitropic bending, the upper two zones straightened rapidly at either displacement angle. After positively phototropic bending, straightening occurred, but only in the top zone and at the lower fluence. The upper two zones straightened rapidly, however, when bilateral blue light (30 s; 15 micromoles m-2 from either direction) was applied 25 min after unilateral stimulation at the higher fluence. Bilateral blue light alone induced no curvature. These results confirm that the straightening of gravitropically bent coleoptiles is autonomic, and suggest that a similar autonomic response participates in the straightening of phototropically bent coleoptiles. Suppression of elongation on the concave side of the coleoptile mainly accounted for gravitropic and phototropic curvatures. The concave side of the top zone shrank during both tropisms. This shrinkage progressed at a high rate from the beginning of curvature response, suggesting that a drop in turgor pressure is the main and direct cause of the shrinkage.  相似文献   

DNA damage induced by heavy ions in bacterial cells and bacteriophages such as Bacillus subtilis, E. coli and Bacteriophage T1 were investigated by analyzing the double strand breaks in the chromosomal DNA. This kind of lesion is considered as one of the main reasons for lethal events. To analyze double strand breaks in long molecules of DNA--up to some Mbp in length--the technique of pulse field agarose gel electrophoresis has been used. This allows the detection of one double strand break per genome. Cell lysis and DNA isolation were performed in small agarose blocks directly. This procedure secured minimum DNA destruction by shearing forces. After running a gel, the DNA was stained with ethidium bromide. The light intensity of ethidium bromide fluorescence for both the outcoming (running) DNA and the remaining intact DNA were measured by scanning. The mean number of double strand breaks was calculated by determining the quotient of these intensities. Strand break induction after heavy ion and X-ray irradiation was compared.  相似文献   

Gravitropic tip growth of Chara rhizoids is dependent on the presence and functional interaction between statoliths, cytoskeleton and the tip-growth-organizing complex, the Spitzenkorper. Microtubules are essential for the polar cytoplasmic zonation but are excluded from the apex and do not play a crucial role in the primary steps of gravisensing and graviresponse. Actin filaments form a dense meshwork in the subapical zone and converge into a prominent apical actin patch which is associated with the endoplasmic reticulum (ER) aggregate representing the structural center of the Spitzenkorper. The position of the statoliths is regulated by gravity and a counteracting force mediated by actomyosin. Reducing the acceleration forces in microgravity experiments causes a basipetal displacement of the statoliths. Rhizoids grow randomly in all directions. However, they express the same cell shape and cytoplasmic zonation as ground controls. The ultrastructure of the Spitzenkorper, including the aggregation of ER, the assembly of vesicles in the apex, the polar distribution of proplastids, mitochondria, dictyosomes and ER cisternae in the subapical zone is maintained. The unaltered cytoskeletal organization, growth rates and gravitropic responsiveness indicate that microgravity has no major effect on gravitropic tip-growing Chara rhizoids. However, the threshold value of gravisensitivity might be different from ground controls due to the altered position of statoliths, a possibly reduced amount of BaSO4 in statoliths and a possible adaptation of the actin cytoskeleton to microgravity conditions.  相似文献   

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