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本文研究了磁尾等离子体片边界层宽频带静电噪声的产生机制.模型等离子体由暖的背景电子、暖的向地球方向的离子束流和较冷的向尾方向的离子束流组成.结果表明,静电离子束流-密度漂移不稳定性可以在比较宽的频率范围内激发,在低频区大传播角方向上增长率最大,在高频区小传播角方向上增长率也比较大。最大增长率的方向取决于离子束流和密度漂移的速度比值.这些结果与磁尾观测到的宽频带静电噪声特征符合一致. 相似文献
角区三维漩涡流动的新分离结构 总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2
分别用数值计算和PIV(Particle Image Velocimetry)实验方法研究角区层流边界层三维定常分离的流动结构,证实了角区确实存在有别于传统分离现象的附着鞍点结构,对称面上游的流线并非从壁面向上抬起从壁面分离,而是经由空间某个奇点向壁面附着.角区马蹄涡的传统分离鞍点结构和附着鞍点结构之间存在着一定的演化规律,影响参数包括模型头部钝度、边界层厚度和雷诺数.一定的边界层和雷诺数条件下随着模型头部钝度减小,角区马蹄涡将从传统的分离鞍点结构逐步过渡为附着鞍点结构;对一定的模型若雷诺数越大、边界层越厚则角区流动越趋向于传统的分离鞍点结构,反之则倾向于附着鞍点结构. 相似文献
2005年8月24日强磁暴事件对高层大气密度的扰动 总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5
对2005年8月24日发生的突发型强磁暴(Kp峰值达到9)事件,利用星载大气密度探测器在轨实时的连续探测数据进行了处理和分析.结果表明,此次强磁暴事件期间,引起560 km高度附近大气密度剧烈扰动,并存在着两种响应过程.一种是跟随地磁扰动程度变化的全球性大气密度涨落变化,响应时间滞后6h左右, 最大涨落变化比为2.5;另一种为磁暴峰期出现在高纬地区的大气密度突发性跃增,增变比高达5.5.后者存在着区域上的不对称性及时间上的突发性和增幅的差异.此次强磁暴峰期还同时出现了南北半球高纬地区的大气密度跃增双峰.同时还表明这种增变峰可能存在着由高纬向低纬地区迅速推移的现象,在中纬地区推移速度可达15°/h(纬度)左右. 相似文献
We investigate the properties of interplanetary inhomogeneities generating long-lasting mid-latitude Pc1, 2 geomagnetic pulsations. The data from the Wind and IMP 8 spacecrafts, and from the Mondy and Borok midlatitude magnetic observatories are used in this study. The pulsations under investigation develop in the maximum and early recovery phase of magnetic storms. The pulsations have amplitudes from a few tens to several hundred pT andlast more than seven hours. A close association of the increase (decrease) in solar wind dynamic pressure (Psw) with the onset or enhancement (attenuation or decay) of these pulsations has been established. Contrary to high-latitude phenomena, there is a distinctive feature of the interplanetary inhomogeneities that are responsible for generation of long-lasting mid-latitude Pc1, 2. It is essential that the effect of the quasi-stationary negative Bz-component of the interplanetary magnetic field on the magnetosphere extends over 4 hours. Only then are the Psw pulses able to excite the above-mentioned type of mid-latitude geomagnetic pulsations. Model calculations show that in the cases under study the plasmapause can form in the vicinity of the magnetic observatory. This implies that the existence of an intense ring current resulting from the enhanced magnetospheric convection is necessary for the Pc1, 2 excitation. Further, the existence of the plasmapause above the observation point (as a waveguide) is necessary for long-lasting Pc1 waves to arrive at the ground. 相似文献
利用新建成的子午工程地磁台站数据,对比分析了地磁平静期间(2011年3月20-27日)和磁暴期间(2011年9月25日至10月1日)Pc3-4地磁脉动的时空分布特征及其对行星际条件的响应.数据分析结果表明,中低纬度(1.3<L<2.3,L为磁壳参数)的Pc3-4地磁脉动在这两个时期内的分布存在明显的晨昏不对称性,在昼侧前出现明显的Pc3-4地磁脉动并与行星际上游波动密切相关,其振幅增强可能与太阳风动压脉冲相关,高速太阳风更易导致Pc3-4地磁脉动;而对于近赤道低纬(L<1.3)区域,无论是在地磁平静期还是磁暴期均未能观测到Pc3-4地磁脉动,Pc3-4地磁脉动存在明显的纬度效应. 相似文献
Naoya Maeda Satoko Takasaki Hideaki Kawano Shinichi Ohtani P.M.E. Décréau J.G. Trotignon S.I. Solovyev D.G. Baishev Kiyohumi Yumoto 《Advances in Space Research (includes Cospar's Information Bulletin, Space Research Today)》2009
By applying the cross-phase method and the amplitude-ratio method to magnetic field data obtained from two ground stations located close to each other, we can determine the frequency of the field line resonance (FLR), or the field line eigenfrequency, for the field line running through the midpoint of the two stations. From thus identified FLR frequency we can estimate the equatorial plasma mass density (ρ) by using the T05s magnetospheric field model [Tsyganenko, N.A., Sitnov, M.I. Modeling the dynamics of the inner magnetosphere during strong geomagnetic storms, J. Geophys. Res. 110, A03208, 2005] and the equation of Singer et al. [Singer, H.J., Southwood, D.J., Walker, R.J., Kivelson, M.G. Alfven wave resonances in a realistic magnetospheric magnetic field geometry, J. Geophys. Res. 86 (A6) 4589–4596, 1981]. 相似文献