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为降低空间碎片撞击所带来的威胁,文章针对某载人航天器进行了空间碎片撞击风险分析,并设计了空间碎片专用防护结构,制定了轨道规避策略;同时针对重点设备进行钝化设计,并采用寿命末期有控离轨制动方案。以上措施可有效实现空间碎片减缓。  相似文献   

为评估在轨和地面环境间由于重力差异导致的航天器设备安装精度的变化量,对27颗已发射运行的小卫星在地面环境空载和满载状态下设备安装精度的变化量进行了统计分析,得到对数正态分布模型的线性回归关系和参数估计值。结果表明:用该模型预测的航天器设备安装精度在空载和满载状态下的变化量均值与实测值的相对误差不超过10.6%,说明对数正态分布模型可较好地表征航天器设备安装精度在空载和满载状态下的变化量分布。以上研究可为在轨设备安装控制提供参考。  相似文献   

对载人航天器密封舱内航天员遭受的生物剂量进行研究分析,可为乘员辐射防护设计和工程实施提供依据。文章将基于一维深度-剂量计算、结合扇区射线法的三维辐射仿真技术运用于载人航天器总体设计中,以某中期驻留载人航天器为例,构建生物剂量仿真分析模型。计算实例分析表明,三维剂量仿真结果可有效指导乘员辐射防护优化设计,对后续长期载人飞行中的航天员辐射安全设计具有较强的实用性。  相似文献   

载人航天器舱内辐射剂量监测技术综述   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章介绍了美国、苏联/俄罗斯载人航天器舱内辐射剂量监测技术及部分监测结果,分析了我国“神舟3号”和“神舟4号”飞船返回舱内的辐射剂量探测技术及结果,并在此基础上就我国载人航天器的辐射剂量探测方法提出若干建议。  相似文献   

国产双极工艺线性电路低剂量率辐照效应评估方法   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
国产双极工艺元器件应用于航天型号存在低剂量率辐射损伤增强效应风险,需要对其开展低剂量率辐照试验评估。在0.01 rad(Si)/s低剂量率辐照条件下,测试分析了不同工艺器件对不同偏置条件的敏感性差异;对比0.1 rad(Si)/s辐照试验结果,分析了器件的低剂量率辐射损伤增强效应特性,建立了辐射损伤增强因子和参数判据法相结合的评价标准;依据此标准讨论了各型号器件的低剂量率辐射增强敏感度以及抗电离总剂量辐射的能力。  相似文献   

密封并充压后的球头-锥面螺接密封结构的漏率不稳定。文章采用卫星推进分系统管路的模拟件,通过搭建试验平台对发动机螺接头加压后的漏率变化规律进行研究。试验结果表明,螺接头漏率随时间呈现4种变化趋势,但漏率值最终均趋于稳定,同时对其中的影响因素进行了分析。  相似文献   

A detailed study was made of the biological cleaning effectiveness, defined in terms of the ability to remove bacterial spores, of a number of methods used to clean hardware surfaces. Aluminum (Al 6061) and titanium (Ti 6Al-4V) were chosen for the study as they were deemed the two materials most likely to be used in spacecraft extraterrestrial sampler construction. Metal coupons (1 cm x 2.5 cm) were precleaned and inoculated with 5.8 x 10(3) cultivable Bacillus subtilis spores, which are commonly found on spacecraft surfaces and in the assembly environments. The inoculated coupons were subsequently cleaned using: (1) 70% isopropyl alcohol wipe; (2) water wipe; (3) multiple-solvent flight-hardware cleaning procedures used at the Jet Propulsion Laboratory (JPL); (4) Johnson Space Center-developed ultrapure water rinse; and (5) a commercial, semi-aqueous, multiple-solvent (SAMS) cleaning process. The biological cleaning effectiveness was measured by agar plate assay, sterility test (growing in liquid media), and epifluorescent microscopy. None of the cleaning protocols tested completely removed viable spores from the surface of the aluminum. In contrast, titanium was capable of being cleaned to sterility by two methods, the JPL standard and the commercial SAMS cleaning process. Further investigation showed that the passivation step employed in the JPL standard method is an effective surface sterilant on both metals but not compatible with aluminum. It is recommended that titanium (Ti 6Al-4V) be considered superior to aluminum (Al 6061) for use in spacecraft sampling hardware, both for its potential to be cleaned to sterilization and for its ability to withstand the most effective cleaning protocols.  相似文献   

模型缩聚是基于频率响应的模型修正的基础,准确的模型缩聚才能保证模型修正的正确性。针对目前的模型缩聚方法对于航天器结构在中高频段不能准确反映模型动力学特性的问题,提出改进的SEREP缩聚方法:以结构的模态分析为基础,通过加入扩展的主自由度增加缩聚模型对应的线性子空间的维数。经实际航天器结构算例证明,在使用改进的SEREP缩聚方法后,缩聚模型的特征值和频率响应的精度得到提高,可以准确反映结构的动力学特性。  相似文献   

The problem of terminal control over a deorbiting spacecraft at the stage of its flight after leaving plasma (altitude of ∼40 km) is considered, the aim being to guide it to a preset landing point. The algorithm is based on a modification of the well-known method of proportional navigation, when a fixed point is the target. It is suggested to use satellite navigation systems (of the GLONASS or GPS types) and/or radio beacons, which should allow one to determine the spacecraft trajectory parameters with high precision. Single-channel control is performed by changing the roll angle according to current parameters of the trajectory, which ensures adaptability of the method. Examples of three-dimensional trajectories of flight are presented for a manned spacecraft with low lift-to-drag ratio (∼0.5), currently under design in Russia. The results of statistical modeling taking into account initial deviations of the trajectory parameters and wind disturbances are presented. A method of statistical choice of a reference trajectory for the guidance stage is suggested. A theoretical possibility of using the algorithm of spacecraft guidance (in case of in-light accident with a carrier launcher) to preset regions in the vicinity of launching route is demonstrated. A qualitative analysis of proportional navigation with a fixed target is presented.  相似文献   

针对航天器表面出气分子形成的环境散射返回流污染问题,利用试验粒子Monte Carlo方法对圆球和圆柱体简化航天器表面环境散射返回流进行数值模拟。其中,圆球出气表面的计算结果与已有的DSMC(Direct Simulation Monte Carlo)方法计算结果一致,验证了该方法的正确性。此外,对不同长径比的圆柱表面环境散射进行了计算和分析,结果表明:来流方向垂直于圆柱对称轴时,返回分子主要分布在圆柱体侧面的迎风部位;返回通量比随来流与出气分子质量之比的增加逐渐减小,随来流与出气表面温度之比、来流分子速度比和数密度的增加而增大;不同长径比条件下返回通量比相对于上述4个参数的变化具有相似性和递变性,短粗体的返回通量比最小,长细体的最大,正常圆柱体的则居中;返回通量比相对来流攻角的变化在不同长径比条件下不再具有相似性,而是取决于有效迎风面积。  相似文献   

The Strategic Defense Initiative (SDI) was orginally intended to reduce the level of nuclear forces and strengthen deterrence. Since SDI was first proposed, a wide ranging debate ensued as to the probable cost, technical feasibility and moral implications of the program. This paper examines the evidence to determine if the advanced computing methods needed to control a space-based defensive system like SDI would be capable of fulfilling its purpose. The outcome of this discussion is that a defensive shield would not achieve the stated purpose and would likely increase the chances of nuclear war.  相似文献   

载人航天器密封舱内细水雾灭火数值研究   总被引:2,自引:2,他引:0  
为了研究微重力环境下细水雾灭火机理,利用FDS 软件对细水雾雾化特征进行了仿真分析,结果表明:微重力环境有利于细水雾的形成和雾场的扩大,但由于没有重力场的作用而使得雾动量下降,导致雾滴穿透火焰的能力下降。通过对载人航天器密封舱内细水雾灭火的仿真计算,获得了火灾场特征位置处的温度及氧浓度(指体积分数)随时间变化规律,分析表明细水雾灭火不仅可以降低火焰的温度,而且还可通过稀释火灾场的氧浓度对火灾起到很好地抑制作用。  相似文献   

航天员手动控制系统可作为自动控制和地面处置的备份手段。为了提高航天员在载人航天器驻留期间应对设备故障和突发事件的处置能力,采用系统工程方法对航天员手动控制系统进行了设计。通过地面试验测试,证明该手动控制系统设计能够有效地降低设备故障以及突发事件给航天员安全带来的风险。  相似文献   

A method to find and identify failures in a spacecraft’s set of sensitive elements that measure vector quantities of different nature is discussed.  相似文献   

The possibility of nonimpact tension of a cable after its weakening when a small load moves along the cable whose ends are fixed on a massive dumbbell-like spacecraft which is moving in a steady-state manner along a circular orbit is considered. The conditions of existence and classification of the trajectories of nonimpact motion, including periodic ones, are presented.  相似文献   

The problem of construction of quasi-synchronous orbits which pass through a prescribed point over the surface of Phobos at a prescribed instant of time is considered. The orbits should pass as close as possible to the surface of Phobos at each passage above the planned region of landing.  相似文献   

The optimization problem is considered for the trajectory of a spacecraft mission to a group of asteroids. The ratio of the final spacecraft mass to the flight time is maximized. The spacecraft is controlled by changing the value and direction of the jet engine thrust (small thrust). The motion of the Earth, asteroids, and the spacecraft proceeds in the central Newtonian gravitational field of the Sun. The Earth and asteroids are considered as point objects moving in preset elliptical orbits. The spacecraft departure from the Earth is considered in the context of the method of a point-like sphere of action, and the excess of hyperbolic velocity is limited. It is required sequentially to have a rendezvous with asteroids from four various groups, one from each group; it is necessary to be on the first three asteroids for no less than 90 days. The trajectory is finished by arrival at the last asteroid. Constraints on the time of departure from the Earth, flight duration, and final mass are taken into account in this problem.  相似文献   

The change in the working characteristics of the optical element sample depending on the thickness of the contamination film applied to the sample has been estimated experimentally. As sources of contamination, the coatings of lens hoods were chosen, which are located in close proximity to the contamination- sensitive optical system of a spacecraft. A series of experiments for applying contamination films of different thickness to the sample of the optical element has been carried out. Based on preliminary estimations, the thickness of the contamination during the entire period of the active existence of the spacecraft will not exceed 3500 Å.  相似文献   

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