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引用本文:李喆,朱亚力,范高洁,张雅彬. 载人航天器密封舱内管路设备维修设计与验证[J]. 航天器环境工程, 2014, 31(3): 321-325. DOI: 10.12126/see.2014.03.017
作者姓名:李喆  朱亚力  范高洁  张雅彬
作者单位:1.中国空间技术研究院 载人航天总体部, 北京 100094
摘    要:载人航天器密封舱内配置大量的气、液管路设备,实现管路设备的在轨维修,对于提高长期在轨飞行载人航天器的安全性及使用寿命具有重要意义。文章对某载人航天器再生生保管路设备在轨维修性进行了设计,经地面充分验证后,航天员在轨完成了管路设备维修操作,结果表明本文提出的管路设备在轨维修设计正确、有效,可为载人航天器其他在轨维修设计提供参考。

关 键 词:载人航天器   密封舱   管路设备   在轨维修   设计与验证

Design and verification of on-orbit maintenance of pipe equipment in manned spacecraft pressure module
Li Zhe,Zhu Yali,Fan Gaojie,Zhang Yabin. Design and verification of on-orbit maintenance of pipe equipment in manned spacecraft pressure module[J]. Spacecraft Environment Engineering, 2014, 31(3): 321-325. DOI: 10.12126/see.2014.03.017
Authors:Li Zhe  Zhu Yali  Fan Gaojie  Zhang Yabin
Affiliation:1.Institute of Manned Space System Engineering, China Academy of Space Technology, Beijing 100094, China
Abstract:There is a lot of gas and liquid pipe equipment in a manned spacecraft pressure module. The on-orbit maintenance of the pipe equipment can improve the lifetime and reliability of the manned spacecraft significantly. In this paper, a method of the on-orbit maintenance of the pipe equipment in a manned spacecraft pressure module is proposed, and applied in an on-orbit maintenance program for a regenerative life support pipe equipment. With a sufficient verification on ground, the program is carried out by astronauts in a manned spacecraft. It shows that the method is effective. The method can be used in the design of the on-orbit maintenance in a manned spacecraft.
Keywords:manned spacecraft  pressure module  pipe equipment  on-orbit maintenance  design and verification
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