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Radio aurora magnetic and streaming aspect sensitivities on 6 simultaneous links at 50 MHz
Authors:G.J. Sofko  J.A. Koehler  J. Gilmer  A.G. McNamara  D.R. McDiarmid
Affiliation:1. Institute of Space and Atmospheric Studies, University of Saskatchewan, Saskatoon, Sask., Canada S7N OWO;7. Herzberg Institute of Astrophysics, National Research Council of Canada, Ottawa, Ontario, Canada K1A OR6
Abstract:During August 1981, a 50 MHz c.w. radar system was operated in central Canada to measure auroral scatter amplitudes and Doppler spectra from a scattering region centered near 66° magnetic invariant latitude (L ≈ 6.0). Narrow beams from 3 transmitters, differing in frequency by 1 KHz, were directed to cover a common volume of the ionosphere over a ground location at 56.3°N, 103.5°W. The scattered signals were received on narrow beam antennas at two receiving sites, and recorded in analog form on magnetic tape under the control of an AIM65 microcomputer. The analog tapes were digitized later and FFT-processed to obtain Doppler spectra and amplitudes.The 6 transmission paths were designed to provide several magnetic aspect angles varying by 1.5°-7° from perpendicularity with the earth's field B and two streaming aspect angles differing by ~38°. The objective was to employ controlled geometric factors to study the functional dependency of signal amplitudes and Doppler shifts on magnetic and streaming aspect angles. Several hundred hours of excellent data were obtained in continuous operation during the month of August 1981. Preliminary results will be reported.
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