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Development of three-phase switch-mode rectifier using single-phase modules
Authors:Li   S.H. Liaw   C.M.
Affiliation:Dept. of Elec. Eng., Nat. Tsing Hua Univ., Hsinchu, Taiwan;
This paper presents a three-phase (3/spl phi/) switch-mode rectifier (SMR) consisting of three 1 /spl phi/ SMRs, two center-tapped autotransformers and three changeover switches. The ac input sides of three modules are /spl Delta/-connected, and their dc output sides are connected in parallel. As any one module fault occurs, the remaining two modules becomes modified T-connected and continuously perform three-phase rectification with good line drawn power quality. When two constituted 1/spl phi/ modules are faulted, the proposed 3/spl phi/ SMR will be operated as 1/spl phi/ SMR. The quantitative and robust voltage regulation controls for the developed SMR are made to consider the effects of changes of system parameters, operating condition, and number of connected modules.
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