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引用本文:贾宝惠,杨丽晨,王玉鑫. 民用飞机持续安全性评估体系架构设计与分析[J]. 航空工程进展, 2023, 14(1): 47-56
作者姓名:贾宝惠  杨丽晨  王玉鑫
摘    要:民用飞机运营阶段安全性评估过程涉及多系统的能力整合与交互,目前我国缺乏基于标准规范的系统化持续安全性评估体系。基于美国国防部体系结构框架(DoDAF),通过统一建模语言(UML)从多视角出发设计并构建民用飞机持续安全性评估体系架构,给出持续安全性评估控制链顶层的全面描述;在此基础上,引入复杂网络理论对体系架构整体性能进行评估,提出综合考虑节点中心性及网络鲁棒性的重要度评价指标用于识别体系中关键节点,并对关键节点进行设计优化。结果表明:本文设计的民用飞机持续安全性评估体系架构整合了多系统资源和能力,明确了系统控制流程及系统间交互,对关键节点进行优化后的体系架构稳定性增强,能够为运营阶段的安全性评估和管理提供指导。

关 键 词:民机持续安全性评估;系统架构;DoDAF;复杂网络

Design and analysis of Ongoing Safety Assessment System architecture of civil aircraft
jiabaohui,yanglichen and wangyuxin. Design and analysis of Ongoing Safety Assessment System architecture of civil aircraft[J]. Advances in Aeronautical Science and Engineering, 2023, 14(1): 47-56
Authors:jiabaohui  yanglichen  wangyuxin
Affiliation:Civil Aviation University of China,Civil Aviation University of China,
Abstract:In order to improve the effectiveness of the safety assessment of civil aircraft during the operational phase, and to address the problem of the lack of a consistent and systematic process for the onging safety assessment of civil aircraft involving users, the DoDAF was used to design and build a system architecture for the onging safety assessment of civil aircraft based on the Unified Modelling Language from multiple perspectives. The DoDAF framework is based on the Unified Modeling Language to design and build an architecture for continuous security assessment of civilian aircraft from multiple perspectives. In order to solve the problem that the architecture model is difficult to analyse, the complex architecture is abstracted into a complex network, and the node importance evaluation index is proposed in conjunction with the analysis of the centrality and robustness of the complex network to analyse and evaluate the architecture. The results indicate that the proposed method can effectively support the design of the architecture for onging safety assessment of civil aircraft and the analysis of its overall performance.
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