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引用本文:杜春花,范胜林,袁信. 一种基于GPS的测姿新方法[J]. 南京航空航天大学学报, 2002, 34(4): 394-397
作者姓名:杜春花  范胜林  袁信
摘    要:提出了一种利用GPS载波相位信号,基于积分角速率参数IRP(Interated rate parameters)的概念,并借助于扩展了卡尔曼滤波(Extended Kalman filtering)算法进行载体的姿态及姿态变化率估计的新方法,利用线性跟踪理论建立动态方程,使动态方程形式简单,意义明确,利用IRP的概念,通过解决姿态矩阵的递推过程,建立载波相位的观测方程,仿真试验结果表明,本算法具有计算效率高,实时性好,测姿态精度高等优点,并且,由于同时对姿态率进行跟踪估计,因而表现出对载体机动性较强的跟踪能力。

关 键 词:全球定位系统  载波相位  扩展卡尔曼滤波  积分角速率参数  姿态角  姿态角速率

New Method of Attitude Estimation Based on GPS
Du Chunhua Fan Shenglin Yuan Xin. New Method of Attitude Estimation Based on GPS[J]. Journal of Nanjing University of Aeronautics & Astronautics, 2002, 34(4): 394-397
Authors:Du Chunhua Fan Shenglin Yuan Xin
Abstract:A new method is presented to determinate the moving vehicle's attitude & attitude rates using global positioning system(GPS) carrier phase measurements. The extended Kalman filter is used to estimate the attitude and attitude rates, and the state propagation model of estimator is established by using the linear tracking theory. This method has more simple style than normal nonlinear Euler equation. The principle is deduced in detail. The measuremental equation is used to solve the attitude matrix evolution based on the concept of integrated rate parameters. Simulational experiments indicate that this method is effective and efficient for providing precise resolution of attitude. Because the attitude rate can be estimated, the method has a good ability of tracking the variety of vehicle's attitude. Due to the estimation of the attitude rate, the new method can be used in the system. The system can combine GPS with other sensors, and the combination can provide more precise attitude and attitude rate.
Keywords:GPS  carrier phase  extended Kalman filtering  IRP  attitude  attitude rate
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