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The Segmented Aperture Synthetic Aperture Radar (SASAR)
Authors:Hansen   R.C.
Affiliation:Consulting Engineer 17100 Ventura Boulevard Encino, Calif. 91316;
A new concept in synthetic aperture radar, called SASAR, which uses a segmented aperture, is described. Use of the segmented aperture allows appreciable extra receiving antenna gain to be realized. Each subarray of the receive antenna is equal in length to the transmit antenna; the system performance is increased approximately by a factor equal to the number of subarrays. To allow array combination of the subarray signal outputs requires a phase-shift factor (varying with azimuth) to be applied to each subarray signal. A digital implementation of this preprocessor is sketched out; it uses a push-down storage stack to store the range histories for a synthetic aperture from each subarray. Appropriate phase shifts are added to the stacks and a sum of stack values then provides the combined output range history sequence. Possibilities of using analog delay lines for preprocessing are also discussed. Pattern errors due to subarray size and receive array near field are examined and constraints are given.
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