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引用本文:吴森堂,姜智超,张淼. 超音速反舰导弹人在回路的电视末制导系统仿真分析研究[J]. 航天控制, 2003, 21(4): 18-24
作者姓名:吴森堂  姜智超  张淼
摘    要:基于操控员和超音速反舰导弹随机鲁棒自动驾驶仪数学模型,建立反舰导弹人在回路的电视末制导仿真分析系统,并对某型超音速反舰导弹电视末制导系统进行了仿真分析研究,给出在反舰导弹导引回路中人对制导精度起主要影响作用的分析结果。

关 键 词:超音速反舰导弹  电视末制导  操控员模型  随机鲁棒自动驾驶仪

Simulation Analysis of TV Terminal Guidance with Man in the Loop for a Supersonic Antiship Missile
Wu Sentang,Jiang Zhichao,Zhang Miao Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing. Simulation Analysis of TV Terminal Guidance with Man in the Loop for a Supersonic Antiship Missile[J]. Aerospace Control, 2003, 21(4): 18-24
Authors:Wu Sentang  Jiang Zhichao  Zhang Miao Beijing University of Aeronautics  Astronautics  Beijing
Affiliation:Wu Sentang,Jiang Zhichao,Zhang Miao Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100083
Abstract:In this paper, a simulation analysis system of the TV terminal guidance withman in the loop for a supersonic antiship missile is presented the basis of the mathematicalmodels of manipulator and stochastic robustness autopilot. Applying this system, TV terminalguidance with man in the loop for a supersonic antiship missile is analysed. The analysis re-sults shows that man is a main factor affecting on guidance precision.
Keywords:Supersonic antiship missile TV terminal guidance Manipulator model Stochastic robustnes autopilot
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