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引用本文:韩鸿硕,王一然,蒋宇平,曹秀云,陈杰,李静,李浩悦,李虹琳,陈建光. 国外深空探测器着陆缓冲系统的特点和应用[J]. 航天器工程, 2012, 21(6): 7-24
作者姓名:韩鸿硕  王一然  蒋宇平  曹秀云  陈杰  李静  李浩悦  李虹琳  陈建光
摘    要:主要介绍国外月球和行星探测器的着陆缓冲系统的特点与应用。着陆缓冲系统的基本类型包括软着陆机构、气囊缓冲装置和空中悬吊机结构。其中:软着陆机构由着陆架(腿)、缓冲器和展开锁定机构组成,具有质量较大,结构较简单、可靠的特点,在美国“勘测者”、“阿波罗”、“梦神”和苏联月球号等着陆器中得到了应用;气囊缓冲装置由气体发生器、气囊组件,以及缩回与展开机构组成,具有质量小、包装容积小和着陆稳定性好的特点,在美国“火星探路者”、“火星探测巡视器”,苏联早期月球号着陆器,以及欧洲“贝皮一哥伦布”水星探测器中得到了应用;空中悬吊机结构由空中悬吊机及其推进系统等组成,具有着陆速度低、冲击小和安全可靠的特点,在美国“火星科学实验室”的好奇心号巡视器上得到了应用。

关 键 词:深空探测器  着陆器  着陆缓冲系统  软着陆机构  气囊  空中悬吊机

Characteristics and Application of Deep-space Explorer Landing Impact Attenuation System
HAN Hongshuo,WANG Yiran,JIANG Yuping,CAO Xiuyun,CHEN Jie,LI Jing,LI Haoyue,LI Honglin,CHEN Jianguang. Characteristics and Application of Deep-space Explorer Landing Impact Attenuation System[J]. Spacecraft Engineering, 2012, 21(6): 7-24
Authors:HAN Hongshuo  WANG Yiran  JIANG Yuping  CAO Xiuyun  CHEN Jie  LI Jing  LI Haoyue  LI Honglin  CHEN Jianguang
Affiliation:(China Space System Scientific and Engineering Academy,Beijing 100048,China)
Abstract:Characteristics and application of lunar and planetary landing impact attenuation sys- tems are basically presented. Basic types of these systems involve soft-landing mechanism, airbag impact attenuation device, and SkyCran landing architecture. Soft-landing mechanism is composed of landing gear(leg), impact attenuator, deployment and downlock mechanism, and has characteristics of big mass and simple and reliable structure, which is used in US Surveyor, Apollo, Morpheus,and Soviet Luna lander. Airbag impact attenuation device is composed of gas genera- tor, airbag assembly, deployment and retraction mechanism, and has characteristics of small mass, small packing containment and good landing stability,which is used in US Mars Pathfinder (MPF), Mars Exploration Rover (MER), Soviet ealier Lunas,and Europe Bepi-Colombo mercu- rial explorer. SkyCran landing architecture is composed of SkyCran, its thrust system, etc. , and has characteristics of low landing speed,weak shock, high security and high reliability, which is used in Curiosity rover of Mars Science Laboratory (MSL).
Keywords:deep-space explorer  lander  landing impact attenuation system  soft-landing mechanism  airbag  SkyCran
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