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Experimental investigations of quasistable radiation belts formed after solar proton events in September–October 1989 and March 1991 based on measurements made by “Liulin” dosimeter-radiometer on board the “MIR” space station
Authors:V.A Shurshakov  V.M Petrov  N.A Panova  Yu.V Ivanov  V.S Makhmutov  Ts Dachev  J Semkova

* Institute of Biomedical Problems, 123007, Khoroshevskoye Sh., 76-a, Moscow, Russia

** P.N.Lebedev Physical Institute, Russian Academy of Sciences, Moscow, Russia

*** Solar Terrestrial Influences Laboratory, Sofia, Bulgaria

Abstract:Since 1988 high sensitivity dosimeter-radiometer “Liulin” has been installed on board the MIR space station. Device measured absorbed dose rate and flux of penetrating particles. Results of measurements showed that after powerful solar proton events (SPE) September–October, 1989 and March, 1991 additional quasistable radiation belts were formed in the near earth space within the interval L=1.8−3.0. These “new” belts were observed as an additional maximums in flux (and sometimes dose) channels when crossing the SAA region. “New” belts were quasi stable and existed at least several months, decaying slightly after SPE. Dose to flux ratio analysis showed that major components of these belts were energetic electrons and protons arising in connection with preceding SPEs.
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