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引用本文:黄明恪 张莉. 用全位势方程计算机翼的亚声速,跨声速和超声速绕流[J]. 空气动力学学报, 1993, 11(3): 244-250
作者姓名:黄明恪 张莉
作者单位:南京航空航天大学,南京航空航天大学 江苏南京 210016,江苏南京 210016
摘    要:

关 键 词:机翼 全位势方程 跨音速流动

Computation of Subsonic, Transonic and Supersonic Flows past the Wing Using Full-Potential Equation
Huang Mingke Zhang Li. Computation of Subsonic, Transonic and Supersonic Flows past the Wing Using Full-Potential Equation[J]. Acta Aerodynamica Sinica, 1993, 11(3): 244-250
Authors:Huang Mingke Zhang Li
Affiliation:Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics
To compute the compressible flow past slender wings with high sweep, this paper uses conservative full-potential equation and 'H-O' grid. The 'H-O' grid used is created by generating a series ot 2-D 'O' meshes around the cross-flow sections perpendicular to the wing axis. The full-potential equation is solved by finite-difference method and the iteration scheme of implicit approximate factorization, proposed by Hoist. Such a grid is suitable especially to handle slender configurations. Because the grid used has one family of the grid lines which are in direction close to the stream, it is easy to introduce the time-like dissipation for iteration convergence in supersonic region even when the free stream Mach number is greater than one. Thus the computer code developed with the present method can apply not only to subsonic and transonic free streams but also to lower supersonic one. They cover almost the whole range of the transonic flow. The compulation results arc given for two wings. The one is a cropped delta wing with leading edge sweep of 65% the free stream Mach numbers are from 0.6 to 1.4. The other is a swept wing of NASA TN D-712. M1 the compulations give good results.
Keywords:wing   full-potential equation   finite-difference method transonic Mow   supersonic flow.  
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