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Effect of FET output capacitance on ZVS of resonant converters
Authors:Sabate   J.A. Farrington   R.W. Jovanovic   M.M. Lee   E.C.
Affiliation:Virginia Polytech. Inst. & State Univ., Blacksburg, VA;
Abstract:The analysis of resonant converters including the capacitance of the switches is presented. New dc characteristics are obtained for the series, parallel, and series-parallel resonant converters (SPRC). The operating regions where the converters operate with zero-voltage switching (ZVS) are determined as a function of the switch capacitance. The more pronounced effect can be seen in the series resonant converter (SRC), while the parallel resonant converter (PRC) is the most insensitive. The results of the analysis have been verified on an experimental prototype
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