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引用本文:贺莹,王闯,李翠娟. 高速飞行姿态解算系统设计与实现[J]. 航空计算技术, 2013, 0(5): 111-115
作者姓名:贺莹  王闯  李翠娟
摘    要:飞行事故分析需要完整记录飞机的飞行姿态,为此设计了一种基于FPGA的高速姿态解算系统,能够在线高速输出姿态信息,为飞行事故分析提供充足的参考数据。系统采用基于四元数的姿态算法,以克服欧拉法在90。具有奇异性的缺陷;用浮点数格式进行数据描述,并在FPGA内设计了浮点数四则运算硬件逻辑电路,以提高解算的精度;同时,在解算过程中充分发挥FPGA分布式、并行化的处理特点,通过并行流水设计及模块复用方法对系统的处理速度和资源消耗进行折中,使得系统在一块小规模FPGA芯片中达到0.38MHz的姿态输出频率。进行仿真数据测试及转台实验,对系统的解算精度及动静态性能进行了分析与评价。实验结果表明,系统性能良好,简单实用,具有较好的工程推广应用前景。

关 键 词:飞行事故分析  姿态解算  四元数  现场可编程逻辑门阵列

Design and Implementation of High Speed Flight Attitude Computation System
Affiliation:HE Ying, WANG Chuang, LI Cui- juan ( Xi'an Aeronautics Computing Technique Research Institute,A VIC, Xi'an 710068, China )
Abstract:Flight accident analysis need a complete record of flight attitude data, theretbre this paper de- signs an FPGA- based attitude computation system that can online output flight attitude at high frequency to provide a large number of original reference data for flight accident analysis. The system applies quater- nion representation of attitude algorithm to avoid the singularity of Euler equations, adopts floating- point number format to enhance computation accuracy and designs the FPGA logic circuit of floating- point a- rithmetic. The design fully exerts the distributed and parallel processing capacity of the FPGA, and makes a compromise between processing speed and resource consumption by pipeline technique and module re- use method;finally it can achieve 0.38 MHz output frequency in a small scale FPGA chip. Simulation da- ta test and rotator experiment are carried out to analyze and evaluate system computation accuracy and static and dynamic performances. The results indicate that the designed FPGA computation system works well, and is simple and practical which has an extensive engineering application prospect.
Keywords:flight accident analysis  attitude determination  quaternion  field- programmable gate array
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