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A self-similar solution of a curved shock wave and its time-dependent force variation for a starting flat plate airfoil in supersonic flow
Authors:Zijun CHEN  Jing LIN  Chenyuan BAI  Ziniu WU
Affiliation:1. Department of Engineering Mechanics, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China;2. Institute of Aeroengine, Tsinghua University, Beijing 100084, China
The problem of aeroelasticity and maneuvering of command surface and gust wing interaction involves a starting flow period which can be seen as the flow of an airfoil attaining suddenly an angle of attack. In the linear or nonlinear case, compressive Mach or shock waves are generated on the windward side and expansive Mach or rarefaction waves are generated on the leeward side. On each side, these waves are composed of an oblique steady state wave, a vertically-moving one-dimensional unsteady wave, and a secondary wave resulting from the interaction between the steady and unsteady ones. An analytical solution in the secondary wave has been obtained by Heaslet and Lomax in the linear case, and this linear solution has been borrowed to give an approximate solution by Bai and Wu for the nonlinear case. The structure of the secondary shock wave and the appearance of various force stages are two issues not yet considered in previous studies and has been studied in the present paper. A self-similar solution is obtained for the secondary shock wave, and the reason to have an initial force plateau as observed numerically is identified. Moreover, six theoretical characteristic time scales for pressure load variation are determined which explain the slope changes of the time-dependent force curve.
Keywords:Force  Self-similar solution  Shock-shock interaction  Shock waves  Unsteady flow
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